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Spokane, WA

Downriver DGC

3.455(based on 30 reviews)
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Downriver DGC reviews

9 0
Mushin No Shin
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.6 years 1192 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Down with River, Up with Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 10, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


Beautiful setting for a Discgolf Course, along the Spokane River

Pines, Sand, Stones, Elevation, and the Spokane

Across the River is an Equestrian Park, so there's plenty of Natural Beauty in View out at Downstream

1 thru 10 is my Favorite Stretch of DG in Spokane (after Jamboree 10-20)
Not only is it Pretty, it's pretty Challenging
with Elevation, Tough Greens, and Par4s

1 11 & 17 are Fun, Teeing off from an elevated 'Shelf'. The bigger the number, the longer the Fairway

3 4 5 & 7 make good use of the Ridgeside over there
Instead of playing straight up or down versus the Ridge, the Design makes you to Navigate more Complicated Angles to Land Throws

8 & 9 are Outstanding!!!
Par4s with Excellent Greens along the River
I'd be okay with these two Holes being on every Dgc :)

Cool Woodier section for 13-15
13 allows everyone a Chance to get a Duece, which is always Nice of the Designer :)
15 is one of my Meteor Turnover Favz out there, but if you Kick Left there's a Cliff down to the River

18s a Good finisher. Birdyable distance for most Anyone, but the Basket is Guarded, so you still have to make a Putt


They had to Redesign 6 7 & 8, resulting in a hohum Hole 6

Information on Teesigns is Iffy, due to urban Graffiti schnizz

Gets Crowded, and people get Thrown-on

Other Thoughts:

Trail to Practice Basket and Hole 1 on the Southside of the Lot with the Portopotty
If you swing by the Lot after 10, that Trail also goes to 11

Lot available after 5 10 & 16

Walk Down to 4, Up to 5, and back Down to 6

Where as Highbridge and Jamboree are on Bike Trails, you wouldn't want to Ride to this Course

Downriver was Better than I expected. So much so, I had to play a second Round my first Visit :)
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 93 played 81 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very solid, very popular 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 28, 2019 Played the course:once


-Excellent tee areas and rather helpful tee signs, just what I like to see.
-Fairways are in good shape, I think a large part of this (at least for some holes) is due to a walking path which people on bikes and people with dogs are all over. This doesn't impact the course really, which is nice. Also, this is a very well played course, so each hole has been trampled down nicely so pretty much every spot you could have (within reason) landed in has been landed in many times before.
-Elevation is a cool part of this course, this park has two levels to it, so there was kinda just one big hill, but, there are tons of little mounds and gradual subtle rises, all of which are used for epic disc golf purposes.
-This is a mostly wooded course. It's my favorite type of woods course where there are a bunch of tightly wooded holes, then some holes with trees, but not one every two feet, and every once and a while you can come up for air and have a big open bomb.
-This is a pretty spot for a course, this park is pretty cool. I must admit that for the first couple holes I was wondering where the heck the river was at, but eventually we came up to it, and it was very pretty.
-This course's wow factor comes from holes 13-16, if my memory is correct. You start out on a tightly wooded par 4 where you have the choice to go for it over some relatively short trees or layup straight with a mid. Then on the next tee you can peer out of the woods over the river, which is cool.
-Another Great part of this course is the shot variety, I threw almost all my discs out here, which is very rare for an 18 holer because I have a lot of discs (like a lot).


-Baskets are at best decent. Often times they are close to impossible or impossible to see off the tee. Not the holes that have blind shots (that's understandable) but some holes I would throw down the fairway and realize I hit the wrong gap and ended up pin high but 80 left or something on a shortish hole.
-This course's biggest flaw is the flow. It isn't egregious or anything but you can tell that individually cool holes are sacrificed for logical layout. Now, this is a con for me because as a non Spokane native, it was tough for me to navigate... but on the other hand, the holes were all super fun, so I kinda sucked it up. The course weaves back and forth, there is a point where holes 1, 11, and 17 all tee off from the same general spot, which got really confusing, but again, they were all dope holes, so I dealt with it.
-This course is obviously very popular, there were tons of people here when I played, on a weekday. That being said, there was some garbage laying around, an impressively small amount, but still there were a few area with high garbage concentration.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course. The second best (that I've played) in Spokane. If you find yourself in the area with only enough time to play one course (which is a total bummer btw because there is so much good disc golf in Spokane) then I would tell you to play camp Sekani. But for sure come play this one right after.
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5 0
Experience: 10.6 years 7 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course, Very Crowded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2014 Played the course:once


-Not too wooded, open holes for the most part.
-Well marked baskets, easy to sight over long distance.
-No 'poke 'n' pray' holes, which is nice.
-Located on the beautiful Spokane river.
-Everyone there was polite.


-Played on a Sat. afternoon, the place was packed.
-Limited Parking.
-Holes close enough to parking that an overshot basket could hit a parked car.
-Graffiti all over the baskets.
-Lots of cans, bottles, and butts all over the park, despite trash cans everywhere.
-Tee off pads (rubber) worn down / torn.

Other Thoughts:

If I was rating the course based on layout / design / location, I would give a 4/5. The defaced baskets and worn pads cost this course .5, as well as being crowded.
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1 4
c re
Experience: 29 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 16, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


beautiful course along the Spokane river. very good variety of shots, plays well for all levels and styles of play ( lefty righty backhand forehand)


gets extremely crowded and there is a lot of trash and vandalism.
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5 1
Joey Pauley
Experience: 25 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Confusing but cool 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 8, 2011 Played the course:once


- There was a nice variety of holes.
- Unless you were way off the water was not in play but made for great scenery.
- Trash cans were prevalent and the course looked very clean.
- Nice maps for individual holes and well designed.


- Confusing layout.
- I thought the hill could have been used more.
- A full map closer to the parking area would be nice.

Other Thoughts:

If you shoot for the correct hole then following the next tee signs will point you in the right direction.

There is potential for a great down hill hole between 5 and 6. There was an old tee pad up on the hill where we were able to shoot at the hole for 9.

The day we went the scenery was drab but I could see how it would be beautiful when the leaves are out or changing.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40.1 years 174 played 75 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Local Heretic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 27, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Challenging layout in pretty area. Requires a variety of throws and many holes punish distance if not accurate. Many course improvements over last year or 2, including signs, improved practice pin/waiting area, and removal of worst of crossing holes.
New in 2013. Pads are improved, much of the underbursh and small trees are cleaned out. Pro and a con. Nicer but makes some holes easier. Many Pins are moved, still not sure if this is an improvement. Some holes harder, some easier.
New in 2016. More minor but good changes! Instead of 7 being long along river and 8 down the hill as a crossing hole, tee 7 has been moved back and they added a pin so pin 8 is old pin 7. I miss the throw off the hill(last of 3 on the old course) but nice to lose the cross.
New cement tee pads are in on all the holes, will be much easier to play in wet weather or winter.
Pin for 11 has been moved way to the right so that is much less hazardous.
They have done alot of rock work so OBs are obvious and it improves the overall look of the course. I really appreciate the improvements.


Greens are generally hardpacked dirt due to traffic and weather so well placed long approach can skip a heartbreakingly long distance. Signs are nice but read sideways instead of showing hole running up/down so can be hard to puzzle out. Removal of holes, while necessary, messed with flow of course. Very crowded on a nice day and that won't change until more courses in area. Before noon is best time.
Hopefully new tee signs are in works, as the ones there are becoming increasingly inaccurate.
New in 2014. Signs are better and fairly well maintained.

Other Thoughts:

River is close on many holes and bad shot will lose disc. Make sure to mark them all but that is no garuantee(sp! :p) of return, some locals troll river but don't call. One scubas river and will return for modest fee. Like course overall but really feel should be redesigned as pro course. Not likely, many locals have been playing it for years and are resistant to change, understandably so.
New in 2013. Very glad to see work being done on course.
New in 2014. Talked to club officials and course can not be redesigned because of new rules requiring man made stuff to be at least 200ft from river. That is most of course. Good news is they have continued improvements on existing tees. This will remain a fun yet dangerous course and a good glimpse into course design of an earlier, less busy time.
New in 2016. So good to see the old problem of this good course addressed! Slight rework of holes, new pads and different rockwork have improved not only playability but look of this venerable course. If you haven't played Downriver in a while, give it a try, you should be pleasantly surprised.
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1 2
Experience: 13.4 years 5 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Downriver 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 17, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The course has a good layout overall. Almost all of the baskets can be seen from the tee box so you know where you are going. The course is pretty well maintained.


If you haven't played this course very much, it could be a little hard to figure out where the next tee box is. All of the holes are a Par 3, even though some of the holes are pretty long and should be a Par 4. When the river is high, there are three holes that you can easily loose a disc on. You either have to skip it, or downscale your throws and play them save.
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2 0
Experience: 4 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2011 Played the course:once


A beautiful setting for this course. The Spokane river is not only great to look at, but forces you to really think through your shot selection and several holes.


The course layout leads to some confusion as well as a few holes crossing over each other - which obviously is can be little dangerous.

Other Thoughts:

This was a tough course, but well worth the time. Courses like this definitely make me want to work hard to step up my game so I'm ready for the challenge next time! I will definitely play this the next time I'm in the Spokane area.
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5 0
Sean Johnson
Experience: 16.2 years 22 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Slice of Spokane 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 3, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Downriver is a great example of the beauty found in Eastern Wa. There are excellent views of the Spokane River and even though we don't have the lushness of the West Coast there is a certain rugged charm to the terrain around here. I think that this course is the better of the two public courses in Spokane, though Highbride is beginning to catch up to Downriver in terms of difficulty.

Downriver has a good mix of open and tight holes, but it definately favors forehand/right turning shots. There is little elevation change, but some of the best holes on the course (4 and 8) utilize what is available. There are risk/reward holes and many holes require very accurate placement to even have a line at the basket. Hole 5 is a good example of the several tough par 3s. It is a tight 300'+ s-curve that leads to pin that is protected on all sides save 2 (1 1/2) lanes. As someone said before, the front side is much harder than the back 8 or 9, but there are few "throw away" holes to be found.
Like Highbridge, there are changes in the works, and this will include changes in pin placements (more on that later), better teepads, and improved signage.


The main con for Downriver is the same as Highbride; one gang of posers with sharpies and the teeming masses that can't seem to pack out their cans. I mean, you got it in here didn't you? Just because there isn't enough trash cans, that doesn't give you the right to litter. Course can be very crowded, but I like to play early so it's not really a problem. Also, despite losing three great holes because they crossed fairways, there is still some danger zones. Hole 1 gets frequently bombed by 12, and 8's fairway (downhill elevation shot) pretty much includes 7's teebox.

If you throw RHBH on this course, you'll get a feel for what lefties and forehanders go through on other courses. This course has open holes where both FH and BH are an option, straight shots, lots right turning holes, and about 2 holes where a hyzer is the dominant line.

Other Thoughts:

The powers that be are requiring us to move several holes to help prevent erosion around the Spokane River. I agree with them completely on this issue, as respect for the environment is one of the fundamental tenants of our sport. However, we have limited space and there are limited options for moving placements. No matter how the course turns out, it will still be a must-play for the area.

It is worth noting that I do not think that this is one of the hardest courses in Washington. Seatac, Ft. Stelli, and all three Fourmound courses are more difficult by a wide margin. That said, this course is no pushover. For reference, Avery Jenkins set the course record at -9 and Dave Feldburg broke it at -10. Scores like that are certainly in line with a tournament level course.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 226 played 128 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Variety of Holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 6, 2010 Played the course:once


This course is located on the bend of a scenic river and amongst tall pines and grassy fields. It plays as a classic "fairway" course with most of the perils on the edge of the play zone, and many of the holes scatter a good mix of trees in the fairways and around the greens for good measure.


It was extremely crowded on a sunny March Saturday. The locals told me this was common when spring starts to show her face. Nonetheless, there was a lot of waiting around!

The fairway of #8 crosses right over the front of #7 tee box. I know they have corrected several criss-crossing holes, but this one still seems quite dangerous.

Other Thoughts:

The beauty of this course is a real highlight. It attracts more than just disc golfers and can add to the crowd.
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10 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 34.3 years 35 played 22 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Probably the best course in the area. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2008 Played the course:never


This course is probably the best course I have played in this area, with Corbin in Post Falls a close second. You get quite a variety of hole types (uphill/downhill, short/long, and directional) and it is set in a beautiful part of the Spokane park system. You are playing right along the river at several points and have a great view of the river from above as you get near the end of the course.


I wish there were course maps available, as a couple of times, it took us a few minutes to find the next tee after finishing a hole. But, with the amount of locals around, we were usually pointed in the right direction fairly quickly.

Other Thoughts:

If I was going to play one course only in the Spokane/Post Falls/Couer'd'Alene area, this would be it. The fact that you have 21 holes to play is a little odd, but hey, you can't complain about having a couple of extra holes, can you?
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17 0
JR Stengele
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.4 years 255 played 191 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Downriver DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 6, 2003 Played the course:5+ times


This beautiful course is located along the Spokane River near the golf course. The towering pines and other native foliage make for a wonderful and challenging layout. Many elements come into play with excellent elevation shots, water hazards, trees, etc. The course requires the use of all shots, with tight fairways at times, big upshots on many, and power drives throughout the course. This course is the total package and is open all year long. Tournaments are a blast and always well done. Locals are friendly and the baskets, tee pads, and signs are in good shape and allow for easy navigation. On each sign includes major hazards, distance from tee to the pin, and where the next hole is located.


There is not too much to fix. However, some of the holes tend to cross over which can be a bit of a hazard at times, and some tee pads need a little TLC.

Other Thoughts:

Downriver DGC is one of my favorite courses and I have many happy memories there. I had the privelage to play this course for four years when I went to WSU in Pullman, WA. and was sad when I had to leave the eastside to travel over the mountains to live near Seattle. Although there are a lot more courses over here, I still think this course is one of the top 3 in the state.
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