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Springfield, IL

Duncan Park

Permanent course
3.215(based on 28 reviews)
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Duncan Park reviews

19 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.3 years 98 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

90s course in progress...

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 18, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


- Like many courses built in the 90s, this course has undergone renovations over the past few years to keep up with the evolution of the game. If it's been a few years since you played the course, there are new pins or tees for about seven of the holes.

- This is about as hilly as you'll get in flat central Illinois, and Duncan uses as much of the elevation as it can. While this course is a great course for ams, it can still present a challenge for advanced players with the long tee pads and long baskets. Yes, there are plenty of birdie opportunities, but you'll need a variety of shots to rack them up.

- The eight long tee pads are concrete now.

- Best holes: I really like #9 from long to long. It's 675 feet slightly uphill with OB on the left side of the green. A great drive with placement is key to reaching c1 on the second shot. Also have fallen in love with #12 short tee to B pin - it's such a unique touchy left-to-right shot with the pin perched on top of a ridge.


- (Tee signs have now been installed!) We're working with the Park District to reinstall tee signs. It's not too much of an problem to find the next tee, but several baskets are blind and can be an issue.

- Playing the toughest layout, you'll see quite a few 275-300 foot holes that challenge that area of your game well. But if you're an advanced player, you're pulling a driver out for maybe half the holes.

- The baskets are Mach 2s - they're still in good condition, but they are dated.

Other Thoughts:

- This course was originally installed because there was a bunch of "activity" that the Park District wasn't so keen on and thought disc golf might be a way to bring folks into the park. So in 1999, the course goes in. Fast forward and now there's a thriving pickleball scene here, a new playground went in the last few years, some outdoor concerts - all of which I attribute to disc golf, of course.

- It's a solid course, but needs a few more upgrades. With another hole or two redesign and new baskets, I think Duncan is a 4.
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4 0
Experience: 7.4 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 17, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


The hilliest course in Springfield. Mostly easy to navigate course. Woods between #2 tee and basket have been cleaned to allow wooded play. Park and league workers change basket positions fairly often, which keeps things interesting. Holes 4 and 8 have high to low elevation changes, 5 has long low to high.


Summer of 2019 has brought playground construction which directly impacts hole 1's line of play. Please don't play from #1's old tees! You'll have to make up where to tee from until new tees are constructed. League tees from area between playground and shelter, but other park users may be in your way there.

Lots of poison ivy has been cleared away from wood borders near 1-3, and surrounding several big trees, so isn't as bad as when I first reviewed.
Basket location change on #5 can make for very long hole, with difficulty finding new location.
Repeatedly crossing the valley for 12-15 gets tiresome.
Playing late in the day means lots of sun in the eyes shots.
Course and park is sometimes vacant of other people, which can be a little spooky. Not vacant as often since new playground went in.
Not a concern for beginners, but the advanced tees are only grass with mostly hidden boards marking one end. I've found most of them using the detailed map, but some may be totally missing.
Tee signage posts exist, but have no info at all except hole number.
Lots of oak tree acorns and leaves during fall.

Other Thoughts:

Wife and I just started playing in summer of 2017. Lincoln Park courses were frustrating to navigate. Douglas is much easier that way.
We used the hilliness to prepare for hiking a mountain in Missouri for the eclipse.
We have now played more courses, but Douglas is closest to our home, and it is just as good as most we have tried, better than others.
There has been some talk of redesigning the course. Hope it happens soon!
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11 years 385 played 105 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best of the 4 Springfield Courses!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 5, 2016 Played the course:once


Very scenic course located in a city park with hills, valleys, and mature trees a-plenty!!
Concrete tee pads at every tee as well as numbered signposts (though what I assume was the original signage is missing).
Course flowed real well and was easy to follow- with or without the online map.
Numerous holes come to mind:
#2- 90 degree right throw about 120 ft out then 100 ft right with a solid tree line as protection
#4 Top of the world(#1) to a basket solidly behind some trees
#8 Top of the world (#2) to a basket behind a large tree.
#12- #15- Across the valley shots with assorted trees/ tree lines as protection. (Contrary to other reviewers- I did not find that stretch boring)
#18 Straight up a hill with pines as protection.

On the day we went there were two large groups of individuals having picnics at two separate pavilions... park is laid out fine, such that none of the crowd ever came into play.


Needs some TLC to get it into pristine condition....
Add some new signage at each tee box.....
Clean up the wooded area on #2 that is starting to encroach onto the pad and into the fairway....
Bonus points for adding concrete pads to the long tees (which were marked only by 4x4's as the line... some obscured by grass)

Other Thoughts:

This was the third Illinois road trip (from St Louis) that my 17 y/o son and I have done this fall... Today we hit all four of the Springfield 18's... Without a doubt, we both agreed this was the most fun of all four of the courses....
Give it some of the TLC recommended in my cons and it easily rates a 4 in my book.
If you do all four Springfield courses in one day, do this one last, as you will come away disappointed in the others if you do this one first.
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6 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

What An Excellent Course For This Old Rec Player! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2016 Played the course:once


Douglas Park has just about perfect terrain for a disc golf course. The park is green, wonderfully hilly with lots of mature trees to throw at and around. There is a nice course map sign at the beginning. The tee signs are the old style fiberglass ones. These are all faded. They only have a hole number on them. The concrete tee pads vary in size depending on the hole's distance. I thought were more than adequate. The baskets are older DGA models. Most of them have some kind of number on top. Lots of benches to relaxe on.
The course is instinctive to navigate. One drawback is it's lack of length. This alone classifies it as a recreational course. Better players won't find much challenge here.
The course uses the elevation to the fullest. There's only maybe 3-4 holes which are flat. The rest play up, down or over the valley that runs through the park. The over the valley shots are great enjoyment but might be a tad overdone with five "over the valley" holes in a row starting at # 13.
But even with some repetitiveness, all these downhill, through the tree shots are mega-fun, in my opinion.
My signature/favorite hole goes to # 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. And 18 was a fun throw, too.


Recreational length and difficulty.
Very little risk/reward on this course.
Could use some trash cans, although I saw next to no trash.
The five holes that cross the valley, although immensely fun, did start to grow monotonous.

Other Thoughts:

I'd love to take this park and course home with me. It fits my game, age and recreational level to the max. Nice and shady for those warm summer days but plenty of hills to trek up and down. Rating this course is difficult for me. If it just up to me, I'd give it a 5 but in comparison with other courses, I'm reluctantly giving it a 3.5. Kind of pains me to have to rate it this lower. It's one of my top 10 courses I've played. So very much reminds me of Riverside Park DGC in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Riverside offers more challenge than Douglas but I'm about 7-8 years older now.

In summation, play it, you'll probably love it!
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4 0
Experience: 22.4 years 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Douglas Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Great elevation and all the uphill/downhill walking is easy
Fun course design
Easy course to play, many opportunities to ace
Benches located throughout the course
Concrete tee pads


Advanced tees are either gone or very difficult to find
Signage is nonexistent to show where baskets are located
Trash all over the course
Inconsistent tee pad sizes

Other Thoughts:

This is a beginner course but its fun to play. Challenges on every basket are the trees and the fun uphill/downhill shots. I appreciate the benches all over but there needs to be trash cans located throughout the course because its littered with trash. Lines on signage are nonexistent and need to be redone along with adding cement tee pads for advanced tees.
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2 1
Experience: 23 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun and good exercise 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2016 Played the course:once


Very hilly but manageable to walk. This is a great short or beginner course.


Some small tee boxes, and the tee signs dont have hole details.

Other Thoughts:

I like this course. It was great with a beginner and loved the trees and hills.
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5 0
Experience: 14.3 years 63 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Quality Recreational Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2015 Played the course:once


-The standout here is the ELEVATION changes. Absolutely awesome use of the rolling hills here!!
-The course does not interfere with other park users in this busy city park
-Course map right by hole #1


-Varying teepad sizes. Some very short ones on the shorter holes and all of them are a little too narrow.
-Could not find any of the markers for the advanced tees
-Tee signs are no longer readable on any hole

Other Thoughts:

Hole #1 starts you off with an awesome view of the capitol building and sets the tone for the rest of the round. While this course is not overly difficult or lengthy it was just pure DG enjoyment. This is a classic casual DG course. You won't see big tourneys at this course, but that's not what this place is about. Sure the course theme is repetitive up and down the hills but they keep it interesting with different shot lines, tree obstacles, and decent pin placements. I really think this course has the perfect amount of challenge for a casual city course. If you want a more challenging course Lincoln Park has you covered. Really great DGC options in Springfield. I would play Douglas Park again if I was in the area.
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3 1
Experience: 27.3 years 21 played 21 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Best beginners course ever 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Most beginner courses are terrible. In many ways, this course is better than Lincoln North because it takes more variety and talent to play it. Trees, elevation, blind shots, and yet is nice and short. A good player can shoot 45 but is never boring. And wind can really make it tough.


I have no issues with this course. Watch out for park users.

Other Thoughts:

Best short course I have ever played.
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2 4
Experience: 16.3 years 3 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Very nice course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


- Alt. pin locations for tourney play adds a challenge to the course for Rec. players.
- Course plays back and fourth across a valley on holes 11 to 17 which seems to make the course. I would have to say the signature hole is Hole 1 with the first throw heading at the capitol building in the distance.


- Acorns in the fall. Watch your step they will meet you at the ground.
- Leave the tie dye at home in the fall the leaf monsters will get it. Spotters are helpful during the fall on 50% of the holes since they are covered with leaves.
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9 1
Experience: 34.8 years 36 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Excellent course for amateurs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


In spite of some of the negative reviews, I love this course. I don't have great distance, but the majority of us don't. For a casual player like myself, this course is excellent.

The main theme of this course is up or down hills, with tall trees as obstacles in strategic places. I don't claim that there is a lot of variety, because this theme is repeated over and over, but for players that like hills and trees, this repetition is a good thing. This is my favorite thing about the course.

The first hole is very scenic, as you are driving towards a horizon that frames the capital building. You won't see anything like this for the rest of the course, but most of the holes are still quite scenic, due to the high vantage points, and lack of thick woods.

The course is very relaxing for casual play. The tees are comfortable (concrete), there is considerable shade the whole way. There is only woods for one hole (#2), so you won't need to worry about poison ivy or thorns. The hills are not terribly steep, so it is easy terrain to walk through.

The course is well maintained. I didn't see any damaged baskets or tees, and it is always mowed well. There is plenty of parking, and there's a map when you first enter.

Lastly, I think the course is designed very well for casual play. It is laid out nicely, without a lot of walking between holes, but yet spread out enough that you don't have to worry about hitting golfers on other holes.

There aren't any ridiculous hard obstacles or 600 ft holes, but there are still a lot more challenges than you may expect for a casual city course. In my opinion, the balance is about perfect.

The fairways are far enough away from houses, swingsets, and walking paths that you won't need to worry about hitting kids or other park-goers. I have seen people walking dogs, but they have never been in the way.


The biggest con to this is that it is a bit lacking for higher level players. 8 of the 18 holes are under 250 feet, and the longer tees are either non-existent or hard to find. Even if you play the harder tees (if you can find them), the longest for any hole is 406!

I wish I could say that there are no navigation problems, but the direction to walk for the next tee is printed back at the sign for the last one. The course flows pretty well, so you can guess the correct direction to walk nearly every time. I don't think this is much of a problem, though. I've found my way through pretty easily without help.

According to a Springfield local that I spoke with, this park is a well-known spot for illegal activity, especially after dark. I didn't see anything of concern when I was there, but I've only been during broad daylight.

Other Thoughts:

This will never be the home of a huge tournament, but for casual play, it is one of the best courses in central Illinois.

Springfield is very fortunate to have 3 full-length courses, so they can easily have one that caters to amateur players. I think this course does that very nicely.
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2 3
Experience: 18.5 years 17 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Douglas 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2011 Played the course:once


Nice course with hills and trees. Most holes are under 300FT, makes for a nice relaxing experience.


The tee's didnt indicate which direction the hole is. You had to look at the map, and it indicated north.
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1 1
Experience: 13.3 years 63 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Noob Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2011 Played the course:once


Nice location, lots of hills, challenging with all the hills and valleys for a new player. All the Tees and Pins where pretty easy to find. Several you could not see from the tee but tee placement was pretty logical


Park needs a good cleaning. lots of trash on the course I didn't bring a big enough bag to carry off all I found! Mostly alcohol containers. Couple of the tees need some maintenance. Looks like the have begun but have not finished.

Other Thoughts:

It is a great course going to have to play again just to get my score down since I junked up my first visit with my score.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun little park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 26, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through a grassy park that's mostly filled with nice mature trees. A small amount of underbrush comes into play on a couple early holes, otherwise there's no real rough. Most holes have some kind of elevation change, which definitely adds variety and fun to the course. There are some fun downhill ace runs, some tougher uphill shots, and some shots from one hillside to another where a short shot leaves you with a tricky uphill approach.

Though the course is pretty short overall, there's enough variety in hole shapes and elevation changes that it doesn't get too repetitive. For many players, most holes are putter or mid shots, but you'll need to shape lots of different lines through the trees to get your birdies. The short set of tees have decent concrete pads, and basic signs. There are long tees that add some challenge and length to the course. The tee signs show distance and layout for both tees, and for both pin positions on the holes that have alternates.


The long tees looked like they would change up the course and add quite a bit of difficulty, unfortunately they're hard to find since they're only marked with a board flush with the ground. They're also natural, so many of the ones I saw were rutted out and not very level. The alternate pins also added some nice variety, but it would be nice to have a way of noting which pin positions were in use, there were a few holes where it wasn't obvious where to throw without knowing where the pin was.

There are a few spots that are odd in terms of navigation, nothing major but you might have to wander a bit between some holes. The course is very short, so despite some fun holes and good variety of shot shapes, it's just not all that challenging for better players. There are a few places where roads and parking lots come into play for potential safety issues.

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't going to challenge more experienced players, it's short and doesn't offer much punishment for errant shots. Newer players will have a lot of fun here, it's got reasonable lengths for shorter throwers, and enough trees to keep it interesting without being so dense that it's frustrating. I had a good time playing here, and would recommend a stop here especially if you combine it with the 36 holes at nearby Lincoln Park.
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3 1
Experience: 14.4 years 15 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Very nice, short beginner friendly course in a decent part of town. Uses elevation changes and large trees nicely on every hole. Concrete tee pads, water fountains, restrooms, and practice baskets(2) onsite. Very easy to follow the flow of course, even if you've never played it before. Lots of Ace run holes, especially #4.


- If you are a more advanced player, pro tees are natural and not marked, If you see a blue railroad tie behind concrete tee this is normally the pro tee.

-sometimes some shady characters hang out by pavillion on sw corner of park starting around hole #13. I actually had 1 person actually pick my disc up after a drive.

-ocassionally the park is very busy and around hole one i have actually had to skip because people had volleyball net stretched across fairway and or were playing football in fairway.

Other Thoughts:

This is the course I play the most since i am just starting out. I would recommend for any beginner to intermediate player. If you are more concerned about being challenged should check out Lincoln Park. But if you are just wanting a fun day of DG then this is a NICE option.
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2 4
Experience: 14.5 years 136 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice course from the blue tees 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 8, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Course had a great view of the capital on hole one was a great photo opp. The course is laid out well and has a good variety of shots we played from the blue tees WHEN WE COULD FIND THEM. the park is very well kept and a 2.5 miles of walking good time!!


It plays very short from the red concrete pads for a more challenging game find the blue pads. The only thing I can say is the blue tee boxes were hard to find on some holes. mabey the park could weed eat around the blue pads to make it easyer to find these placements.

Other Thoughts:

I was out at this course again in the fall the park was inindated with leaves the park needed to have some maitainance done. at some places the leaves were 4 foot deep in the ditches not very disc golf friendly at all.
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3 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 113 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Little Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a fun little course. It is short...but the shots are all interesting. There is a surprising amount of elevation changes for this part of central Illinois. The view of the Capital Building from hole 1's tee is pretty cool (a very nice signature hole). Some very friendly and helpful disc golfers the first time I played who went out of their way to make sure we knew where we were going on all holes...speaks volumes for the disc golf community in Springfield. Very nice mature trees throughout. Love the risk/reward secondary route (very narrow walking path instead of the layup shot to the opening in the woods down to the pin) on hole 2.


It is a pretty short course...not too many times to let your drives rip. The park can have some sketchy people in it from time to time. The back nine is a little repetitive as other reviewers have stated.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this course. It is one of my favorite shorter courses to play. Plenty of variety and a great compliment to Springfield's other two courses.
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3 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 27.3 years 99 played 35 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun and Hilly 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2010 Played the course:once


This is a great little course...I had a ton of fun out here. The 18 holes doesn't feel cramped at all. The land is very hilly with nice mature trees throughout. Kinda reminds me of a junior version of Water Works in some ways. Lots of unique tee shots and plenty of birdie/ace runs because most of the distances are under 300 ft. Great for all skill levels which is nice if you are playing with beginners. Course is very well maintained with tee signs and concrete tees. Beautiful view off the first tee...
Great location in town...especially in relation to the other courses. Course flow is wonderful. I had no trouble navigating and it was my first time there.


If you are looking for mega challenge, you won't find it here. Some of the tee pads are pretty short. The pavilion at the back of the park had some pretty sketchy people hanging out up there...which I am told is a very common occurrence (not a huge deal).

Other Thoughts:

This is more of a casual players course but there is enough fun to keep it interesting for better players. They did as well as they could with the land available. It is a no-brainer to play if you are in the area.
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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 216 played 204 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course!!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 6, 2010 Played the course:once


I'll go chronological order, I guess. :)
-As soon as I got there, I ran into a group of kids who were promoting the "Springfield Disc Golf Club" and were handing out business cards with the url and all the information about the club. He said that he was handing out minis, but they ran out. How awesome is that?!?
-The first shot is beautiful, you're basically throwing it at the capital building. I was in complete awe when I was standing on the tee. Very, very cool.
-Great risk/reward on some of these shots. #2 comes to mind specifically.
-HUUGE elevation changes. Although it gets kind of repetitive, it was a blast playing here. Probably the biggest hills I've ever played.
-Definitely some sweeeet ace runs! I hit metal on hole #8!
-Nice big map at the beginning of the course and nice little tee maps as well.


-The ground around the baskets were muddy and some of the tees were very short. The last few holes were kind of boring because it just a throw across a gap, so it's a constant "down up" kind of thing.

Other Thoughts:

Did I mention how sweet the first shot was? I did, but I should mention it again, very, very cool!
Also, the people at this park were all very, very friendly. Everyone said hi or waved which was really cool. I had an absolute blast playing here. Thanks, Springfield!


As an aside, while you're here, definitely check out Abraham Lincoln's tomb! It's very close!
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6 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 351 played 178 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Douglas 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Douglas Park has some nice sized rolling hills with large trees scattered thoughout. There are only 2 holes lined wih rough. The rest of the course is nicely mowed grass. This is a fun little course to play and is a good beginner course. This is a nice walk in the park.

There are 2 practice baskes located near the tee to #1.

Hole #1 has a sweet view of the capital building in the background.

Nice variety with 2 sets of tees. Concrete Short Tees.

The design is solid. You have to hit lines to navigate past the large trees to pick up birdies.

Almost every hole has some type of elevation change. Holes play up, down, across, and on the sides of hills.

Pretty easy to navigate with adequate tee signs.


Natural Long Tees.

Very short. There are only 4 holes over 300ft from the cement tees. The long tees add length and difficulty but this is still under par 54 golf.

SSA for the longs was 47 -7. This was the Pro/Adv pool. The Int/Rec/Novice Pool had an SSA for 50 -4 from the short tees.

Other Thoughts:

Lincoln Park in Springfield is an excellent course! Make sure you stop for the day to play disc golf in Springfield. These are some nice courses to play.

Check out my Illinois Top 10.
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3 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 443 played 87 reviews
2.50 star(s)

the hills of douglas 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 3, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


-course is located in a small, hilly park that uses the elevation changes to the fullest extent, lots of downhill shots, a few uphill shots, lots of over the ravine type shots, and many blind pin placements.
-facilities include pavillions, water, bathrooms, practice basket
-two sets of tees, 1 concrete (shorts), 1 natural (longs)
-2 pin placements per hole


-course is way too short: there is only 1 hole that a person who can throw 325' can't reach
-some of the teepads (like hole 4) are tiny (like 2' long) not that you need a run up for the hole, but it would still be nice to have a full run up possiblity
-A lot of the holes (esp. the ones that cross ravines are repetitive.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, a fun course to play as a warmup for the 2 Lincoln courses, play from the blues to make it more of a challenge. Post up on the club forum www.discgolfclub.org to have a local meet you out there. There is only 1 entrance to the park and it's on a one way. From 55 take hwy 97/29 west to a right on Walnut and an almost immediate left into the park.
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