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Charleston, SC

Fire Swamp DGC

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2.725(based on 36 reviews)
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Fire Swamp DGC reviews

3 0
Experience: 15.7 years 22 played 18 reviews
1.50 star(s)

A course without a cause! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


*All the baskets are in great shape
*Beautiful scenery and easy navigation.
*Great variety of distances with lots of wooded holes.


*Wildlife and bugs can be too much, to make me wanna play this course.
*Wooded courses can be fun when designed correctly, however the course doesn't feel designed. It feels that someone just randomly placed goals everywhere and said "have fun".
*Not a family friendly course due to many safety concerns about the courses up-keep.

Other Thoughts:

Charleston has an abundance of disc golf courses, if you are in the area, play Park Circle or Trophy Lakes. Play a course that seems to get local love from its up-keep crew. Treat this course like it's owners do.....drive away and say goodbye!
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3 2
Experience: 23 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Typical Lowcountry charm 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2016 Played the course:once


I'm a visitor to the area, I live in western New York. Die to this particular fact, I found this course indicative of the climate and area. After learning that my cousin was instrumental in building this course, I had to check it out. I really enjoyed the tight fairways, and swamp feel. Who could resist the name, "Fire Swamp", anyway.
Only drove using a driver 3 times, it's a fairly technical mid range heavy set of holes with punishing rough on both sides. If your drive is pure, you're looking at birdies all day. The course is worth playing for hole 9 alone.


Regarding the comments about water: it was rather a dry day when I played the course, so many creek or pond beds were dry. If it were a more wet day, could definitely see standing water possible on maybe 9 holes. While elevation in this part of the country is basically non-existent, I felt that there could have been one or two elevated baskets to increase challenge.

Other Thoughts:

Play the course. Judge for yourself. In my opinion, it's worth playing.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 303 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fire SWAMP DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 20, 2015 Played the course:once


My three pros:

+one of the most beautiful courses ive played. this course had a true jungle/swamp feel throuout the course and if youre not from the area it is very unique environment. I love the hiking while doing something aspect of disc golf and this course has that nailed-
+for a course with little signage and in a thick forest i found the navigation pretty obvious and never needed a map
+i thought the use of raised fairways was pretty cool. most holes play along a raised fairway and there was shallow standing/swamp water on each side which made for a pretty cool hole (though very narrow tunnel on may holes)


My three & 1/2 cons:

-This course is almost all tight tunnel shots in the woods. although this made for a good challenge it was a little repetitive as there werent many open holes and almopst all holes had standing water to each side of the fairway adding some risk to every hole. i felt like i was constantly laying up because i didnt wanna get a bad tree ricochet and end up in some hidden pond i couldnt see from the tee...
-while the navigation is fairly obvious, any course in thick woods should have better (or any) signage. this course just had posts marking the tee-boxes and no signs so you have to walk the many blind holes before throwing and spray painted markers on trees showing the way to the next hole...
-this course is hard! i dont mind tough courses but all holes are in thick woods and i imagine standing water is pretty common. so this leads to clear raised fairways with ponds on the sides on almost every hole! for me this was fun but i had pants and work boots on so i didnt mind wading through the ponds when needed- and for the most part i was laying up with mids as i was scared to lose one with a long drive gone bad...
-BUGS! i played in mid fall and there were swarms of flys/skeeters so i imagine when its warmer this place could be a bugfest

Other Thoughts:

I played on a beautiful november day when it had rained the day before. I was worried the course would be unplayable but since the fairways are somewhat raised the ponds fill up next to where you should be throwing. Of course this means as soon as you get a bad ricochet off the countless trees- cross your fingers and pray youre not in the swamp. This was a course where I felt lucky to not lose any discs. Last week i played Northwest River Park DGC in Va which is very heavily wooded and i felt like this course was identical with huge ponds along every hole making it wayyyy harder. I was the only one there on a friday afternoon besides the lone fisher on hole 8! I saw the fisher, threw conservative and ended up in the qicksand/swamp/lake next to #8 UGGH- bc of that fisher i didnt play #9 which is probably the landmark hole for this course... Overall this was a tough round but im already looking forward to coming back and trying again as this course is just too unique and pretty to be passed if youre in the area...
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3 3
Experience: 38.6 years 12 played 12 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Swampy Awesomeness 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 21, 2015 Played the course:once


beautiful surroundings
Some tight, technical shots


Lots of hazards
If it has rained recently, several holes could be unplayable.
Easy to lose a disc or two
Signage is poor- I used this site to help find the holes when I played

Other Thoughts:

For a visitor to the area, it is a great way to experience disc golf in a palmetto forest. It really is a pretty park and well designed course. But lots of potential for frustration. I imagine the bugs could be awful at times. I played just after rains in March and 17 was unplayable.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.5 years 41 played 33 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


- Good mix of shot selection required
- Tight, technical golf throughout
- Good use of a few berms for raised pins with roll away putts (that got me a few times) :(


- Natural tees, marked by 4x4s on each side are rough in spots.
- No tee signs. This is particularly a problem as there are MANY blind shots that I needed to walk 1/2 the fairway to see where the pin even was. Tight, technical, and blind doesn't go well without tee signs.
- Missing baskets. Holes #7 and #15 look like they should play down their respective roads. I was able to find the tees, but no basket (nor evidence of where it was) for either with quite a bit of searching and armed with a map
- Hole #8. Throwing a FH shot to a basket sitting where people are walking and/or fishing. This one didn't feel safe to me. Also if #7/#15 were where they were supposed to be - I could see safety issues here as there were people walking these trails/roads. This may be why they were pulled...maybe there is a plan for them.
- Some maintenance on the cat tails on #9 would make it a much nicer hole. As it was, the cat tails on the left and right in front of the tee took away all but a steep hyzer shot from the tee. The problem being there are 3 trees guarding a hyzer approach where a hit will put you in the water. Rather than hope I won at plinko on the shot I just overshot it on purpose and took my 3. So boring. The risk / reward just aren't worth going for a 2 as it is. Clean up those cat tails and then there is a decent shot at anny/FH or straight approach to the hole.
- Lots of wet areas of muck off the fairways.

Other Thoughts:

I had very mixed feelings about this course. Missing 2 holes and a lot of the basics (tees,signs,etc) really detracted from my rating. There are also quite a few holes here that I really liked....and a handful that could be great with just a bit of pruning. On the whole there were very few that I thought were either unfair or too much throw & pray - and this is coming from someone whose home courses are on the open side. I felt with a great line I could have a look for 2 (didn't happen enough), a reasonable throw left me a bit in the rough but a makeable upshot for an easy 3....and a bad throw was just painful.

If you have the time and have already hit the better courses in the area it is worth a swing by - but if you are limited - just go to trophy lakes and enjoy your time.
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1 5
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tight course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2012 Played the course:once


-Great fairways, thru the South Carolina vegetation
-Good mix of shots
-heavily wooded


-A little swampy at spots
-heavily wooded

Other Thoughts:

This was a course my wife and i hit up on vacation it was a great course, shaded from the sun.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2013 Played the course:once


I can see local players enjoying the course. Tidal Creek is the type of layout that has some fun in it if you know the course well. There are some interesting shots here but without tee signs and with blind baskets, it's tough to enjoy them on your first time out. If I could have known from the tee what I'd known by the time I had gotten to the basket, I would have enjoyed a few throws that are high risk/reward, with tight margins for error.


Still, it's not course I would recommend to the traveling player. A lot of my rating of a course comes down to how much it makes me want to throw. When I walk up to a tee, does it induce a feeling of excitement? And in short, very few of the holes here did that.

Most of the fairways seem to have previously been walking trails, and some clearly still are. I wouldn't say the design is poor on them because that would imply there is a design. The tee marker is placed at one point on the trail, later down the trail, the basket is dumped just to the side of it.

The fairway, here is just a single-track path down the center of nasty rough. I played in the winter and I did not want to walk off the trail for that disc so my throws were extremely careful. I can't imagine what it must look like in summer. A ton of that must be standing water. I doubt I'd want to even walk down the fairway in wetter months. I'm all for high risk/high reward shots in disc golf, but most of these are extremely high risk/ no reward. If I want to toss a putter carefully down a straight path, I can do that anywhere there is a walking trail and most places would be safer and more enjoyable than this one.

It doesn't help that there are no tee signs. Do you like not knowing where to throw off the tee? I bet you will love it when landing two feet off the fairway in any direction is potentially an alligator nest. Not only that, the small wooden posts must be a nightmare to find when the vegetation is in.

I'd say that this course needs better navigation, the clearing of actual fairways and a better design but I think that the location is just not suited for disc golf. Really, there are just much better places to use baskets, and much better places to disc golf in Charleston.
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3 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 557 played 429 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Up Tidal Creek 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2013 Played the course:once


Tidal Creek disc golf course is a full 18 that is not going to give you birdies just because you can throw 350' anytime you feel like it (well, maybe a couple). The distance isn't the issue, its the woods and the water. It may not be a pro for everyone, but it is what makes it a little different from a lot of other courses. The first hole is really nice, a corridor atop a berm lined with trees and a drop off to the left. Hole 2 tees from the top of that berm, and plays down a few feet into the flats. This is where the personality of the course begins to reveal itself. On the scorecard/map I printed, there are only 3 holes over 300', 2 are fairly open and playing along maintenance roads cut through the woods (7 and 15). The rest average less than 250' (7 holes under 200'), and they range from moderately wooded, up to I'm really not confident anything I can throw will ever work. Thats a slight exaggeration, but I was uncomfortable with several of my tee shots to say the least. I did enjoy birdies on numbers 3 and 17, with some luck. On hole 8 it's short and open with water to the left and right, I went OB left, but got the disc back. 9 is another nice putter drive, across the water. Potential for an ace, but can't be short or too long, kind of an island-ish feel. Fairways have lefts, rights, and some straight down the middle, and are very often narrow. Totally unprepared for the amount of bonks and scrubs off of tree trunks and branches all day. It isn't always pretty, but it is 18 baskets, and they are not all visible at the same time. Therefore it rates minimum of 3 out of 5 according to my optimistic Disc Golf Course Review principals. Although I had a hard time the first run through, it is fun, challenging, and pretty good for the property that is available. And there are plenty of shorties that could yield 2's on the scorecard if you had a good game plan. I wouldn't mind if they cut out a bit more lumber here and there.

There are 4x4 posts making the tee boxes at each hole, and thats about it. Black sharpie numbers are still visible on some of them. All of the baskets were disc catchers in good shape, numbered in sequence. I do recall some benches, and at least one trash can adjacent to the course, after hole 5, probably a couple more out there.


There are some serious gripes that hold this course back. Several years ago I attempted to play here, and everything visible after the first hole was under knee deep water. Time for Plan B. Even when playable and mostly dry, there is standing water and muck in several areas throughout. Tee boxes are natural, primitive, unimproved, exposing the roots, dirt. Didn't like it. There are no signs, so do yourself a favor and print the map. Even then it can be tricky to follow the layout in a couple of spots. I lost the trail momentarily after hole 2 (walk directly to the left from the basket). And there was no obvious path between 15 and 16. I ended up walking the long way around after 15 and backtracking 16, via holes 7 and 6. Thats with a map. Once you're familiar this should not be a big issue, and I would think fast and efficient rounds would be possible, as long as you stay dry. I bet the bugs would be unbearable during the summer heat. In some areas other people may be walking on the course, so take precautions.

Other Thoughts:

I was way over par, and very frustrated the trees turned my round of disc golf into Plink-O. First time through, this one got the best of me. Tidal Creek 1, Aaron 0. The exposure to flooding may discourage further improvements in terms of tee pads and signage. Still, I got to play 18 holes of disc golf on a beautiful October afternoon, so I had a pretty good experience. If I lived nearby, I would surely visit this course occasionally, when the conditions were right.
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2 1
Experience: 7 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


1) Tight fairways
2) Gorgeous surrounding
3) Not easy, but not back breakingly difficult


1) Water. There's lot of standing water here and that is ankle deep. Not a problem in an open field, but the woods are also thick, so if its ankle deep you may never find it without a good spotter
2) Wildlife. Mostly mosquitoes, but ticks and such are a problem during the summer months
3) Navigation. Play with a local. Seriously. Get on here, or reddit and organize a meet up before you try to play this course alone. There's no signage, just wooden posts in the ground marking the tee area.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course. I've been playing disc golf for about 7 months now and this was my favorite course when I started. BUT...do not play during the summer months. I hadn't played in since march and went back in July and it was unbearable. January-March is a great time for this course. Charleston doesn't get cold so its not a huge deal as far as temperature is concerned.

I'm a local, and I really like this course, but it is very unforgiving if you get off the fairway.
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4 5
Experience: 12.2 years 31 played 3 reviews
1.00 star(s)

not worth stopping at 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2013 Played the course:once


It's in South Carolina.
It had disc catcher baskets


Signage was wood posts with sharpie numbers...
There were zero lines and zero maintenance
Not all baskets were numbered
Lots of water hazards

Other Thoughts:

I've played woods courses in Tennessee and played 5 courses in South Carolina before this one. I wish I would have doubled up any one of those instead of wasting my time here. I can't accept throwing into trees as "tight fairways". Those aren't fairways, it's more like "here's a tee pad and somewhere down there is the basket".

Pay the $5 and go to Trophy Lakes. It's fun, challenging, and you can at least get discs back.
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3 2
Experience: 14.4 years 51 played 3 reviews
1.50 star(s)

overgrown bugfest 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Nice baskets, bathrooms nearby. Some decent holes.


This course seems to never get any maintainance. Overgrown fairways. Too many throw and prey holes. More mosquitoes than I have ever seen on any dg course(yes I know it is in a swamp). Usually some flooding.
Parking on the weekends can be difficult as the soccer families usuall take all the parking.

Other Thoughts:

Go to trophy lakes or any of the other 10 nearby courses instead...unless you like mosqito bites.
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8 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 129 played 71 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Tight, Tough but fun! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 9, 2013 Played the course:once


As everyone has stated...simply beautiful surroundings! Especially in the winter when the skies are crystal blue. If you are into technical courses, this is your place to be. Some of the fairways you couldn't walk side-by-side down. Thankfully many of the holes were short, and if you hit your mark, your either on the backet or in it.

This course can be a birdie fest, and if played carefully you can keep your score subpar. Take your eye on the prize and man-oh-man are you in for a world of hurt!


I'm not a fan of the knee-capping tee markers. Trip over those or drive into them and you're in rehab. Expecially since most of the fairways are berms and you're most likely going to take a header into a tree or marsh

Some directional signs would be a big help. If we didn't have a guide I'd be lost several times.

And what's up with 18? Like the old saying, 'I couldn't see the fairway for the trees in the way!' All I'm saying, there ain't not fairway!

THere were also a few holes that were litereally close your eyes and drive and PRAY you penetrated.

Other Thoughts:

I hear spring/summer is HORRIBLE due to the bugs and snakes. But the winter time is really a great time to play
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3 3
Experience: 17.3 years 103 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty Cool 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2012 Played the course:once


Scenic, and awesome walk through the woods. Great baskets and fun shots


No signs indicating where the next teepad is, though most of the locations were easy to find if you follow the beaten path. The most difficult transition is from 14 to 15 as it is the farthest transition.

Other Thoughts:

Just add a drawing to the teepad poles so that new players have an idea of where the basket is. Also, with the disccatcher baskets tape or paint can be added to the top metal bars indicating the direction of the next pad.
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6 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 62 played 60 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Swampy! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 21, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of shot variety...longer holes tend to play dead straight, while others force shots both right and left. Very technical and demanding. Perhaps the biggest pro of the whole course is the entire environment is really beautiful...never thought I would enjoy a walk through a tidal swamp so much.

Nice sports fields around to warm up in, and really close parking to the first tee (although it is hard to find if you haven't looked at the map.)


First is the obvious...this course can very easily flood after a rain leaving it unplayable.

The course is at times overly technical. Some holes are very narrow and feature water or swampy areas on both sides, and this is a bit disconcerting because of the area - the course map warns of gators, rattlesnakes, etc.

The tee boxes are not the flattest and are dirt.

Course really really needs signs to the next hole and the start of the course. You can wander a bit without really knowing where you are going. Also, signs of the hole direction would be a big plus, because the vegetation during the summer can tend to block out vision a bit. Finding hole 15 is a disaster for first time players. 14 drops you off by a parking lot, and you have to walk about 200 yards up the road and take a right turn to a gated maintenance road. The tee is right past the gate, but the markers tend to get tossed into the woods. As above, some navigational aids or signs would be a huge help.

Hole 15 plays down a semi-paved maintenance road which is not too nice on the discs.

While holes 8 and 9 are pretty by the lake, it is a very crowded area with fishermen usually there which sets those 2 holes up for significant opportunities for interference.

A few tee markers are consistently missing.

Other Thoughts:

I unfortunately found myself a bit too worried about wildlife and that detracted from my experience a bit. Its tough to really concentrate at times when your back is to a large body of water that may have a gator in it. Plus the mosquitoes were borderline unbearable.

Overall it is a nice, wooded, technical course. It is obviously young, but since they have already updated and put in a new tee for the sixteenth hole, i am inclined to believe that the upkeep will continue to be nice.

Would be nice to have a practice basket.

Why was the name changed from "Tidal Creek DGC" to "Fire Swamp DGC?"
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4 1
Experience: 15.7 years 75 played 21 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Low Country 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 5, 2012 Played the course:once


This course offers a lot of variety for a woods course. A variety of layouts challenges players of all skill levels. Almost all of the holes require precision tee shots to follow certain corridors among the trees. If you follow these corridors, you are rewarded, but if you vere off the path, you can expect to pay the consequences. We played two days after a torrential rain and so besides the regular water hazards on several of the holes, there were additional water hazards in the form of large puddles/ponds/creeks that had formed in the low parts of the course. Every hole had water of some sort, which made the course even more interesting.


There are no tee pads and the markers for each tee location are just two 4x4 blocks marking where you should throw from. There are no signs pointing to the next tee which made finding some of the holes difficult, especially when there are not well trod paths, or too many paths. The baskets had no yellow bands on them, and since there were no maps or hole markers at the tee location, finding where to throw also was a challenge at times.

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun course to play. You couldn't play this course with just one disc or with one style throw. You really had to reach in your bag and pull out a lot of discs and a lot of shots. If the course had tee pads and markers, it would be a great course. Definitely worth playing though. Just prepared to get muddy!
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2 5
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Better than what people say 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 22, 2012 Played the course:once


Well set up.
Nice paths.
Good challenge.
Fairly well kept.


You can get lost trying to find the last few holes.
Needs to be thinned out a little.
A couple holes don't make any sense.

Other Thoughts:

I think this is better than what some people have been saying. I think if it was thinned out a little, you could get a lot better drives in. It is too thin to let your discs work their characteristics.
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3 4
Experience: 14.3 years 23 played 23 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 10, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Not too sure why so many people have rating this course low, maybe compared to Trophy Lakes, but honestly I think it's a great course. Lots of holes that appear easy at first but actually require well shaped shots. A few possible ace's, and I'm sure if the water was up there would be a lot more of a challenge of several holes.


There needs to be more signage, but honestly once you play the course once, it's pretty easy to navigate. Did have some kids playing paint ball in the woods (but they let us shoot the guns so I'm cool with it).

Other Thoughts:

This course will make you work on your mid-range game. Not a lot of wide open shots, so you need to have more than a big arm to play this course, maybe that's why so many people rated it low?
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4 3
Experience: 15.3 years 106 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Under Rated 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 11, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


If you want to learn to control your shots, this is the course. I have been playing Tidal for over two years now and it is truly the most under-rated course in all of SC. Yes the fairways are tight, but that will only make you a better player (I am still waiting on that). The mix of shots is just amazing. This course is the course you should go to to get ready for any other wooded course because if you can throw these fairways you should have no problem else where.


The biggest draw back to this course is that you really can't play it during the summer. The bugs, snakes, and gators are all true. I just feel that you need to remember where you are playing. We are in the low country of SC, it doesn't mater where you play the bugs are going to be bad in the summer, it is what it is. The same thing with snakes. I don;t feel these things take away from a truly well designed technical course.

Other Thoughts:

A lot of work has been done to this course over the last year, some changes have worked out and some haven't. The long placement on 8 is now gone and will not be used again. The one on 15 is hard but a nice addition to a course that is very short. I feel this course would have better reviews if people tried to play it during late fall, winter, or early spring. Yes this is not a beginner friendly course, but if someone were to learn on it they would have skills that many don't have "Control". Judge the course for what it is designed for.and not the bugs that bite you, because that can happen anywhere. As for the black water, that is a problem the course has in the summer and is no fun to deal with. My approach to the water is as it is with water or trees on any other course, throw in the fairway. In a day and age when we are trying to get courses in, I am just glad the city of Charleston gave us any land to build a course on in Charleston.
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5 2
Carolina Crushers
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 25 played 25 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Prayed to live! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 23, 2011 Played the course:once


*All Innova Discatcher goals.
*Tight, demanding holes with a great amount of trees.


*Course is not well maintained.
*Gator's, Snakes, Lizards, Huge Ants, Yellow jackets, nats and chiggars plus a dozen other reasons to not play this course if you don't like wildlife.
*For every 1 good thing this course offers, there are 5 bad things that counteract it.
*Water hazzards (marsh) are nothing more than a snake breeding ground and a giant crab house.
*Navigation is horrible.
*Poorly designed course, with little buffer zone on a few holes.

Other Thoughts:

Charleston offers too many courses that are good, to get stuck playing this garbage. I know that my opinion in the grand scheme of things does not matter all that much. However having a goal placed behind 700 trees, does not always make it a challenging hole, it makes it not fun. If you are a pro-level player with great skills...and dont mind playing a non-maintained course...enjoy. Otherwise go play..
Trophy Lakes,
Park Circle,
Johns Island DGC
James Island DGC,
Naval Weapons Station,
or Buccaneer Bay.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 341 played 45 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A wooded swamp 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2011 Played the course:once


A very tightly wooded course that demands accuracy and control of your discs to be successful. If you lack either of those, this course will help you improve them. It's well shaded, so it will be cooler for those hot summer rounds.

Other than the woods, water comes into play on a few holes. An air shot over the water on hole 9, and 8 fairway is sandwiched by it. These holes are a nice change of pace from the wooded shots, but are still equally challenging.

Located in a nice community park, with plenty of parking, rest rooms and walking trails for non disc golfers.


Even with a map, I found it not exactly easy to navigate. If you don't have a map, it will be tricky finding 15's tee from 14's basket. Piece of advice, print and bring the course map.

A walking trail dissects hole 1's fairway, and it's not easy to see the oncoming walkers, so be aware.

The drawback of this wooded courses is that it takes time to dry out after rains, so there are plenty of swampy areas on the course to avoid. This also breeds mosquitoes, which ate me alive between holes 2 and 3. There is a good chance of losing a disc here with all the trees and other foliage.

Basket 8 position, had me throwing too close to other park patrons. It's a great and difficult position, but made me a little uneasy worrying about not hitting them.

Other Thoughts:

Your degree of liking this course will depend on how much you like or dislike wooded courses. As far as wooded courses I've played, this is on the tighter side.

It's not overly long, and can be played rather quickly, if time is a concern. Even when you do inevitable hit a tree and go off line, it's short enough to recover from.

I'm glad I didn't encounter any of the wild life the course map warns about, but I think it would have been cool to see a gator.
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