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Long Beach, CA

El Dorado Park

3.535(based on 59 reviews)
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El Dorado Park reviews

2 0
Experience: 9 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Ol' Eldo 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Easy access course i.e. close to the freeway.
Awesome use of the trees which allows tunnel shots or big hyzers for the power players.
Good use of flags on baskets which are blind.
Relatively friendly local players that are willing to show you around.
Baksets move fairly often


Fairways cross some walkpaths
Low-inventory proshop discs-wise
Slick Slick teepads due to them being surrounded by dirt, so they can get muddy sometimes.
Difficult to navigate the course, i still have trouble sometimes.
In a nice area but there can be some 'punks' around
Gopher holes means watch your step

Other Thoughts:

I have a love/hate for Eldo as i hate the area but enjoy the course, i love that it is probably the most wooded course close to where i live which allows for practicing low tunnel shots. Even though its in apublic park, the park itself is so big the disc golf course usually isn't busy with non-golfers, there are a few walkways but waiting a minute for someone to jog by is not a problem in my eyes. It also moves fairly quick, ive finished rounds in less than 40 min's there.
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1 0
Experience: 13.5 years 10 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Passing through LA 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2012 Played the course:once


Variety of holes. More tightly wooded on the front 9. Some longer holes to bust a good drive on. Fairly easy to navigate, only recall one hole where you needed to walk a ways to the next tee and there were no signs. Appears that they move the holes periodically but there was bare ground around the hole locations (which turned muddy).


It was unexpectedly wet due to freak rain storm (in July?). This made the concrete tees muddy and slippery. Almost biffed it a couple of times. There are tee signs with distances, but they usually had only A-B-C distances but nothing to tell you which hole was in use. Had to guess at most of them based on drawings of the trees relative to the holes. Looked like a lot of transients hang out. Appeared to be a drug deal taking place in the parking lot.

Other Thoughts:

You will always have clueless people in a public park who will wander among the holes. Overall it was fine for a Fri afternoon. I could imagine the course gets busy on the weekend since there seemed to be at least one or more players at every hole on a weekday. No elevation changes to speak of as the park is pretty flat, but the mature trees make it fairly challenging throughout. Locals were cool and offered to let me play through.
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2 1
Experience: 14.6 years 28 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 20, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great course in a great park.

Beautiful, beautiful, old trees dot the course. Well-manicured grass. Easy to jump around in order to skip past large groups, although locals are pretty cool (much better than at Huntington Beach) about letting singles and quick pairs play through.

I love how different the front 9 is from the back 9. The former has a lot of tight tree groupings, with fairly low-hanging branches, while the latter has more of the massive (ash?) trees and is more affected by the wind conditions.

My favorite hole is #4 because it has the tight tree grouping, but with a window just wide enough to squeeze through a drive, if you're accurate.


Not a lot of elevation change, but the course uses the little bit it has well (elevated tees on #13 and #16).

Other Thoughts:

On hole #12, there's an optional pin that permanently sits 723 feet away, if you're inclined to really challenge yourself. When I played the other day, the pin was in the 549 ft location, which is terribly tough for a Par 3, especially considering that the path/road going right down the middle of the fairway is OB and then just to the right of that is a massive tree. To get your drive right of the OB, but under the tree's branches is pretty challenging.

- Holes 15-17 have some pretty bumpy terrian due to wind erosion and the wildlife living underground.
- Holes 7 & 8 are good for practicing rollers.
- Aside from 15-17, it's not too hard to push a stroller here, which I've done multiple times and seen many other dads do.
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0 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 40 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Rolling 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 18, 2012 Played the course:once


-Easy Parking
-Pro Shop
-Friendly Locals
-Well Marked, easy to follow layout
-Shot variety
-Varied hole legnths


-Random people wandering through holes

Other Thoughts:

Really nothing to complain about aside from a few Long Beach bums who decided to camp right in front of one tee box...Really enjoyed the challenge of the holes on the front 9, lots of opportunities to show off my lack of skill at rolling discs. Not really close to my house but will be coming back down for sure.

Also thanks to the tree climbing local that rescued some of our plastic on #8!
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5 0
Experience: 13.6 years 7 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Diverse and Technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 10, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The Disc Golf Course is located around the tennis courts at El Dorado Park in Long Beach (ElDo). This is a well kept course where the baskets are moved regularly to keep the game fresh every time you go.

I enjoy the diversity of the ElDo. The front nine are very technical and will challenge you with heavily wooded areas. The low ceiling trees give the ground rollers a slight advantage on baskets 7 and eight. but I have seen some tomahawk throws over the trees that were very accurate; it is doable. The first basket on the front nine is a short drive, but is also heavily wooded. A low, solid drive RHBH to weave dog-leg left will get the disc in "Birdie" range.

Baskets 3, 4, 5, and 6 play along the Northwest parameter of the park (Studebaker and Spring). These play a bit challenging against some trees and rolling hills. This front nine is in great condition and the trees make for a pleasant hike.

The Back 9 are all about distance and weaving around older thick tree trunks. 10 - 14 are my favorite to play. Watch out for the MONSTER 12. If your feeling ambitious it has a 723ft basket that they keep out there, and they still count it as a par 3 (good luck). The other basket on 12 switches off between 366ft. and 549ft.

I like the "Pro-Shop" here. It does have a wide selection of Innova discs and bags. The DG shop shares space with the racket shop. The guys working the register know more about tennis though.

The bathrooms are in the pro shop and are very clean.


If your just starting out in the sport this is not the best course to play at. After about six months of practice on less technical courses, this would be a good one to stretch you.

Lots of gopher holes. If your not careful walking through the course you might twist an ankle in the plethora of gopher homes. Its like a resort for those rodents; per-verbal Swiss cheese in some areas.

Other Thoughts:

If you want a challenging course to up up game Eldorado is the place to go. Good luck and have fun!
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1 2
Experience: 13.2 years 5 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

fun pace 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


all round great place to play, anything from short to long shots. lots of trees to dodge. one thing that i really love about this place is you can use ever throw from a back hand to a tomahawk. they usually change the baskets about every weeks too witch its nice almost like you got a whole new place to play every weeks


can really think of any. some trees might eat your disc so keep them low!
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2 6
Experience: 14.7 years 31 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

nice park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


OVERALL FUN FACTOR (16% weight) - 4 - A fun course to play and locals all look like they're having fun
COURSE DESIGN (14% weight) - 3 - good use of existing trees and obstacles in the park
SIGNS/MAPS/MARKERS (11% weight) - 3 - Signs were good, but no "next tee" signs pointing to the next hole. A couple were tricky.
TEE PADS (8% weight) - 5 - nice concrete tees
ELEVATION (8% weight) - 4 - the limited hills in the park were used well in the course - one blind hole.
SCENIC BEAUTY (8% weight) - 3 - a nice, well kept city park
BASKETS (5% weight) - 5 - baskets in great shape
DISTANCE VARIETY (5% weight) - 3.5 - nothing super short - but good variety
SHOT VARIETY (5% weight) - 5 - course makes you use FH, BH, rollers, thumbers to do well. A strong point.
FOLIAGE MAINTENANCE (3% weight) - 5 - very well kept and grass mown
MIX OF TIGHT AND OPEN (3% weight) - 3 - a relatively open park, but course makes good use of trees
OVERALL CHALLENGE (3% weight) - 4 - I was expectign it to be easier than it was
PARKING (%g weight) - 5 - plenty of free parking


EPIC HOLES (5% weight) - 2 - no holes stick out as extra exciting
BENCHES / TRASH BINS (3% weight) - 2 - There were benches and trash cans in the park, but not many specific to the disc golf course
CROWDED? (3% weight) - 2 - i played on weekday afternoons and it was crowded even then. Weekends must be rough.

Other Thoughts:

Played with a local DGCR guy - had fun
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3 2
Experience: 23.3 years 14 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My backyard 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 17, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Eldo is a technical course with tall trees and short grass. There are a variety of basket locations for each hole and baskets are moved often. Even though the course is free to play it remains relatively uncrowded aside from a few locals and an occasional beginner group.


Cons? It's hard to think of anything bad about this course.

Other Thoughts:

The course has a few holes with low trees but the short grass gives big skips. A sidearm shot can be very handy here as long as you plan for the skips.
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3 1
Experience: 25.9 years 22 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 21, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


'Eldo' is nice course that is easily walkable due to the flat grassy terrain. The tee pad placement is intuitive and well marked making it easy to navigate the course. There are very few mandatories which makes any route a good route as long as you avoid the O.B. walkways. There are two practice baskets at the beginning of the course and one of them has several markers around it, which makes warm ups a bit more fun. Has a pro shop if you need refreshment or a new disc.


The baskets are a mixture of age, type and condition. The flight path from the first tee crosses a walkway which is frequently used by the local tennis players. Usually windy in the afternoon.

Other Thoughts:

This course does not qualify as great because the course does not offer enough diversity. Every shot is thrown over manicured grass, which is nice but becomes a little boring. The flatness of the course can also become redundant.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 79 played 48 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid 18 Holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 10, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


- Well maintained course in a DG exclusive park.

- Good use of obstacles, mature trees offer a good challenge that force you to chose a tight shot under the trees or a long bomb over the tree line.

- Navigation is easy, signs are well marked.

- The course has a great vibe, you can tell that this course is well loved by the locals. There is always a good turnout however it doesn't get so crowded that you have to wait on every hole.

-There is a great mix of holes offering a great variety of shots depending on the pin positions which are moved regularly. The back 9 offers some open longer holes including the 723' monster hole.

- This is a great course to learn shots that you may not normally need, most importantly a roller. This is a great place to refine your roller skills.

- Tees are in great shape, with bathrooms onsite.


Not a lot to hate about this course. It is very flat however they make use of any available elevation change.

Some holes can be a bit short depending on the pin position, especially in the front.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course and is definitely worth the trip if you are in the area. It is unique to other courses in the area with the trees that force either accurate low shots or huge throws over the top.

It is an all around fun course that offers a decent challenge but remains relatively forgiving.
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3 4
Experience: 16.3 years 7 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 5, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


nice map of course in the tennis shop, good mix of hole distances, some really long, easy parking well maintained


alot of people playing in large groups, really really close to the street on a few holes, some trees thank make shots a little harder then needed, layout confusing even with map,

Other Thoughts:

only played once, wont go out of my way to go back but if in the area with my disc would def stop by and play some holes, most players seem to be beginers
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Eldo 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2010 Played the course:once


- El Dorado's park-style course plays alongside other park amenities such as tennis courts. The course is mostly grassy with mature trees throughout providing obstacles. A few mandatories further complicate matters.
- Alternative pin positions switch up holes from short, medium, and long placements and often drastically change the feel of any given hole. El Dorado is usually set up in a mix of half short, half long, although they are sometimes set all long or all short (they were all short during my round). Some of the long positions looked positively daunting for all but the biggest of arms.
- A decent mix of slightly more technical holes (requiring accuracy) and longer open holes (requiring distance).
- Brushed concrete tees in mostly great shape.
- Good signage w/ all pin positions listed (sometimes slightly inaccurate or misrepresentative but otherwise stellar).
- Decent flow despite being crammed into a smallish multi-use park area.
- Two practice baskets near hole one.
- Benches, trashcans, bathrooms, and water fountains throughout the layout. Tennis shop sells drinks and has clean bathrooms.
- This course is almost as flat as they thought the world to be in the 14th century, but the few rises in elevation are implemented to decent effect.


- El Dorado can get crowded. Expect to be backed up on busy days.
- A few holes seem to crowd each other. Watch out for errant discs from other holes.
- Very little risk/reward (especially for the shorter pins). Not much here to force risky, high-reward shots.

Other Thoughts:

- Not the flashiest or most challenging of courses (especially with all pins short) but a very solid option for locals. Don't go out of your way to play here, but if you are in the area, El Dorado can easily satisfy the urge to disc. With the large trees and grassy fairways, the vibe El Dorado gives off is that of a bustling city course that does its best to give the illusion of playing in the country. It largely succeeds.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 14, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a nice socal park with grassy fairways and scattered trees. There are a couple small elevation changes and they're used as much as possible to add some interest to the course. The trees aren't all that dense, but they're used well to make a nice variety of hole shapes, with several good ow ceiling shots that force accurate drives. There is a nice variety of lengths on the course, from ace runs to a nice 700 footer with an alternate shorter basket if you don't want to play the long one.

The tees are concrete and in good shape, with plenty of room to throw. Most of the tee signs are there and show hole length and layout. The baskets are different on the front and back 9s, and both sets are showing their age, but all catch fine. There's a nice practice area by the parking lot.


The park is very flat, with very similar terrain and foliage throughout, so it feels a bit repetitive despite the variety of hole shapes. A lot of the holes play through scattered enough trees that there are lots of possible routes, which takes a little away from the difficulty when an easy hyzer route is often present.

There are a few spots when you have to walk back down the fairway you just played to get to the next tee, which is a little bit of a hassle on a busy day. There are some holes that play pretty close to roads, sidewalks, and other park uses, which could make for some safety issues at times.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice park course, but has a bit of a repetitive feel. It's accessible for beginners with no real rough, though there is some length. More experienced players won't find too many real challenges, but it's not just a pitch n putt and has some nice holes. If you're in the area, this one's a good stop worth your time.
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3 7
Derred Scheperle
Experience: 14.4 years 97 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The hole get moved every seven days so you cant ever get used to it. This course is great for all ranges of players. Its well groomed and allways fun to play..


The first tee is really close to the parking lot. and there are a lot of people that travel from the parking to the pro shop..

Other Thoughts:

This is one of the best courses iv ever played..
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7 1
Experience: 14.6 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 10, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Cement tees on every hole
-free to play
-well maintained grounds
-good use of trees and the slight elevation that was there
-Decent signs at every tee
-Fairly easy to navigate and manage.
Great use of space
fun course


-people picknicking on the course
-hole 18 runs right along a baseball diamond, and can be a bit crowded if there's a game
-some holes run just to the right of the street which can be tough
-not much elevational changes
-distance for pins on signs isn't very accurate
-can be crowded

Other Thoughts:

the course can be fun if there's not a lot of other distractions happening, which when i played, there were tons: pedestrians, picknickers, baseball players, slow large groups...

just get there early enough to play a quiet round without all the foot traffic.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.8 years 288 played 154 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Another pretty So.Cal park setting for a course. El Dorado is large park with a dedicated disc golf portion which generally limits interference from non-disc golfers. Double chain baskets in good condition despite two different styles on the first nine vs. the second nine. Only minor elevation in play but a nice mixture of lefty vs. righty holes and lots of opportunities for throwing over or under trees. Typically three pin positions available on most holes, which are occasionally rotated. Practice basket available before hole #1. Concrete tee pads in good condition. Course pretty much loops back to the starting point between the first nine and second nine.


Bad posted distances... a lot of the holes were waaay off the posted distances when I laser measured them. The baseball field that borders hole #18 could lead to some interference if there's a big crowd watching the [baseball] game. Course flow is a little bit awkward with backtracking from basket to next tee box.

Other Thoughts:

Shout out to Dave Perry for the excellent guided tour of the course. The 723' pin position on the long hole always has a basket there in addition to the other pin position. El Dorado suffers from a similar problem that La Mirada has: it's very easy to card a lot of 3's here. A bad tee shot can be made up for with a decent upshot to still give you a nice putt for 3. I can see this course growing on me over time with the challenge being how far under 54 can you get. It reminds me a lot of a better version of Agnes Moffitt in Houston.
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9 0
Experience: 20.3 years 50 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Eldo=Good times 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Moved to Cali and Eldo was about 10 minutes away...Was very happy this course was so close

-Fun and challenging pin positions...
-Great use of trees when placing baskets...pin positions add a great challenge
-Lots of trees provide plenty of shade on a hot afternoon...
-Course flowed very well...was able to follow without any help from the locals
-GRASS to walk on!!!!!!


-Pretty flat course...Not much elevation to speak of
-Park can get pretty busy at times as there are lots of things non-disc golfers can do in the park
-Some of the fairways play parallel to each other...must be alert of others playing nearby

Other Thoughts:

Well thought out course for the land they had to use...
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15 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

I Got A Globe In One! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2010 Played the course:once


I guess this is one of the icon courses in SoCal. This is just a very comfortable place to throw. Unlike many of the LA area courses, there doesn't seem to be a problem with large groups of picnickers taking over a fairway. The course flows very well. I was able to follow groups ahead of me. There is a very limited amount of elevation which is used to the max. The course is long enough for big arms to enjoy but yet incorporates just about throw you might have, especially rollers. It's a lovely grassy park. The pads are fine and it's well signed. The course loops around the tennis courts and back. The front nine plays entirely to the left of the path, that made navigation easy to understand. There seems to be quite the local scene here. The ones I met were friendly.


Not much really. The course is set up to really utilize the limited elevation, the trees, the street, the courts, and the light poles..See Other Thoughts! I could see a large crowd at the ballfield affecting tee-offs on # 18.

Other Thoughts:

Teeing off on # 17 next to the tennis courts, I yanked my drive high and straight (this throw shows what a mediocre player I am) directly heading toward the 20-25'' high light standard which has an old fashioned looking globe at the top. I guess this pole is 100 ' from the pad. This globe is probably two feet high. To my dismay, my favorite driver slammed directly into the globe. Then to my complete and utter amazement, it didn't come down. Holy shit I say! I think I'm the first player in the long and storied history of this course to stick my errant drive into this globe. As I walk up and examine the globe, I see a white disc and another one stuck in there. The globe has a crack across the front and I see it's possible to lodge one in there.

So now whenever you tee off on El Dorado # 17, my favorite yellow Roadrunner will be watching down on you. I like to think it's up there in El Dorado Disc Golf Heaven!
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10 0
Mark R
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 118 played 90 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 20, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Highly efficient course layout squeezes every available elevation change out of a fairly flat area. Moderately wooded course with some fun midrange and longer drives, as well as a couple of crush opportunities. Cement tee pads on all holes, with signs posted on nearly every hole. Rotated pin placements. Generally easy to navigate, a big plus. The few existing mandys don't seriously detract from the fun factor. Pro shop with a small selection of discs and refreshments. Liquor store at 'Hole 3.5' provides a convenient place to 'resupply', though the park doesn't allow beer. Hole 7 is the signature hole, with a long, straight fairway, no mandys and just enough tree obstacles to make it a challenging low-trajectory shot. (for a minute, you think you are at a more remote course). Hole 13 is another, with the highest elevated tee on the course. Two practice baskets to cure 'non-putting'. Locals with great skills who aren't 'dicks'.


Shares some urban course limitations with LaMirada, such as nearby busy streets, baseball fields and limited resources. No real stunning holes on par with Coyote Point, or even LaMirada's back 18. Some baskets are old and eject usually good enough putts. Wet grass and mud after rains.

Other Thoughts:

Not a destination course, but definitely one to consider if you are in the area. Also check out the nice tennis courts, which stay open until 9:30 and rent out rackets. Staff at the Pro Shop was courteous and happy to answer questions.
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13 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.8 years 23 played 19 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Well Manicured and Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 13, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


• Disc Golf Exclusive area - everyone is aware on the course
• Well manicured grass and trees
• Good variety of distance in holes - one that plays to 700'
• Excellent use of elevation change - there isn't much but it is used to the fullest extent
• Good use of obstacles, including one small building that looks like a rebel base from Return of the Jedi (Hole # 6)
• Plenty of low ceiling shots with large trees all over the park
• Great local scene, and everyone is very friendly
• Nice tee signs
• Centrally located and freeway close


• Baseball fields can interfere with the final few holes
• Pretty much flat, with limited elevation change
• Course flow isn't always intuitive - there are a few "walkbacks"
• The 700 foot hole is kind of like a monster truck... Some are OK with it but it is a bit excessive.

Other Thoughts:

El Dorado (or more commonly "Eldo") is a great L.A. area course that is easy to get to, and has a thriving local scene. Many proudly consider this their home course, and rightly so - it has history and beauty behind it. There is plenty of variety in angles, with both lefties and righties feeling right at home on the course.

Eldo is also a great Roller course, as several of the holes play very long coupled with a low tree ceiling. It is challenging when you need to air it out to get distance, but can't let your disc rise more than 15 feet or it will get eaten by the trees. Plenty of times I have gone into a game on this course thinking how easy the course was, and then was surprised how far over par I ended up.

The only real serious con here is the limited elevation change - it is a rather flat park. However, there are a few holes near the end of the course (especially # 15) that make use of a few sparse hills in the back part of the park. This course really isn't my cup of tea as I like more up and down and also more secluded - it is close to a few busy streets and definitely has a city feel. However, this course has a fantastic design and makes good use of the hand it was dealt with the park terrain. Highly recommended if you are playing the L.A. area, but I don't think this course is on the same level with La Mirada which is about 20 minutes away.
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