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Zumbro Falls, MN

Discouraging Maples

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Discouraging Maples reviews

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Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2024 Played the course:once


Discouraging Maples is an absolute gem of a private course. 18 holes that play over seven acres of nicely rolling terrain with plenty of trees to force you to shape a shot on every hole. Great design on this one. One of the best backyard courses I've had the pleasure to play and the owners fantastic people. I got to play with both Jim and Laurie for the first handful of holes as they gave me an intro to what to expect and a little run through of the overall setup.

The baskets are all a portable type, not sure of the actual brand but they worked just fine. There's only 12 baskets I believe. Give or take one or two so that means that there's some shared ones here. Might seem confusing but it's actually the opposite. There's flags on top of each. Red, blue, white or orange. This will be explained a little more for the tee signage below. Either way the shared baskets all get played to from different spots so no hole is like any of the previous ones.

As to the tee signs, or just signage we'll say. Top notch. There's metal arrows attached to the top of each basket pointing you to the next tee. These are all facing the right direction and even tell you how many feet away the tee is and what colored flag you'll be teeing off towards. They have these same metal arrows as signs by the next tee as well. The signs have the flag color of the basket you're throwing at and the distance too. It's hard to put into words and I'm probably making it sound much more confusing than it is. It's actually the opposite. One of the easiest courses to navigate because of the exceptional signage. Just a great concept and it's implemented to perfection.

Beautiful property and in a remote, gorgeous part of SE Minnesota. It plays next to a road but you'd hardly ever know that.

The tees markers are yellow stone pavers imbedded in the ground with the tees themselves being natural. Perfectly serviceable and all were in great shape. Zero issues with these.


The holes are all on the shorter side and of similar lengths. So if you're looking to throw a bunch of max distance shots this isn't the place for you. It's not designed for that though. This is a technical, gap hitting type of course.

Despite all the signage it can still be a little confusing in a couple spots or if you didn't pay close enough attention. Lots of baskets in view from almost everywhere on the course. If you pay attention you're good though.

That's all I got to be honest.

Other Thoughts:

This course was fantastic. I'm so glad I mad ethe call to play this one. Great hosts and such a well thought out and implemented course. The course is now listed as closed on Udisc which Jim said was going to be the case pretty soon. I didn't realize he went this soon though. He's done dealing with the B.S. from having it listed there which I totally understand. The course is still there and playable if you're respectful. Call ahead and set up a time ahead. Highly, highly recommend this one. I'll be back here so the wife can experience this gem of a course. Loved it.
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