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Edinboro, PA

Edinboro University DGC

3.575(based on 7 reviews)
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Edinboro University DGC reviews

11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 205 played 195 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Two Distinctly Different Nines

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2023 Played the course:once


"Royal Scots Disc Golf Links" on the campus of Edinboro University is a unique course that has two very different nine hole layouts that make up one solid 18-holer.

The Front 9 (AKA The Lowlands) plays as a much more traditional college style track in terms of its subtle elevation changes, scattered trees, and pedestrian areas. However, unique touches such as the covered foot bridge on #3 and the lake on #5 make it stand out more than other college courses I've played.

The Back 9 (AKA The Highalnds) is much more rugged and truly feels like a championship-style course in a state park setting. I cannot stress enough how different these two nines feel. #14 and #18 are two of the best (and most visually pleasing) holes that I've played in all of western PA. Yes, that is a list that includes Moraine, Deer Lakes, and others.

+ Each hole has at least two tee areas (most have three). All of these tee areas have their own colored, detailed sign. There are also three pin positions per hole (also see cons).

+ Despite a few longer walks between holes, it's very easy to navigate this course. There are numerous directional signs throughout to help.


- There are no permanent tees. I don't think I've played a course that has such nice signs with no tees. Even adding a kickboard or something along those lines would help better define where you're supposed to throw from.

- There are three different pin positions, but no indicator as to which position they're in. One of the reasons I push back against multiple positions.

- The back 9 was very overgrown at the time of this review. Fairway grass was up to knee high in some areas. Really disappointing, considering how great the design is.

- To get to the back 9, you have to walk almost half a mile. There is an option to drive to a closer parking lot, but you'd still be required to walk quite a ways to reach the 10th tee.

Other Thoughts:

While the front 9 is very solid, the course really stands apart from others once you start getting deeper into the back side. I really wish this section of the course was in better shape though.
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10 0
Experience: 20.3 years 197 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

So much potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2022 Played the course:once


Multiple "tee pads" 2-3 options & pin placements!
Great baskets
Solid use of campus space
We'll manicured/grounds crew


No actual tee pads - just tee areas
Not the greatest flow, got pretty confused walking in wrong direction multiple occasions
College campus course : parking pass required

Other Thoughts:

Would love to see funds from the school go towards installing concrete tee pads- could do fundraising events for this & do one set of tee pads at a time with or without the use of campus groups like the Disc Golf Club, ROTC, other programs with faculty and students. Do one set of tees at a time (ex. All red, white or blue) and then do the others after that.
Install signs pointing to where the course is on campus & a pay station by the hour for public use of course would generate more traffic or consider Pay to Play for general public
Use zip ties to hang small arrows pointing to next hole on bottom of basket for better flow
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.1 years 84 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Two courses in one. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2019 Played the course:once


This course has a little bit of everything. The front 9 is definitely your campus style course that plays around buildings and other campus amenities. Most of the rough and weeded areas on the front 9 are also marked with OB lines. The back 9 is much more technical and wooded. Water comes into play on multiple holes on the front but on only one hole on the back. The course has a lot of beautiful scenery on campus. Signage is also very nice and informative.


Tee pads are natural which some might not like. We played on a dry day so we had no issues at all. The biggest issue people are going to have with Edinboro is probably the very abundant OB on the front 9, the very unforgivable rough that eats discs on the back 9, and the very long walk that separate the two 9 hole loops. For some the back 9 might be hard to find. It's about a half-mile away from where you finish on #9. Also the campus has a lot of people you have to be mindful of. We played with 25mph wind the whole round too. Not sure if this is typical here but made the round much more strenuous.

Other Thoughts:

I thought that this was a pretty great course overall. The front 9 is more open but less forgiving with OB making you keep your shots tight. The back 9 has almost no OB but has a lot of unforgiving rough. I think the layout of the course uses the land intended very well. The back 9 needs to season in but once it does it will be a real gem. This is quite the hike to play a round so come prepared. This was a two hour drive for me and I think it was definitely worth the trip.
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4 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.3 years 86 played 31 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Two Courses, One Property 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2018 Played the course:once


Front Nine -

It is a really good campus course, good use of a limited area among buildings, roads, and sidewalks.

Water comes into play on 4 or 5 of the holes making things interesting but not too difficult...

Back Nine -

A totally different nine with really high aspirations that are mostly met...

Holes 12-16 and 18 are excellent and memorable...great use of the woods and topography...wonderful lines and risk/reward on these holes...


The Front Nine -

It is a campus course which for me means no better than a 3 rating...potential safety issues on a few holes and in general too many man made things around...

The Back Nine -

It is still a bit rough around the edges as it is new...

Overall -

No tee pads (and it was muddy today)

Other Thoughts:

Such an interesting course...

The Back Nine is pretty amazing and will be more so after it breaks in...

When I say two courses in the title it is not only the type of course but also the distance between...it is (my estimation) about .4 miles from the 9th green to the 10th tee...
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.2 years 246 played 97 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Can this be at all Universities? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Edinboro University Disc Golf Course is right on the campus. You can step out of your dorm, and play this course. Especially the front nine, which plays in the center of campus.

The front nine is similar to a lot of park courses, with a good bit of openness, some out of bounds, and a variety of distances. However, there is a good variety of holes here, and it isn't just a hyzer fest. You will be forced to throw some well executed shots to get birdies. Also, they do a good job of staying out of the way of other park activities.

The back nine is definitely where this course shines. While the front nine is nice, the back nine is really fantastic. It's a brand new addition to the course, ad it has the qualities of a championship track. Lots of elevation changes, a mix of wooded and open, leaning towards wooded, but with a more open front nine, it was needed. While it is a new addition, it is well seasoned, meaning there isn't much undergrowth and path making that needs to be done.

The tee signs are amazing! Very detailed and colorful, you can see them in the course pictures. The Discatcher baskets are highly visible and catch well.

Multiple pin positions on most every hole, if not every hole. There are also three tees on almost every hole, giving a nice variety for the local player, or a nice beginner layout for learning college students.


This course is a workout! The walk from the front nine to the back nine is arduous, as you walk across campus a little bit, and across a road. The course plays as two separate nines.

The tee pads as of now are natural, and I don't think this will change anytime soon, if ever. The tee areas were flat, and were not worn down, but they are obviously not the best possible teeing surface.

The front nine definitely leaves more to be desired. If it was an 18 hole course of those caliber holes, it would be a 3. It's still solid, but plays close to other college activities, and isn't anything special. The back nine is a solid 4.

Other Thoughts:

I would recommend this course to anybody in the are. It is a great addition to the Edinboro campus, and it is sure to bring many new player to the sport. In an area with a lack of quantity and quality, this helps make the NW PA disc golf scene bigger and better!
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4 1
Experience: 7.3 years 10 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid 18 Holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 1, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


The front is a solid on-campus course with scary rough. Discs disappear when they wander too close to the creek that pours into the big pond that comes into play on hole five. Placement is key - it's all about setting up your second throw. Smart golf is rewarded with lots of fair birdie looks for those who hit their lines. Five can be eagled if you clear the water, but I've seen more discs splash in the water than I've seen clear it. I like roller lines off the tee. It's a good idea to get someone to spot on holes 8 and 9

The back nine is a tricky, well designed, and heavily wooded challenge:

10. is uphill and longer than it seems, but pretty straightforward. Big arms should have no trouble finding a birdie look

11. is a straightforward 300 ft + downhill. A good drive will set you up for bird

12. is a tougher par 4. Play your drive to the far left fairway for a chance to get up on the elevated mound green

13. is an easier par 3 but the water hazard is bigger (and deeper) than it looks from the tee

14. Depending on the pin position this par 4 can feel like a 5. There's a cool forehand line to the left if you can make the narrow gap

15. Birdie-able dogleg right. A great turnover line if you make it

16. Get through the tunnel and then take a hard left. There's no line through the woods straight ahead. Forehand rollers are 50/50 (which is a sure thing if you round up)

17. Aceable. Hit your line and you're golden

18. Good luck. It's a long walk downhill and to the right. Fives feel like birdies.

Other Thoughts:

I'm extremely grateful for all the hard work that has been put in to making this course happen! Thank you to everyone who helped put this together!
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7 0
Experience: 26.3 years 13 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging AND fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 17, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has a bit of everything. A few holes with elevation changes, water, tight o.b., a beautiful lake, tight wooded holes as well as a signature par 5 18th hole to cap it off. Other standout holes are 5 (can you make it over the lake for a potential eagle?) and 12 (a par 4 with significant elevation, a wall of guardian trees and an elevated basket to boot).
Definitely worth the drive from local(ish) cities such as Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Rochester, and of course Erie.


It's on a college campus, which comes with it's own challenges. A couple of the baskets were already slightly leaning, probably thanks to obnoxious students sitting on them
There is a decent walk from 9 to 10 and from 18 back to 1 Both are a good quarter mile or more. Make sure you know where you're going. If you want to play the course twice in a day, I recommend playing the front 9 twice in a row, then the back 9 twice. Both make near-perfect loops.
Hole 14 is in the woods and is the only hole that seems kind of unfinished. There don't seem to be clear lines. Hole 16 also suffers a similar problem, though it's not as bad.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed staying at Edinboro Lake Resort. They offer cabins right on Edinboro Lake and are only a couple minutes from the campus. You can also usually get cheap lodging in the form of a dorm room from the university. Also, there is good pizza and a couple of antique stores local to the town if you're looking to beef up your day with other activities.
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