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Shelby, MI

Flip City Disc Golf Park

4.825(based on 226 reviews)
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Flip City Disc Golf Park reviews

26 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.3 years 221 played 73 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Worth the Wait 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 21, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Well, I've been planning a trip to Flip City for what seems like a couple of years now. I finally got the chance to play the course and camp onsite. I've got to join the chorus and say that Bill's the man. The guy's hospitality to total strangers blows me away. And the course is no joke either.

The variety of hole shape and length here is outstanding. Big elevation changes that are used to their greatest potential, check. Tees with good traction and enough room, check. Holes that put a smile on your face each time you step up to the tee, check. Nice baskets (nothing sucks more than a great hole with a junk basket to ruin rewarding birdie ops), check. Easy flow from hole to hole with no navigation issues, check. Scorecards with maps at first tee, check. Onsite camping, check. Remarkably clean port-a-john(s), check. Glow golf, check. Roofed chill spots mid-course, check.

It's difficult to make an 18 hole course where each hole presents a different challenge. Bill has 24 different tee shots at Flip City. Left, right, uphill, downhill, over a hump, over a valley, flat with the pin on an elevated hillside; this place has them all. There are only a few holes that I would call mostly open. Most holes consist of grassy, well-defined fairways through trees. The rock cairns are a great touch and just add to the character of this one of a kind course.


The main negative for me, and it's a small one, is the lack of informative tee signs. There are low black and white posts, topped with copper caps, featuring the hole numbers. I would prefer signs with basic hole maps and distances, but this is really nitpicking since the distances are listed on the scorecard. There are also a couple holes that I feel are too plinkoesque, and therefore more luck than skill based.

Other Thoughts:

Camping at Flip was sweet. It felt very peaceful; there was only one other group camping there the weekend we stayed there. We went to sleep under the kind of starry night that us city folk don't often get to experience; and awoke to numerous birdcalls.
Great course, great atmosphere, great proprietor, please hook Bill up. It costs a lot is gas and time to keep the course in the great shape that its in.
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4 13
Experience: 17.4 years 10 played 7 reviews
5.00 star(s)

What hasn't been said? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Several memorable holes... 2, 4, 5, etc.

- Great use of landscaping. The course has one hilltop that intersects a couple of holes and there is a nice little bench and chilaxing area.

- Great mixture between long distance and technical holes.

- Pristinely maintained. We're talking boarder line flawless...

- Super friendly privately owned property.


- Only one flaw, can't get enough! No, but seriously its a pretty challenging course so I would advise beginners to stay away if its your first couple times.

Other Thoughts:

Just brilliant. I can't really say much else that hasn't already been said on these reviews.
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6 13
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

My favorite course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2011 Played the course:once


A great course that provides the ultimate discing experience. Among the strong points:

A wide variety of terrain allows this course to be one of the most enjoyable out there.

Suitable for beginners or experts. My first time playing here was only my 4th time out and I LOVED IT.

Fun little extras keep the course feeling refreshing, such as the rock gardens and shelters at certain holes.

Friendly atmosphere with no sense of rush among players.


Not too much. The course can be a little hard to find for the first time but the drive out is part of the experience.

Other Thoughts:

Great Course. Worth driving several hours to camp and play for a day.
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3 17
Experience: 20.3 years 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Shelby Nirvana! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


What can you say about a course that no matter how you're preforming at the time, you're always happy. The layout is phenomenal! This course flows! The beautiful elevated tee shots and awesome rock piles make for an awesome discing experience.


Hmmm..... Nothing comes to mind!

Other Thoughts:

There's a reason this course is the highest rated on this site!
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4 20
The Doctor
Experience: 21.4 years 61 played 8 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Solid 24 holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 23, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


The course is amazing. Definitely an open caliber course. Has an exceptional variety that makes play enjoyable by all. The little things are what counts here, such as the stone sculptures found along the course.


Its only one course.

Other Thoughts:

Its definitely a must play every year.
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40 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Definitely Worth the Trip 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


No matter where in the top 10 you place Flip, one thing is for sure- this is definitely in the elite level of DG courses. What is amazing is how spacious and nice this 24 hole course is for being a private course. Just about all of us dream of designing our own private course and Flip definitely sets the standard.

Variety and Memorable- The course is extremely well-designed. From the first tee to the final basket, every hole has its own personality. I can still vividly picture each individual hole as there is no repetition from hole to hole. The first time you play here you have no idea as to what is coming up for the next hole. The course has a mix of open, moderately wooded, heavily wooded & level, up, down & a variety of distances. The attention to detail also stands out, nicely mowed fairways, all the rock formations, and the ease of navigation stand out in my memories.

Challenging yet Fun, not Frustratingly Difficult- This will not be the hardest course you have ever played, but there is something challenging on every hole you have to navigate. Pinpoint accuracy is not really necessary on most holes but there are places where the rough is punishing if you miss the fairway. On the other hand there are many holes with multiple options available so as not to favor one specific throwing style.

Holes- The weakest holes for me were 1-2 (chance to warm up) and 24 (good hole, but not a great finishing hole), but even these holes are better than average holes on most other courses. I also like that the option for skipping the 6 holes in the middle of the course in order to just play 18 involves no out of the way walking. (Not that they need to be skipped, but they are a little harder than the rest of the course.) This spot is at the top of a hill where all the holes intersect providing a terrific vista of much of the course.


Not much, Flip just lacks a couple of small things:

Tee Signs- I personally prefer larger, traditional style tee signs with distance and map. Yes, the scorecard has it, and yes, there are small tee markers that are relatively new and sufficient, and I know tee signs cost money, I am just comparing it to what pros other courses have that this does not.

Water- Along the same lines, the course has no water holes (as everyone else has noted), not the course's or course designer's fault since the land has no water, but again ponds, creeks, etc. are generally considered pros for other courses.

Stairs- There is a bit of elevation and I was fine with the hill climbs, but stairs would make nice a nice addition in a couple of spots.

Other Thoughts:

Flip is really far away from most of the US population, but all DG fanatics should make the exodus at some point. The nice thing is all the other great courses in Michigan that are nearby and on the way. (Beauty and Beast and Leviathan help to justify the travel costs for coming here.) Also, note that if you use Google Maps/GPS that there are two Shelby, Michigans!!! And the one not near Flip is usually the default.

I may never make it back to Flip City again, but I will always want to because this was one of the most enjoyable rounds I have ever played! Thanks Bill!
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27 3
Experience: 22.4 years 13 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Flip City: Disc Golf's Mecca 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 23, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Where to start? Firstly, being able to camp next to a nice fire pit less than 100 feet from the first tee was a HUGE bonus; especially considering that most campgrounds in the area wanted around $30 for the night and no disc golf. Great accommodations at a reasonable rate (say hello to Bill and throw him a few bones for the fuel used maintaining the course; thanks again, Bill).
As far as the course, wow. Every hole maintains a character all its own. There is a little of everything: uphills, downhills, bend left, bend right, straight open fairways, tight "Plinko" style fairways littered with magnetic trees, high risk-high reward pin placements, blind drives, impossibly long holes, and short scoring holes. The course is easy to navigate, even without the map and scorecard provided. The expertly crafted layout is only enhanced by the variety of trees and brush along the beautifully mowed fairways. There are plenty of "chill zones" to rest and take a breather. To add even further to the magical nature of this course, numerous rock formations seem to grow out up from the ground like they were summoned by ancient wizards centuries before the introduction of disc golf to mankind. He built it and we came, twice. It's not a course, it's an experience.


The 24 existing holes are works of art that no one can replicate. Therefore, the only thing that comes to mind is that Bill should buy the Upper Peninsula and create Flip Nation.

Other Thoughts:

Thanks, Bill. You are a true inspiration and the state of Michigan is lucky to have you as a resident!
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26 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 27.3 years 99 played 35 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Amazing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2010 Played the course:once


I had pretty large expectations coming from Missouri to play Flip. I had read all the reviews and wondered if it was possible for a course to live up to all the hype. As we played the first few holes, I was enjoying it, but it seemed like there wasn't anything there that I hadn't seen before. I soon realized how brutally wrong I was.

Tees- Exceptional concrete tees. Plenty of length (which I feel dirty saying, considering how phallically shaped they were). There were brooms at every tee to brush them off which was very helpful as we went when the trees were all shedding their leaves. There were multiple shelters to chill out and take a break. The metal shelter where everyone signed their name was great. There were some pretty entertaining things on there.
Flow of the Course- Awesome...considering that the 6 holes were added after the fact I was amazed at how well the course flowed. The signage was awesome. Tee signs were great, but there were tons of added navigation helpers like the street signs at the pavilion and a few others. We had no trouble finding any of the tees or baskets. The course made perfect sense....which is so refreshing for a course that I hadn't played before. There was no wasted time on where to go next.
Course Play- The course was a blast. For an average player like myself I found plenty of challenge and variation. I threw every shot in my bag at one point or another. There was a ton of elevation change, which always adds so much to a course. There were quite a few pins in very precarious risk/ reward spots to add some intrigue to putting. A bazillion mature trees of all kinds. I can easily see how the course can be relevant for all skill levels.
Beauty- This was the thing that put the course over the top for me. I am sure that going in the fall only added to the brilliance, but I really felt like I was in disc golf heaven. Some of the views were unbelievably epic. The rock theme was so much more awesome than what I thought looking at pics online. Pictures really can't do this course justice at all. The rocks/ stones really add this extra level of cohesion and coolness that I didn't expect.


I really can't think of a single negative thing to say.

Other Thoughts:

This course was amazing. Everything about my trip to Flip will be emblazoned in my memory for a long time. It is very difficult imagine a course I could enjoy more than Flip. I am sure they are out there, but this was the closest thing to perfection I have played so far. Well worth the 11-hour drive. I hope I get to again soon.
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24 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 113 played 15 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Lived up to the hype... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2010 Played the course:once


I have read the reviews of this course and heard the discussion on here for the past couple of years...and I finally got a chance to play this legendary course on our annual disc golf road trip. It was a long haul from Missouri up to Michigan...but the trip was worth it. It lived up to the praise that everyone has given it.

Everything about this course...the big and small details are special.

-the teepads are unique and plenty of room and there were brooms at each to clean the fallen leaves off
-the rock stackings throughout the course are amazing (I was left scratching my head on a few wondering how they were even balanced on each other)
-The trees were beautiful...amazing fall colors (we picked the right time of year to come)
-The variety of shots was very impressive (great elevation changes...short and long holes...open and heavily wooded holes...every shot was there)
-great benches, pavilions, and areas to just sit and take it all in
-loved some of the high risk greens with imminent drop-offs all around them
-super easy to navigate...no confusion at all as to where to go next
-really nice baskets


-I would really be nitpicking to come up with anything negative to say...too good of an experience to really notice anything bad to say about this place.

Other Thoughts:

I can't believe this course is in someone's backyard. I'm pretty sure if it was in my yard I'm not so sure I would ever get much done for all the disc golf I would be playing. A must play for any disc golfer...do yourself a favor and find a way to make it up here.
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25 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 38 played 25 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Changed my definition of a good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 19, 2010 Played the course:once


This course is truly the defining standard for a good course. It was so good its pushed me to look at my old reviews and see if the courses deserve the scores they got.

-Provides holes for every type of shot and line.

-Rock gardens were so pretty, and the mental pressure to not hit them (BAD LUCK!) really makes some holes a game in your head alone.

-The tees were all level and excellently maintained.

-The tee signs were small and unobstructive to the environment of the course.

-The pavilions are gorgeous resting places. They make benches by holes so much less appealing.

-This course has the best baskets on the market, imo.

-Several brooms were available to brush off tees.

-The course was excellently cleaned and trimmed, the fairways were perfect on every hole.

-The pin positions were PHENOMENAL. Risky pin positions are a favorite, and several of these gave the group 50+ft rollaways for missed putts.

-"Glowie" - play this course and you'll see.


-The biggest con for this course, it is TOO FAR AWAY!!! I could only dream of living close to Flip.

-Water hazards would've been nice, but in its defense, to build a man made water hazard would be far too costly, and not sustainable. Man made lakes always turn murky, dirty, and nasty with time, due to the environment. Using the land Bill had, he couldn't have designed a better course.

Other Thoughts:

With all the great things about this course, the most outstanding of them all was.....BILL! This man is the kindest and most friendly man I believe I've met during my time playing DG. He left his house at after 11pm, led our car down to the campsite on foot, and help us set up camp! Then he led us to meet up with the other members to play some glow. The next night, after we'd returned from Leviathan, he left his house and met us at well after 1am, and brought us flip city mini's and pins! He then said he was sorry he couldn't play, but he had to be up at 6 to go to work! That level of caring and consideration is something you'll probably never see anywhere else in the world.

Also, to the amazing group of guys I played here with: Noill Golf, WorldsCoolestGuy, bizarbies, Jukeshoe, Terry C, and craftsman, I couldn't ask for a better group to disc with. You were all so much fun, that weekend will forever be the heyday of my DG career.
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15 5
Fred Salaz
Experience: 5 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Idlewild visits Flip City 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 19, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


I just want to say that "This place Rocks"
So I wanted to take my employees out for the weekend to a disc golf course of their choice. I recommended Flip City and everyone got really excited about the trip. So, we leave on Sunday morning and 71/2 hours later we get to the Flip. It's midafternoon and everyone is ready to throw some plastic. Needless to say it was a great experience and seeing the "rocks" for the first time made me feel like I was back in the renaicance period. It was very cool. The course was fun, challenging, clean(gotta be clean) and a blast to play. I got to practice my roller which is something we can't really do much of in the Cincy area. It had everything that I could think of that makes a great disc golf course except water but it doesn't need it. It's great just the way it is.
I liked the gazebo's, brooms on each hole and bench's as well.


None except that it's too far away.

Other Thoughts:

We met Bill and had a few brews with him that evening. He couldn't have been nicer and he let us camp out on his property. I took Bill a "I Survived Idlewild" tee shirt and disc(I'm such a suck up) and invited him to come down to Ky and play Idlewild.

I played the course fairly well and beat all my employees.
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12 3
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

nati crew Visits FLIP 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


The course was beautifully designed and the hole lay out was up there with the best. protected baskets tight and open fairways, and a good mix of challenging and scoring holes. the rock formations around the entire course also add a additional element to the course because as long as they are not the short tee markers you have the opportunity to add your own touch to the course while waiting between shots, build something. Good elevation changes with hole that are down and up hill. GREAT COURSE!


Not a whole lot of distance, longest holes being around 550-650, although the protected baskets do challenge nearly as much as longer holes on other courses. trails in certain places off tee pads and or to the next tee can be a little steep and some stairs would be a great addition (Bill says stairs coming soon). This is a course where the cons are not really a worry because Bill is a man who is always adding to the course and any cons you have not may be pros in the near future.

Other Thoughts:

We went up as a group from the Nati Disc Shop in Cincinnati and stayed for two days the hospitality that Bill showed to us and the fact that we where able to camp basically on the course and play a glow round was great. Great course that will only improve more and more due to Bill's dedication to the course and to the sport.
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23 1
Experience: 16.3 years 381 played 15 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Flippin Out At FLIP!!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 19, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Let me start out by saying this place was a Disc Golfers Paradise.. They amount of shots and lines required are up there with all the "5.0" courses I have rated. The course was easy to navigate, fairways were SUPER clean, 0% trash around, and Bill who runs the show out there is by far, one of the most "down to Earth" individuals I've met in the "Disc Golf World". And I loved all the rock sculptures up there too!!


One of the "Cons" which I hate to say is, there is NO water hazards to be found on this course. All the Courses I have rated a "5.0" have at least 1 water hazard. Although this kinda bummed me out, it didn't effect my rating. I'll tell you why in my "Other Thoughts".. Other than that HUGE water hazard downfall, this place was done right.:)

Other Thoughts:

My first impression of this course was a 4.5 rating. I was also thinking of even a 4.0 at one point because of the water hazard factor during my Flip trip. But I had to let these "first impression" thoughts sink in a little bit before I jumped the gun. Water hazards are a HUGE deal to me in terms of rating any course. and this lovely place had none... But the more and more I thought about this course and the feeling I got from it was a "5.0" rating all the WAY!! I couldn't figure out why the feeling I got from Flip was a "5.0"? Then I started weighing different Pros and Cons of other courses that I have rated "The Best of The Best". And the one thing that threw me over to the "5.0" rating was the FLIP GLOW ROUNDS. The Glow rounds here were TOP NOTCH FUN!!! Where else could you have a bunch of beers in your bag, play an EXCELLENT course, and take your daytime fun and just cruise right into the night.. Nowhere I've played yet can offer that on the same level of fun.. So on that note, Flip City is a "5.0" in my book and will always be...
Also, The DGCR members I played with throughout the weekend were all stand up, geniune guys and made my Flip City experience one I will never forget..
Special thanks to: Noill Golf, Jukeshoe, Bill at Flip, ArcheType, bizarbies, craftsman, and Terry C.. All these guys helped make my weekend one of the best Discn trips I've ever had. All these DGCR members are unique and truly genuine people who are all very friendly, humble people and Disc Golf players alike. Thanks again!! I love you FLIP!!!! Keep it up Bill!!
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2 45
The Shide
Experience: 47.4 years 399 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Worth the trip 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 29, 2010 Played the course:once


Very well kept. Best I've seen in Michigan.


It's not just around the corner, but well worth the trip.

Other Thoughts:

It really helps to play with someone who has been there before, which I did. Unfortunately we were in a hurry towards the end of our game because we had over an hour journey to get home & in my haste I left a disc.
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2 13
Experience: 17.1 years 142 played 14 reviews
5.00 star(s)

I love this Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Fairways are challenging but not so difficult that you can't find a lane. the rough is great, he mows path ways in the tall grass so that if you throw in it you can find it. All T-boxes are concrete and big. Great rolling hills. The grass is always mowed. Basically this course is as close to perfect as you can get.



Other Thoughts:

Everytime i make a trip to Michigan i put this course in my top pirority. I don't see any good reason to go here and not camp out for a night and get to play it for two days. Camping is great and the owners are awesome. Just throw them a nice donation and they don't care what you do. I also think you should camp there because then if you are with a nice group you can get a great night golf game in.
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33 4
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.3 years 936 played 137 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Made two trips here now and stayed for total of two full weekends plus. (Had the pleasure of playing with more than one person who had longer term insights.)
This course is in my top ten played for overall enjoyment; on all levels.
Roll away greens here are excellent; and force all but gold rated players (who will more than likely be parked on most holes); to make choices regarding layup or going for 30-70 foot putts.
In regards to praise for Bill and maintenance/improvements here: Despite the massive number of reviews; players have been able to add new praise; partially because new and exciting stuff keeps happening. The half size tee posts with the gold tops appeared in May....classy little addition.
This course is interactive; like a toy, in that you feel able to add to the many wonderful rock sculptures. In fact, should you knock one over with a shot; you will feel obligated to rebuild it. (A group sharing camp area had knocked one over; and noted that it takes quite a while to rebuild even a fairly small one.)
Should be noted that many of these rock sculptures are completed in ways that make you say, "Hard to believe those supporting rocks support." Yet, they are entirely sound structures.
The many sheltered resting areas are meeting grounds with other players; shady retreats on a sunny day; and also encourage interaction as regards reading signatures of visitors and adding yours to the mix. Each shelter is unique.
Benches throughout the course also varied.
Extra six holes are tough. This a plus from both the standpoint of adding difficulty; and that you can skip these if interested in quicker; or less strenuous/time related round.
Port a potties; while never enjoyable; are available. Toilet paper has been continually present (somewhat to my surprise). Bring a roll or two and leave extra.
Scorecards present.
Water available.
Cool practice area; with full scale boat art.
You can play all night long if you wish...all night lonnnnng; all niiiiight; all night long; all riiiiight....Areba, Aruba....(I'm just making it up)
(For N.C. discers; artistic enhancements here on par with Ramcat Ridge X 60).
Should you happen to go in the very first garden bed by #1; beware the little hidden crocodile!
Various shot skills required. (I think the best possibility for #2 is a roller; though my roller game can't pull it off any more.)
Cow bell/hole clear, ringer is a nice touch.
On site play allows for easy, early morning rounds. Of course, if you were thirsty the day/night before; you can sleep in as well. In other words, allows for entire group to play as they choose; without conflict.


I think Am tees may be fairly tough to find (though I think 95% of everyone plays from cement tees and these are fine for beginners). Seems like I remember more than one set of rocks on many holes; which would seem to be confusing as to which to play.
At just over 5,500 ft. for numbered 18; the course is not up to most 5 star length standards. Extra six seems tougher; but compares in regards to footage average. Therefore, as noted, gold level players will have to get by on the fun factor; consider it a must score course, and will probably enjoy Leviathan and the Ludington courses more. Though for most players; I will rate L& L lower. Navigation much easier at Flip too.
There is no water in play here; and artificial o.b. is somewhat random. (Really only one hole where a big rock garden is a forced clear/choose layup; #11).

Other Thoughts:

As has been mentioned many times; addition of Leviathan, Ludington courses (64 holes), Branstrom, and others in immediate area; makes this a top traveling destination spot. This adds to Flip's overall appeal.
I am getting towards 50 years of age. So, this is not the review of a brash young, long chucker. What disc golf has been about, at it's core, is well represented here: through design, landscape/art expression features and pure challenge in difficulty for most players. Roll away greens are one of disc golf's best answers to toughen putt attempts.
Bill knows what he's doing (Branstrom has his hand in it), and I imagine things will continue towards upside in all regards, for some years to come.
It is required that you contact Bill before arrival.
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16 3
Experience: 16.2 years 86 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Surreal 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


First and foremost my hats of to Bill for keeping this course as pristine as it is, and for so long. Bill really has a passion for disc golf and to share this truly tremendous course with everyone is beyond gracious. You can instantly see when you pull up to the course, everything is meticulous, from the fairways to the paths cut into the rough for wayward discs. As your conquer Flip, it takes you on a visually stunning hike through some of the best that northern Michigan has to offer. The first three to four holes are deceiving to how the rest of the course unfolds. As your walking to hole 5's basket, you instantly see how breath taking this course truly is. Not only is this course visually stunning, but it tests your shot selection almost every hole. Just about every tee pad has a broom to clear away debris. Making your way from one hole to the next is easily done with out a map. Granted the Ams and Womens tees are hard to find, as they're just noted by rocks in the fairway. The pro pads are in great shape, and even have a foul and follow through built into the concrete. The signs that show how the hole plays out are very nice, I wouldn't say they are as nice as Idlewild, but they do a great job. I can honestly say while playing Flip, you almost have this feel about you, like a feel good mystique about this course. Another nice touch to the course are what I would call welcome stations, that allow you to catch your breath and take in the true beauty of the course. There is also the sign in shelter on 2A. Another fun aspect to playing Flip is the pin placement. As frustrating as they are they add yet another element to your putting game. Hole 4 is probably the best example of this, if your approach or putt hits wrong, you have a solid chance of rolling down to almost the tee pad. Hole 4 is just the beginning of the great pin placement. This course also has it's fair share of blind holes to throw on as well, my favorite was after finishing 17, you get to ring the bell to signal that you've finished. The landscape of Flip is through out a forest, and it takes full advantage of using the foliage to test your shot making ability. Never does it make it look like a pin ball shot and a great deal of luck is needed to have a good shot.


As others have mentioned having more defined OB would make this course a little more challenging. I really liked how Idlewild accomplished this. The rock sculptures are OB, and very creative at that. This isn't the hardest course I've played, but it will take it's toll on you in a fun and rewarding way.

Other Thoughts:

I wanted to wait and review Flip to I was able to play Idlewild to have another top ten course to compare it to. Idlewild is hands down a championship caliber course. Probably one of the hardest courses I've played. I would rate Idlewild a 4.5, because it doesn't have the same feel to it as Flip does. Really what more can be said that hasn't been said in the hundred plus reviews before this. 45 minutes north of Flip is yet another 4, 4+ rated courses in the Luddington area, which I HIGHLY recommend playing!! Seriously do yourself a favor and make the trek, you won't regret this pure Michigan experience.
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31 60
Experience: 18 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

not that great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 1, 2010 Played the course:once


-Good elevation changes.
-Was well taken care of pretty good course but i've played alot better.
-With all the hype i was expecting something alot nicer and alot more challenging i shot -7 my first game and -8 my second. Had alot of really nice runs on holes here there sure are alot of holes that are easily runable.
-Fun to play.
-Ace RUNs.
-Well mowed.
-Looks pretty in the fall..

-Hmmm the grass was green?


-no water hazards at all
-Tee pads did not have a good enough brush they were rather slick when i played after some rain.
-It was just mediocre IMO
-People were extremely unfriendly
-Heard lots of profanity being screamed through out the course. It to me showed the type that frequents this course. DG is sometimes a frustrating game but people should be more considerate of others. I was also with my 8 y/o son and he does not need to hear that type of language.
-Flip IMO is a mediocre course that is dressed up nice, "a pig in a silk hat" if you will. You can always add amenities to make a course look deceptively nicer than it actually is ie Old structures, rocks, gazebos, etc. But a course still needs to be solid and challenging especially. I want to feel like I have to work for par which makes it even more rewarding getting birdies.
-Having only 2 holes >400
-Most holes were between 200-300ft most being at the low end of that totem pole.
-11 of the holes were 200ft or below.
-Too many holes that were almost completely open or offered very little obstacles especially 1, 2, 4 and 8 was pretty open but at least offered up some elevation change.
-This course is completely way too short to be considered anywhere close to a top tier course.

Other Thoughts:

My thought is that this course has been reviewed by ALOT of locals who think its just the best thing since sliced bread. These locals bring more locals and this course gets more good reviews. But from an outsider looking in having played all across the country it just is not that good. Is the course 'fun" yea sure there are alot of ace runs and who doesn't like birdies but i personally prefer a longer more challenging course that makes you work for par.
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32 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 495 played 183 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Everything You Need - Just Add Water! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


If you don't like long reviews, keep going. Didn't want to review Flip if I couldn't make it meaningful or add to what's already out there, and that simply doesn't fit into 250 words or less.

Without exaggeration, Flip excels in nearly every conceivable facet. Wonderful terrain and excellent design over 24 well conceived holes provide exceptional shot variety and superb disc play, with a good mix of distances, lines, and fairway types (open, moderately treed and a couple of densely wooded pinball machines) to keep you engaged and entertained the entire round. Pretty much allows you to use nearly every disc in your bag, with a few to several (depending on your range) Ace and birdie runs, a couple you can bomb, and most falling comfortably in between. Elevation changes spanning the entire spectrum: fairly flat on a few holes, moderate on others, significant on some, truly major on at least three, with still others where you're throwing over depressions ranging from small gullies to valleys, and one where you throw over a rise. Several pins on or near slopes present risk/reward opportunities and favor those with pinpoint upshots and/or well honed putting skills. Challenging enough to provide score differential among advanced players, without being too tough for less skilled players to enjoy a round. Each hole stands on its own, never feels repetitive. Selecting a signature hole is like asking a kid their favorite flavor of ice cream. Standouts for me include: 7, 11, 2A, 6A, 12 and 18, YMMV.

Completely nails basics like: baskets in great shape, concrete pads, scorecards w/map & pencils, and easy to navigate. No two ways around it - the disc play at Flip is undeniably excellent, perhaps phenomenal.

If the above doesn't stimulate your appetite, you're not a real disc golfer. Stop reading and find another website. Based on nothing else, a rating of no less than 4.0 would be warranted, quite possibly 4.5. That being said, if you isolate and evaluate the disc play on its own, I'm not sure it would merit all the accolades or Flip's vaunted status all by itself - but it would certainly be worthy of debate. However, no single aspect of a course exists in a vacuum, and one should consider all the elements when evaluating the whole.

Evidence of TLC is everywhere the eye can see: The entire course is immaculately maintained with neatly groomed fairways and a few paths mowed into the rough to help find wayward discs. Brooms at most tee pads and seating at many. A gazebo and a shack are strategically located atop hills where several holes converge, encouraging you to sign in (on the walls), enjoy the scenery, interact with other golfers passing the other way, or even break for a snack to recharge before setting off again. Both times I've been here, the entire place was spotless - no trash to be found anywhere and while you might expect the benches or gazebo, etc. , to be grungy or grubby, they're anything but.

Every bit as aesthetically pleasing as it is enjoyable to play. Only a blind man wouldn't stop to appreciate the view on hole7. Other personal favorites include the view from tees 11 and 12. The rock sculptures add a nice touch, but what really shines is the terrain and just how beautifully green it is in the summer. Better than disc golf dedicated land in a well maintained public park, this place exists specifically for and because of disc golf. The seclusion that comes with being so far removed from other activities and the fact that everything you see and everyone you meet is all about the disc golf creates a sense of exclusivity and the feeling of partaking in something special that's only enhanced by it being a shared experience.

All this gives Flip a style all its own and appeal unlike any other course I've played. I've left a few things out - it' getting late, but you simply have to play here to see for yourself. If the ambience and ammenities aren't worth that extra 1/2 disc or so, sue me.


Nothing substantial, but to be completely honest, these thoughts DID come to mind. A couple are tangible, one is a "Yeah, but it'd be even better if...", and one's just my personal preference. Not much can be done about some of them, but facts are facts, and I'm not the only one who thought about these items.

Holes 1-3: First time I played here, started off wondering what all the fuss was about. That thought subsided a bit on hole 4, continued to recede through 5 and 6, and officially went 'POOF' at hole 7, never to be heard from again. Holes 1-3 are certainly decent and reasonably attractive holes, and each seems better than the one before, but they are among the weakest links in this chain. Good but ordinary stands out like a flaw on an otherwise spectacular gem.

Dirt Road: Some may feel it adds a special something - I don't.

No water: There's simply something about water that enhances natural beauty. Even a small creek or a pond (preferably in play) would make it that much better.

Porta-potties: Personally, I hate them. I realize they're the best solution under the circumstance, and in a way, I'm thankful they're onsite. But one thing I like about decent public parks is access to a halfway decent bathroom (not that all parks have 'em).

Perhaps more observation than con: Course offers plenty of challenge, but lacks championship caliber feel. Maybe it's the homey, relaxed atmosphere. Certainly not an easy course by any strectch, but I'm not sure if some degree of difficulty was sacrificed to make play friendlier to a wider range of skill levels.

Other Thoughts:

First and foremost: THANK YOU BILL!
Your vision and generosity benefit us all. If you ever play here, that goes without saying. But perhaps it should extend beyond those lucky enough to play here...

Flip City is so unique, so charming, so well maintained, so epic, and so well known that it's bound to make deep and lasting impressions on people who are active in their local disc golf communities. I mean the folks who get involved in designing new courses and making them happen. Even if they don't have the land Flip sits on, I can't imagine they won't be influenced by what they saw here, steal an idea or two, or be inspired to somehow try and top it. And whether they do or don't, we win. If someone putting in a course aims for Flip and falls short, you still probably have a helluva course.

Better than Idlewild, or Highbridge,or ____?
Can't say, I haven't played them - yet. But that's like comparing Shula's Dolphins, to Noll's Steelers, Walsh's 49'ers or Belichick's Pats. You can't talk about one without mentioning the others. If you want to join in the debate, enjoy. But if Disc Golf has a Hall of Fame, Bill McKenzie's bust has a place in it.
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7 9
Experience: 16 played 16 reviews
5.00 star(s)

amazing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2010 Played the course:once


-amazing variety of holes
-well mantained
-totally original course
-my wife said i smilled almost the whole time
-rock gardens used for OB and rocks on all tree stumps was amazing.
-perfect piece of land for a course


I played with my wife and very tough to figure out the ladies tee. So many rocks around and they used rocks as markers for the ladies tee.

Other Thoughts:

Even with the ladies tees im still giving it a perfect score. Although i know my wife wouldnt give it a 5. I loved it and hope i get to go back someday. Mark the ladies/rec tee with anything other than Rocks and my wife would also give it a 5.
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