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Lakewood, WA

Fort Steilacoom Park - Northwest

3.625(based on 33 reviews)
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Fort Steilacoom Park - Northwest reviews

4 1
Experience: 14 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun course mostly through woodsy area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 6, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


A lot of fun holes with interesting elevation change elements. Good course design with lots of open space. Great natural terrain to walk through. Relatively tough to lose a disc. Good parking and fairly easy access. All around solid course.


Not much of a practice area. Couple of the wooded holes are a little too wooded. Good enough to be a nice destination course but no aspect of this course will blow you away.

Other Thoughts:

Proximity to SE course is a plus. BIG trees in the hole 1 area.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.3 years 202 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very Good! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2020 Played the course:once


-Some nice elevation change, especially holes 1 and 16
-Great mix of fairway shapes and distances
-Most baskets have a metal arrow under the cage pointing in the general direction of the next tee pad
-Maps at each tee pad with hole number and distance
-Long concrete tee pads
-Attractive and well maintained
-4 Practice baskets and an open field next to the parking lot


-Hole 12's tee pad location
-Beginners will need to bring a spotter, but this really isn't a beginner course
-I was confused at a couple points as to how to get to the next tee pad, but it didn't take too long to find them

Other Thoughts:

From reading previous reviews, it sounds like this course has come a long way- and I believe it! It was fun to see a couple old style baskets out there and to imagine how much has changed over the last 30 years.
I really enjoyed the beauty and variety the NW course offers. I crave downhill throws and #1 and #16 were certainly satisfying. Also throwing across the pit at hole 11 was fun and there is a nice set of stairs to walk down.
I didn't like start of hole 12. You are forced to hit a small gap with sizable drop-offs to both the right and left and even a great drive can't reach the green due to the stiff right turn uphill. I'd prefer to see the tee pad at the base of the hill- it would be safer for those walking up from hole 11 and it would still be a fun hole.
But overall this was a great round of 18 and I highly recommend this place for serious disc golfers.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 193 played 191 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 27, 2019 Played the course:once


The northwest course is a great compliment to the southeast. It's a pretty wooded but fair 18 hole course. Hole 1 starts off by the roadway on a very fun downhill throw. This course has great elevation change, with one signature hole I think it's hole 11 or around that a super fun downhill throw. Great mix of distances with couple par 4s thrown in. There's a couple birdie chances but also holes you can get in trouble. Even with being wooded course finding disc isn't to hard as it's in pretty good shape. Good mando signs and fair fairways. Nice tee pads and okay tee signs. Overall a fun challenging course for sure worth the play.


First timers might get confused as hole 1 isn't where you would assume. Take a picture of the course map on the kiosk board. There's what I'm guessing our old tee pads around make sure you play the holes with tee signs as all but hole 12 have one. The walk from hole 4 to 5 is confusing hole 5 should be a 500 and some foot par 4 if you're playing the pro tee pads.

Other Thoughts:

Outside of getting turned around a few times this course is great not many complaints all besides a couple our good holes. For sure worth the day trip to play all 3
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 93 played 81 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Another high quality course at Steilacoom 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 6, 2019 Played the course:once


-Very Nice tee areas, signs are helpful and clear, tee pads are well kept concrete
-Fairways are very well kept, nothing is overgrown or hazardous. The one strange thing was a abandoned cabinet in the middle of an open area, not sure what that was all about
-Roughs are in great condition too, they are trampled to perfection so that they are accessible, but penalizing.
-Elevation is where I believe this 18 beats the SE 18, this course has the same amount of elevation, but, it is used far better.
-Trees: this is a wooded course, and so the trees should be used well, and, they are
-Very pretty park, one of the nicer settings you'll play disc golf in, I mean, it isn't like a national park or anything, but much better than some.
-There are a wide variety of shots on this course, I didn't get to play all 18 holes, but I played about 15, and had I played all of them I think I would have thrown just about every disc in my bag.
-This is one of those courses that seems like an institution, one of those that has at least one guy there whenever you come to play. It isn't really anything special in terms of design, but it definitely feels like a part of the community, which is super cool.


-Basket visibility, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, grey Chainstars are hard to see in the woods, I played as the sun was setting, so that was an added wrinkle also.
-Navigation is a little tricky here too, I spent about 5 minutes looking for hole #1, I'm sure locals have no problem though.
-I didn't see any OB cords like I saw on the SE course (I assume those were OB cords) and I think this course could stand to be improved from the addition of a little OB
-If there is anything that might keep this course from 4 stars, it's the equipment, Chainstars just aren't very good Baskets, and I know that's kinda a lame reason to not be this courses biggest fan, but they just don't cut it.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed playing this course, I think it is just about as good as a single set of 18 tees and 18 baskets could be (in terms of design) but there are some factors that pull it down.
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2 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Top 3 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


In top 3 of Washington courses:
1. Well designed with a variety of difficulties -terrain, distance, elevation, and signature natural obstacles. Every shot will be tested.
2. Beautiful grounds
3. Up-to-date baskets
4. Championship level: top pros compete here every year (see FSO on YouTube)
5. 2 more courses on location and 5+ layouts between all 3 courses.
Extra: this course naturally protects players from the elements, though a few holes are obviously affected to add difficulty to the few open longer holes.
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3 0
Experience: 13.6 years 24 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

#1 of the 3 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2016 Played the course:once


Good verity of hole shape, length, and elevation changes.
Decent signs
Great tee pads, some extra long. I have an extra step in my run-up that necessitates me starting off the teepad but I didnt have to on some of these.
Hole 11 was especially fun, not a long hole, just over 300, but it drops about 6 stories down into a wooded ravine, very fun, I played that one twice.
Holes not too crowded, not packed into a small space.
Arrows on baskets pointing to next tee-pad.


Could use better signs on the course to help navigate, I did get lost on my first time. The locals pointed me in the right direction. I did miss one or two holes though. Hole 1 is hard to find.

Other Thoughts:

Of the three courses this is my favorite, it's not close to my house but I am willing to drive the 30 min to it every once and a while. Would recommend. When it looks like your gps is taking you to the Golf course just trust it, it's not confused, the disc golf course is right next to the golf course. The first course you come on is the south east course, then you go up the hill and you have the 9 hole course and this course. Hole one playes down the hill into the woods on the north side of the parking lot. Walk back down the road you drove up about 20-30 yards to see the teepad on the left. The tee by the map is not hole 1 that's 16.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 66 played 61 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of the best in the Northwest 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 7, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


If you only have time for one of the courses on the Steilacoom property? This one is it. It's easily the toughest, but I think that's what makes it the best.

Equipment: It's what you'd expect from a championship level course. Quality baskets and long, level teepads.

Navigation: There's a map on the kiosk near Hole 1, and most of the holes have signs on the teepad.

Design: The design is what really makes this course stand out. It offers plenty of variety and will challenge every shot that you have in your bag. Odds are good that it will challenge shots you don't have in your bag too. You start with a technical, downhill right turning hole, and from there it gets easier. For one hole. Then you're challenged again. You have long open left turning, big sky hyzers, slight uphills, technical downhills... You go right, you go left, you go up, you go down, you throw out your arm, you lob a mid-range or putter, you throw a sky line, you throw a roller... And then you hit a tree and rocket off into underbrush that is easy to navigate but hard to get your disc through in less than three shots. The Grove offers everything. I feel like this is Western Washington's answer to Pier Park, even though there's only one section of trees that feels like that place and it's a more difficult course. It's 300ish holes through the woods, and it will challenge even the best players without being too soul crushing for the casual ones.


Equipment: No equipment cons to speak of. The baskets are older, but that's okay. They're still in great shape and still catch discs.

Navigation: Navigation at Stilly is pretty bad across the board. There's a map relatively close to hole 1 (but closer to hole 16), and most of the holes have signs on the tee. But the baskets need tape and there should be "next tee" signs. Especially considering how many different layouts you can play here. I remember when I first played Stilly I did some mix of all three courses that somehow flowed into 18 holes. I don't know how far off we were, but I never will because there's also been a redesign. The flow works pretty well, but there's enough confusion here that first timers will need some help. I could honestly copy and paste this section for all three courses at Stilly, and that's disappointing. If this, the best complex in Western Washington, had better signage it would rate even higher. One plus to the multiple courses and the redesigns is that locals will never get bored though. Even if they get tired of all three courses, they can always throw a mix. The last time I played there was a group playing the "old" am tees, and there's plenty of room for safari layouts.

Design: I want to call the design flawless. It's pretty darn close. If I reach for something, I guess it would be that holes like Hole 4 are nearly impossible for those of us who can't throw far AND high. The low line is pretty well non-existent. It's a very challenging hole and tons of fun to watch someone crush with a bigger arm, but I obviously don't like holes that are essentially an automatic bogey. Not much of a con overall, but it is for people like me. So I may as well leave it here.

Other Thoughts:

I've said before that the best compliment you can pay a course and its designer is that playing there regularly will make you a better disc golfer. This is obviously true on some level for most courses, but every now and then you come across a course that kicks you in the teeth so hard that you want to come back and conquer it. And each time you come back you shave a stroke or two off, until you finally get kicked in the teeth again. And then you come back. Again. And again. And you start feeling like a terrible disc golfer, until you leave and go play one of your "usual" courses and realize just how much better the tougher course has made you. This version at Stilly is one of those courses. I hate my scores there, but it makes me better.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 226 played 128 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best of the trio 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Probably the best of the three courses at the Fort, the NW run is distinct in that the terrain adds groves of fir trees to the masses of oak trees and scotch broom and grass that dominate the property. Where the SW course is more open, this one is more confined and difficult and has a more diverse mix of holes.

The course starts nicely with an elevated tee where you are throwing a a L-R shot through a forest of mature fir trees. You will get a chance to do the reverse of this shot through the "cathedral" on the 16th hole as well! You will get a chance to experience this type of elevation change again on holes 11 & 12, but the course is fairly flat for the most part. They use the forest and scotch broom as primary obstacles on the course - you won't find any really open shots to unload here except on #17. The fairways are fairly tight and technical. I loved the challenge!

The signs were really fantastic - showing a map of the hole, distance, and direction of the next tee.


A couple of navigation issues - especially trying to find #13 tee. We had the map (found on this site) and still were walking in circles to find that tee - a little sign with an arrow would make a big difference!

Other Thoughts:

A first class experience - with 45 holes on the property you should set aside the whole day to get the full experience!
I rate this (NW) course a 4
I rate the (SW) course a 3.5
I rate the (Rays 9) a 3.0
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3 0
Experience: 10.5 years 23 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Middle Level of three great courses all from one parking lot... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2014 Played the course:once


The easier of two 18 hole courses on the property and more challenging then the 9 hole course on the same property, this is a great, well balanced course with enough challenge and variation to keep any player interested and unintimidating enough to allow any level player to be comfortable and have great fun.
Some in the woods, some in open grass, but no real underbrush to eat your discs (with a couple notable exceptions in the hole 13-14 world where you do really need to keep your eyes open).
Perfectly groomed and superbly planned holes with great pin placement. If this 18 hole course were the only thing here, it would be worth an hour drive to play regularly - but it is only 40% of a masterfully built and maintained DG complex.


Navigation can be tough - if you have someone nearby or anyone who has played it, bring them with your first time - if not, find someone there (this is only one of the great things about disc golfers - they are always willing to help, and frequently willing to just have you tag along).
The only 'real problem' with this course is that it is too far away for me to play every day - if I could, though,... I certainly would.

Other Thoughts:

I really can't say enough good stuff about this complex - a great 9 hole shorted course, then two great 18 hole courses with varying levels of challenge - 45 outstanding holes before you ever have to get back into your car.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.7 years 59 played 39 reviews
3.00 star(s)

One time-1000 baskets 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2013 Played the course:once


Baskets and pads everywhere and I'm just talking about the Northwest course. There are two other courses here. Some very great looking holes, some very challenging holes, and one great across a canyon hole. Need to know the course or you are lost!!! Lost!!! Lost. Try to get someone with you who has played the course.


#1 con...no signs pointing to next pads and some of these pads are way hidden. #2...no arrows pointing to basket locations---well there are some but they are wrong! No trash cans---so pack you need to pack your trash out...easy.

Other Thoughts:

We were lucky. We were searching for #3 pad when a couple said they would show us the way. If they hadn't we would never have played the 'official' course. Many people playing there had their own course laid out. One foursome was behind us about 3 holes then in front of us for a couple then we passed them on another hole---they were having great fun anyway.
I read were there is a lot of vandalism here...that's sad. It would be great to have a box with maps but the creeps would ruin that.
I did have a great round and a lot of fun. Will play it again when in Tacoma area.
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2 3
Experience: 28.5 years 189 played 16 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Classic layouts.... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2013 Played the course:once


- Very 1990's layouts with some long straight drives most of the time.

- Only three or four holes that has elevations.

- Most of it are flat with some trees in play.

- Good concrete tees.


- Confusing for visiting players. Need locals to guide around.

- Where's the porta john?

- Very old 1990's tee signs that needs to be updated. No "next tee" signs.

- Not all tees have benches.

- Cross-over fairways. Hated that!!

- Gets quite crowded on warm days or weekends. Most of them are just bunch of newbies.

Other Thoughts:

Nice place to go for making good long driving shots.

However, I was already confused on where is Hole 1 is at and which is North and South courses. Need course map for both courses.

Cross-over fairways are one of my pet peeves. I almost got hit from tee #1 when I'm shooting from the tee #10 (?) nearby #1 basket.

I don't mind to visit there again when they fix up the course to be more user-friendly.
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9 0
Experience: 42.6 years 134 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Print and bring a map 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 19, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-Plenty of Parking
-Port-a-potties on site
-Good pads, baskets and tee signs.
- *LOTS* of practice baskets!
- Field on site for field work.
- Disc sales on site (mobile vendor)
- Well taken care of course. Little/no litter/graffitti/vandalism (YEAH!!!)
- Active club/events


- No/Few trash cans on course. Pack it out.
- Hole 1 not real easy to find for visitors.
- Navigation from Hole 12 to 13 is still tricky
- Benches are lacking.
- No running water (Bring plenty!)

Other Thoughts:

Revising my review from 2011 due to many improvements made to the course which addressed many of my original 'Cons'.
(Namely vandalism/graffitti, trash, and navigation issues) Moving from 3.5 stars to 4.0.

Overview/Background -
There are 3 'official' courses at 'Stilly' - two *VERY* good 18 hole courses (NW and SE) and a good 9 hole course ("Ray's Nine"). This review is for the NW 18 hole course. The parking for this course is in the gravel parking lot adjacent to the field in front of the port-a-pottie. Parking is plentiful and I've never had or heard of issues with break ins, but as always you should hide any valuables and lock up your vehicle. The NW course is more wooded, a little shorter and a little more technical than the SE course. Of the two 18 hole courses, If I could only play one, it would be NW due to the scenery (Sgt's Grove is awesome!), elevation, and technicality (vs the challenge of pure length on the SE course).

Hole one is a little hard to find for first timers, (From the parking lot it's across the road to the right, tucked into the blackberry). Course Navigation has been greatly improved with good laminated paper signs posted on posts at every tee box. Most baskets (but not all) have a 'next tee' marker or sign somewhere close to the basket, greatly improving navigation. Contrary to what other reviewers have said, in it's current layout there are no fairway crossovers and tee pads are far enough away from them that errant discs are not a concern. Tee pads are all concrete, large and generally pointing in the right direction towards the baskets. There has been a lot of work done on this course over the past two years - and it shows. There are two new holes (11 and 12) which are very well designed and add a lot to the course. The course plays very fair, with several longer holes to stretch out your distance drivers, lots of 320-360' par 3's, and very few flat out ace runs. It's a difficult course that will test your mettle and make you a better player. This course is good enough on it's own, but when you add the SE course and the 9 hole Seick course, Stilly is quickly turning into a world class destination disc golf park. Keep up the great work Huckers!
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1 10
Experience: 32.7 years 14 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 7, 2004 Played the course:5+ times


My home course for 12 yrs. Played it 300+ days a year since 1st time playing disc. Unlimited # of holes and tees...so much you can play around other groups by making your own course. Endless possibilites to cater too time and player restraints. Sgts Grove rules.


more and more people and vandlism
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1 8
Experience: 14.4 years 20 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Tons of holes! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Tons of holes, massive variety of shots and elevation. Very well maintained. Great fun for all levels of ability.


Can get pretty crowded on nice days considering this is one of the best courses in the state. The massive amount of holes makes it hard to figure out which 18 belong together and in what order,

Other Thoughts:

Love this place!
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7 0
Experience: 13.3 years 63 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Noob Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2012 Played the course:once


I traveled in from Illinois and found this course here on DGCR. There are a huge number of holes here. I played 27 holes and I know I did not throw at every basket I saw! Every place I tee'd from was concrete. They use the terrain in an outstanding manner. They use the vegitation and elevation at every opportunity. Many holes to challeng all levels of play. There were also benches in many locations, a great place to take a breather as you try to play all these holes.


Signage and Maps! if you are a "Noob" to the course there is no way to be able to follow the course. There are many differeent styles of baskets, not a big con but I like seeing the same style of basket on a course. Basket #s very few have numbers on them and there are several holes where there are multipule baskets in view from the tee that could be used and no way to determine which one is the correct one. There was an unsual amount of trash on the course and few places to dispose of it. They also have different course lay outs that use the same baskets, you can end up crossing eachothers paths during play or playing the same baskets from different tees at the same time.

Other Thoughts:

The local players have a gold mine here. So many holes to play from so many different tees. I gave it a middle of the road rating but it would be very easy to increase it. Better signs, course maps, get it cleaned up. If it had those 3 things, it could easily be a 4.
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1 12
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Favorite course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Big. Big enough to handle a lot of people. Cement tees at every tee. Great place for everyone. There is even a practice put basket right at the start.


Ray isn't there every day.
Confusing the first time.
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7 1
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Oldie but a Goodie. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 2, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


-Way more than 18 holes of golf. You could easily spend all day here.
-Open field for driving practice just feet away from the parking lot.
-Great elevation shots and hilly areas that come into play.
-Bench areas for R and R.
-Nice wooded shots that almost require use of different throwing techniques (i.e. sidearm, tomahawk).
-Different ways to play 18 holes, only tried 3 different course variations to date.
-Shots exceeding 450' on some holes.


-You simply need a map or a guide for this course. The hole numbers start out making sense but quickly become confusing. If you're just looking to have fun you can absolutely skip holes and make your own 18, but some people are sticklers.
-There are a few holes that just seem too wooded. It is difficult to find the truest path of flight no matter what you try to do. You just have to deal with it.
-It is VERY easy to lose discs, despite the course not looking that way. I've found other's lost discs.
-Extremely busy on weekends. Lots of mob golf groups.
-A little more litter than other courses in the northwest. Golfers need to learn to pack it out at this course.
-Impossible to locate baskets at first glance for a few of the holes.
-A few of the holes come close to a residential area. New players run the risk of throwing their disc into someone's yard.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely a worthwhile course, but a few of the holes are let downs. It's almost worth skipping a hole here or there. The first part of the course is amazing and makes for an almost-perfect disc golfing experience, but the latter half of the course (where big elevation shots come into play by the parking lot) becomes increasingly difficult to navigate and some of the holes are just tedious.
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3 4
Experience: 18.4 years 11 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2011 Played the course:once


Great course with a good range of skill level play. A ton of baskets and holes. There was 5 courses from multiple tee boxes. Also met some great locals that showed me around the course and I plan on going back to play the grove which is a short skill shot course.


A little hard to navigate for a first timer to the course. Would recommend a paper map at the bulletin board or finding a local to bring you through the course. Or maybe better signage through out the course.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I think this course was great and probably one of the most enjoyable courses I have played in awhile. If I lived in this area I would be proud to call this my hometown course. This course is a hidden gem!!!!
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8 5
Experience: 22.6 years 75 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Destination Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 15, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course is truely one of the premiere courses in Washington. Not only does it have 4 awesome and challenging courses, but it also has a shorter am course for the rec players. Its hard to find a course in the NorthWest where you can play such a variety of shots and such a great variety of fun challenging holes. There are many opportunities to show off a big arm, and there are plenty of tight skill shots in the trees.


Can be a bit challenging to follow your first time out. Best to hook up with a local, or play the pro course which is the easiest of the courses to follow.

Other Thoughts:

One of the best courses in Western Washington.

Northwest- tight and the most challenging, with lots of trees.

Southwest- Open with many chances to throw bombs, easiest of the big courses

Pro- Classic old school course with a variety of shots and elevation, a chance to use every shot in the book.

Alt- similar to the pro course with different tee pads, scoreable course for accurate players

There are variations of each of these courses, but without proper signs they are hard to follow
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3 5
Experience: 15.5 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fort Stilly 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Big course with multiple holes and fairly local.


Because of vandalism some baskets have been stolen and signs destroyed so it can be kind of confusing on where to go.

Other Thoughts:

Fairly good course to play. Wish it was better kept up by players tho. Pick up your trash people and respect your local courses!
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