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Fort Collins, CO

Edora Park

3.355(based on 23 reviews)
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Edora Park reviews

2 0
Experience: 25.3 years 56 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice course in a pretty park with lots of access. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2022 Played the course:once


-Clear signage and clear tees.
-Well maintained park with other activities and interests


-park visitors and other players may make park busy
-LONG holes in some cases
-A longer walk to the back 4

Other Thoughts:

This course was nice, but didn't flow the way we would look for to return to. Some holes were just too long with very little to navigate, while others were obstructed by pathways or other hazards.
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4 0
Experience: 13 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun CO park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Very challenging course with long holes, good use of park space, has water features utilizes the trees and park (sidewalks, tennis courts, etc.) very well.
The course has long and short holes and provides difficulty in many different ways.
Very large park offers super fun tournament layouts that bring other parts of the park into play that also provide great fair challenge


A couple long WIDE open holes
A few of the shorter holes provide difficulty simply because they follow long holes
Poor flow at least for now (see other thoughts about construction)

Other Thoughts:

This course is a ton of fun but takes a lot to get to know it. Easy to get lost as you cross a road twice, the course is fluid so the layout (tees and entire holes) changes pretty frequently. The construction on a bridge and creek flow has several old holes that are closed. Overall a very fun course just not supported by the city super well
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7 years 52 played 50 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Disappointing Course Design 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2019 Played the course:once


-18 Holes
-Many holes have multiple baskets, which allows experienced players and new players to play together on an appropriately challenging course
-Located in a very nice, well maintained park
-Multiple holes with some real (500'+) length
-Friendly locals


-Illogical, extremely confusing layout.
-A few teepads were mad of nice grippy concrete, but the majority were either old moldy carpet, old slick non-textured concrete, or even no teepad at all
-Many holes have no signage. Combined with the illogical layout and existence of some holes completely lacking any teepad, and the course feels like a temp safari track
-Back half of the course is located about 1/4 mile away from the front, and is very hard to find. The back holes aren't maintained like the front either, which combined with the long walk is probably why we were the only players on the course wiling to play those holes.
-Likely due to the odd layout, locals play the course in a variety of hole orders. Most players appear to cut out stretches of holes they deem unworthy of playing, and instead lop through their favorite holes multiple times. This causes traffic jams in places, even on a weekday morning.
-Multiple holes have blind shots. That would be fine, except that the holes often have a different hole's basket in clear sight...with no signage, that resulted in confusion where multiple groups on different holes were throwing to the same basket (because it's hard to tell which basket to throw to)
-And to top it all off, the layout incorporates crossing fairways in very high traffic areas. Danger, Will Robinson.

Other Thoughts:

I had three separate locals, upon finding out I was a traveler, all groan and say they wish I could've seen the course last year. Apparently the city came in and took a portion of the old course layout to use for other park projects. What is left is really a very below average course, and one that is not remotely close to the quality you'd expect given it's rating. I feel terrible for the locals, who were all super friendly and helpful and aided me in navigating the mess that is the current layout. That being said, I review courses with the traveling player in mind, so you know if a course is worth playing. Right now, Edora is barely worth the time to play. Hopefully the local club can eventually make improvements given the course footprint they now have. But in it's current shape it's not a good course.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 93 played 81 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best in Fort Collins 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 10, 2018 Played the course:once


-Some of the biggest tee pads I have ever seen, very accommodating for a huge run up
-High Quality, Visible Mach X baskets
-Fairways are excellently mowed grass, not as skippy as it looks, also the part that loops around the electrical plant is mostly dirt and small weeds on the ground.
-Good elevation, there are rolling hills that most hole incorporate some how
-Trees are nicely used here, meaning that they don't feel forced into the layout, they seem natural and like a well though out design choice.
-This Park has a really nice vibe, all the locals are super nice and very helpful
-Water comes in play on a few holes, most notably 18, makes for a fun decision making shot of whether to go for it or lay up.
-Most holes have opportunity for lots of different shot types, the coruse also includes a few ace runs which is always fun
-Not much garbage laying around, this course is well loved and treated kindly, as it should be!
-Fairways get close to each other, but don't really intersect, 5 and 6 look like they get close though


-Only a little bit of signage, and the signage is just OK
-A couple random Baskets that are different than standard course baskets, this is confusing for someone who has never played here before.
-Unfortunately, when I played there was construction, so a lot of the holes were gone, which was super confusing for me to navigate, but I imagine that is a temporary thing
-The mal by hole 1 does not show the seemingly random bonus holes that are across from the park, personally, I feel like these are more worthwhile than playing around the electrical plant
-The Park part of this course is nice, but when the course loops around the electrical plant, it gets boring and a little sketchy feeling
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6 2
Experience: 13.3 years 65 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

No signage! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2017 Played the course:once


-Highest rated course in Ft. Collins.
-Nice mixture of different types of fairways.
-Nice big cement pads.
-Lots of big open, let'er fly fairways.
-Not a real easy course, geared for the better player.
-Some of the fairways have multiple baskets.


-Very little signage and no signage to help navigate. Download map or you're S.O.L.
-Doesn't flow, lots of unnecessary walking.
-Couple of the alternate baskets were really close to each other and doesn't really changing the throw.

Other Thoughts:

Once again another one of those courses where the locals know where to go, so why bother to put any direction arrows out?
#9 and #10 are gone, would be nice to see a kiosk at #1 with a map?
Gotta wonder who approved #10 in the first place being so close to road?
I did have a good time playing the course, but could've done without the time wasted trying to figure out the course.
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4 0
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

The good and the bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2017 Played the course:once


The beginning was fun. Open fields, with hills and trees for obstacles. The park is well kept so no dealing with unforgiving rough. For the most part the tees have long strips of pavement to throw from.


The course was not very well marked. The tee signs show 3 - 5 different placements the basket can be in, but doesn't really specify which locations are actually in play. Some of the holes did not connect very well so without having a picture of the map, you wouldn't really know where to go. Part of the course is unplayable. We couldn't find a few of the baskets around the power plant, and some of the tees were in construction areas. We skipped a few holes to get out of that area.

Other Thoughts:

I didn't really enjoy having to play around buildings and the power plant.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 280 played 59 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Confusing but solid 'Player's Course' 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-Lots of interesting and challenging shots
-I especially like the longer 2nd shots
-Big, newer grabby Mach X baskets!
-2 baskets on most holes.
-The original holes have good photo signs w distances
-Some VERY long concrete tee-pads
-Some beautiful grassy knoll and water parkland.
-Effort made to keep course viable amidst changes.
-Some restrooms, benches, trashcans etc
-In town location with parking and room to practice.


-Ummmm...as stated often...confusing layout!
-Some criss-crossing fairways.
-Some par 3s are really 4s.
-Some alternate baskets don't really offer much variety.
-Will need another layout change after construction.
-Not a lot of elevation (but good use of what's there.)

Other Thoughts:

First up, let me just say this is a VERY hard course to rate.
IF your criteria is 'Are there great shots and I'll put up with anything to get 'em', well this is a 4+ easy. But if you want a coherent layout that gets you around a dependable 'course' without long detours and criss-crossing fairways...a 3 would be generous. I'm rounding up to a 4 because I just love the challenge here.

Since I had read about the layout, I stalled around the practice basket, well to the right of Tee #1 until I saw a couple locals who looked like they knew the way. They gave me a great tour and we enjoyed a very long round a lot. But if you try to go it alone, good luck.

HINT: It's a big park and my GPS did not take me to Hole #1. It took almost 1/2 an hour to drive around the back of the course. Follow the directions on the site here.

REC/Casual players: This is one of the longer 'Park Courses' I have played. Figure on playing the short baskets and you will have plenty of long 2nd shots even so.

NOTE: Skip these course directions unless you need em:

GETTING AROUND THE CURRENT LAYOUT: The course starts out with the tennis courts on your right. From the short basket on the hillside, it's quite a ways out to the right to #2, which plays down a long open grassy hill. Then you cross the street and play 3 temporary holes with little rug tees near the elementary school. They basically just do a clock-wise triangle to make do until construction finishes on the back nine.

Then you cross back onto the regular course with full teepads again. Note: the next 2 holes are # 5 and #6! #5 plays up the hill towards the trees. #6 is beyond to the right. The long basket is a wonderful par 4 really, to the right of the building.

Now it gets tricky. You head left across the street, don't play any of the holes you see but walk way out the wide bike and hike path by the creek to #7 on the other side of the railroad tracks. You know you are there when you see a very large stone wall down the right side. #8 is an ace run beyond to the right.

Now you keep going right/clockwise past both 9 and 10 that are in the construction. Your next 3 holes complete the clockwise circle at the wide path. NOW you play the four holes you walked by after #6. Yeeeeeeesh. But they are fun holes so WTH. The #15 water hole drive is priceless.

Next you cross the street again, but don't play the #17 tee right in front of you!? Walk past it up the paved way to 16. You guessed it....NOW you play 17 which criss-crosses 16 LOL. But they are good holes too.

18 plays a long way between the creek and the tennis courts, way out past the lot and Tee #1. Who cares. It's a great hole too. So there you have it. If your willing to hike for it, find your way around or hook up with locals, there are more great shots here than most any 'Park Course'.
But a quick casual 'course bag' for new players it's not. Enjoy.

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2 4
Experience: 7.3 years 40 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Long course, still bit messed up from the construction 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2017 Played the course:once


- multiple basket positions
- well marked
- lots of trash cans
- nice use of area
- other cool people out that were helpful
- nice big parking to, easy to find


- along a river for few holes, could get little sketchy
- really muddy everywhere with the now melted
- no bathrooms
- decent amount of cyclists and hikers to watch out for on back nine

Other Thoughts:

Fun course definitely worth checking, check out the odell brewery afterwards only few miles away nice after disc beer and food.
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2 8
Experience: 3 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Best Course in FC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 15, 2017 Played the course:once


Great hole selection. Difficult to earn a birdie. Lots of open space for a variety of lines and throwing styles. Better than any course in the Denver area.


Some water comes into play on a few holes. Course isn't the easiest to walk thru your first time. Take a picture of the course map and you should be fine. Few holes closed for construction. No signs leading you to the next hole. Great course overall

Other Thoughts:

If you can play only one course in FC play this course
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2 5
Experience: 41 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Hard to navigate, decent terrain 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2016 Played the course:once


Very well manicured grass greens in the park area, and very well mowed fields in the open space area.


Incredibly hard to navigate, confusion as to which pins were in play, multiple pins on each hole, misleading signage, and a few tee boxes has some interesting concrete work that could potentially trip a player.

Other Thoughts:

This course could be a lot better with minimal work on navigation signage. Unsure what the unmarked holes by the elementary school are, and the gap between hole 4 and 5 is confusing. one arrow painted on the pin would work wonders.
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2 1
Experience: 12.3 years 9 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Best course in the area
2 Baskets from almost all tee pads(try flipping disc or playing both to choose)
3 new holes in grass area ( grass tee pads, no sign, just have to ask a local)
Every type of throw needed to have a good round
Very clean
Good for all skill levels
Non disc golfers seem to stay out of fairways


Hard to navigate
Busy and backed up during prime time
Print a map or play with a local

Other Thoughts:

I play this course when I visit family and it always seems to be changing for the better. The multiple baskets off one tee pad make for some interesting games that aren't an option at any of the other courses I've played. Still no hole 9 due to construction
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1 2
Experience: 24.4 years 6 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good experience on my vacation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


The course has a nice open layout. The park is clean and the course was fairly easy to follow. The cement tees were nice and a good variety of distances/basket options.


Holes 9&10 were not playable (due to construction). Quite a walk between 4&5.

Other Thoughts:

I have played harder courses and easier ones. I was visiting family in Colorado (I live in NY) and this was an enjoyable course to play. It was the first time for my son and girlfriend to play. The course was friendly and made it a good first experience. I played it twice while there. It was worth a second play.
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5 0
Experience: 9.2 years 5 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

What I think of as "Home". 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


If I have a home course, it's Edora. We're lucky to have a pretty good number of courses within an hour drive here, and I think Edora is the best course I've played thus far. (I'm pretty new, not quite a year golfing, now.) Seems to have a good variety of shots you need to throw, not overly forehand or backhand friendly. There are few wide open, 500' plus holes you'll need a big arm to birdie. Also, there are shorter holes that are more technical, as well as a very technical and long hole 4, if you play the longest pin. It's close to 700' total, with a very narrow double mando, 150'-ish off the tee. We have some elevation changes, but nothing too drastic. It's not a hiking trail, but it will affect how you throw your shots. We recently got a second set of baskets on almost every hole, so you can throw at either the shortest pin, or most holes have at least one longer pin setting that now has a Mach X basket on it. Edora is a very nice park, and most of the course is really well manicured. This is just a very solid course that I'm so happy to be able to play regularly, and I'm really thankful to the folks who bust their butts to keep it up. Thank you so much!


It is a multi-use park right next to an elementary school (and an ice rink, swimming pool, tennis courts, horseshoes, etc.), so look out for non-disc golfers wandering into the fairways. 17 and 18 have crossing fairways with lots of trees both in the fairway and near the tees, so it can be hard to see if people are in the area you'll be throwing in. With the big lift the folks who do a wonderful job keeping the course up had in getting the new pins for us, they haven't been able to get around to the correcting the posts that show the pin placements, standing next to the tees. They are still up on a hole that no longer exists (the old 10, if memory serves), and haven't had placards made for some of the newer holes. As a result, the hole numbering is off. In a perfect world where they had the time, money and help to do it, some work on the tees themselves would be nice. A few of them are broken or different portions of concrete have sunken, making the footing a bit dicey. Also, something on or near the pins that points new players to the next tee would be nice. There are a number of tees that can't be seen from the prior pin, so unless you have a map (easily downloadable in PDF form, I think there's one posted near the first tee, but I seem to remember it being outdated) it can be tough to find your way around. It's populated enough you can usually find a group of locals and follow them, or just ask. Most folks out there are pretty friendly.

Other Thoughts:

We won't be hosting Worlds at any point, most likely, but Edora is a fantastic course. If you don't have fun playing here, disc golf probably isn't your game.
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2 0
Experience: 13 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Disc Golf Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


I really enjoyed playing this course it has something for everyone. This course has a lot of variety. There are long holes, technical holes, a hole on an island, shots along water hazards, as well as shots over water hazards. hole 12 has an "A" and "B" tee pad which I found a fun twist ( I played both). Concrete tee pads, multiple pin placements and well marked holes are also features of this course. All in all I had some great rounds of disc golf.


Nasty Bathroom Facility! Certain times of day the course can be packed. To me however these cons are outweighed by the pros for this course, I play it every time I am in Fort Collins.

Other Thoughts:

The local disc golf shop has maps and is extremely helpful in providing information on all the courses in FC.The course is well groomed and surprisingly there was very little litter.
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1 6
Experience: 11.3 years 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Pretty, well maintained course. Nice amount of trees for Colorado. Variety of holes.


Busy with OTHER activities and folks "in the way". Not the best laid out; hard to follow if you are not familiar. Maps out of date.
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1 6
Experience: 15 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

It's a beauty! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 27, 2014 Played the course:once


- Great layout in this community park
- Nice variety
- Good incorporation of water hazards


- Orientation of a teepad or several is backwards...my playing partner nearly broke an ankle when he slipped off the narrow part as he made a drive on hole 6
- Didn't get to play hole 9 the day I was there (due to city construction)

Other Thoughts:

I love the 16th hole!
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5 3
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A Once Great Course...Now Diminished 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2014 Played the course:once


-Nice concrete tee-pads
-Baskets are in good shape and catch well
-The tee-signs are in good shape. They show a picture of the hole and the distance to each pin position
-Some of the holes force you to throw a variety of shots, and will force you to use a majority of the discs in your bag.
-There is a good variety of distances on this course with holes ranging from around 150 feet to over 650 feet.
-The creek comes into play on several holes
-There are some fun holes on this course. Hole 11 was a lot of fun. It is a tunnel shot that doglegs left, to a basket in a thicket of big trees. Hole 4 was a fun fairly heavily wooded fairway that in its longest position maxes out at about 650 feet.
-There are benches, trashcans, and bathrooms near the course.
-Hole 12 had two tee-pads


-The flow of this course is very confusing at times. There is a long walk between some of the holes. The walk between holes 4 and 5 is a long walk. The same goes for the walk between holes 6 and 7. There are no arrows pointing to the next basket so without a map it is easy to get lost. The flow also gets really weird after hole 15. Hole 17 tee-pad is directly between the basket for 15 and the tee-pad for 16. It is very easy to play hole 17 and skip 16.
We saw several people do this and we ended up playing hole 17 before 16.
-Several hole fairways play really close to each other. Holes 2 and 3 play back and forth near each other. Holes 5 and 6 are very close to each other also. The worst offender of crossing and close fairways are holes 16 and 17. These two holes basically share the same fairway. You can't see the tee-pad for 17 from hole 16 tee-pad and there are definitely safety issues on these holes.
-This course can get very crowded, with the above crossing fairways, this could lead to a lot of dangerous situations. When playing this course keep an eye out for incoming discs.
-The baskets blend in easily with the foliage and can at times be a little hard to see.
-While some of the holes require a variety of shots, there are quite a few holes that are just wide open and not very exciting.
-Hole 6 was a total filler throwaway hole. It is a straight 200 foot hole with no trees or obstacles at all on it. It did have a drop zone, so there may be OB on it, but the OB was not clearly defined so I couldn't tell where it was supposed to be. This is easily one of the most boring holes, I've played in a while.
-While I appreciate the tee-signs, the pictures of the holes sometimes make it really hard to get a good feel for the layout of the holes.
-Parts of the course (especially holes 5, 6, 7, 14 and 15) were getting really overgrown and will definitely need to be mowed during the summer.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is just average. The old layout of Edora park was one of my favorite. This new layout is a little too wide open and doesn't possess the variety and quantity fun holes that the old course did. It's not a terrible course, but it not spectacular either. If you are in the area give it a play, give it a try, but don't go out of way as Edora park is no longer a destination course.
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4 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.2 years 65 played 56 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great New Layout! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2014 Played the course:once


Great concrete tee boxes on this course, though only a few of the monster tees from the old layout remain. Baskets are in good condition and the signage is very good, featuring a photo of the fairway with different pin positions marked. Signage also includes distances for each pin position. Course is clean, with well maintained grass that allows you to get significant distance out of your roller shots. There are a few trashcans in the park to keep things clean. There's plenty of parking, restrooms are on site, and the park has a number of other activities including a skate park, tennis courts, horseshoe pits, multi-use paths, and more. Navigating the course is much easier than the old layout. The course is well designed with a wide variety of shots and has some significant distance on it with well over a mile of fairway in the longest pin positions. Mature trees, a creek, and other OB areas will challenge your game. The designer made the most of the little elevation changes. A few shorter holes make this course an ace hunting spot. Signature holes include the island hole at 5, the long downhill bomb at 6, and risky shots near the creek on 16 and 18.


Baskets are hard to spot. If they had any bright colors on them, it would be easier. There is no way of knowing which pin position the baskets are in from the signage. The signage also contains no par information. There are some safety concerns at this course as well as many holes play close to active railroad tracks, a busy road, and multi-use paths. The course gets crowded too, so it's not a great spot to get a quick round in. It would be nice to see more benches at the tees so you could rest your legs while you're waiting for the group ahead of you.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great place to play, and a real challenge. Most likely the best course in Fort Collins. The new layout is a huge improvement, though it makes me nervous to throw so close to trains, cars, and joggers/cyclists. Nevertheless, they've done a great job with the terrain they had to work with. Definitely a course worth seeking out.
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1 1
Experience: 12.4 years 77 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Much better than the old layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2014 Played the course:once


Still has a couple bomb throws, and a few short throws. The level change is great, especially in the back 9. I've always had a love of the "island hole", and they made that even more fun. It is now away from the main park at most parts. Signage is great as well.


Still a heck of walk half the time to go from hole to hole. The wall to the power plant looks like it would have quite a few discs behind it, especially on a windy day. Some of the tee pads have an unlevel section, it looks intentional... but annoying none the less.

Other Thoughts:

Great course still. I was worried after the new layout, but they really made what they had work.
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2 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 498 played 490 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Incrementally Better 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 13, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-Most popular course in the area and lots of history here
-Lots of other things to do at the park while not interferring too much with the disc golf play. Plenty of free parking, bathrooms, shelters for a picnic, skate park, tennis courts, baseball/softball fields, walking/biking paths, etc.
-Nice new tee signs, this is the biggest improvement that happend during the renovation IMO
-Nice long tees
-Baskets in good shape
-A good variety in distance, a few ace runs and a few long holes but nothing too short or too long to cause frustration or boredom for players of most skill levels
-This park is beautiful and well maintained. The grass is lush and green during the spring and summer.
-You probably won't lose a disc here, the creek is clear enough and shallow enough for retrieval in most instances
-Pretty close to Old Town which includes a wonderful shop that has many discs- The Wright Life. There are also breweries and great eateries all over FTC. I wouldn't come here just for the disc golf but there are plenty of other reasons to come here.


-The navigation is still messed up and always will be. It makes sense once you play it but I like courses that are easy to find your way around. This one you have to cross roads, parking lots, under the tracks, etc to get to the next hole and that isn't always evident. The course is kind of pieced together between 4 different sections of park.
-The layout makes for somewhat long walks. 4-5, 6-7 and 13 to 14 are the ones that I remember most. I would highly recommend printing the map or playing with a local to make sure you find your way around this course properly.
-This is by far the best course within the FTC area and it will be fairly crowded if the weather is nice, especially on weekends.

Other Thoughts:

This park is decent and due to its long history and lack of other good courses nearby, is kind of overrated at times. It is a solid 3 but the layout and business keep me from giving it a higher number. If you can only play one course in town, this is it. Like I said earlier, FTC is a cool town, especially if you are into beer and good food so this can still be a destination of sorts.
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