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Shelby, MI

Flip City Disc Golf Park

4.825(based on 226 reviews)
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Flip City Disc Golf Park reviews

1 26
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Everything. Great Tee Pads, Great Baskets, Great Course Design, Great Scenery... Great Course.


It's in the middle of no where, so first-timers might have a difficult time finding it.

There are no stores nearby, so bring drinks, snacks with you.

Other Thoughts:

This course is on a guy's private property. The first hole is in his front yard... He's awesome for maintaining it all and letting everyone play on his land... Not to mention he created a phenomenal course!
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3 22
Experience: 16.4 years 7 played 7 reviews
5.00 star(s)

And then I saw the light... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2011 Played the course:once


I have always heard about Flip. Finally got a chance to play this summer with DJ Hunt, Ric Hunt, RC Hunt, and Travis Smith. I was blown away with every aspect of the course. First of all the fact that i saw ZERO cigarette butts on the course except in designated areas made me so happy. The course is challenging, exciting, fun, and beautiful all within the first 3 holes. The hills make it more of a challenge and the people on the course were all respectful. Bring your big boy (or girl) arm because their is some long shots. But most of all BRING A CAMERA!


...um...i could have shot better? No cons
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11 16
Experience: 20.5 years 153 played 15 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Flippin' Nuts 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 20, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Bill's pin placement is top notch. Almost every placement offers challenges. Aside from the beauty and the "ambiance" this is what makes this course great. Also, Bill has not forgotten a thing on this beauty. The up keep is phenomenal. Even when it's muddy you'll find him out there putting dirt down on the driveway. Everything is marked like no other place on Earth. Enjoy the shelters! Don't turn into a witch and fly off on the brooms like I did. Shots are varied and challenging. It helps to have a big arm on this course, but it's not necessary to have a good time or score.


Really? You want me to say something bad about Flip? Forget it...

Other Thoughts:

Wonderful story about the course being Bill's family farm and has been there since the 70s though just receiving baskets in 98, I believe. He's given us all such a gift. Was disappointed to hear that some people who played a glow earlier in the year left some trash out on the course. I think they may have ruined the glow experience for some, but this place needs to be treated with respect. We are all guests.
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3 31
Experience: 95 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2011 Played the course:once


Lots of elevation changes. Beautiful course maintenance.


Every course I have played I can list negatives for. I am not going to list the negatives for this course because the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.

Other Thoughts:

I have played blue ribbon pines and highbridge courses before playing this. Flip city is truly one of the best courses in the country. It was worth the 8 hour drive from Iowa to enjoy 2 quick rounds at this gem. I look forward to playing this course again.
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7 10
Experience: 14.4 years 50 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Amazing! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2011 Played the course:once


Wow Wow Wow! beautiful course, amazingly taken care of. You can tell that Bill loves his course by the condition it is is. The lay out is challenging, but is forgiving at the same time. Tee pads are solid. They are skinny and I have an odd run up so I thought it was going to be an issue. To my plesant suprise I had plenty of room for my run up width and length wise. A must play course no matter where you live.


Cons? Seriously? not one to be found accept it's in Bills backyard instead of mine.

Other Thoughts:

The course has a lot of elevation changes and is a work out. It is one of the most fun courses I have ever played. I smiled the whole time I was there. I met Bill briefly and what a humble and great guy. If your a avid disc golfer you know that it's not always about the score. I swear i could bogie every hole and leave Flip City the happiest guy I know.
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44 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.4 years 1329 played 136 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful and fun 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 12, 2011 Played the course:once


The description says it all, Flip City really is disc golf's field of dreams. This is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been fortunate enough to visit not only in terms of natural beauty but also in terms of aesthetic golf fairways.

Hole 2A is probably one of my favorite all time holes requiring two long dead straight shots with straight to slight turnover finishes to obtain the pin. Complicating the drive and 'approach' shots are rolling hills with two moderately sloped ravines. After playing many rounds here, I'd expect to find some pretty cool variation in scoring depending on whether you land near the top or the bottom of the slope. Drives that miss the fairway are likely to either hit the lining trees, land in deep rough, or at least land in areas of long grass which will damper ones effort for recovery. This hole also comes after many shorter and more simplistic holes which really highlights the contrast in challenge and length - Fantastic hole!

Variety - Although distance and challenge are relatively uniform across the course (shorter and less challenging), variety in terms of shot selection is awesome at Flip. I especially enjoyed several of the low-ceiling holes or upward finishing holes that begged for a long controlled roller shot. Of course the more traditional mix of forehands, backhands, and tomahawk shots were also on tap. The course also boasts many holes with multiple routes which have a fair balance of pros/cons of their own leaving the player to weigh their strengths against potential rewards and risks.

Beauty - I've mentioned it several times in this review, but it is worth restating - the course is absolutely gorgeous. You really can't go wrong with your visit to Flip City!


The first main drawback I felt playing through Flip City was the relative lack of variety in terms of hole distances and challenge. I was throwing an Aviar off of nearly one-third of the holes, often short turnovers or slight downhill straight shots. Many of the more open holes allowed for very straightforward hyzer bombs with little risk or penalty for missed shots. Teepads seem to be another problem, perhaps only one that has developed over time as they have worn down. Even after sweeping them off (with the really cool brooms on each hole), I was sliding all over on release. I usually have a fairly light-foot on tees so I would expect that this is likely a problem for many that play the course. Finally, the overall challenge of the course is mostly suited to players of a more intermediate level rather than geared towards advanced/pro players. Although there are more than a few holes which will test even the most veteran golfer, there are LOTS of 'gimmes' and filler holes that don't add a whole lot to the experience and aren't present in such numbers on other top courses I've played.

Other Thoughts:

This course really is worth the trip for any level of golfer from very new players to the most skillful throwers. New players will still have the opportunity to get a few birdies, and while experienced players will probably find a majority of holes too straightforward for excitement, they will still enjoy the course aura and the more challenging holes that intersperse the course. For beauty and playing experience, Flip City is certainly tops for beauty and experience but for a true test of the golfers game, I'd recommend the nearby Leviathan course as an all-around better choice.

Remember to kick in what you think the experience of playing Flip City was worth. $1 is a completely crazy price to get the priviledge of playing this course. I'm sure it takes lots of money to not only outfit the course with all of the cool amenities present but also for general maintenance. Gas costs alone for mowing fairways must be quite expensive!
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125 1
Experience: 24.6 years 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Flyboy visits Flip 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


See Cons


See Pros

Other Thoughts:

Making a trip up north to play the legendary Flip City course has been on my to-do list since long before I ever dreamed of building my own disc golf course. With the Atlanta summer heat index well into the miserable 100's, the time seemed right, and fellow disc golfer Brad Meier and I headed north on a spur of the moment combined trip to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mecca of sport aviation, and Flip City, Shelby, Michigan, Mecca of disc golf. Oshkosh: been there done that before. Flip City: epic.

Having heard so many great things about Flip over the years, our expectations were high, and neither of us got much sleep the night before our visit, as the anticipation of playing one of the best disc golf courses on the planet had us all keyed up. We'd given Bill, creator of Flip City, a courtesy call prior to the trip just to make sure we were good to go, he gave us the green light, and the trip was on. Airline flight Atlanta to Detroit, and rental car drive Detroit to Shelby dragged on forever, but as we finally got to within 10 minutes or so of Flip, the pavement faded to gravel, time seemed to slow down, and the beautiful landscape gave us a hint of what was to come.

I wasn't sure what to expect pulling into Bill's driveway...giant flashing neon Flip City sign?...big asphalt parking lot?...wrong end of the spectrum. The place is quaint and understated with only a few initial subtle hints of disc golf. The faint word "Flip" was mowed into the grass in the front yard. Nice touch. Stepping out of the rental car, we were the only sign of life on the property, aside from the swarm of seasonal deer flies buzzing around our heads (we were in season). Near the parking area, a small faded wooden sailboat sits on a pedestal, and around the corner of a shed is an old mailbox nailed to the wall with scorecard/course maps and pencils. There's a donation lock box labeled "$1". $1...are you kidding me...to play this legendary private course? My first insight into the kind of guy Bill is.

The #1 tee pad, around the shed, is marked by a diminutive white post and points out towards Bill's front yard. No tee signs, huh. "Must be that-a-way", over the hill between those trees? Our hunch was confirmed with a few steps up the hill to get a visual on the basket. I almost aced #1 with my trusty Road Runner. Let's see, next tee...no next tee signs either, huh...there it is...over there, and the pad points "that-a-way", basket must be over there somewhere. We continued working our way around the first five holes using the "must be that-a-way" method, noticing the increasingly beautiful scenery, swatting deer flies, and certainly enjoying but not blown away with the course...until we found the #6 tee. Wow...now I get it! Absolutely beautiful. After putting out, we followed a meandering path we hoped would lead us to...Holy Cow!...#7...even more picturesque off the tee than #6. Ok, officially blown away now. And so it went.

And then we stepped up to #11. The scene unfolds below and in front of you like stepping into a wonderland. Curious rock sculptures sprout up randomly around the manicured grass fairway, loosely bordered by knee high wild flower spattered rough areas, serrated by ribbons of artistically mowed pathways. Mesmerized, we grab for our cameras with no thought of grabbing for a disc. Finally, oh yeah, we gotta tee off don't we. I managed another decent Road Runner pull, but "niced" Brad's Wraith just as it turned over and headed for the rough. Finding it was a breeze though, thanks to the accommodating mowed paths in the knee high wild flowers.

As we continued around the course, learning to spot the subtle pathways to the next tee, and realizing the lay of the land is all the tee sign you really need here, we began to appreciate the "experience" of playing Flip, as one beautiful fairway after another eased into view before us. Somewhere along the way, without mention, we stopped keeping score, ridding ourselves of any additional stress. Our fun meters were pegged. Even the Deer Flies seemed to cut us some slack, or maybe we just quit noticing them, as we became fully immersed in the incredibly beauty of this special place. A wind chime played some faint background music. Brad and I respectfully added our own small touch to the Flip City tapestry, stacking a couple of small stones on one of the many rock sculptures, and writing a thank you note in sharpie to Bill on a picnic table, already covered in countless signatures, musings and hieroglyphics from 30 years of disc golfers. Another insight into Bill's psyche, inviting his guests to become a part of his creation.

As we progressed through the layout, I began to understand and respect the "feel-good" nature of Flip City. Having played Flyboy hundreds of times, with it's heart-pounding lake challenges, every trick in the bag required, and mental and physical endurance demands, it was a welcome relief to be able to totally relax and enjoy a completely different realm of disc golf. With nary a par 4 or 5 to worry about, my "Nut Sac" of four trusty discs was plenty to play Flip (Oh. The "Nut Sac" is a small travel bag I use on the road). Remember, Bill built this course 30 years ago, when a 250-foot drive was a pretty good rip. To choose between Flip and Flyboy...well, they're two entirely different animals. Brad and I, both pilots, mused it'd be like trying to decide whether you'd want to fly a vintage WWII P-51 Mustang, or a supersonic, high tech F-22 Raptor, each sexy fighter planes in their own right. We'd give both our arms to be able to fly either.

It is understandable to me now how Flip City, one of the very first private courses in the sport, has stood the test of time, and in fact become part of the history and lore of disc golf: one word...Bill. We were able to meet and chat with him after the round, because he gave up his afternoon at the lake to wait for us to finish the course. Bill has dedicated about 30 years of his life to his dream, and I really do mean major sacrifice...in his personal life, the enormous amount of work he's done not only creating this jewel, but meticulously maintaining it on a daily basis. And financially...how many thousands upon thousands of dollars of his own money has he invested over the years to make this course one of the best in the world? The mailbox nailed on the side of the shed says "$1 to play". C'mon Bill.... you kidd'n me! One dollar won't even pay to back the mower out of the shed! But that's Bill's way, quietly motoring along, almost apologizing for asking that you please not bring your dog to crap around the course, or throw your cigarette butts down, or donate $1 to play. I urge you to ignore the ridiculous "$1" sign and donate as much as you possibly can afford to the Flip City cause. And if you insist on throwing your cigarette butts on the ground, just wait and throw them down right at Bill's feet when you finish. He's the one ultimately going to be picking them up, might as well save him walking around the course to do it. Don't forget, this is a private venue. There's no grounds crew to mow and clean up after you, there's no public funding coming in to build, maintain, and improve the course, there's just Bill.

If you wanted specific hole-by-hole details about Flip City, read some of the other detailed, well-written reviews. To me, this course is so much more about experiencing something very special in our sport, than about the mathematics of a perfect disc golf hole, the stats on the course, or even your score. It's about enjoying a once in a lifetime, unique disc golf experience, and well worth the time, effort, and money to come up here to "Mecca", and experience it for yourself.

Kelly Leggette
Flyboy Aviation
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4 19
Experience: 17.4 years 58 played 6 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


A great wow factor.
Great challenge.
A place to camp if needed.


Not close enough to me to play more often.
I just cant see any major or minor falt with this course.

Other Thoughts:

Bill is a great guy who has done a terrific job.
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14 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.4 years 119 played 31 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Flipping Awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2011 Played the course:once


Well taken care of
Nicely groomed fairways
Broom at almost every hole
Nice baskets
Great use of elevation
Unique, but nice tee pads
Great variety of shots
Nice benches
Maps and scorecards at #1
Amazing rock structures
Nice pedestrians
Wonderful terrain


None that I can think of

Other Thoughts:

Oh my god, where to even begin. This course is definitely one of the best in the world. It just puts together all of the things needed for a perfect course. I couldn't imagine a course any better than what this one has to offer. It is an all in one course. Some holes are short and narrow, while others are long and wide. It just makes you use every shot imaginable. It makes you think harder about one shot than you ever have. I just loved the diversity here.

Bill, he is a great guy. He definitely knows how to put together a perfect disc golf course. I came up on a mini vacation and camped out here. He made the experience a thousand times better. He just wants you to be satisfied by the time you leave the course. I know for a fact that I was very satisfied when I left here. He's a great guy and if any of you go, for sure say hi to him. Without Bill here the course would be no more. He loves this place like no other. So keep it clean.

Just overall this course gave me the expierence of a lifetime. I am from Ky and I live 5 minutes away from Idlewild. I don't know what course that I like better. They are just both magnificent. They both are perfect courses. When I came I was surprised how it was in the middle of no where. Regardless of where it is located, it is still on top of the world. The one little complaint I had was the tee signs. I know the give you a map at the beginning, but it could use to have better tee signs. The only other thing was the bugs. I know they can't control it but the bugs are everywhere. Just bring bug spray and you'll be good to go. Come here for a great time with Bill and the rest of Flip. Enjoy
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7 10
Experience: 16.4 years 153 played 18 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Truely Great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2011 Played the course:once


WOW! I loved this course easily one of my favorites. THe first few holes don't seem real spectacular, but when you get to 5 and on I was just mind blown away. I loved the use of the rolling hills and rocky terrain. The rock structures throughout the course added a touch of class. Fairways were clean of garbage, clearly marked and fun just to look at. There are plenty of blind shots and not knowing the course made shot selection diffictult at times. If I had to pick a favorite hole it would have to be them anything from hole 5 on.


2 things would be nice, a proshop on hand with water and discs and making it more stroller friendly. I pushed my son ina running stroller and parts were a bit difficult.

Other Thoughts:

Having played Highbridge Hills Blueberry Hill course the day before and Blue Ribbon Pines early in the month this course beats them both. Blue Ribbon comes close but lacks in elevation change. Blueberry lacks mostly in grooming, but also just the feel of the course. THIS IS A MOST PLAY COURSE!
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10 2
Experience: 21.6 years 265 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Shelby Nirvana 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


A beautiful course with a wide variety of shots and varying elevations.
Perfectly laid out, easy to follow path with signs.
24 hole course including 6 alternate holes so you can play a quicker round of 18 or get the full experience with 24.
Great pin placement and challenging distance on many holes.
Isolated location and elegantly carved through many acres of rolling land.
Pretty forgiving on many holes.


*[*not really a con, but*]* Not beginner friendly as it is a long course utilizing a wide variety of shots.

Other Thoughts:

With a good arm and decent aim, it is fairly easy to make par (3) on most holes and birdies are a viable option for a good portion of holes. Speaking as an amateur with a lot of different courses played and 8 years of experience, this is definitely my favorite course due to the amount of fun it is just to just play the course and experience the game of disc golf in pure Shelby nirvana. The course is amazingly kept and laid out and the sense of serenity and karma of the course is unmatched.
If you can make a trip to play a round here, DO IT!
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14 2
Experience: 15 years 23 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Sweet Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course offers many different shot selections. Not overly long and all holes have obstacles. (Long 500' holes without any obstacles, in my opinion, are a complete waste.) Elevation changes were very nice and quite surprising as I wasn't expecting to hump it as much as I did. While many of the holes are short, they are not easy. Great fun factor, but also challenging. Brooms at almost every hole made it nice to be able to clean them off. Others playing the course were very nice. We arrived during leagues on Wednesday and got to meet many of the "locals". A lot of these guys are driving 45 min. - 1 hour to play each week! I think that says a lot about the course. Everyone we met was very cool and they offered good advice. Trash cans at almost every tee and awesome, conveniently placed "rest areas" along the way. Many shots require hitting your line, but you're not punished too badly on most holes if you miss that line. There are some tunnel shots though. The stacked rocks add to the mystique of the course.


Too far of a drive from Independence, KY (but it certainly was worth it.) Cell phone reception is spotty (try the tee on 18)

Other Thoughts:

If you camp, watch out for the racoon. He's probably about 20 lbs fatter after eating our bacon, goetta, peanuts, etc... Bill was an awesome host. Got to enjoy a few drinks with him and learn the history of Flip. This course was very clean too. While talking to Bill, I learned a little bit about the time commitment to keep this course up and it takes a LONG time just to mow, not to mention emptying the trash cans. We spent 3 days at Flip and while it rained during the morning on 2 of the 3 days, it was still awesome and well worth the 7 hour trip. Bill has a beautiful course in his back yard and we are all very fortunate that he is willing to share it with us.
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28 5
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun for EVERYONE 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


- Course is set in a large piece of property that has an abundance of hills and forest. This is the definition of an area devoted to disc golf, no interference and no distractions. Holes are pretty much split between open with obstacles (trees, bushes, rock piles) and forested with defined lines. There are also those that enter/exit or play next to denser forest.
- Holes in the open provide some different looks; #1 is a blind shot over a hill and around a tree, #6 forces a wide shot either way, #11 is a nice valley shot, #4A has a semi-protected basket, each one has something to think about. Very few are truly open.
- A lot of other holes are in semi-open areas, meaning there are a ton of obstacles between you and the pin. This is usually in the form of large, wide trees that double as leafy death up top and trunk danger on bottom. With a lot of elevated tees/valley shots, the entire tree can be a hazard in different ways. Other holes have more trees off the teepad, to force a line right out of the gate. Others have lots of trees near the basket to force good shot placement. A large range of shots here - pictures do the justice.
- Good amount of holes in the woods as well, which demand a ton of accuracy and distance control. Multiple blind shots over hills to a sloping green, with huge punishment for going long, left, or right. Scattered trees also force some line control; having some trick shots or a good OH can be a lifesaver. Some other holes with straight up tight fairways or approaches, like #2's second shot (for most),and #3A and #18 off the tee.
- Hilliness is a constant factor here, on almost every single hole, no joke. #2 is kinda flat, maybe #9 and a few others, but it is the exception. Lots of valley shots for downs and ups, and some smaller hills for ups and downs. Elevated teepads on many holes, a pure uphill basket on #4 and #6, a steep downhill on #18, etc. etc.
- Great variety in holes distances, with 5 under 200', 7 over 350', with 4 over 440'. Lots in between as well. At the very least one par 4 (#2A, 670' double valley fairway with trees and bordering forest), with #2 a close call (502', into a low forest with lots of trees).
- Good teepads, baskets. Posts with hole numbers for signage, navigation is pretty straightforward. Everything is perfectly manicured and well taken care of.


- Biggest con here in my book is some repetetiveness. This is especially true for the smaller forest holes, throwing it straight and not too far is really about it. With super short lengths, a birdie usually just means you didn't screw up. Some of the valley shots feel similar as well, even after playing the course three times they still blend together a bit.
- While there are some hazards in the form of rock gardens and some rollaways/trenches, there is indeed no water and not many truly dangerous spots to go. Staying out of trouble in general can be very easy, playing it safe is always an option.

Other Thoughts:

- Wow, what a course. Fun factor is off the charts, for the multitude of reasons listed above. The shorter hole lengths in spots reflect the age of this course, but the longer ones will make even the big arms bust out the drivers. Lots of fantastic, memorable holes that have a ton of challenge and character. The entire atmosphere, with camping, glow, hanging out with the designer and other peeps, is truly an experience. No doubt.
- Even with all the reasons above, Flip is just a tad one-dimensional to warrant a full 5 stars. The lack of deadly hazards, some similar holes, and dearth of par 4 holes hurt the rating. But what it does, it does magnificently. Everyone from beginners to experts should love it start to finish.
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4 7
Experience: 27.3 years 82 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

king of kings 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2010 Played the course:once


24 holes maximizes your time on this serene disc golf oasis.elevation change make this fun and challenging for this ohio boy.stone piles make for fun and interesting obstacles..fairways are nicely maintained and ruff has angles path to facilitate in finding lost discs...a+++


too far away from me...thats pretty much it

Other Thoughts:

this is my ultimate summer vacation spot for every summer in the future..u can litterlly feel the history on the tees.keep up the good work and happy huking
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11 1
Blonde Thunder
Experience: 15.4 years 65 played 12 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Dream Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 11, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The beauty of the surroundings is the most obvious thing that makes this course special. The course flows through acre after of acre of gorgeous forest and rolling hills, which offer very scenic views from several spots on the course.
The lay-out of the course is the most important thing to me and the lay-out was great. Every hole offered some type of challenging drive and/or elevation change. Every hole had trees to avoid and landing zones to shoot for, with a steep price to pay for missing your line. Many of the baskets were set on steep hills for even more risk/reward opportunities.
The fairways are devoid of stumps and holes and are well-mowed (which must take forever) making for easy traversing.
The multitude of picnic tables, benches and gazebos placed throughout the course allow plenty of neat spots to take a break.
There are plenty of trash cans throughout the course.
The rough actually has paths mowed through them so you can search for your disc without having to walk through many weeds. I have never seen this before and I can't express how much easier it is to find a disc because of it, saving time, energy, and frustration.


The only bad thing about this course is that it isn't closer to my house.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a four hour drive for me but it is worth every mile.
If you plan to camp, contact Bill ahead of time.
There is no electrical or running water for campers, so plan accordingly. There is a grocery store: fifteen minute drive through gorgeous forest for any supplies you might not have. Thank you Bill, you provide a special place for a lot of people.
Make the trip.
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6 11
Experience: 21.4 years 126 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Flip City...WOW! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


This is by far the best disc golf experience that i have had. Because of the peaceful environment that Bill has created, this place cant be beat by any public course. I was allowed to play day and night golf, camp, cook out, and most of all relax....thanks. I am from Texas and i will be back with another group garunteed! Thanks again Bill



Other Thoughts:

When it comes to the overall picture...Bill you rock!
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18 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 72 played 45 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 30, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


The 5 star rating on this site is reserved for "The best of the best" and Flip deserves that distinction. Flip plays through the most gorgeous disc golf only land I've ever played, and every hole is its own unique challenge.

A hole-by-hole breakdown would be redundant, as previous reviews have done a good job describing each shot. The difficulty of Flip definitely requires an advanced skill set to score well, but I think for most players coming here to score well is like going to Hooters for the wings. The shorter tees reduce the difficulty, but I think you have to play from the longs to fully enjoy what the course has to offer. Even if the difficulty slaps you around, the experience of playing the course will stay with you as long as you disc.

Aside from the play itself, there is an aura about Flip that helps it earn a 5 star rating. I know it's a completely subjective thing to a rate a course based on its aura, but there's just something about driving down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere to play disc in some dude's back yard that is just awesome. Moreover, the rock structures, gazebos, and benches around the course give you plenty of unique spots to chill and enjoy the scenery between holes. I didn't camp here, but the set up in the front of the property looks like a cool place to spend a night.


My only beef with the actual play of the course was 3A. I didn't feel like there was a legitimate line to the basket, and it basically feels like you're just throwing into a bunch of trees and hoping to get lucky. 2A is probably the most difficult hole to score well on, so these two back to back can lead to some frustration.

Other reviews mention the lack of stairs on some of the steeper hills. This shouldn't be an issue for most players, but if you're playing with somebody who has mobility issues, this might be a legitimate concern.

The back of the course is pretty buggy so bring some spray.

Other Thoughts:

Plain and simple, traveling to and playing Flip is an experience that will stay with you. It's the type of place that warrants the time and money it takes to get there. Thanks to Bill for sharing this course with every disc golfer willing to make the trip.
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5 7
Experience: 15.2 years 114 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Absolutely AMAZING! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 2, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Everything is fantastic about this course. Beautiful landscaping, very well kept course, Good variety of holes, camping on-site, Easy navigation from hole-to-hole. The rock formations are so cool!


No water holes. This is probably just me but I like a one or two good water holes.

Other Thoughts:

This was my first time and knowing its not very far from where I normally am it sure won't be my last. The designer sure did know what he was doing. If you go there and don't like it there really is something wrong. There are markings everywhere on the course whether its in the rocks or the shed showing how many people are there and how far they have traveled. It took me almost 3 hours to play after taking my time to thoroughly enjoy the landscape and the course in general. Be sure to enjoy yourself, and take in the wonderful formations and landscapes.
I have played this course numerous times now and i still enjoy everything that this course has to give.

Make sure to say hi to Bill! He is a wonderful guy!
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2 14
Experience: 24.5 years 5 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Best course in the country! The Augusta National of disc golf courses. This course is incredible during the day and even more fun at night.


Hole #18 is not the most majestic finishing hole but that does not take away from the entire experience that is Flip City.

Other Thoughts:

It is a great thing to end your round and be only yards away from your campsite.
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2 16
Jeffro Skull
Experience: 15.5 years 115 played 12 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2011 Played the course:once


... blah, blah, blah. GO PLAY THIS COURSE!
- lots of variety


only that I wish this was my property!
OK to be a little more more critical the shorter shots are nothing spectacular (this is fixed by the addition of the 6 bonus holes)

Other Thoughts:

Kudos to Bill... thanks for the great experiance!
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