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Oskaloosa, IA

Edmundson Park

3.465(based on 13 reviews)
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Edmundson Park reviews

5 0
Experience: 14.5 years 14 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Edmundson Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 6, 2010 Played the course:once


* Nice large course sign at begining
* All 18 Holes have concrete tee pads
* All 18 holes have nice tee signs (9's was missing but they are planing to replace it soon.
* Nice course for begining players
* Course is well maintained
* Trash cans at all tee pads
* bathrooms at start and in middle of course
* Many areas to refill water bottle
* Great use of elavation on some hole
* One long hole to let it fly on (500+ feet)
* Not much chance for lost disc
* You end right back at the begining


* All but one hole are fairly short
* Not much use of tree (Most shots are wide open)
* Not a very challanging course for advanced players (Should par or birdie all holes)
* Not any real risk/reward shots (Two hole run beside the pond)
* Course flow is hard to follow on some hole ( I used the link to the course map)
* This is a very popular park so you must watch for other park users

Other Thoughts:

This was a very fun course not as much challange as others but still fun. I would like to have seen one or two hole have shots across the pond not next to it. I will make the 30 min drive to play this course agin it is well worth it.
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2 5
Experience: 15.3 years 140 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Osky DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Long open holes with moderate amount of tree. The signs and the tees and very well kept and maintained. Most holes you can throw forehand or backhand because they are very open.


I would say that distance is more of a challenge than anything on this course. Birdies are sometime hard to come by if you can't throw very far. There are only two holes that are affected by water. I have seen many people throw in the pond.

Other Thoughts:

I like this course. It is very clean and easy to play.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 37.5 years 302 played 188 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Tidy Wide-y 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a clean park with wide-open holes. There are some risk/reward holes dealing with water and out-of-bounds. This course uses elevation to a great degree. There are cement tee pads and tee signs. Some of the tee pads have been incorporated into the steps and sidewalks. Bathrooms, trashcans, and drinking fountains are all available.


You will need a map for navigation for first time play here. Most of the holes are straight shots. The footage on some of the signs are not up to date. There are lots of people at this park, so extra caution is required.

Other Thoughts:

The fun factor at this course seemed to be indifferent for me. I enjoyed a few of the holes and found some of the holes to be plain and boring. I enjoyed the long tee on #8 the best. It was a tee set atop a large step of a huge hill with a down hill slope to a basket across a street. Compared to the other courses in this surrounding area, I would say this is one of the better ones.
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