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Concord, NC

Dorton Park DGC

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Dorton Park DGC reviews

12 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 3.3 years 24 played 23 reviews
1.50 star(s)


Reviewed: Played on:Jan 29, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


Yesterday was the second time I have visited Dorton Park, the first being when I was 5 years old. The course is pretty much what I remembered, but with a much different perspective now that I am older.
-First off, the park is in a good part of town. There were lots of people there, and they all seemed very chill and nice. They also knew when I was about to throw, and did a good job of watching out.
-This is a perfect course to introduce beginners to the game. The course contains mostly short and straightforward holes, but a couple of longer layouts can help beginners evolve their game.
-The tee pads here are amazing. Every aspect of them is great. I wish all courses had tee pads similar to these.
-Obviously I didn't really enjoy myself since the course is beginner friendly, but I actually really enjoyed #6. It is a pretty open layout, with trees scattered on both left and right of the fairway. If the basket was a little further back, then this hole would fit into any normal 18 hole course (IMO).
-Great for some ace runs, especially #1, 2 and 4. A birdie on these three holes should be expected from any player that's not a beginner.
-There is a large sports field right next to the first tee, which is perfect for warming up and letting some discs rip.


-There really isn't much challenge presented. Although there are a couple of longer holes, it still is overall very easy.
-For me, navigation was a little bit of an issue. I couldn't instantly find the tee for #3, 5, and 7. The transitions weren't as smooth as they could've been. However, these are only issues for first timers.
-The tee signs must have been removed, because other reviewers have said that they are very good. The current tee signs only show hole number, distance and par. No map. I had to walk the fairways of #3 and 5 because of this. Other than these two holes, though, this isn't an issue.
-Holes #7 and 9 felt like holes that I can make in my backyard/forest area. What I mean by this, is that they feel scaled down. If these holes were "up-scaled", then they both would be awesome layouts.
-Although I did say that people will be mindful of us disc golfers, it seems silly that there is a walking/jogging path right in the middle of the course. Definitely injury prone if you're not careful.
-This is nitpicking, but the baskets were not amazing. They are very dirty, and a couple were bent. At least they caught my putts well!

Other Thoughts:

Because Dorton is a beginner friendly 9 hole course, it won't get a high rating. I feel like Dorton could have been a little better, but I think it is good for what is offered. Great place to bring your family to, they can be occupied while you practice for a little. I don't recommend driving out to play here, unless you live within 15 minutes from the park.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.2 years 27 played 27 reviews
1.50 star(s)

They got tee pads and baskets and some trees. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2021 Played the course:once


- Great location. I was in Concord for an event off Bruton Smith and was able to drive a few minutes and get in some disc golf when I had about an hour down time.
- Nice park.
- Chance for a really quick round.
- Nice baskets and tee pads.
- Course was surprisingly fun.
- Great beginner course.
- A field that you can use for practice or warm up.
- Ace runs!


- The layout was a little confusing. The course sort of zig zags across a walking trial and I didn't find it very intuitive. When you finish hole 2, you see the tee pad to 8 and the basket to 7 and you walk past those to get to 3. Took a few minutes to figure out.
- Parts of the course smelled of sewage.
- Safety. It is a beginner course that intermingles with a walking trail. You are constantly throwing towards a walking path and sometimes doing it blindly and then you walk across 8's fairway to get from 2 to 3. The good news is that every walker when I was there was very aware of this and generally would stop for you.

Other Thoughts:

It is a 2,000 foot disc golf course in a park. If you temper your expectations with that knowledge, it isn't a bad course.

There are 3 really short 100'ish holes that call for nothing other than a straight shot. Hole 3 is a nice hole. You have a ceiling to deal with off the drive, then you have to move your shot left to right to get to the basket. Hole 5 is a massive hyzer. Hole 6 requires that you hit a line. Hole 7 requires a specific line that finishes hard left. Hole 8 is nice chance to lean on a putter a bit and run the basket. Hole 9 requires a specific left to right line.

It isn't all hyzers. You do have to hit a few lines. It also wasn't very crowded on a Friday afternoon with perfect weather.

There is no real reason to seek this course out unless you just want to get your count up, but if you find yourself in the area and are open to short 9 holers, it isn't a terrible play. I'd love to have this course in my neighborhood.

If you follow Google Maps, it will take you past the parking lot and turn you into a subdivision. From there, you can park on the street, next to the practice field in question. The bridge that you see in the back right corner isn't the bridge referenced in the directions on this site. Cut across the field. Or better yet, park in the parking lot that you just drove past before turning off.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 543 played 256 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Would be nice to have in your neighborhood 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2018 Played the course:once


Nice course to have in your neighborhood.
Short, quick play course.
Good concrete tee pads and nice DISCatchers.
Interesting mix of short, long, left and right holes.


Course follows and crosses walking path several times. Could be a lot of interference on busy days.
Does have one Par 4, which is followed by a 113' hole. What?? (The short hole, #4, goes straight across the path, to minimize interference, I'm guessing.)
Since its located in the back part of the park, it took me a few minutes to find it.
Of course, I don't know if the walking path was there when HD designed it, but 6 of the 9 holes cross or play along the path. Including #5 with a blind tee shot right up the path.

Other Thoughts:

This is the kind of course that would be nice to have in your neighborhood. In fact, it is build right next to a neighborhood of good sized homes. You could step out here for a quick round, just about any time of day, or just for putting practice. Would also be convenient if your kids are there for soccer practice on one of the many fields.
Its probably used mostly by beginners and families there for other things, even though interactions with other park users, underbrush and a creek, could make it a rough experience.
There are some fun holes, #2 is a short ace run, #5 the blind tee shot hyzer bomb and finishes fun with #9, a gap to hit, then finishes to the right.
I'm glad we have these short, quick round courses, I just hope everyone throws safe and no one gets hurt.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.2 years 154 played 150 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Dorton Park DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 7, 2018 Played the course:once


This course is easy to navigate, with nice sized concrete pads and Innova Baskets in good condition. Dorton Park DGC is located in a beautiful neighborhood park with plenty of extras that some courses do not feature. There is a nice, large field near the start of the course where you can air some plastic out and practice your form.

Course was definitely not crowded when I played here. There was only one other person out there chucking discs around. This is an incredible course to bring beginners to so that they can learn the basics of the game, without being overly punishing.


The course is not challenging. If you are above a beginner, you will probably find it hard to find a reason to visit this course. Only 2 holes break the 300ft mark, and most don't even make significant distance past the 200 mark.With it being on 9 holes, this makes it even less desirable as a destination course.

There is a walking path that weaves throughout the course, that you have to throw over multiple times. On Hole 3 you are throwing a blind shot around a turn right next to said path and it could lead to potentially unfavorable conditions if you are playing on a busier day than I did (it was super overcast). Even with as overcast as it was, I had to wait on a few parties to move out of the way in case I threw an errant shot.

Parking is super limited at the park. If you are playing on a busy day, you might not even be able to find parking. Be sure to carpool to this one.

A nicely placed tree, with a tight gap to the left, makes the most desirable line on Hole 5 a truly spectacular place for beginners to have a disc bounce into the creek to the left.

Other Thoughts:

I am rating Dorton at a 1.5. It really is an okay beginner course, but because of the weaving path throughout the course it is hard to give it anything higher. Other than a handful of holes it feels like there are a bunch of filler holes, nice for ace runs, but not great for fun rounds.

Favorite Holes: 6 & 9
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 198 played 192 reviews
0.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2017 Played the course:once


If you're able to play when there aren't many joggers and walkers -- and I don't know when that would be -- Dorton Park offers 9 mostly short (some exceptionally short) holes for some basic putt and approach practice.

+ Very pretty park
+ Good baskets
+ Lots of ace runs


This is a very short beginner course, so it's not going to get a high rating from me, but the reason it only gets a 0.5, below many courses that are much rougher, older, or beat-in, is SAFETY.

- Safety is a major concern here. The course follows a walking trail through a very popular park. 95% of the people in that section of the park are walking on the trails, not throwing discs. You literally have to wait at the tee until all the walkers have cleared out in the vicinity before you throw. And some of the holes are blind shots, so you have to walk around, check for walkers, then scoot back to the tee to throw before other walkers come by. This course is clearly designed for beginners, and that's great, but I'd be afraid to bring a beginner here during peak hours for fear of an errant shot hitting a walker. There are other more minor reasons to dock points from Dorton, but safety is far and away the biggest problem here. Be careful and yield to walkers!

- One hole is literally an 84-foot, wide open, par...3?

- There are about 3-4 decently long holes, but I was so worried about hitting other park goers on the blind shots, that I just threw putters into open areas and took some pars that probably should've been easy birdies.

Other Thoughts:

It's right off 85 and easy to get to, but don't make a trip just to play it.
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3 1
Experience: 12.8 years 24 played 11 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good warmup or newbie course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Short course great for introducing new people to the sport with ease
Clean and pretty easy to navigate
Good warm up/putter round course
Can be played through very fast


If you've played more than a week you may find this too easy
Parking was non existent unless I missed a sign

Other Thoughts:

I played this when I was visiting Charlotte and ended up playing it twice more.. I was looking for something easy to zip through since I'm an early riser and people I traveled with weren't..

I took my dad here so that he could try playing disc golf for the first time and it worked out really well.. yes it's a super, super simple course.. but that makes for a great intro to beginners.. it's not like there aren't more full sized courses around that this is detracting from.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 62 played 60 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Course With an Identity Crisis 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 8, 2015 Played the course:once


This course, as mentioned by some earlier reviewers, would be a great warmup course for some of the other local offerings. It is also a pretty nice area to work on the short game. The course plays much like a put-putt.

Holes 3,5,and 6 actually have decent length. 6 is actually a very nice hole that plays as a slight dogleg right into the trees. It looks like it was cut and pasted here from a much nicer course.

Nice kiosk and map at the parking lot directs golfers easily to the start of the course. Without that map, finding the start would be a bit difficult. Hole signs also appear new and well kept. Concrete tee pads are more than ample.


Too many of the holes are in the 100-150 ft range. With the first 2 holes ~125 ft and without much trouble, I found it hard to get really interested in this course.

The raised manholes that are in play on hole 5 were letting out a really foul smell.

There is a ton of opportunity for interference on this course. A nice walkway/jogging path makes its way through the whole course, and everyone seemed pretty oblivious to the disc golf. It is really up to the player to make sure he is throwing in a safe direction.

Navigation in the course could be a bit better. The hole signs post length, but not direction. Having a map on the signs, especially on holes 3 and 5, would have saved me a little bit of wandering.

There was evidently a second set of tees for one or 2 of the holes at some point in time, but I could not find them when I played.

Other Thoughts:

This 9 hole loop is the tale of 2 courses. The first is a set of ridiculously easy putt/approach shots. The second is holes 3,5,and 6 which are perfectly serviecable. The boring nature of the short holes, however, far overcomes the excitement of the few good ones.
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4 1
Experience: 10.3 years 52 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Warm Up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 10, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Concrete pads

Good baskets

Great beginner course.

I would only go to this course as a new player or with a player that is just getting in the game. This is a good course though as a warm up before playing Rotary or other courses in the area. Its a good time to try and add some aces to your total. (if you even want to count them). One hole is marked as 114 feet but realistically I think it is more along the lines of 90 to 100 feet.

Still a fun course overall.



Not challenging.

A lot of foot traffic

A lot of people are using walking trail that many of the hole cross over...which forces you to wait for a number of people to pass before you get to shoot.

Other Thoughts:

Not much else they could do to upgrade.

Very limited space.

They have done the best with the space available though.
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4 0
Hector Chain
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 222 played 191 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Not much to see here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 18, 2013 Played the course:once


There are concrete pads and baskets.

It is a good place to work on your ace totals, particularly on hole 4, which is listed at 113 feet and is probably not even that.


If you ace #4 (I did!), you start to wonder how short a hole has to be for you to not even count it in your ace totals. I paced the hole off, and it was 28 paces, so 113 feet probably isn't right. I was putting from the tee.

Design is not good. The course plays around and over a walking path that gets a lot of use. Hole 9 has a narrow alley with a dogleg, a shot that even a skilled player will have trouble with. Another hole (7?) plays along a murky, wide creek, where a beginner LHBH or RHFH shot could easily end up.

Flow is a little weird in some spots. Most of the shots are pretty open and uninteresting.

Other Thoughts:

I played here because I had an hour of daylight left on the way back from Bradford. If you are introducing someone to the game, this works fine, but otherwise there just isn't much here.
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3 2
Experience: 11.7 years 30 played 6 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Bad course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 11, 2013 Played the course:once


i got my first hole in one here its on the first basket. It is updated trash is picked up. The walkers are actually very nice but it doesnt have the distances so i have to print it out. It is a very easy nice going course. bring a putter its good for practicing 110 ft approach shots and 275 run at it par 4's which should easly be a par 3.


It is a little short and it is only 9 holes. The baskets have names of people who wrote if they got a ''ace'' , ''double eagle'',''eagle'' so it is not to good and some of the baskets are short. need double chains so many in and out hole in ones but still easy. Cant ace hole number 2 i always go through both sets of chains. not a fan

Other Thoughts:

It is the first place i started playing disc golf and that was the start of me now playing at other courses. I would not go out of my way to get here but if your here its a good warm up course. The field is perfect for testing out new discs.
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4 0
Mortis Canyon
Experience: 14.3 years 31 played 13 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Great for a beginner!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2011 Played the course:once


Good course for beginners to learn how to play disc golf.
Copious amount of ace runs, although, none for me :(.
Course is not very busy, so the chance for practice on your approach / short game is there without others waiting.
Beside the course is a huge field that I use to practice techniques for distance. Even times where I'll take my disc catcher to practice putting.
Course is in a nice park and is safe.
Slim to none potential of losing a disc.
Plenty of shade around.


Walkers/joggers can sometimes get in the way. Course is built around a walking path.
Course is by no means for the big arm.
Only 9 holes.
The suggested par could be shortened on some holes.
Didn't notice the amenities other than bathrooms and a few tennis courts that you see at other area parks and courses.
Course could flow a little better.
No elevation change at all.

Other Thoughts:

It's a good course to warm up on for the day. Having said that, North Cabarrus is close and presents more of a challenge for a 9 hole course.
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2 4
Experience: 12 years 20 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great beginner course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 14, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Makes you practice a variety of shots. From wide open, to some wooded holes. From 400ft to 112ft. You usually can throw several discs and dont have a line of people waiting behind you. And, I played 54 holes in about 2 and a half hours!


You have to wait on joggers way too much!! The jogging path is directly in your way on most of the holes. And distance. A rather short course, but like I said, good for beginner practice.
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2 1
Experience: 12.3 years 7 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Simple but convenient 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


If you're like me in the Concord area it's close to home. Very open for the most part. Nice for practicing shot shaping etc... Usually not busy so you can take your time throw a few on each hole to maximize practice time.


It is extremely short! It's a par three nine holer but a few of these holes border ridiculous short!

Other Thoughts:

If you live close it's a great warm up or practice course.
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7 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.6 years 797 played 59 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Where it began 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 6, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Its in a really nice park and with several holes shorter than 200' is a perfect course for beginners or kids.

You can play it in a matter of min.

Nice teepads and teesigns

The "Par 4s" are not to bad of holes and can be challenging if you play them as 3s

This was the first course I played YYYYAAAAAYYYY

The course flows pretty well.


THis is a busy park and the course is in a walking area with paths running all through it. All it takes is a griplock and someone can get hit.

anyone who is an expereinced player will find this course to be a joke with several holes amounting to nothing more than a long putt.

Every basket is so tagged up with "Ace" or "eagle bitches!" its rediculas.

Chuckers paradise

Other Thoughts:

Dorton is where it all began for me so it still has a soft place for me but it is what it is. A beginer course with very little challenge. I mean there are very few courses that you walk off disappointed that you didnt get an ace. Unless youre a course played junky this course is not worth going out of your way to play
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1 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 38 played 25 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Meh. Solidly Meh. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2012 Played the course:once


Great place to work on your short game or play a quick round while your family is off shopping at Concord Mills (5 miles away).

Decent warm-up course (though North Cabarrus is better -- see my review of that one).


Short. I don't mind short courses at all -- I do NOT have a big arm, and I don't throw high-speed drivers. That said, I got up to the pad on #4 and looked at the basket and said "Really?!" #3 is the only really long hole on the course, but there's no way it should be a par five (as is listed here). Wide open hole that's barely over 400 feet is reachable (and makeable) in three by anyone who can throw 200 feet semi-accurately. I was embarrassed at taking a 4 on it (missed a VERY easy putt).

Navigation is horrendous. You have to walk across #8's fairway to get to the tee pad for #3.

Other Thoughts:

Dorton Park is a VERY nice park. There is a lot to do for everyone in the family. And there is a lot of potential in this course, if they fix the layout/navigation issues and make some of the too short holes a bit longer (there is room, if you tweak the layout).

If there wasn't a good 9 hole course just a few miles away, this would be a great warmup course. With North Cabarrus just 3 miles away, though, this isn't really a destination course. If you're close and you're bored, go for it. But it's Charlotte -- there are plenty of options out there.
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2 0
Experience: 15 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Nice, local course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2012 Played the course:once


In a beautiful, clean park. Well manicured lawns and trails. Quality baskets and no water hazards for those who do not like the potential of losing discs : ) You can warm up/practice drives and distance throws in a large open field next to the course if you like.


Several short holes ~100 feet with little/no obstacles. The walking trail weaves throughout the course which can become an issue on a crowded, warm day. Watch out for the stoners!

Other Thoughts:

Holes are a bit hard to find at times, but tee markers are nice once you find them. Overall, not a bad little 9-holer.
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2 0
Experience: 12.6 years 8 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice beginner course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 7, 2012 Played the course:once


Very well maintained and clean. Map of the course in the parking lot. Mostly open, short holes, but some are still challenging for beginners. #3 is the longest at 401, lots of chanes for aces and ego boosts for beginners. Nice teepads.


I had a little trouble finding pin 9, but other than that it's marked and laid out pretty well. Next time I will print out the course map.

Other Thoughts:

My gf and i will be back as we continue to play and use this course as a practice and skill development/ disc knowledge course. I think experienced players will not be challenged very much on this course but beginners will probably like at for the reasons mentioned above.
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0 1
Experience: 16.4 years 6 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2011 Played the course:once


A couple ace opportunities, though I did not make one....in a nice well maintained park. Nice blend of easy and challenging holes.
Great for beginners.
navigation is easy to figure out.
Beautiful surroundings
Great a leisurely round or two.


I almost lost a disc.
course built around a walkway.

Other Thoughts:

Nice little course with good replay potential if want to play 18 holes. Would like to play this one more. .......and as always, play more discgolf!!
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2 1
Experience: 14.1 years 4 played 4 reviews
1.50 star(s)

simple 9 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2011 Played the course:once


-Nice quite park- -everyone was friendly and helpful when needed to be- -bathrooms at the parking lot are nice and clean- -Nice short course to work on midrange and your putting- -Nice clean concrete tee boxes- - most holes are marked with a sign showing the hole-


Very easy course. At least 2 holes are ace holes Number 4 might not even be 100 feet straight ahead of you. Watch out for snakes along the wood lines.

Other Thoughts:

From the parking lot the first tee is across the bridge going toward the tennis courts. Continue past the courts and the kiddie play ground and you will run into hole 1 tee box.
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2 3
Experience: 13.7 years 29 played 5 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Beginner Coarse 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Great for practice, or a quick game. Great for biginners.


Very easy. 3 of the baskets should be par 2 when par 3, there's a par 5 that would be a 3 anywhere else. Way too easy to loose a disc of hole 9!
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