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Lexington, KY

Dixie Park

0.55(based on 2 reviews)
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Dixie Park reviews

18 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
0.50 star(s)

...well, here's how - I - played it, anyway... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


There are five decent DGA Mach2? Chainstar? baskets spread around in the field just west of this elementary school and the micro-'park' beside it. One of the baskets is tucked into, and guarded by, some pretty park trees, and the massive tree up by the elementary school wall is gorgeous. I was able to find two small concrete slabs that seemed to be intended as tee pads, and drew up a map for sensible loop that plays safely apart from other users in the park


That's all, though. There doesn't appear to have been an intended 'design', or if there was, it's not readily apparent. Obviously, there have been amenities added to the space since the baskets were installed, such as playground equipment, a basketball court, a sidewalk, etc. But you're more likely to see disc golfers (if any) using these baskets 'safari style', which often leads to hazardous throws in a multi-use space.

If you throw according to my 'serving suggestion' map, you'll find only one hole that reaches 300 feet (and even to do that, you pretty much have to throw back over the previous fairway), with the rest really being 'par 2' for intermediates and above. Overall, there's not a whole lot of 'course' here.

Other Thoughts:

My serving suggestion: since there is no other nearby parking available, park around back of the school (since you WON'T be visiting during school hours, right?), and walk to the southwest past the path and two nice trees to find the first tee pad and a 225' open shot. That basket (my 'hole 1') does have the faded number 3 on the pole (all the rest have no markings at all). From there, you're throwing basket to tee, so turn to your right and try to ace the 185 footer, and play the sidewalk on the left as OB. Next, look to your left into the wooded grove for your third basket, and an even cooler ace opportunity (path left OB again: don't throw if occupied). As you approach, drop your gear at the only other concrete slab, because that's your tee for the return 320 footer. Finally, jump putt (er, putt jump) the 95 footer up toward the aforementioned beauteous tree-side basket. Want more? Repeat or safari (safely, please).

Final thought. Once I got here, I realized I'd visited before. I have no Idea why somebody had the course listed as extinct, or why it has been re-listed (playing mind games with a 60 year old course bagger, eh?). It seemed to be pretty much the same as when I last stopped in nine years ago...
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
0.50 star(s)

I Wish I Was In Dixie ,,,,, NOT ! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 14, 2020 Played the course:once


Dixie Park is a small extension of land on the side of Dixie Elementary . People park in the traffic semi circle in front of the school or on the other side of it . There was no bathroom on the premises . This is a 5 hole course .
There are 5 baskets scattered along the side of Dixie Elementary . There weren't tee pads to speak of , but I did see a couple of cement bases that resembles tee pads ( I don't know if they were meant for a hole ) . There was shards of glass on one of them . The baskets looked like Chainstars , unnumbered , and there were no tee sigs . Safari !!
Disc risk = near zero is the only pro I could think of .


#1 Navigation - no map , no direction and no starting point . You will have to make up something .
#2 Poor Grounds - There was broken glass in parts of the park . It is unnoticeable , because you will be hypnotized by the trash and the high grass here . Picking up your disc could result in a sliver . You would think it would be clean where one of the baskets is close to a fenced in children's playground , but it's not .
#3 Only 5 Holes - Hey . Maybe this should be in the pros section .
#4 Safety - Besides cutting yourself reaching down for your discs , It would be easy to hit children playing in the fenced in children's playground because of a basket's proximity to it . .and there will be kids cutting across the park .Making up your own course is fun here , isn't it ?!?
#5 Bored Yet ? - 4 of the 5 baskets are out in an open field in the park . You can't even make up a good safari hole for these .

Other Thoughts:

WOW ! Is this how they punish public elementary school kids who are insubordinate ? " You will do pushups , summersaults , and play disc golf until all of the glass in the park is picked up " !
Even 5 holes in a park can be a welcome sight to introduce disc golf to the curious , and to practice if local . This is NOT those 5 holes . Just because your local children or Dixie students absorb a bottle's worth of glass in their clothes or skin doesn't mean you are going to get a deposit back on them .
My Recommendation - Skip this course , drive up the street to New Circle Road , take a left , drive 1.1 miles and eat a fun meal at the Parkette Drive In Restaurant
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