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New Smyrna Beach, FL

Doris Leeper DGC

Permanent course
3.055(based on 10 reviews)
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Doris Leeper DGC reviews

15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Best in New Smyrna Beach 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 19, 2022 Played the course:once


Two, flush to the ground, concrete tee pads on nearly every hole. These aren't the longest tee pads, but with them flush to the ground, I had no problems starting on the edge or just behind them.
Both tees have really good tee signs, mounted on large Red and Blue posts, yes for the Red and Blue tees! The tee signs are upgraded from the ones pictured on here, Par and distance to both (or more) baskets, and a very detailed diagram. They have distance measurements (dashed lines) from each tee to the baskets, how far to that gap in the trees?, oh just over 200'!
All holes have at least two basket positions, with PVC pipes marking the unused position. All seemed to be in the long positions the day I was there. Not sure how often they are changed but this helps with the replay factor.
A good mix of wooded and open holes, also good mix of left and right turning holes, more left than right and several straight shots through the palms.
#18 is a great finishing hole, with plenty of risk/reward. If you're trailing on the last hole, do you go for it, or play it save?
Oh yea, tons of parking available also!


Probably the biggest Con here is the walk to a separate section of the course to play holes 6-8. It wasn't as long as I thought it was, but it led to 3 pretty basic holes. #7 backed up to a great looking river and there was an old court fence along #6 but it just seemed strange to use this area.
The open holes were spread out quite a bit, it seems the layout could skip these 3, and add 3 more open holes, that would bring the course pretty close to a 50-50 split between open and wooded.
While there is a large open area between #1 and #18, #1 uses a good part of the road as the fairway. If the park is busy with the many other uses, mountain biking, kayaking, horseback riding and dog walkers (all there the day I played), it would interfere with this hole.

Other Thoughts:

I've got to hand it to New Smyrna Beach, great looking town, beautiful beach and 3 eighteen hole courses, all rated 3.0 or higher. (Plus a decent Niner at a nearby church.) Glencoe is a mostly open, good place to bring the beginners, then Holland is completely wooded and tight, then Doris Leeper, longer, mix of holes and the best of the bunch.
After #1 starts in the open, with a low ceiling to avoid, then #2 thru #11 play through the woods, some hardwoods, mostly palms. #12 has tight line to hit, before opening up to the pasture. Most of the rest of the holes are in the open pasture, with cut grass fairways (paths) and longer rough.
#15 is the exception on these, tight off the tee, then turning left and going under a low ceiling to the basket.
#9 - #11 are the tightest and best looking holes through tight palms. Challenging and really give you that FLA feel.
#18 is the signature hole on the course, 307'/420' Par 3 that is open off both tees, then a small pond, filled with cattails, right in front of the two basket positions. There is room to bail out on either side, depending on the basket position, but that leaves you with a long run at birdie. They do have a Drop Zone, that has to cross the entire pond, between two big palms.
It looks like the NSBDGC has been very active at Doris Leeper lately, multiple tees, great signs and a fun and diverse layout. This course feels a lot better than the current rating of 3.0.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun little course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 2, 2022 Played the course:once


- Easy to get to with tons of places to park. Parking here just seemed like it was park wherever and there were no specific spaces but it works.

- Dual concrete tees and Discatcher baskets.

- This course is a good example of being wooded but not too wooded. Most of the holes here had a specific line to hit but unlike a lot of Florida courses that I have played they actually give you a decent fairway to throw down with a decent amount of room around the basket to putt from. There were just a few holes that were too tight or didnt have enough room to putt from around the basket (more on this later).

- This course is on the technical side but has a few open holes. I threw a lot of mids on this course while in the woods and a lot of drivers on the open holes. I could have gotten away with just a handful of discs to complete the course.

- The layout of this course works very well with the park itself. The park seemed to be highly trafficked with dog walkers and mountain bikers but they were only around when you were playing the holes by the parking areas.


- Teepads are kinda hit and miss. Some teepads are too short, even for shorter people, while most of them are just fine in size. It would be nice to see a more uniform size to the teepads. Tees can also get super sandy and slick but this isnt the courses problem, it is present on a lot of courses in Florida.

- Hole 1 is a bit odd. The fairway plays next to the road that leads into the park and the play is to throw over that road. Not the safest or smartest but if you are observant it shouldn't be an issue.

- Teesigns seem a bit off. All they give you is the hole number and a distance. The distances seemed like they were incorrect most of the time. They also give you no other useful information, because of this you have to walk up the fairway on most holes to figure out where the pin is. The teesigns are just glorified markers for where the teepad is and what hole you are on.

- There were more than a few times where I was within 15'-20' of the basket and had no putt at the basket. I get that you aren't always going to have a clear putt when you are within the circle but to have no option but to pitch out when you are 20' off the basket seems like a bad design. You don't need to get rid of all the brush but making it a bit more playable would be nice.

Other Thoughts:

- Nothing to crazy about this course. Nothing really stuck out to me as amazing or terrible. Its just a run of the mill disc golf course. I wouldn't tell you its a must play but its not a skip either. I can't think of any hole that would be a signature hole. This was just a fun little short course.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.4 years 245 played 198 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pleasant Short Technical Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2021 Played the course:once


A good summertime Florida course featuring mostly shorter tight technical holes in the woods with a few open holes at the end. Two sets of smallish tees and one basket per hole. The course is fairly scenic, set in a somewhat isolated area, and exudes a pleasant aura. The course has adequate tee signs and is fairly easy to navigate.


There are a few cons. Keep a close eye on your discs on the open holes. The rough there is deep and thick and makes finding errant discs extremely difficult. Though fairly isolated we were surprised a couple of times when a mountain biker came zooming by. Also, the park seems popular with dog walkers.

Other Thoughts:

Me and the boys had a fun round here and enjoyed the shorter holes and tree shade. It can be brutal in the summer down here so if you dare, bring plenty of fluids and bug spray.
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6 0
Experience: 13.3 years 38 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Fun and Diverse Place 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 2, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


This course has been an ongoing project for a couple years now. At first it did not have any official tee pads...only flags. Once the concrete pads were poured last year it then became a real "Official" feeling course for me.

AREA - I really think the surroundings of a course really set the tone for a good DG course and this place is very nice in its seclusion. While it is not a dedicated DG park the few bike or horseback riders you will see roaming do not get in the way of really any disc activity. Only a couple of the holes really border the main trail where you would see other non discing park patrons.

LAYOUT - Leeper uses the land it is on pretty perfectly both to co-exist with the the other park goers as I mentioned and to provide a nice mixture of shot variety. Most every hole has a long and short tee option which change the hole dynamics and the overall flow of the course has a nice progression. Hole one starts pretty open near the parking area and then you progress into the woods with some tighter more precision shots required, then veer off into the "tennis court area" which makes for a nice few shots before heading back into a variety of mildly wooded/open holes...with finally ending the final 4 holes or so out in the field where you can let loose on a little power. The final hole 18 is probably my favorite as it is a nice finishing bomber out over the retention pond which definitely makes for an interesting hazard if not cleared. But the overall design of the course is pretty nice on the land provided.

DIFFICULTY - This course plays nice for all skill levels but would be a bit tougher for new players through the woods due to the heavy brush and narrow fairways. But for most it is the perfect blend of shot variety. I enjoy the challenging and rewarding aspect of nailing a perfectly thrown disc at the target throughout this course as it pretty technical .


There are not many things I can say are a con for this course other than I would like to see more elevation changes but I can't fault the course on this simply because the land does not provide it...but I love elevation changes on a course.

I think it is time also to see some new pin placements go in. The baskets are always in the same spots and there is room to make some minor adjustments to the shots with some new pin locations.

I dislike the main entrance road being a very bumpy dirt road...would love to see it paved and with an official parking lot.

Update (11/10/2018) RATTLESNAKES... We had heard the rumor before of a rattlesnake sighting at Leeper but though meh..whatever. Then 2 weeks ago as I was walking over to my disc after striking a tree right off the Hole 7 teepad I heard what sounded like a flock of locusts on the ground... and then I saw the rattle shaking and right next to my disc was a Fully grown Adult Eastern Diamond Back Rattlesnake. It was sitting about 18 inches away from my disc and had I not seen/heard it warning me I would have been within it's striking distance... Scariest Disc Golf moment todate for me. Beware of where you step in this park as Rattlesnakes are a real threat here. I mean this thing was sitting right in the middle of the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course like I said is one of my favorite courses within a 40 minute drive from home. This area has many courses to play but Doris Leeper is a very peaceful & challenging place to play some disc golf. The designers here did a fantastic job and the local club maintains the property well. I definitely recommend making the trip over if you are looking for a round of golf to play that will test most of your skill level...you won't be disappointed.
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5 1
Experience: 10.6 years 13 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2016 Played the course:once


- Good cover from heat
- Challenging
- Hole-in-one opportunities
- Cool looking area


- Thick under growth - need to stay in the fairway
- Bugs, snakes, you name it
- Toilets - need to have decent facilities

Other Thoughts:

I play this course frequently and it is always getting better. Kudos to those that spend the time to work on it
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4 0
Experience: 16.1 years 25 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun and full of potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2016 Played the course:once


-Well Shaded
-Fairly easy to navigate
-Good risk/reward
-Decent amount of technical variety
-Two tee pads per hole
-Porto-potty on site


-Dirt tee pads
-No distance/layout information at hole signage
-Porto-potty on site

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course to play on a great piece of land. It is a young course and in need of further development. Tee signs only indicate number and A/B, no distance information. Also no benches or trashcans other than near the 1st tee.
The course requires a bit of shot shaping and there is a lot of opportunity for risk/reward shots. Not much variety on distance - most holes are short. All but four holes play under tree canopy - and shade is a coveted feature for Florida courses.
The only facility on site is a porto-potty. It was pretty clean - appears well serviced, however still not a permanent installation. There are also picnic tables under a shelter with charcoal grills, so making an afternoon of it is certainly an option.
The two tee pads provide enough variety to have a fun 36 hole experience. Overall I highly recommend checking this one out.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2015 Played the course:once


Fun course mostly comprised short, wooded holes will appeal to most beginner players and should interest those that fall in the intermediate category. Lot of quick turns and up and over hedges. A ton of low shrubbery but the rough contains enough tall stuff to make you keep it on the fairway. A good variety in these wooded hole as the turns are varied and a few of them are just pitches so every hole feels fresh. The area has a pretty cool aesthetic and just walking most of these holes would be somewhat interesting.
The baskets have arrows so navigation is mostly easy already. It's a new course so I'm ok with the tees and signs being temporary and assuming this will be rectified. A few places need additional arrows and the signs will hopefully have maps but this place is in great shape already.


On a course like this, two pin locations and two tees is just not needed. I hope they focus on making one set of tees and baskets a quality experience and not get bogged down try to provide different looks on a small course. In most cases, the second tee here is barely different from the first and laying down cement on both would be a huge waste of resources.
The last six or so holes are in a wide open field and are barely interesting. Disappointing end.
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2 0
Experience: 14.3 years 63 played 25 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The start of a nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2015 Played the course:once


-Quality designed holes, mostly all short, tight, with defined lines. A few open up and have more length
-Pretty heavy canopy overhead of most of the holes. Walks through the woods between holes were pretty cool.
-The rough was pretty forgiving in most areas.


-Tee box markings are just tiny yard flags
-Most holes 250' or less
-No course map on site or indicators on where to start the course. Was difficult to navigate between a few holes

Other Thoughts:

As it stands now you can tell it is a newer course. It is on the shorter side, but the challenges come from mostly tight fairways through the woods. If they put in tee signs for the pads and more next tee indicators it would vastly improve the play-ability of this course. This course has the potential to be an even better course with some small improvements.
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2 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Very 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 22, 2015 Played the course:once


-tight and somewhat technical without being too difficult
-just about every hole can be aced
-well laid out


-very short holes
-no pads yet
-doesn't look like there are multiple pin locations

Other Thoughts:

It's obviously still being built up, but shows a lot of promise. I think it's perfect for beginners after they've learned to throw straight or for the average player looking to work their midrange game.
The last four holes open up and let you throw a little farther, but the rest are narrow corridor shots with a few lines in each.
Bottom line is it's a fun place to play and I'll be back.
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5 0
Experience: 13.7 years 40 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Has the potential to be a fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 29, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Lots of shots that require accuracy. Good location and nicely wooded. Really good for an amatuer/novice course as pros would get a little bored.


Most of the holes are short. I didn't need more than my midrange for half of the holes. Holes 6 through 8 (I could be wrong on the hole #'s) play around an abandoned tennis court near what I assume to be someones house. They are the worst holes on the course.

Other Thoughts:

It's still in the planning stages and I'm sure some things will change. The tee pads havent even been laid yet and the boxes are just marked with flags. That being said, I'm giving it a 3 based on the positions of the tee pads/baskets currently. Im also rating it based on there being cement tee pads in the current locations. Overall I enjoyed a quick playthrough at this course and kudos to whomever got the ball rolling on an 18 hole course in New Smyrna.
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