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Oak Harbor, WA

Fort Nugent Park DGC

Permanent course
3.055(based on 22 reviews)
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Fort Nugent Park DGC reviews

3 1
Experience: 50 played 7 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Boring for experienced golfers 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2014 Played the course:once


- Nice park with a big playground for kids
- Clean bathrooms
- Well marked, good signage


- Repetitive: The first 12 holes were all basically the same shot
- Short holes: Nothing to really air it out on until the last 6
- Poor flow: It's easy enough to walk between holes, but one hole doesn't flow into another
- Blind holes: Almost all of the first holes with the layout I played were blind. I like having a few blind holes, but every hole just gets frustrating
- Thick bush: Spent lots of time looking for discs, even when I thought I had a good shot
- Wide open holes in the back have little thought put into them

Other Thoughts:

- My wife thought this course was OK, but she only plays once or twice a year. I play once a week or so and have been for 10 years and I was bored by the third hole.
- Definitely not worth going out of your way to play
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9 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

New Course On Whidby Island! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2009 Played the course:once


This area finally has a course. So that's my first plus. It's a new (maybe 5 years old park) multi-use park. There's a variety of activities for folks to do there. The course is almost like two courses in one. After # 1, the next 11 holes are mostly tight and play through the woods. The final 6 wrap around the outskirts of soccer fields. The teepads are large with great grip. The baskets are brand new and the tee signs are brightly colored and informative. The flow of the course was good but I must be getting blind because I didn't notice many next tee signs.


There were many holes with blind baskets. I'm never thrilled with more than 1 or 2 blind baskets on a course. The benches and trash cans will come with time. A very little bit of selective logging could really help a couple of the fairways. I felt that the flightpaths on many of the wooded fairways weren't natural. Discs don't fly right, left and then right again. I think if enough players are playing this course, they will eventually help stomp down and clear out much of the thick underbrush.

Probably my biggest con about the course is # 13 to # 17 are all almost the exact hole only with varying distances. On each you tee off with the fence bordering on your left and just heave your disc to the right and let it hyser back to the basket. I imagine lefties will not love these holes. And when soccer games are in progress, disc players will haveto be careful to keep their drives off the soccer fields.
And # 10 does present a problem when ballplayers are on the field. I just threw a roller. That way I was fairly certain that I wouldn't be hitting any ballplayer on his head.

Other Thoughts:

Thanks for all the time and hard work that went into this course. I think you designed a fairly nice course working with the grounds and obstacles that this particular park has.
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10 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Oak Harbor disc golf. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 4, 2009 Played the course:once


The baskets, tee pads, and signs are all in brand new condition. The park is well maintained in the open areas. Because of all of the signs and markers the course is very easy to follow and the flow perfectly winds you back to the parking lot, which is about two walmart parking lots combined! The pin placement is clever and makes approach and putt shots more difficult. There is a little creek running through a part of the course that comes in to play on one of the holes. The course switches from a wooded short technical hole to wide open longer holes with some O.B. about half way through. very good usage out of the park for disc golf, good back and forth between hole lengths. I love the warm up basket.


Well the course is tight in places and follows the foot path which could be a bad thing if people are walking their dogs or taking an afternoon stroll. Also if your disc does not come to rest on the foot path you can almost kiss it goodbye, the bushes are so thick it is almost impossible to find a disc in this stuff. The pin placement is fun but some of the holes are put in the middle of brush piles which add to disc searching. It's a shared park and the open holes throw near a soccer field which could be a problem when busy. Starting at hole thirteen and going to the end of the course the holes become open and boring with many of them being almost the same shot. It would of been nice to have seen some benches at least some where. I was there at seven in the morning and I got eaten alive by mosquitoes, there were a lot of nests, I can't imagine what it's like in the afternoon. Some of the holes are way too short, no matter how technical you make something it's hard not to at least par a hole that's 128 feet, a lot of the time I was throwing my putter for a drive. The open holes are just that, open. Footing is a problem when you are off the foot path, I can see twisting an ankle easily.

Other Thoughts:

It is quite beautiful over there even though you can't see anything from the course you could check out the scenic views when you come in across the bridge. I drove from north Everett and it took me an hour, I would rather play Sedro Woolley or Mossy Roc up north for just about the same amount of drive as this but it's a cute little park with a decent amount of variety though there isn't much of a challenge except for two or three holes, there just isn't anything special to drive out of your way for sadly. Hole ten and hole eighteen and par fours which could be changed backed to a par three to make it harder since I got birdie on both of them. I lost a disc on hole number three after searching for what seemed like hours, bring a spotter or a big group when you go, also look out for the neighbors on holes two through four.
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