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Elizabethtown, PA

Elizabethtown College - Old Layout

1.875(based on 15 reviews)
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Elizabethtown College - Old Layout reviews

4 1
Experience: 5.4 years 81 played 9 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Still "there" but not quite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2020 Played the course:once


Some teepad signs are still visible?


This course has been crushed by other reviewer's mention of construction. I went today since the construction was two years ago and I wanted the course to be available. They've paved over a few of the holes to create additional parking. Holes 3, 5, 6, and possibly 18 are all missing, as their locale is now a parking lot. No maintenance or upkeep is happening - hole four still exists, but 2-4 years(!) of downed trees and limbs put the basket in a tough spot - the floor of these limbs with greens growing out of them is maybe twelve inches below the pan.

Other Thoughts:

The atmosphere was great and the setting was beautiful. I could see remnants of the old course (teeing off small hills/bluffs, the scenery, etc.) However, it is long overdue for upkeep or possibly pin transfer to a new location due to the construction and parking lot install. I'm writing a review to let local clubs know - Elizabethtown is still there, and 14 pins (in EXCELLENT condition) is a great start for a new course or a revamp of this one.
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4 0
Experience: 10.3 years 59 played 12 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Quiet walk in the woods 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 6, 2016 Played the course:once


A couple shots worth throwing. I'd say holes #4, #7, and #8 the more enjoyable holes from a coolness and challenge perspective.

Hole 7 was by far the best hole. Its a tee shot from an elevated area (you have to back track from basket 6), and you have to thread a few trees coming out into an alley towards the basket on a hill. The basket has a fallen tree in front of it, which acts as a guardian tree a bit.

The woods area is really peaceful, and the trails are nice. Can also get a round in super fast due to course length.

I think all the tees did have signs, but they were either illegible (fade from sun) or not on the pole any more. Some of the baskets had a "next tee" arrow, which was helpful.


Obviously a major con is hole length. Way too many tee shots under 200 ft. Most tee shots for me were with a putter or mid range.

Tee boxes were dirt and not clear as to where to throw. Tee signs were faded and unusable.

Good amount of thorns in most of the course.

Fairways cross quite a bit. I was the only one on the course, so it didn't matter.

Other Thoughts:

From the other reviews, going into it I knew there would be short holes and confusion getting to the next hole. This is true. So I came into it not expecting much. All in all, it was a nice hike in the woods.

Going from basket 5 to tee 6 was not obvious. You actually have to walk hole 16 almost to the basket to get to tee 6.
Going from basket 7 to tee 8 was not obvious. There is a next tee arrow on 7, but you walk past #10 tee first; #8 tee sign is knocked down and laying along side the semi-paved road.
At hole 7/8, I'd say the course starts to flow more without much backtracking. You have to back track from hole 14 to 15, where 15 tee box shares the same space as 7 tee box. As others have noted, 6, 15, 16 fairways all cross.
Basket 17 says the 18 tee box is in the opposite direction of where it actually is. And the 18 tee box took some searching. Once found, I couldn't find the 18 basket, so I just gave up and headed back to the car.

In case anyone who can change the course reads this post: The property is nice. I'm not sure how much land is actually available to play. Having an 18 hole course is obviously a plus, but I could see the course getting more play if it was a longer 9 hole (to start out). I'd look at combining a couple of the 130-150 ft holes if they are back to back (e.g., 13-14, 5-16), and maybe eliminate holes 1, 2, and 3.

Bottom line: If you're in the area, its barely worth a stop if you have the time. Don't think I'll be going back though.
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4 0
Experience: 9.2 years 35 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

E-town College course guide 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 5, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Some fun short shots if you are not too picky about nice conditions and long distance. Many holes have good shade in the summer. Grass areas nicely mowed. All 3 times I was here the course was quiet and peaceful.


Like the other reviews state it's an older course that needs some work. If it is your first time here some of the tees/holes will take a bit of extra walking to find.
Some holes will require you to find a landing spot before teeing off to avoid losing your disc. Many baskets not visible from tee, but only a problem the first time you play here.

Other Thoughts:

Detailed guide for playing the course

Tees- directions to the next tee start from the last basket played to the next hole's sign location (some signs are missing). When i start my directions with "turn around" or "turn left" it is based on standing and facing the basket you just finished (as if you had made a perfect shot from that basket's tee) and starting from there to the next tee/sign.
The signs are small and white, only about 3-4' high and the photocopied pictures are mostly faded or destroyed so i have directions for the fairway (main path to the basket) and the basket location (for many holes the basket is not visible from the tee, a walk up may be needed before throwing your tee shot; some baskets will be visible from the tee after you play the course a few times).
Holes that may require finding a landing area to avoid losing a disc when teeing off: #5, #13, #16.

The open grass area (accessed from the end of Cherry St) is a great spot for local beginners, family's and kids to learn and practice at holes 8-12. Easy to walk or ride bike to this area without having to drive around through the campus to park.

Section 1: next to the tennis courts

#1- See 'directions to course' info on main page. You will need to find out if entering the college campus and parking by the tennis courts is allowed by guests, otherwise see alternate parking (end of Cherry St) info at bottom.
#2- go straight ahead from #1 basket to #2 sign, fairway is a dogleg right, basket located between the trees and the dorm building (basket not visible from tee)
#3- turn around (180 degrees) and head back towards the closest corner of the tennis courts to sign, fairway is straight (between tennis courts on left and trees on right), basket is on right in trees

Section 2: large overgrown oval area in the middle of the course, surrounded by 1.the abandoned road (bottom) 2. large steep embankment/hill (top) 3.small open circular grass area (left) 4. large open grass area that has some large open spaced trees (right)

#4- walk small dirt path thru trees to overgrown abandoned road (opposite diagonal direction from tennis courts), turn right a few steps to sign, fairway is straight ahead 210 feet (follows road), basket left after last tree (may only be visible if you walk about halfway up the road)
#5- left on little dirt path about 50 feet to sign, fairway is thru the trees paralleling the left side of the dirt path, top of basket has an extended white round #5 sign that is just barely visible from the tee area (a walk-up to the basket and landing areas will be needed the first time you play this hole to avoid losing your disc)
#6- standing at basket #5 look up and slightly right to the small open grass area, the tee for number 6 is on the other side. (holes #6, #15 and #16 all crisscross)
continue on dirt path from #5 basket, then right turn up little dirt trail into open grass area (you will pass #15 basket on left and the sign for #16 on right), when you are in the middle of that open area stop to look right- the basket is located off to your right (about 2 o'clock) down a dirt path against the steep hill (basket may not be visible unless you walk over) and the tee is off to your left (11 o'clock), continue across the open area to the #6 sign (it's on the right before you get to the #16 basket which is well hidden behind a tree), fairway is left curve back across the open grass area
#6- alternate directions: if you find the #16 sign, it is almost a straight shot to the #16 basket, and the #6 tee is on the right before that basket
#7- turn back around from #6 basket to walk up dirt path you just played down, then immediately right up steep dirt path to the sign (the #15 tee sign is also here, shooting across the open grass area), tee is a steep drop shot thru tall trees, fairway is thru the trees parallel to the embankment on the left and the overgrown area to the right, basket is at the end of the embankment about 50 feet up on a small elevated area (basket probably not visible the first time you are here- landing a disc left of path on the embankment is easier to find than landing right in the overgrown area)

Section 3: large open grass area with some large nicely spaced trees (this section can be accessed easily by parking in the circular area at the end of Cherry St and walking past the chain gate)

#8- (no sign or clear definition of where the tee originally was) take dirt path to right of #7 basket (not straight out to open area) back to overgrown road past basket #4 and turn left, teeing off where the paved surface fades into grass is about 350', fairway is thru grass/open area to other end, basket is difficult to see but is right against the tree line about 75 feet left and slightly uphill of the chain gate in the far right corner
#9- left from #8 basket along tree line about 75 feet to sign, fairway shoots back across open area going through many large trees, basket cannot be seen from tee but is directly behind the large triple tree which is past two other large trees
#10- continue straight past #9 basket toward tree line walking only about 15 feet and stop in the open grass (straight ahead looks into the area where holes #5 and #7 are), you are now in the #10 fairway, basket is slightly uphill to your right, tee is to your left down a path to the sign, fairway is a left curve up a slight rise
#11- turn back around for #11 tee sign, fairway curves right, basket not visible from tee but is just around the curve
#12- turn to your left from #11 basket, walk thru trees to #12 sign, fairway is a left curve, basket not visible from tee but is at end of the curve in open tree area

Section 4: wooded area on the embankment/hill (holes go up and over the hill, connected by a thin dirt trail) and the small open circular grass area for #15 basket and #16 tee (this is also the #6 hole area)

#13- straight on path to sign, hole is a steep uphill shot with a slight right curve at the top, basket on right past overgrowth (not visible from the bottom)
#14- up to top of embankment to sign, fairway shoots slightly down, basket visible from tee (do not throw too far right on this hole)
#15- straight a few steps then take left down dirt path to sign (back to location of #7 tee), fairway is a steep drop thru the open area to basket at other end of open area against the tree line (you passed the #15 basket when walking to tee #6), basket may be visible if you stand right of the tee
#16- turn to you left to see the sign 30 feet away, fairway is across the open area, basket is past the #6 tee and is well hidden behind a tree (avoid landing right in overgrown area)
#17- dirt path is overgrown so take sand/dirt road straight out from #16 basket to 'T' intersection and stop here, look left down road for basket hidden behind two trees, then turn right and walk about 100 feet down road to tee area
#18- (a made up hole, no #18 basket currently on the course) turn back around from #17 basket and head down sand road into stone road towards brush dumping/tanbark area on right, throw from somewhere on the paved surface to basket #3 located in trees, a left curve shot (basket #3 was the hole which ran closely along the tennis courts into the trees)

Alternate parking (start at hole #9)- If parking access to the E-town campus is off limits and you can't park close to hole #1 or the tennis courts:
Take Cherry St from S.Market St (Rt 230) to where it ends in a circle. Walk past chain gate into open grass area, turn immediately right and walk along tree line past #8 basket to #9 tee sign.
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1 1
Experience: 10.2 years 5 played 2 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2014 Played the course:once


Good starter/practice course.


I don't know if it might be because school isn't in session, but this course was severly unmaintained. Tees missing hole numbers, layouts, and directions to next tee. Maybe when the college season comes back into play these may be fixed, but if not be prepared to walk around trying to find the next tee, or obtain a course map.
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2 3
Experience: 11.3 years 6 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Descent Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 2, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


I enjoyed the tight, wooded lines with some risk reward holes. A really good place to practice approach shots. I was able to navigate fairly well.


The last time I played there was no 18th basket. A little swampy the last time I played due to the rain that accompanied before I played. Could have used some cleaning up. Too short for my liking.

Other Thoughts:

An 18th basket would make it worthwhile to come back as this course used to be one I went to quite a bit.
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3 4
Experience: 14.3 years 70 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2011 Played the course:once


fun course. good signs that "help" u with were the basket is located. most holes have some type of trees but still lanes 2 throw


needs some maintence. clear some tree debris. better markers at basket 2 help get u 2 the next tee. playing with a small group is fine but if their are other on coure u will have to pay attention for discs because the tee boxes and fairways are close and cross sometimes

Other Thoughts:

TAKE BUG SPRAY. then dump it on u. my friends and i were attacked by mosquitos. they stung through the clothing. LOOK OUT.
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
2.00 star(s)

I gotBushwacked! :( 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2011 Played the course:once


A serviceable course for working on technical lines and approaches. There actually are a few longer holes such as #8 that is 350 but slightly uphill with a low initial ceiling so it plays longer. Also there are a few interesting lines to discover here as well as some really fun shots such as Hole #7 downhill through a mature forest canopy. I enjoyed the mix of flex shots, overhands, anhyzers, true hyzers, and even the simpler ace runs if you included the oob pavements into those shots. A perfect backyard practice type course as it will never be busy and has a low stress feel once you are in the woods 4-18. A good course to restore your confidence as par is definetely attainable. No one bothered me despite me obviously not being a student at the college. Signage was a help at the tee pads.


Plenty of things keep this course from reaching it's potential. It has a sloppy feel to it. That is lots of downed trees and large branches run amok in the fairways in the woods. These are to the point of making walking hazzardous. I typically don't mention these things but these are obviously more than a few yrs old and not just recent ice storm deadfall. Holes 1-3 play near campus walkways and buildings and although fun simple shots either lend themselves to danger or distraction with conflicts ever present during certain times. Several holes intersect one another or play close to other holes....crazy layout which gets confusing even for a veteran disc golfer who "thinks he can sniff out a layout" by instinct. I missed hole 15 and played 16 as hole 6 accidently. There still is no hole 18 as of April Fools Day 2011. My biggest peeve were the bush holes 9,10,11,and 12. Great hole shapes but unfortunately the fairways were defined by bushes and younger trees with their expansive foliage in the presumed throwing lanes. Bummer! Lots of blind holes , which is fun but given the bushiness and cramped feel of the course you could potentially lose a disc or hit someone. So despite the interesting little holes I got frustrated by disc retrievals, wandering, and feeling a bit cramped to begin the day on the initial campus holes.

Other Thoughts:

My title rflects the bushy foliage that spoiled my mood and the wacky layout that got me frustrated.
It seems to be the fate of many campus courses. A few students dream it up and get the course installed and then they graduate or lose interest and the course falls into a state of decay. I'm not sure the story here but it seems to be the case based on evidence here.
I really felt like this was like somebody's backyard course as it has many intersecting walks and fairways and no true tee pads but has some really fun little shots mixing woods and open spaces well. I would bet if this were a pvt course it would get bumped up in the ratings but in reality its on a college campus and safety concerns and navigation are important.
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4 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2010 Played the course:once


-Baskets are in good shape.
-All but the first two holes are away from the college campus.
-Has several elevated tees.
-Tees have pictures of the hole and arrows pointing in the direction of play.
-Several ace-able holes. (came close once)


-Hole six tee box is very hard to find and not well marked.
-We couldn't find hole 18's basket.
-Grounds didn't seem very well kept.
-Tee pads were gravel, part of a walkway, or non-existant

Other Thoughts:

Overall we did enjoy this course, but were annoyed about not being able to play all 18 holes. If you are from Lancaster County and are looking for a change of pace from your regular course, this is a nice option.
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2 3
Experience: 14.3 years 8 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Recently Improved? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2010 Played the course:once


Signs are excellent. Have distance and direction of pin. Also arrows on baskets point the way to next tee. Good mix of right and left turns.


Mostly short holes. No concrete tees. A few areas a little difficult to navigate.

Other Thoughts:

This is certainly not a destination type course but worth the time if you are in the area. I'm wondering if work has been done on it because the signs all seem very new.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Approach-less 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2010 Played the course:once


Tee signs with number, distance, and flightpath information. Arrows on bottom of basket indicating direction of next tee. Even blend of left/right turns needed off the tee. Plenty of chances to tee-off with mids/fairway drivers, then putt.


Tee signs' orientation not consistent - sometimes they are in front, sometime they are to the side. Tees are whatever random surface happens to be available. Having a small clearing shared by three holes (6,15,16) not ideal, as is still having no basket for #18. Lots of brush, tall grass, and ankle-high plant-life means a high chance of disc loss.

Other Thoughts:

Don't let the miniature-golf aspect of hole #1 (wide-open, straight, 135') turn you off - the course does get better, making the most of the small bit of land available to it, which consists of the edge of the campus, a tiny clearing, a patch of woods, a small meadow with scattered trees, and a short tree-filled ridge. With 1/3rd of the holes under 200' and 3/4ths under 275', you'll have plenty of opportunity to work on finesse drives and then putts, but little-to-no opportunity to grip-n-rip or make approach shots.

Navigation: After finishing #5, walk past the basket, up the slope (carefully - lots of broken pipes and mini-sinkholes), through the trees/brush to reach tee #16. To your left is basket #15. Across the clearing is a sign - that's where tee #6 is, with basket #16 behind it and to the left. To you right and up the ridge is tee #7/#15, and hard to the right and in the woods is basket #6. So, walk across, and play #6 (a hard double-left turn), then either scramble up the steep ridge to your left for tee #7, or re-trace your steps a bit and walk up a more gradual incline to reach the tee. Also, when finishing #14, don't keep walking straight, or you'll find tee #17! Instead, re-trace your steps a bit, then turn right, to find tee #15 (same spot as #7).

Favourite hole #7: One of the longer holes at over 300' and one of the few holes with elevation change, you need to throw a down/cross left-turning shot, avoiding a smattering of large trees early, then running straight towards the basket located at the end of a narrowing opening.

A few ace and many birdie opportunities, if that's your muse! Polar opposite to Red Land High School, just about ½ hour away.
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6 0
Joe Hollywood
Experience: 15.3 years 55 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

E-Town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 26, 2009 Played the course:once


Varying shots to the left and right. Technique needed for much of this course. Some holes go through woods and some are open shots. Several blind shots make it interesting.


No tee off boxes. The course gets a little confusing at times crossing over itself. Hole 18 is missing. Course could use some landscaping and grooming.

Other Thoughts:

A decent course for college students to have close by but isn't much to look at. Would be nice if they put some time into making it look a little nicer, by cleaning up the brush and doing something to cheer it up.
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4 3
Experience: 16.9 years 1 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


- Lots of left and right placed holes with some elevation change.

- Short course but technical.


- Missing basket 18
- the signs do not show the pars.

Other Thoughts:

Would be nice to have actual tee boxes concrete or pads.
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4 3
Experience: 17.3 years 14 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Tight, teaches course managment, need to stay online, different throws need to score good.


layout doesn't flow, torns eveywhere

Other Thoughts:

Need someone to donate the 18 basket!
Play from basket 16 to basket 3 finish your round.
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2 4
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Bad Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2009 Played the course:once


Difficult throws in the woods which makes you rely on your short skills rather than your hucking.


Poison ivy everywhere. Looks like it hasn't been played in 15 years. No pars and the holes are really hard to find, espically hole 6.

Other Thoughts:

They need to clear out the poison ivy more and just clear out the brush aswell. Need to see the pars aswell.
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9 0
Experience: 17.3 years 24 played 21 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Etown college 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 13, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


-Uses a variety of throws and discs
-Well thought out course through the woods
-Not a lot of traffic and course is almost all separate from school grounds except for the first 2 holes.
-The course has pictures on each tee showing where the basket is with arrows and distance.
-Baskets are in great shape


-never even found basket number 18
-although it's being maintained, better ground keeping would make the course nicer as there are a lot of high brush areas on the course.
-Not very challenging...the most challenging part is that there are some places on the course where there should just be a few more trees cut down to make it more realistic.
-A couple of the holes cris-cross over each other so if there were multiple people on the course, you would need to look out for other discs.

Other Thoughts:

This a very short course where you can have a chance at an ace on at least 5 holes. I shot a par today 8-12-09, and that was because I had two bad holes. A confusing hole to find is number 6...After you are done with hole 5, walk up to the 16th tee behind basket 5, and walk towards the 16th basket and that's where tee #6 is. Also, when you are done with number 7, 8's tee is all the way back by #4's basket heading out into the field. This course has some spots where you seriously need to have someone spot your disc since there are a few blind holes. This course has a good amount of shot selection as there are a couple of really short par 3's, under 150 feet that involve a hyzer or two. This course could actually be a pretty neat course if everything gets cleaned out properly. The lay out has a couple of elevation changes that make for neat holes to play.
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