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Mtn. Village/Telluride, CO

Double Cabins DGC

Seasonal course
2.55(based on 7 reviews)
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Double Cabins DGC reviews

14 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.2 years 174 played 173 reviews
3.00 star(s)


Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 16, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


This ski run course offers beautiful views of the mountains, especially from the high half of the course (7-15).

The first tee is easily accessible from the gondola station and it's parking lot. Just a quick road crossing and maybe 100 feet down the street. The end of the course is even closer to the lot.

The course itself is quite good for having to be smashed mostly into the sides of the ski run. A little more distance could be desired, but the challenge level is still there.

The Chainstar baskets are all in really good condition and catch very well.

As for the course itself
- A quick overview: the bottom half (1-6, 16-18) seems to have been an original 9-hole course, while the top half (7-15) was added more recently and really hugs the treeline on both sides of the ski slope.
- There are several interesting tee positions. Holes 5 and 16 are both off tall berms giving you a downhill shot back toward the heart of the lower course. Hole 9 is a hard-bending dogleg right to a basket slid halfway up the hill.
- Tons of difficult greens due to it being on... you know... a mountain. 1 is made difficult by the trees directly behind the basket. 8 is difficult to access with some trees guarding the backhand line and the forehand gap being pretty small as well, 9, 13, 15, and 17 are all on hills with big rollaway potential, and 10, 12, and 14 have drop offs behind the basket that make a comeback putt quite difficult.

Hole 18 is just fun. A forehand S-curve or a precise skip is required to get close to the basket as you throw underneath a bridge with the basket just past the end of the right-hand wall of the tunnel.


The main con is the dirt/rock tees. Framed with 2x4 planks, these tees are on the small side and hold water really well, and since it rains almost every day during disc golf season that doesn't bode well.

The tee signs are poor. The hard doglegs on 3 and 9 aren't well noted. Walking the hole is really the only way to know exactly where you're shooting from.

None of the holes get over 350', and some of those are only that way due to being downhill. There is plenty of space on the top half to have some more length.. and even one or two 600' bombers.

The climb from 6 to 7 is long, and at this elevation will have most out-of-towners sucking for air. The lack of benches (only ones are on 9 and 13) is also a big con for the same reason.

Some of the holes are rather bland. 4, 7, 11, and 16 have a little bit of elevation, and basically nothing else. Only two holes are truly wooded (13 and 14) and they are under 200ft each.

Other Thoughts:

This is definitely a course worth playing if only for the views, and if you're vacationing to the Telluride area this is a great way to acclimate to the elevation before hiking.

There's several amenities lacking, including length, but the quality for the land that's there is beyond what I expected. If you're nearby, give this course a run. Definitely worth it.
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10 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 254 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun to be had in Telluride 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


I love mountain disc golfing. Gives you a chance to bust out some understable discs and watch them fly.

I'm struggling with the rating of this course. When rating a course I think of 3 things....how good the course is, how good the course is relative to my immediate options and lastly (and most importantly) could this have been done better.

There are many courses when you think the designers bit off more than they could handle (like forcing 18 holes where an awesome 9 hole course with 2 distinct pads would be much better)

I think the designers did well with what they were allowed to do for this course and where they had to confine the course. The part of the mountain used for disc golf is quite small and the land has to be shared with other activities.

Throwing at altitude makes even 300ft dead straight shots challenging with the wind and stability issues. I do not fault the designers for having mainly open shots. You have to remember, this is a mountain. You cant have people going off into the dense woods just for disc golf and unfortunately the only part really accessible year round for DG is the part they used for the course.

You can't compare this to say Breck or Crested Butte which have so much cleared land for trails and thus better potential for disc golf.

Here you also have access to the course right from the public transportation Gondola vs needing to buy a lift ticket or having a very long hike like some other mountain courses.


I don't think more holes could have been carved out into the woods however I do think the baskets could have been hidden a bit in the woods on some of the holes.

I think a long 9 holes course would have been fun but not family friendly. 18 shorter holes makes it more playable for families on vacation and yet a little bland.

Other Thoughts:

I threw the farthest shot I've ever thrown here with a beat up DX Innova Archangel I found on the mountain. For giggles I threw from behind hole 14's pad and just launched the disc on a stupid hyzer angle. It flipped all the way over and disappeared out of view over the basket for 14 and then I saw it comes back into view following the ski run before it disappeared into the woods on the left side of the ski run. Judging from how far hole 14 is and I was behind it and where the disc vanished I'd have to guess it was over 800 feet away before it vanished into the trees and it was still 100+ feet in the air. it was amazing
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2 0
Experience: 29.8 years 57 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Elevation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 15, 2013 Played the course:once


Beautiful views.
Decent markings.
Hard to get lost.
Pins are in good shape.
Lots of elevation.


Wide open.
A bit of the same shot over and over.
Playing on a ski slope so there is rough footing everywhere. Be careful with your lies.

Other Thoughts:

You can park near the gondola and walk across the street. Some friendly folks were there who let me play through and then the last batch of folks, I hooked up with and played out 16-18. Typical lovely ski locals stretching out on a spring day. Windy conditions often and the high elevations make for a OVER stable kinda day. make sure you have some drivers and mid range that are stable to increase your chances here.
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3 0
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Wasted Potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2012 Played the course:once


-18 holes
-Nice tee-sings that tell the hole distance, number and show the layout of the hole
-Elevation on almost every hole whether it is throwing up or down the ski run
-Good course map and picnic table at the start of the course
-The baskets are all in great shape and marked with the hole number
-Holes 12 and 13 are awesome tight wooded holes that add some much needed variety to the course


-With the exception of holes 12 and 13 pretty much all of the holes are wide open (some of the holes have baskets ending in patches of trees but there are almost no obstacles on the fairways
-There is not a lot of hole variety on this course
-There is a fairly long walk between holes 5 and 6 and then you make the same walk between holes 14 and 15
-Many of the holes play either over each other or very close to each other so watch out for errant discs or throws
-Holes 3 and 4 may at times be closed due to lift maintenance
-There are baskets near each other and at times it could be confusing which hole to throw too (but as long as you pay attention to the tee-signs it shouldn't be too difficult)
-Not the most distance on this course. A lot of the holes are under 300 feet and most of the holes that play over 300 feet are downhill so they play shorter than that.
-None of the holes really let you just rip your disc straight down the ski mountain, which is a shame because those are usually some of the most fun holes on ski resort courses
-A lot of the stuff off to the sides of the fairway is private property so be careful if you throw your discs off the fairway
-The tee-pads are gravel and they can be slippery or rutted at times
-There is a fairly busy biking and hiking trail that runs through the course so you will probably have to wait for some bikers or hikers on some of the holes

Other Thoughts:

If you are staying in Telluride this course is decent if you are looking for someway to kill sometime but don't plan a trip just to play this course. This could be a great course but it definitely has some wasted potential on it.
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1 4
Experience: 27.3 years 104 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Gorgeous 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2009 Played the course:once


Awesome views and pretty easy course. Pretty much open.


All up hill and high altitude, dont carry a heavy bag it will wear you out!

Other Thoughts:

Very scenic, the town of telluride is awesome. Brin 150 weight class discs.
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4 4
Experience: 20.4 years 153 played 15 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Discin' the San Juans 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Hands down, the best part is the view. Spectacular scenery everywhere.


There are only nine holes and a lot of the shots are pretty wide open. Shule on one side of the slope is off limits, but still pretty thick if no one's looking.

Other Thoughts:

This course is in Mountain Village. If you buy a local a beer who's down they may tell you about the object course in town which is waaay cooler. Go for the festivals and hiking, not the discin'.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.3 years 197 played 19 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Old course was better... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 13, 2007 Played the course:2-4 times


The best thing about this course is that it's one of the few free things to do in Telluride...the views are amazing, beautiful slope side homes, and lots of elevation to deal with...the course plays mostly up-hill and is only nine holes, but it's a good way to spend an hour in the mountains...


it's almost all up-hill...7 of 9 if i remember correctly

Other Thoughts:

I played their old course when we went to Blues & Brews back in '03...the old course was hands down the better of the 2 courses...i'm guessing it was removed because of ski runs/bike runs but that's just a guess...the old course was 18 holes and incorporated actual ski runs for holes...i remember 1 hole in particular that was an 800 footer straight down the mountain, if you held it straight you could make the 800 feet, if you let it fade left you'll never see the disc again...it was a unbelievable course, sadly it's gone, but at least there still is a course to play at all...
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