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Jacksonville, IL

Foreman Grove

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2.925(based on 6 reviews)
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Foreman Grove reviews

1 0
Premium Member
Experience: 25.3 years 175 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Crisscross Confusion 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 5, 2019 Played the course:once


It has concrete tee pads that are mile long and double chain baskets


Just about every fairway crosses into another fairway way.

Low ceilings with virtually no lines to throw

No maps on signs and a few basket numbers are missing so it can be confusing what basket you are throwing to.

I'm all about 450+ holes but this is a 9 joker that's in an oversized backyard. Some well placed 300-350 holes would have been better

Other Thoughts:

This is why I won't typically go out of my way for a 9 hole course.
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1 2
Experience: 7.5 years 6 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 2, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


It has some nice shots with trees and other obstacles. It also has a couple of open shots, so the course has some variety. Good signs and concrete tee areas.


The lack of a defined fairway is there, but not a real big problem. Also has an area where if you throw your disc in, then it is gone. It is a water treatment plant I believe.

Other Thoughts:

It is a nice 9 home course for the area if you are within 30ish minutes. Worth playing once, and on a windy day it can be decently challenging.
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2 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11 years 385 played 105 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Solid niner 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2017 Played the course:once


The usual:

Concrete tee pads (obviously added since the 2014 reviews), big map on park sign, good signage at each tee box.

Use of what trees were there.....

Memorable holes:
#1 Basket tucked in on right side, with tree line on right and couple of mature trees in fairway.

#3 Slight right bend throw under a canopy of branches to a reachable basket.

4- 6 are just open holes across the field

#7 Long throw to basket tucked away with solid tree protection.

#8 Throw through the trees to a slight right bend basket.... makeable line through the trees.

so all in all .... 5 baskets with decent elements, 4 wide opens...


Bit of crisscross on some of the fairways.... 5 tee is further out past 6 then 6 crosses back over 5 to get to 7 tee..... Not sure why they did that.

No distinct fairways..... #4 basket on the edge of what would be #1 fairway.

Other Thoughts:

This was course #202.... just came here because it was somewhat close to where I was after a daughter's volleyball tourney.

Would not be worth the drive from any of the closest cities... St Louis, Springfield, Quincy, etc....

However, if I lived within 10- 15 miles of it, would make it a semi regular go to niner.... Enough challenges: distance, right bend shots, tree protection to make it worthwhile...

as it was I was out there near dusk on a Saturday and there were two other groups (a twosome and foursome) playing through.....
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 113 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Well done 9 holer... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2014 Played the course:once


*Nice open park with little other park traffic to compete with
*Nice variety of shots...even mix of hyzer vs anhyzer drives
*Not a lot of terrain to work with but the designer did a great job of maximizing the land they had. Used what trees and cover are there to their fullest.
*Very nice baskets


*Teepads are worn and it had rained so I had to play casual relief...concrete or rubber pads would be a great future addition (as well as space for alternate teepads to make it 18 holes)
*There are sponsor signs at each teebox but no map of the hole so if it is your first time playing the course you have to walk up to see which basket goes with each tee. Maps on the teesigns or a map of the course in a kiosk would be nice
*Some serious poison ivy along the treeline on hole 1...which definitely comes into play. Need to get in there and spray this.
*Playground on hole 8 could be dangerous if children are present.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I think that they did a really nice job with this course. I grew up in Jacksonville (but haven't lived there for quite sometime...although my parents still live there) and we had no courses so it is nice to see this little 9 holer to introduce disc golf to the area. A few additional touches will turn this good 9 hole course into a really nice little 9 holer. Great work to the team that made this happen!
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2 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Big Thing. Small package. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 21, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


- Nice baskets

- Clean, and well maintained, mowed often.

- Wide open holes to let your disc rip

- Plenty of tree's, fenced in area, etc for some fun obstacles.

- Friendly/Welcoming group of locals often present.


- Lack of shorter holes

- In need of tee's be it concrete or rubber mats. Tee off area's are already well worn and a hazard when it has rained.

- Being that is a small but very popular course locally occasionally you have to wait to play holes on others and sometimes holes overlap with other throwers with the layout.

- If disc is lost in fenced in pump area I am unsure how to get it back as well.

Other Thoughts:

- This is a smaller but meaty course. They do a great job at keeping it up. At any given time you can find this course being used.
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2 0
Experience: 21.4 years 17 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun, compact course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


1. Variety of hole lengths (237-488 ft).

2. Some good obstacles (trees, pump station); Some wide-open holes.

3. Nice baskets.


1. Creek along one side is gross and full of garbage.

2. Park is a pretty low spot in town, so it can flood easily.

3. Tees are getting worn quickly; rubber mats might be a nice addition in the future (or some other kind of tee box).

4. Course is pretty flat, overall.

5. Sewer smell near the basket on Hole 9 is gross occasionally.

6. If one accidentally thows a disc in the pump station fence, I don't know the best way to get it back. Maybe a number could be posted.

7. No bathroom available at the park.

Other Thoughts:

1. City did a good job cutting back a lot of the poison ivy a month or two after the course opened. Hopefully they can do that each year.

2. There is a playground area near hole 8 that you have to be careful about when kids are using it.

3. There are a couple places where fairways overlap, so you occasionally have to wait for people on other holes to play through.

4. Usually takes close to an hour to play.
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