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Brunswick, ME

Enman Field - Beauty

2.435(based on 7 reviews)
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Enman Field - Beauty reviews

3 0
Experience: 21.4 years 49 played 10 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Did Not Finish 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2018 Played the course:once


There were maps, concrete tee pads, and baskets. Looks like it once was a great course.


There's a bunch of junk lining the entrance into the parking lot which made it feel very strange and univiting. The clubhouse is boarded up and the whole course is in disrepair. The layout was open and fairly basic. The course hadn't been maintained for some time. The terrain was waterlogged and in need of drainage.

Other Thoughts:

Disclaimer: I could not finish it was so aweful.
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2 2
Experience: 31.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
1.00 star(s)

poorly maintained 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2014 Played the course:once


Used to be a destination. Located near other much nicer courses.


Property has been let go. Both Beauty and Beast (now only nine holes) are poorly maintained and marked. Pro shop is shabby, management reluctant to acknowledge deficiencies.

Other Thoughts:

Don't waste your time here. Within 30 minutes of much more playable and inviting Ackers and Sabbatus courses. Shame because before it was reconfigured and let go to seed it was worth playing.
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2 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2014 Played the course:once


It's definitely a rec course, but it is a good one. There are twenty seven holes on Beauty now, and nothing that should overly tax a new player. There are some really good holes here with a semi-wooded feel that really represent what is good about disc golf, if on a smaller, and easier scale.
It really is a Beauty, too. There is really strong aesthetic quality to most of this course. It has a wooded glade feel with grass even between the trees and enough space amidst the canopy. For light to shine through. It's a nice place to play.
It's also very well suited for newer players. (Presumably, the other course on site caters to those who are a bit more advanced,) It's got some open holes for them to watch flights on. It's got plenty of woods and though the fairways are more than generous, rookies will be able to attempt to shape flights to match the fairways on a good many of them.


There are some real duds here. After holes one and two I was close to walking away. I'm glad I didn't but there's a bunch here that are both short and completely lacking in obstacles. I recognize who the course is intended for but that doesn't mean that a bunch of the holes here aren't boring. It is possible to play just eighteen on a smaller loop but that loops cuts out some of the good stuff and maintains all of the bland holes. A better way would be to start on 3 and play 25, or 3-25 would leave you with an odd number and not too long of a walk back but eliminate wasting time on some of the most egregious filler.
Other than that, elevation changes are minimal. There is not much to challenge even an intermediate player. There are no signature holes of any note. Tees are nicely done in cement but on the small side. Many will be tempted to stand and deliver on them. Experienced players may find them all that is required for holes of these lengths, but new players may be working on their run ups and prefer a full-sized pad even here.
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1 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

27 holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Well designed and layed out. Friendly staff. Its usally not crowded. Good course for beginers and easily played by kids.


Maintance is not what it used to be. Tall grass everywhere. Lots of dead branches hanging just waiting to fall. Picnic tables are pretty well carved up and gross. Drainage issuses all over the course.

Other Thoughts:

This course now has 27 holes. You can play all 27 or play till 14 the switch to 24 as the tees are back to back.
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6 0
Experience: 21.3 years 16 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great for people with a decent sidearm shot 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 24, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


This course is probably one of the oldest establishments for disc golf in the state of Maine. I started playing here in middle school and still make it down whenever i'm in the area and have time for a game.

This course has a lot of left to right swinging fairways which gives you a lot of good shots if your a sidearm player. I myself am a RHBH player and have to put a lot of anhyzer on my shots to get under on most of the holes.

The layout of the course is fantastic, making a player tap into a lot of shots and use a lot of different discs while playing, there is one hole on the back 9, hole 11 which you seem to be throwing your disc right into thick set of skinny trees, a great tomahawk or thumber hole depending on the approach you want to take to the basket.

Theres also plenty of holes to get some decent drives on including holes 1,3,10 and 18; there are also a lot of tighter long fairway shots that if you hit just right with some finesse you could eagle or birdie no problem including holes 4,5,6,7, and 9. As you can see the front nine can get tight and technical but an experienced play should have no problem taking this course down. Like I said I have played here since I was a kid and I don't get out here more then half a dozen times in the year and always average at least a -10.


Course layout has changed a bit in the past few years, but remained relatively unchanged for a decade, so thats a pro and con depending how many times you have played this course.

There are some drainage problems on the front 9 since there is a stream that flows through the course as you zig zag back and forth across it on the front 9. As far as the front 9 though, I would just worry about the large pockets of ferns to the right of the course as you get closer to the back nine, its very swampy and hard to find any color disc as the over growth is thick in summer.

As far as the back 9 goes, concerns I have aren't many its relatively wooded and they have started to add new wood chips to the holes to take care of any mud. This is something they have been negligent about for a few years; this wrong has been corrected and it shows. Sometimes in summer time the back nine holes 16-18 can get some high grass and it wont be cut for a week or more at times causing a lot of drag on discs thrown to low or thrown on a hyzer.

Overall the course is fairly nice and well taken care of, these are just things I have noticed from years of playing at Enman Field.

Other Thoughts:

Until recent years the courses layout has been pretty much the same, having said in the last two years they have been tweaking a few things. So if you haven't played here in a years you might not remember the exact layout of the course but don't worry, for the most part there haven't been many changes besides the addition and subtraction of a few holes, i'll explain.

The past few years they tried to redesign a few holes as I just stated so the original hole one along the club house is gone, hole 2 is now hole one and as I said holes 3-4 have been added. They were also trying to expand and add more holes into the beauty, a hole A and a hole B, which you could opt out of playing if you didnt feel up to it, or just wanted the normal 18 score. With holes A and B the course became a 20 hole course; Since then holes A and B have been taken away and the format of the course has been returned to normal.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 82 played 50 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Wish I had played the Beast instead... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2009 Played the course:once


This course, which is one of two on this private property, is well-thought out and has nice baskets, tees, numerous rubbish bins, and is easy to follow from one hole to the next. There is a pro shop on site and they seem to have all sorts of features like score-tracking for regular players. You can also pick from a limited selection of discs if you need to buy one. I believe they also rent discs.


I didn't find this course to be beautiful, per se, as the name might imply. Drainage problems on several holes led us to wade into ankle deep water to retrieve our discs. Grass on some of the fairways needed serious mowing.

Over all, the biggest negative is that the course was simply not very challenging. There were maybe two or three holes that I felt were interesting, but for the rest I expected to deuce (and I'm not a spectacular player, by any means).

Other Thoughts:

This might be a good course for a beginner to play during the dry time of year, just after a mow and some ground maintenance. I don't think there are many other options in the region. The guy at the shop said the owner also had a course near Auburn.

I told the guy I had only time enough to play a single round, either the Beauty or the Beast. He recommended the Beauty, but after this round I got the impression that maybe the Beast is more challenging and would have been much more interesting. If that is true, I wish I would have played the Beast instead.
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1 1
Experience: 20.3 years 7 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 6, 2007 Played the course:never


A lot of fun holes running through a wooded forest. A few open holes for variety makes it a fun course. Management usually changes a few holes around each year, keeping it fresh and exciting.


Maintenance can be a bit slack and some drainage problems in a few areas.

Other Thoughts:

A fun course for beginners or pros. Hole #4 up the steam is a classic hole.
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