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Lake Harmony, PA

Francis E. Walter Dam - Original

Permanent course
3.145(based on 37 reviews)
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Francis E. Walter Dam - Original reviews

12 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.2 years 442 played 410 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Past its Prime 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 17, 2021 Played the course:once

Other Thoughts:

Lack of upkeep has taken its toll on this decent, long layout. Judging from the reviews, the course peaked somewhere around 2014 and has been in decline since.

Signage is spotty, tees are old and baskets are rusting (some missing chains, some leaning). A few holes have alternate baskets that don't appear on maps or uDisc. And a few holes include old teepads aimed in the direction of where holes used to be? If you're going to play here, expect to spend extra time wandering around at various junctures looking for the course.

Even with all this said, there are some very good holes here. Sandy soil, playing through scrubby oaks and low pines that force you to shape your shots on otherwise fairly straight holes. The problem comes back to the lack of upkeep: holes don't really play as designed, because the original lines are now blocked by trees, bushes and weeds that have grown in over the years.

Hole #2 is an unfortunately poor design: you throw down a narrow footpath that ends in about 100' with a wall of high trees. It turns out the hole was designed to be a high blind shot over all those trees. This is a recipe for disaster and lost discs; you might want to skip #2 and play another hole twice.

If you have the time - and the patience - it's not the worst place to spend your time. You'll get lost, your feet will get wet, you'll throw at some beat up old baskets that have become obscured by trees and tall grasses. It sort of feels like playing disc golf in a ghost town. But if you go, get there soon because someday it may be swallowed up by the landscape.

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3 0
Experience: 30 played 9 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Francis E. Walter Dam 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 26, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-a good variety of long/short holes as well as back and forehand usage
-ample parking
-clean port-a-johns


-very short tee boxes--half of which do not have hole markers so you don't know what you're on (use the map in links)
-all the maps on each hole are long gone--although they are in the photos section if you want to see them
-little navigational help between holes
-can't see the pin from the tee on most holes
-ticks in the summer--be aware
-very swampy after rain so wear your boots!
-there are three/four holes that are very long (400+) and often uphill which are par 3's. C'mon!

Other Thoughts:

-accuracy is a must! If you launch into the woods, you're gonna have a bad time.
-hole 8 does not have the short pin. use the long one (462ft)
-20 holes are listed but only 18 are on the map? Edit: the additional holes are on the google map
-fun course, just could use some work.
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8 1
Experience: 12.3 years 13 played 12 reviews
1.50 star(s)

DG Archeology 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 30, 2016 Played the course:once


-18+ holes with decent, flush concrete pads.
-A few alternate pins on certain holes, both short and long.
- Scenery: One second you are in PA, next tee looks like you are playing somewhere outside of Phoenix AZ. Ugly, desolate, yet beautiful at the same time. I didn't get to play the back 18+ but I hear its more hilly and wooded, thus adding to the variety of terrain/scenery
-Nice flow to the 18 hole loop, if you can figure it out to begin with
-Varying levels of difficulty from hole to hole. Something for everyone
-Benches and chairs on select holes
-Many pins are adorned with full size American flags, making them easy to see and gives the place a patriotic vibe
-Nearby camp sites


-Signage is virtually non-existent
-No trashcans
-"Ruins" of long discontinued teepads scattered about further add to the confusion as to where to shoot from, and where to go next. They look like tee pads the ancient Maya would huck from.
-Picnic tables by first tee box are about to cave in and are a eyesore
-No signage, so no par set. Play them as all 3's, when some clearly are not par 3's, even on a pro's best day.

Other Thoughts:

Certainly an interesting place, one I have yet to fully explore. I look forward to playing more here in the future, but in its current state I have to give The Dam a low rating. Signage and some trash cans could take this park from a 1.5 to a 4 instantly.
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3 3
Experience: 11.2 years 13 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sandbox course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 28, 2015 Played the course:once


The pros and cons of this course have been well documented on DGR and for the most part they are true. But the bottom line for me with this course is that I had a lot of fun playing it.

I was lucky enough to meet up with two great locals who showed me around the course and played a mish mash of the best holes on both courses.

Even with that help I think I still would of had fun. There are holes everywhere you look. Playing with seasoned players of the course, we still found a few tee pads they had never seen before. They told me they think people just come in and create holes to their liking which I think is great.


- Lack of signage (not a problem for me in this instance but its understandable)

- A few very old rusted single chained baskets scattered about that I wouldn't of had much of a problem with but I did spit out two putts so there.

Other Thoughts:

This course could easily go from a 3.5 to 5 if there was a dedicated club around to uniformly take care of the course. Add signs, baskets, etc....

Despite its drawbacks there is a real charm to the course that I really like. One minute you're on a tee looking out over a rock field, the next minute your on a tee in the woods. Theres a great sandbox feel to the course.
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4 0
Experience: 12.7 years 54 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Needs some TLC for a 3.0 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2015 Played the course:once


concrete tee pads

baskets in good shape

starts near the parking area and loops around to end fairly near where you started

some challenging hole designs and pin placements

some landscaping and some fairways were trimmed down recently

18+ intact disc golf holes on this course

plays long on a lot of holes

close to poconos vacation spots along with a few other courses if you want to get out and play a few different courses


signage in disrepair and or non-existent, spent some time wandering around looking for the next tee or basket

course vegetation feels overgrown in some places and needs some landscaping

a few too many trees or obstacles in fairways and close to pins for intermediate players, maybe highly talented player will feel more comfortable

Warnings to be on the lookout for hunters and rattlesnakes. I saw neither but did get a laugh at the bullet holes in the scorecard box on the bulletin board.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this course wasn't terrible. It just looked like a course that has lost its luster from lack of maintenance. It had a slightly abandoned, "ghost town" feel to it. I did like the concrete tee pads which were still intact, but I'm guessing some players will wish they were longer. It's a full 18+ hole course which is nice. The trimmed down fairways in spots gave me the idea that it isn't totally abandoned. I was looking to get out and play and It was close to my summer vacation spot so it got the job done. I would play it again if Im in the area, but hopefully it can get back to its original glory.
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3 0
Experience: 17 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Bring your scuba gear 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 27, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


This course looks incredible
Baskets in decent shape
Teepads are really nice
Good mix of hole distances


Signage is awful
Navigation is nearly impossible, bring a map
Drainage is pretty bad and some entire fairways are under water following a rain event
Some repetitive holes

Other Thoughts:

This course could be much better with some club involvement. Put up some navigation arrows and fix the signage and this course would be much, much better.
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2 2
Experience: 10.7 years 11 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Looks like Arizona out here ! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Landscaping, this place is crazy, up and down, trees and rocks, grass, then boulders, very very cool mix of terrain and shots needed to play this course. Concrete tee boxes are nice, chains in great shape, some pretty cool holes.


Horrible Signs at each tee box, print a map or you'll be clueless where the pins are at every hole or how far you are from each pin, poor poor signage, you can get lost really quick, place needs a solid day of TLC

Other Thoughts:

Saw a friggin rattlesnake on hole 5, almost $hit my pants, cool course, def challenging
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4 4
Experience: 14.3 years 11 played 9 reviews
1.50 star(s)

unique 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 1, 2013 Played the course:once


Good tee pads. Plenty of holes to play. A couple of the holes are memorable. Alternate baskets on some holes.


Finding your way around is very difficult. Poor signage. Few tee signs and not many arrows. Same tee shot over and over and over and over. If you like open tee shots and a course that is geared for long throwers, you will like this place more than me. Boring, imo.

Other Thoughts:

My brother showed me this place on a recent visit. Glad I got to play it, but I did not think it was a good course.
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4 5
Experience: 18.3 years 56 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Improving and growing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 23, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Alternate sleeves are now in use.
Many pickers and dead branches have recently been removed.
Tee 15 now has a paving stone tee.


Finding all the holes is difficult.
Finding all the tees for all the holes is more difficult.
The signage is poor where the signage exists.

Other Thoughts:

Wear orange hunting is permitted.
Wear boots and stop whining.

This is NOT a 27 hole course. This is currently a 37 hole course (17 of those holes are now on their own course page as FEW-top) and 12 of those 37 have alternate sleeves. More holes are under construction; always. . .
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7 6
Experience: 13.3 years 18 played 11 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 2, 2012 Played the course:once


-Concrete tees(except for #15)
-Multiple pin positions on some holes
-Decent variety of holes will test a lot of different shots
-Good variety in terms of hole lengths


-Course layout was pretty poor some pins were difficult to locate
-Poor signage, navigation was often difficult
-Hole layout signs were non descriptive and often times misleading
-A lot fot eh baskets were in poor condition, rusty, not solid, etc.
-The benches on the course were all in a state of disrepair and broken. And some holes had chairs that looked like they'd just been pulled from a dumpster.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I was not impressed with this course. I think a lot of landscaping needs to be done here. Also look at rearranging holes a bit. For example hole 17 ends towards the parking lot and then 18 takes you further away from the lot. It also seems that with the marshy land this course would be unplayable with any kind of rain or bad weather.

Also, this is NOT a 27 hole course, this is an 18 hole course and 9 of the pins have alternate pin placements.

UPDATE: If you're looking into this course read the reviews, all of them. You can see there is a consensus about certain cons of this course. It seems like a bunch of the locals are giving reviews that list any major cons thumbs down(listing them as unhelpful) even though most of the reviews have the same complaints.
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4 1
Experience: 11 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

playin in a storm 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2012 Played the course:once


There are many different shots on this course, left/right and hilly. Also many varying distances that make the course more interesting to play. Fairways are fairly open but possibilities of landing in thick pine trees that can be hard to get out of.

Thought the baskets on top of rocks were interesting and gave you a different look for putting

concrete teeboxes with signs and wooden ladder paths help you navigate the course


The concrete teeboxes were too short. It was hard to get a good run up at times.

The first few holes are easy to get to but after that is difficult. There are not enough signs around and it can take a bit difficult to find the next teebox. Some arrows can be easily moved so it can throw you off if they are pointed the wrong way. Hard to find the tee for hole#15 and theres no sign for it. Hole#18 takes you away from the parking lot

Some of the baskets cannot be seen from the teebox so you have to take a little walk to see where it is before you throw

It can get very thick and marshy so it can be easy to lose a disc, especially on an errant throw

Other Thoughts:

The course was good but i did not like it very much. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if we didnt play right after a storm with a tornado warning... but we still had fun playing on this course. We originally planned on playing at Hickory Run but a giant branches falling everywhere made us turn around to a nearby mcdonalds until the storm passed a bit and there we decided to go to FE Walter. Glad i got to play this course
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3 3
Experience: 13.2 years 15 played 13 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Lots of holes. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 26, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Makes excellent use of many natural alleys for the fairways.

Decent tee pads. A small but dedicated group of locals maintain and improve the course.

The unique landscape is used nicely.

Some holes have permanent alternate baskets, while others are movable.

New holes are in the works. F.E.W. keeps getting bigger.

Easy access, right off I-80, 476 (pa turnpike) and PA940, and close enough to PA115 and I-81.


Holes 3, 5, and 11 in particular are very poorly drained. Not the designers fault, just the nature of the land here.

Trouble finding the way. If you are a first timer, you will not find your away around easily. Lack of tee signs and arrows. Navigation is a nightmare.

Though it is great that new holes are always being added, it would make more sense to expend some of this time, expense and effort maintaining and improving existing holes.

Very few tee signs and the ones that exist are in bad shape.

Number 18 takes you away from the parking area, but this no big deal. You can just replay 16 and 17 to take you back.

Lost discs has been an issue on a number of holes. Some areas just seem to gobble plastic.

Most of the course demands similar shots. Play can get a bit repetitive and for me, at least, a bit boring. The new holes recently added remedy this a bit.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a look all its own. Mostly an open course, but the vegetation comes into play more than you would first think.

Some holes have elevated baskets. Kinda cool once you get used to them. When the wind is blowing, things get tough.

This course grows on you.

Holes 6,7,and 8 are a tough stretch and the rest of the course has a nice variety of length.
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3 4
Experience: 13.3 years 13 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

BIG Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 27, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course is excellent for the novice to the pro with several alternative holes and tees and terrain extremes from the Rocky "surface of Mars" to trees and bomber shots. Wild blueberries abound, please remember to drop a few to reseed the plants!


Played this course yesterday afternoon 4/7/2012, unfortunately, someone playing this course, or hanging out in the back 9, started a brush fire! The holes from 4B to 8B have been affected! The holes themselves were saved but you should expect to have to clean your discs of soot for a while! The undergrowth and a large portion of the wild blueberries have been burned!!! Please remember to pack out your butts and keep the "camp fires" to a minimum.
Getting more difficult to navigate this course, as the signs are getting old and some are missing.
Ticks all year and a breeding ground for snakes too.
Remember to respect the wildlife.

Other Thoughts:

The road past the course is fairly well traveled and it seems like the locals enjoy running over Discs! :-( Other than that it is a GREAT 27 hole afternoon ... bring lots of water and possibly some food! Picnic areas close by.
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4 5
Experience: 15.3 years 54 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Dam 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


lots of different looks at baskets
basket locations are cool some raised some sunk
huge area
long drives


cant play after rain
cant see most baskets from tee box
hard to stay in order

Other Thoughts:

cool course cause it says theres 27 holes but with all the added tee boxes you can play all day. first time i went there i jumped in with a group of people who turned out to have made the course so it was a good experience.
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2 6
Experience: 16.3 years 15 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

This course came a long way 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of elevation and obstacles to navigate around. Its good for a big arm with control. It's open enough that the wind current comes from all angles and the pockets on a hole change drastically.


No water hazards here but if it rains anytime within the last month bring your muddy shoes. This is by a dam and the ground gets very swampy. The local club has built a lot of walkway bridges to assist you. This is some of the major changes they did in the last decade.

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8 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Feudal 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2010 Played the course:once


27 (or more) holes. Front 18 have concrete teepads and signs with basic info. The extra nine holes, which I'll refer to as 19-27, have very beautiful natural tees (crush stoned framed by larger local stone), and half these holes have alternate tee locations (wooden framed). Some benches, some small wooden walking paths in the worst boggy areas.Food/petrol nearby at the I80/I476 intersection, and solid-but-quite-different Hickory State just a bit further beyond in the same direction.


Holes 6 and 20 share a basket. Number-17 is closer to parking lot than number-18 - essentially #18 takes you away from the basket, then you return down the fairway to find the path to the parking lot.

Other Thoughts:

Course plays slightly up, down, and across very unusual terrain. The ground for holes 6-9, 20-26 is very rough and rocky, while grass will blanket the ground on the other holes. You'll always have the sky overhead, but there are plenty of randomly scattered trees - mostly pines, some quite tall, with long branches and needles, other pines very thick, short (barely waist-high), with tiny needles. Occasional groups of small white birches and clumps of hardwoods complete this very diverse landscape

The first five holes are fairly flat, vary in tightness, and are a bit left-turn oriented. Holes 6-9 stretch you arm out as you work your way up the rough slope of tree-lined fairways, with scattered trees to force some shot-shaping along the way. Holes 10-13 offer you similar choices - straight/gentle turners through tight windows near the basket, or spike-hyzers up-n-over the top of mid-sized trees. Numbers 14-15, and 17 stretch you out again, with narrower-but-softer fairways than before, while 16 and 18 require accurate right-turns. Holes 19-27 will offer a variety of holes, starting with 200' #19 and ending with 400' #27, up/down/cross slope, mostly straight/S-shape, except for very sharp left-turning #23, and a decent downhill on #26, woods left, tiniest pond in front, trees behind and right of basket.

Navigation: The day (7/26/10) I played, basket-15 was in place. Basket-9A was NOT, but 9B was. So, if you really want to play 9B (from basket-9, you may see it, straight ahead in the distance), go right after playing #9, find 9A's tee, find the wood teepee to the right, walk to it, find the hole for the basket to its left, and keeping heading that direction, a bit of a scramble up a rocky bank. Find the natural tee, and now look left - 9B is now nearly 800' feet away.

To find holes 19-27, look for a small, slightly uphill path to the right, just before reaching #6's teepad. You should eventually find a natural looking teepad, and to your left, about 200' away, a blue basket - this is #19. Numbers 20 and 21 play roughly in the same direction - #20 shares a basket with #6, so look to the left to find tee #21. Number-22 will play about 90-degrees to the right of the direction you've been heading, and number-23 will change your orientation to the right again. From basket-23 turn 45-degrees to the right to find tee-24, the basket being hard to the left. Slight left for tee-24, basket further left. Hard right from there to find tee-26, the basket down the hill, woods left, small pond just in front. From basket-26 go right to find tee-27, basket-27 quite some distance away, down the hill. After finishing at basket-27, exit right, then hard left down the broad gravel path When the path becomes grassy and just before the bushes are fund along the sides, turn 45-degrees to the right, down a small path, to return to tee-6.

Navigating 19-27 sounds harder than it is, and the holes were really good, and the natural tees looked incredible - make the effort to find/play these holes! From a terrain-perspective, probably the most unusual course I've played, other than The Dunes of Cape Henlopen
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9 3
Experience: 33.5 years 79 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Playing on Mars 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This location is isolated from any other state park users. When you pull into the parking lot there are two port-a-potties. This is a unique terrain for a PA disc golf course, and I thought it was fun to play. It has the feel of playing some place like New Mexico not Pa. Most holes are in the 250-300' range with 4 about 400+. There are 9 additional holes located further back beyond the 18 holes up front. There are some great shots on the back 9 that are enjoyable with natural tees that blend into the surroundings. Crushed stone tee pads with rocks surrounding the tees as benches and stone lined walk ways. These are all repainted baskets that had rusted up on the front 18. They are painted bright colors that stand out and make them easy to spot. Some shoot down hill, others up and even one that shoots over a small pond.

Concrete tees on most of the 18 front holes. There are quite a few blind tees, so you have to walk out and get a look. The difficulty in playing many of these holes is that they look simple and you underestimate them. The fairways are quirky and sometimes appear narrow due to the scrub pines. These pines are drive killers and won't let you shoot through. On a errant drive or approach they will stop and drop you into a crap lye. If you try to drive up and over your discs will go for a elevator ride in wind pockets. So what appears simple, is not and you are in for a few surprises. Many holes have benches, logs, rocks to sit on and even a glider on one hole. Many baskets have extend flags on top so you can see them better from a distance.


The basket for hole 15 is missing and we had to use hole 18's basket as a substitute. We had 3 groups of people looking for basket 15, gone. We did find the pole cup in the ground broken where it should have been.
The map for the front 18 works and you can follow the trails for the most part to the next tees. To play the back 9 you need a guide, they aren't on the map, don't have tee signs and the baskets are numbered funky like 1b, 2b. The back 9 would be a great play if they had flow and where incorporated into the course as 27 holes. To find some you walk up a trail after hole #3 away from the parking lot. You can find 5 holes if you look around. The next 4 will be found walking out from 14 and looking hard. No tee signs, no signs to point them out and they aren't on the map. This course is played on the top of a ridge with a lot of stone and little shade. So be smart bring the sun screen and extra water. There is no water supply here and when we played it was in the 90's.
The concrete tees! Thanks for the work but many are to short and you can't get a X-step off of them. They need to be like 4 feet longer, yet some are okay. I guess someone caught on after half were poured.
It appears this area holds water after heavy rains, because there were a lot of wood walk ways. Stone and rock fields don't drain well, but it was completely dry when we played.

Other Thoughts:

I think this is a great park and a lot of fun to play. It's a work in progress and some improvements are evident. I really liked the natural settings on the back 9 tees. Hard to find, but better than the short concrete tees for run ups. I know it's a lot of work but they should use the local stones to enhance the course. This is a unique course and they should capitalize on it. Maybe even rock piles or arrows of stone showing the next tee. Spray paint the rocks to make them stand out for directions. This could easily be a 4+ rated course with some hard work and good thinking. For those that need food or other amenities it's just 2-3 miles up the road where 476 & 80 meet.
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7 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 91 played 91 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not For Everyone's Tastes 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 13, 2010 Played the course:once


Has 18 featured holes plus an additional 9 in another area of the Dam. With its unique topography ranging from grassy fairways and landing areas to asteroid-like rocky ground, F.E. Walter Dam starkly contrasts many of the other Eastern PA disc golf courses. Good mix of both open holes and ones scattered amidst pine trees, providing a challenging and unusual obstacle throughout the course. Signage is present and navigation is relatively easy. Baskets are all in good shape. Some course improvements have been made, including cement tee pads at numerous holes and wooden walkways/planks in particularly swampy areas of the course. Good balance of distance ranging from 200-800 feet, with most holes in the 300-400 range. Close to hotels, gas and food if you're paying a visit.


While I appreciate the effort at getting cement tee pads installed, they are too short. Swampy areas around some of the holes are a mess after rainfall. Signs, while adequate, are basic and don't stand out. Only a few holes have benches/logs to rest on and none have poles to hang your bag on. No ammenities at The Dam near the course.

Other Thoughts:

While this is not a bad course- it is challenging and unique in many ways- I must be honest: I didn't care for it much. Others will disagree with me and be perfectly fine with it. Half the course is loaded with overgrown, tall grass in the fairways and the other half feels like you're playing in a rock quarry. Pine trees are drive killers at multiple holes unless you have a great tomahawk in your arsenal. It has none of the inherent beauty of many of the other fine disc golf facilities in the state. The novelty of the surface and overall appearance is worth a look but not repeat visits.
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4 8
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

not that great 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2010 Played the course:once


a few open shots nice t boxes most cement


i did not like this course at all i guess maybe its just not a begginers course but me and my freinds spent more time looking for discs than throwing them. alot of the time you cant even see where youre disc lands. its muddy and wet not very enjoyable and its very very confusing if you do play i would highley recomend printing the course map otherwise u will never make it through. if youre in that area u may as well go to hickory run much better place

Other Thoughts:

it is a fun course thoe some shots of 500 ft its like playing ontop of a mountain pretty cool scenery wouldnt recomend it thoe
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2 9
Experience: 15.9 years 4 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

second time playing here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 28, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice and open with some good long holes. The pars are hard to come by on some big holes. Great set-up. the bear claws did some great work up there.


The wind can get out of control. the good part is you can laugh like crazy when you hae a bad shot and just blam it on the wind. The tee boxes are a little short, but better than not having them.

Other Thoughts:

I lost a blue 173 champion Valkyrie on one of the seldom played back holes and don't know how to log it
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