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Fort Collins, CO

Edora Park

3.355(based on 23 reviews)
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Edora Park reviews

4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 93 played 81 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best in Fort Collins 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 10, 2018 Played the course:once


-Some of the biggest tee pads I have ever seen, very accommodating for a huge run up
-High Quality, Visible Mach X baskets
-Fairways are excellently mowed grass, not as skippy as it looks, also the part that loops around the electrical plant is mostly dirt and small weeds on the ground.
-Good elevation, there are rolling hills that most hole incorporate some how
-Trees are nicely used here, meaning that they don't feel forced into the layout, they seem natural and like a well though out design choice.
-This Park has a really nice vibe, all the locals are super nice and very helpful
-Water comes in play on a few holes, most notably 18, makes for a fun decision making shot of whether to go for it or lay up.
-Most holes have opportunity for lots of different shot types, the coruse also includes a few ace runs which is always fun
-Not much garbage laying around, this course is well loved and treated kindly, as it should be!
-Fairways get close to each other, but don't really intersect, 5 and 6 look like they get close though


-Only a little bit of signage, and the signage is just OK
-A couple random Baskets that are different than standard course baskets, this is confusing for someone who has never played here before.
-Unfortunately, when I played there was construction, so a lot of the holes were gone, which was super confusing for me to navigate, but I imagine that is a temporary thing
-The mal by hole 1 does not show the seemingly random bonus holes that are across from the park, personally, I feel like these are more worthwhile than playing around the electrical plant
-The Park part of this course is nice, but when the course loops around the electrical plant, it gets boring and a little sketchy feeling
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5 0
Experience: 9.2 years 5 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

What I think of as "Home". 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


If I have a home course, it's Edora. We're lucky to have a pretty good number of courses within an hour drive here, and I think Edora is the best course I've played thus far. (I'm pretty new, not quite a year golfing, now.) Seems to have a good variety of shots you need to throw, not overly forehand or backhand friendly. There are few wide open, 500' plus holes you'll need a big arm to birdie. Also, there are shorter holes that are more technical, as well as a very technical and long hole 4, if you play the longest pin. It's close to 700' total, with a very narrow double mando, 150'-ish off the tee. We have some elevation changes, but nothing too drastic. It's not a hiking trail, but it will affect how you throw your shots. We recently got a second set of baskets on almost every hole, so you can throw at either the shortest pin, or most holes have at least one longer pin setting that now has a Mach X basket on it. Edora is a very nice park, and most of the course is really well manicured. This is just a very solid course that I'm so happy to be able to play regularly, and I'm really thankful to the folks who bust their butts to keep it up. Thank you so much!


It is a multi-use park right next to an elementary school (and an ice rink, swimming pool, tennis courts, horseshoes, etc.), so look out for non-disc golfers wandering into the fairways. 17 and 18 have crossing fairways with lots of trees both in the fairway and near the tees, so it can be hard to see if people are in the area you'll be throwing in. With the big lift the folks who do a wonderful job keeping the course up had in getting the new pins for us, they haven't been able to get around to the correcting the posts that show the pin placements, standing next to the tees. They are still up on a hole that no longer exists (the old 10, if memory serves), and haven't had placards made for some of the newer holes. As a result, the hole numbering is off. In a perfect world where they had the time, money and help to do it, some work on the tees themselves would be nice. A few of them are broken or different portions of concrete have sunken, making the footing a bit dicey. Also, something on or near the pins that points new players to the next tee would be nice. There are a number of tees that can't be seen from the prior pin, so unless you have a map (easily downloadable in PDF form, I think there's one posted near the first tee, but I seem to remember it being outdated) it can be tough to find your way around. It's populated enough you can usually find a group of locals and follow them, or just ask. Most folks out there are pretty friendly.

Other Thoughts:

We won't be hosting Worlds at any point, most likely, but Edora is a fantastic course. If you don't have fun playing here, disc golf probably isn't your game.
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1 6
Experience: 11.3 years 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Pretty, well maintained course. Nice amount of trees for Colorado. Variety of holes.


Busy with OTHER activities and folks "in the way". Not the best laid out; hard to follow if you are not familiar. Maps out of date.
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4 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.2 years 65 played 56 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great New Layout! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2014 Played the course:once


Great concrete tee boxes on this course, though only a few of the monster tees from the old layout remain. Baskets are in good condition and the signage is very good, featuring a photo of the fairway with different pin positions marked. Signage also includes distances for each pin position. Course is clean, with well maintained grass that allows you to get significant distance out of your roller shots. There are a few trashcans in the park to keep things clean. There's plenty of parking, restrooms are on site, and the park has a number of other activities including a skate park, tennis courts, horseshoe pits, multi-use paths, and more. Navigating the course is much easier than the old layout. The course is well designed with a wide variety of shots and has some significant distance on it with well over a mile of fairway in the longest pin positions. Mature trees, a creek, and other OB areas will challenge your game. The designer made the most of the little elevation changes. A few shorter holes make this course an ace hunting spot. Signature holes include the island hole at 5, the long downhill bomb at 6, and risky shots near the creek on 16 and 18.


Baskets are hard to spot. If they had any bright colors on them, it would be easier. There is no way of knowing which pin position the baskets are in from the signage. The signage also contains no par information. There are some safety concerns at this course as well as many holes play close to active railroad tracks, a busy road, and multi-use paths. The course gets crowded too, so it's not a great spot to get a quick round in. It would be nice to see more benches at the tees so you could rest your legs while you're waiting for the group ahead of you.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great place to play, and a real challenge. Most likely the best course in Fort Collins. The new layout is a huge improvement, though it makes me nervous to throw so close to trains, cars, and joggers/cyclists. Nevertheless, they've done a great job with the terrain they had to work with. Definitely a course worth seeking out.
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2 6
Fresh Hound
Experience: 11.2 years 13 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 15, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Great course, easily the best in FC. Multiple tee placements, very well taken care of, great facilities.


Can get crowded during the weekends. Other than that not to many cons come to mind.

Other Thoughts:

This is definitely my favorite in FC.
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