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Wooster, OH

Freedlander Park

Permanent course
2.765(based on 17 reviews)
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Freedlander Park reviews

7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Not Sure What To Think 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 29, 2018 Played the course:once


I played this course at dawn on a Saturday morning . The course is located near the pool on the right side of the park as you come in . You will see a disc golf sign posted where the first hole is . The course has okay baskets , natural tee pads with yellow toe boards , many with 2 sets of tees . The park itself has a lot of activities , but shouldn't interfere with your game , if you are careful throwing at a couple of roads on the back 9 . The bathrooms are situated a hundred feet to the right of the first tee . There are no trash cans on the course , so please carry out what you carry in . Navigation will be almost impossible without a map . Some of the baskets do have printed signs on the top of them with NEXT TEE pointing in the direction of the next toe board . The first 8 holes wander around and back and forth in the woods where you tee off from . Some creative lines were formed for this course , so you will have to shot shape a bunch . Some of the tees have laminated signs at the toe boards showing distance and approximate location of the basket . You will have a nice throw over a pond on 9 . to an elevated basket on the other side , guarded by trees and their canopy protecting it . The course does have elevation on both the front and back 9 . The grass is cut and most fairways taken care of on the back 9 . Some pretty cool configured holes on 16 , 17 & 18 . Signature hole would be 17 , an S drive downhill over a creek protected by a hill on it's right . You will be protected by shade on most of this course . Plenty of parking available in the park


#1 , I have never been a fan of toe boards . They are dug up , or covered up , and hard to see . #2 IF you fail to print a map , it's on you for the next 18 holes . Several times you will see a toe board and it will be for a later hole . Since there are only a couple of tee signs on the front 9 , you will not always know which way to throw from , or where to . #3 . Weeds . Although the fairways were cut okay in most spots , the weeds were a little high on several holes ( 4 & 16 come to mind ) . This course can play short the better players . Short tees were great for newbies . There are places where you don't know if you are at the Long or short tees , especially on the front 9 . #4 This can be treacherous after a good rain . Places on this course will hold water , especially on the front 8 and near the creek on the back 9 , where the grass is scarce , making the fairways slippery .#5 . The course may not be receiving a lot of love from the local disc club , because I ran into some spider webs while retrieving a bad drive or 2 . Understandable , since Lincoln Park is only a half hour or so away . #6 . Make sure you watch your drive's path . Again , the weeds are high in some spots and you don't want to lose a disc or spend a lot of time looking for a drive that ricochets off a tree . #7 . If you are a traveler like me and you finish up on 18 , and you parked at hole 1 , you are going to be a little disoriented as to where your car is . It starts and finishes in different parts of the park , and you definitely will not see your car . When you look for the basket at #11 , it is way down toward the pond . Don't throw straight away , or you will be all turned around for the next 4 holes .

Other Thoughts:

I don't know what to think of this course . I am okay with the shorter length , and even the higher grass in spots . Hole 4 could be a great hole is it was cleared . Holes 8, 9 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 15 ,16 , 17 & 18 are definitely keepers as are several of the others if they had rubber or gravel tee pads . The course was originally installed in 2004 , so there has been 14 years to have this course fixed up some . It almost looks as if some of this course was just given up on . Potential ? Yes . . I would like to return in the future to see if tee pads are ever installed and the course is cleaned up , driving up my review at least a point . At this time , I would tell you to drive past and go to another park .
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 205 played 195 reviews
1.00 star(s)

A Disc Golf Graveyard 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 17, 2017 Played the course:once


Very nice park with a large pool, snack stand, and a playground.

When it was playable, the course looks like it was well designed.

Next tee signs on every basket (if you can find the basket).

Two sets of tees.

-There's a few playable holes on the back nine, with #11 being the best hole on the course (That's not saying much).


This has to be the graveyard of disc golf...

-Every single fairway is overgrown with weeds, thorns, and poison ivy. Some holes have a "fairway" that's about 2 feet wide, with knee high "green stuff" to the left and right.

-I've never played a course where a good shot puts you in HEAD HIGH, that's right folks, HEAD HIGH grass.

-While all 18 baskets exist, some of them are completely blocked by weeds taller than the basket.

-Pretty much every tee sign is missing.

-Swarms of mosquitos at every turn.

-Slippery wood chip tee boxes.

-One of the longest holes on the course plays right next to backyards. If a throw cuts to the right, you're hitting a car or a house.

#17 is the worst hole I've ever seen in golf. The entire hole is poison ivy with NO path to the basket.

-Did I mention the 8 foot tall weeds?

Other Thoughts:

Seems like the locals have given up on the course. I thought the course was well designed, but the effort to keep it up isn't here. Baskets need to be put to a better use elsewhere, this place is an unplayable disaster.
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8 0
Experience: 46 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Beginner-intermediate level course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2011 Played the course:once


- Easy to follow with signs on each basket pointing to the next tee

- Good variety of distances from 138 ft to 378, but can be reasonably played as par 3s

- Nice shot variety - forcing both forehands and backhands to be played consistently well.

- Multiple tee pads on the longer hole allows the course to appeal to a wide range of players

- Grounds are well maintained


- Missing Tee signs on atleast half the holes and boards marking the natural tee box on a few.

- Holes #11-15 are uninspired and play uncomfortable close to pavilions and picnic tables

Other Thoughts:

Freedlander remains a fun course with something for everyone despite its current state. A few years back, I had a "Gentleman's Disk Golf Tournament" here before my wedding, and even people that had never tossed a disk before seemed to enjoy it. Intermediate and advanced players will want to opt for the longer tees and play everything as a par 3. The nice thing about this course is that most holes seems to have a clearly defined "fairway", but still has enough trees and/or topography to keep things interesting.

Holes #1-6 play through the woods and have a great variety of distances, preferred routes to the basket and topography. Holes #7 and 8 are long and play along a gravel road along the back of the park to transport you to the back 9. Hole #9 plays about 160' over Freedlander lake from the long Tee, but the real danger is bouncing a disk off of one of the multiple trees guarding the pin and back into the lake.

Holes #11-15 are lackluster and zigzag through the moderately wooded picnic area. Hole #16 is a thickly wooded, down hill righthander with no obvious route to the basket. Holes #17 and 18 return to the woods and are two of my favorite on the course. #17 plays through the woods and over a creek, before turning right and going uphill and #18 is a short, blind uphill shot through the woods.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 43 played 38 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Holy Weeds Batman! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


- Plenty of Parking and pavilions with grills. Highest quality pavilions I've ever seen with sunken concrete stairs and nice slanted roofs.
- Bring the family! Very nice playground, the pool is huge and has a diving board. There is basketball & volleyball. Multiple baseball fields to practice your bombs in. Drinking fountains at the bathrooms.
- Eye-catching Disc Golf sign by the water on Hole #9
- There are a few holes with multiple tees
- The natural tees are in decent condition, still fairly level, but some can be hard to locate
- Baskets are in great condition and well labeled
- Very nice Next Tee Signs on nearly all the baskets!
- The Flow is not bad, but it's not good either. Hole #1 and hole #18 are far from each other, however, the course does flow from hole to hole well. I suggest parking at Hole #18 so when you finish the course you can chill at the pavilions and visit with friends and consider doing another round ;)
- The forest is beautiful and very thick but not too thick for a disc golf course. It rides that line perfectly.
- Low to medium traffic for disc golfers
- There are bathrooms by Hole #1 & by Hole #15's basket & also inside the Pool area
- There are trash cans and the course is very clean
- The lawns are kept mowed very well and there is some excellent maintenance of the fairways with mulching and clearing of brush.
- Great variety of distances & elevations & tree challenges. You will need your entire bag of tricks!
- Holes #9-12 provide you with a water obstacle to test your abilities. Hole #9 long tee goes directly over the pond!


- Weed eating during the Summer season is nearly nil. Holes #1, 2, 16, 17 & 18 are nearly Unplayable without a spotter because the natural growth becomes so substantial in the fairways. The risk vs. reward factor becomes too much to deal with.
- There is a walking path and small roads weaving around the back 9 and there can be some heavy traffic by bikers and cars and everything else. I've personally had to wait a lot for walkers and have had to take the long way to holes because of parked cars. This actually is the main reason that I don't come to this course more because I just detest dealing with the frustration of having so many parked cars in my way.

Other Thoughts:

- The course could use a few more places to sit. I do not count this against my course rating though.
- This course is fairly challenging overall but a recreational player should not have much trouble scoring in the 60's.
- There are a few holes that are extremely challenging, most notably Holes #4, 8, 13 & 17. Out of those I would say that #17 is the most challenging. It's a tight downhill fairway to start with and you throw over the bridge (small water obstacle) and then it's a tight path that weaves back and forth to an uphill blind basket. This hole can be very frustrating if you find yourself in some of the rough to the right of the basket.
- My favorite hole is hole #9! Love throwing across the water and I dread it at the same time.
- This is really is a great course, very beautiful and fun, but it is just a bit disappointing when the back 9 is full of parked cars and picnic-go'ers. It's not a course you need to travel long distances to try, but if you are in the area this is a MUST play course. I highly recommend hitting this course in the Fall or Winter!
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 105 played 105 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Quirky 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2011 Played the course:once


~Wild mix of thick and moderately wooded shots over the whole course.
~Long and short tee options, with the shorts geared toward novices.
~Plenty of risky shots earning birdie opportunities.
~Elevation changes throughout the entire 18 holes.
~"Next Tee" arrow signs on top of baskets help with navigation.
~Nice park and the course throws many aspects your way creating for a tight, technical game plan.


~Had trouble navigating in some areas even with a printed course map.
~Some of the tee areas are tough to locate, many tee posts/signs are missing.
~Natural tee pads are in bad shape, some toe boards are partially buried.
~Quite a few holes play along a noisy highway, taking away from the quiet park setting.

Other Thoughts:

This surely is a quirky course that I found enjoyable. Some solid tee pads, permanent signage and general clearing/grubbing could do wonders for this place. The layout is great, with the only exception being the distance between Hole 1 and 18 (I recommend parking at 18 and walking down to 1). First section winds through a fairly dense wooded area requiring modest and precise throws. Out of the woods and across a pond, up along the park edge by the highway with the final section crossing along an elevated ravine area with plenty of mature trees. The short tees all seem very short for consistent players, this should be helpful for those new to the sport, while the long tees present a solid challenge. The entire hike kept me entertained. Thumbs up for the challenging course layout, but the existing tee conditions and difficulty of navigation have a tremendous effect on the overall score.
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2 3
Experience: 17.3 years 54 played 28 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2010 Played the course:once


-nice park with lots of amenities
-well maintained
-plays threw hilly park with elevation changes
-plenty of trees for obstacles but easily played
-well marked paths, no chance of getting lost
-if you get of the fairway, not to big of a deal
-nice mulched paths


-heavily played
-not near the main highway

Other Thoughts:

when i played there it was fairly busy and had to wait on a couple holes to throw, also the bugs were kind of bad but not to big of a deal if you have some off. didn't get to play the full 18 as it was beginning to get dark when we got to this course. will deffinatly be back to get the whole course in next time im in the area
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8 3
Mike C
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 168 played 74 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Enjoyable Technical Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2010 Played the course:once


-An enjoyable set of 18 holes featuring a decent variety of lines and elevation changes put into play. 6, 14, 16, 17 and 18 were my favorites.

-Large next tee signs on top of every basket, and multiple tees for most of the course.

-The first half plays through some woods, while the second half plays through a wooded park. It adds to the variety having the two different settings.

-Shooting from the shorts especially, there are some fun ace runs. Almost hit #5.

-Plenty of benches and restrooms, plus a few water fountains.


-The natural teepads are in disrepair, and some of them are simply dangerous. Threw from the side of them on a few holes.

-While it's a fun course, it felt a little short and easy. I deuced nearly half the course my first time out. Also, none of the holes really stood out and impressed me, with either how excellent or horrible they were. The whole course felt good but nothing left too strong of an impression on me.

-One or two confusing turns. Wasn't always sure where the short and long tee for each hole was.

-Hole 1's tee and 18's basket are pretty far apart.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course in early fall and I had a good time. The weather was perfect and the course wasn't muddy. The scenery throughout the course was pleasant and relaxed.

This is a fun course but it's just as long of a drive or longer for me as it is to get to Dover, Canton or Massillon's course, so it's not one I'll play very often. If I lived nearby I'd be happy to have this as my home course, but I have better courses closer to me so there's not much motivation for me to go back.

I'd recommend playing it if you live nearby or are ever in the area. It's a good course, but not quite a destination course like the others I mentioned.
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7 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fear the Rooster 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2010 Played the course:once


Large "next tee" signs on top of baskets.


Tees are natural, marked by in-ground boards, and some are quite rough and/or rutted.. Many thick bushes and much undergrowth, mostly early and late, could generate much disc search and some loss. Interacts with some walking paths and pavilions. A bit wet at #16's midpoint.

Other Thoughts:

If you like them on the short and tight-side of things, this is the course for you. The first 1/3rd of the course is short, fairly flat, quite tight, requiring gentle turns through mid-sized trees supported by lots of bushes and undergrowth. 7 & 8 have you throwing straight down a fairly broad walking path, defined by larger trees on both sides. After cross-pond shot #9, you then play a few longer holes, where some moderate elevation change, large hardwoods, and less brush, are your challenges. 16 & 17 merge and magnify the previously-seen features of the course so far - more length, more turns, more elevation change (cross ravine), large and small trees, loads of brush, also - to form probably the most difficult holes on the course. Number-18 finishes shorter than the previous two, but over the ravine, uphill, and plenty of trees to avoid.

The tee signs were a mixed bag - vertical posts at most long tees, but not all - vandalized, or just not installed yet? Also, only about half the signs had the hole/distance/flightpath information - the others were blank.

Favourite hole: #9. Throwing across a pretty fishing pond, with a gazebo way to your left, was very pretty, and the trees near/behind the basket meant you didn't have to worry about over-throwing.

Least favourite hole: #4. Low canopy early, thick line of trees 150' ahead of you, tons of brush just behind these trees makes you wonder how you're supposed to attack this hole with digging through brush over half the time.

Don't come here if you like them open and long, but if you're eager for a tight challenge - short and thick early, longer and larger at the midpoint, and best-of-both-worlds at the end, come on by for a round.
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4 4
Experience: 17.5 years 50 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wooooster 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 14, 2010 Played the course:once


Technical wooded course with some defined fairways between the trees. A decent variation of hole-types to use different shots on. Baskets are in good shape and the next tee signs are great. Bridges and stairs to help get across some streams/ditches. Pond comes into play on a few holes.


Some of the worst natural tee-boxes I've seen. Some of the holes look like they were just tossed in between some trees. A lot of tee signs are missing. Course can get confusing if you don't have a map. Long walk from 18 to 1 if you park by hole 1. Course can be very swampy and soggy in a few places.

Other Thoughts:

Course really seems neglected right now with the brush overgrowing everywhere. With a little work this course can become better. The park is nice with a swimming pool and playground.
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9 0
Experience: 18.3 years 106 played 18 reviews
2.00 star(s)

tree banger club captin 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 24, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Some of my favorite holes are in this wooded 18 holes. Front 9 is a blast to play. Technical shots through small cuts in trees make this course challenging yet rewarding. (like when you hit it perfect through the windows between trees). Back nine has good changes in elevation, a little longer and more open then the front nine.

Signs on top of baskets show direction of next t pads (every course needs this). Baskets are nice and in good condition.

Not windy. Fun putting situations (putting directly uphill, around or between trees). Ace opportunities. Two tee's on most holes. Mulch fairways. One alternate pin location that makes #15 a very difficult parr 3 (an up hill 400 footer w/ basket protected by trees).

Long tees are marked by small orange flag during tournaments. Also, three "open" temp holes are added to provide a total of 21 holes. If these holes were permanent this course would get another half star.

Never really busy with disc golfers. Park is used for other things and may get busy, but the disc golf course is not used often.

Hole #9 alone is worth a trip. Classic over the pond shot to pin raised slightly on a hill. The only true grip-it and rip-it shot on the course. Everyone should play the long tee on this hole!!!


Lacks any open bomb shots. Trees. No concrete t-pads. Some drainage issues. Some hole signs missing or vandalized. Trees. Easy to lose disc in pond or in brush. Park goers sometimes parked in fairway (on back nine only). Hole 18 ends no where near hole 1. Trees. Tee markings are buried yellow pieces of wood, sometimes hard to see or covered..... and the TREES make it difficult to judge where deflections go.

Outside of the mulch fairways, there is heavy over growth, thick brush and lots of trees. A bad drive can put you in a rough position to save parr as the rough is very "rough" here on nearly every hole. Hitting early wood will make for a looonggg day. My advice is to stay on the fairways as much as possible even if it requires to take a little off your throws.

Annoying dogs from houses along holes #7, #8. Watch out for bees!!

No practice basket.

Other Thoughts:

Wayyy more fun to play in the winter, you can actually see the baskets!

Great for experienced players to sharpen accuracy. A challenge to most.

Be ready for a hike in the woods.
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7 0
Experience: 15.3 years 44 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Cluster-Fuxxx! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 9, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


I have a better understanding of disc golf since I wrote my first review for Freedlander Park years ago. I deleted my entire review from 2009.

This 18 is a beginner course. Not much else can be made of this course. But I will name the few Pros it has to offer....

-Great baskets
-Elevation changes on most holes, with baskets on hills (4,7,9,11,16,17.)
-LeBron James
-Super nice park*


I'll do my best to be concise on the cons.

-Teepads are the worst I've ever seen

-Signage is almost non-existent. Vandals have taken most.

-Course upkeep - there is none!

-.Traffic - this course above all others I've played at is placed in the most highly trafficked park I can imagine to put a course in. I/everyone ceases to play during peak spring/summer/fall months. I'll elaborate on a few of these nuisances,

1.) The annual Trout Derby!
-Yes it's fun to teach kids how to fish. But is it necessary to fill the pond with hungry trout and have a "derby" that shuts down the course for a weekend? You decide.

2.) Runners.
- I have no problem with youths running around for the betterment of their health! But, since the middle school is directly down the "road," freedlander park is the natural stomping ground for teens of all ages to run directly in the paths of most of the holes! (That's what their coaches tell them to do)

-Straight walkers-
-Although it sounds like nitpicking, try playing at freeds multiple times a week. The entire course is made from old walking paths. These such paths have been there much longer than the course. 5 minute waits are not uncommon on any hole. Patrons will stand in the middle of holes even if you make them aware of what's going on! Even if there isn't a trout derby, there may be many people fishing witch can ruin 4 holes.

-Not to mention hole 1 where people park directly on top of the teepad, I'll focus on the back nine. From 10-16 there are asphalt roads running through the park/disc golf course. Winter months this isn't a factor, the roads are blocked off and there is no traffic to speak of. Butttttttt.... when spring hits the flood gates open! Literally and figuratively, they actually open gates. And although there are no signs saying Parking/No Parking, people park everywhere. I'm talking 9-16 unplayable. I've hit 20 or so vehicles, I feel no remorse because they are parked illegally.

-Softball Shits-
-When I was a younger gentlemen there used to be 2 soccer fields and 1 baseball field in the middle of freeds. Now there are 3 "Softball" fields in the middle of the course. This is totally legit in my book...... But, what comes with teeny bop massive 3 softball field tourneys? Oh yeah, all the little girls smaller bros and sisters! What would any young girl or boy do when they are bored of watching dumb girl softball (before the game even starts)? For some reason they migrate into the woods surrounding the "softball fields" and play. When they play, they pick your disc up, when your disc is picked up you lose patience, when you lose patience you don't disc. (Go up to my Vehicles section to understand the full wrath of these "Softball" matches.)

Other Thoughts:

To be honest I absolutely love the course! But If you're not used to dirt-crater teepads and tight fairways you won't have fun. I recently brought an Open player here and he stopped keeping score ending up with at least 13 over. And he is much better than I. Simply put, this course is a great beginner's course, good for practice all day long! Other than that, it sucks!
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6 1
Experience: 15.3 years 17 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

just not quite there 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 14, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


-good use of elevation changes
-good use of trees making bad shots punishing
-Amenities such as bathrooms and benches available
-Nice risky shots around water
-signs on top of basket pointing to next hole


-teepads are natural, which wouldnt be that bad if they all had the tee signs to at least give you something to look for beside a board on the ground.

-Tee signs when present were nice, but most missing or blank

-Trees making for a challenge is fine but the tall weeds, thorns and grass throughout has little afect on your throw and becomes just a nuisance to navigating through the course

-Lacks a signature hole or some sort of shot with a "wow" factor.

Other Thoughts:

I originally had a horrible review written for the course as far as wording but this course is really missing something. Overall, I think it is pretty well designed but it could use a couple of holes that just really define the course and stick out in your memory.

A little cleaning out of the brush that has no affect on the game but poses for annoyance walking around could help, along with some sign upkeep and/or some concrete tees.

A decent course for the most part
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9 3
Experience: 19.4 years 33 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 24, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course will be easy to the more advanced players, but definatly intriguing for most. . Very heavily wooded some creeks. One big lake to start the back with a pro tee shot of well over 250 ft over ...the lake. Back 9 consist of trees trees and more trees. Fun course


Can be very crowded in the summer time. Public pool is part of park .

Other Thoughts:

I had to drop my rating on this course. I've been out 3 times this year, and i must say ,each time i go out it seems to get worse. Vandals have destroyed almost all of the tee signs. Some tees have been moved. The overall up keep of the park particularly the back nine seems to have dropped off. Still think this is a fun course but it needs help. An updated map would be nice as well.
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1 9
Experience: 20.5 years 19 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Need to be accurate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 21, 2009 Played the course:once


An excellent course to test you physically and mentally. You are mainly weaving throughout the forest. There are select paths for your disc to fly through which will test your accuracy.


The kids that roam the park with little to no interest in disc golf. They feel as thou it is more interesting in destroying the signs and leaving trash behind.

Other Thoughts:

There are some really low wires I am afraid to touch but temping to jump up and grab. If you play here you will see what I mean.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.8 years 288 played 154 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice attention to detail 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice tee markers. The signs marking the main (usually the long) tees are easily visible from a distance. The signposts also have pegs to hang your bag which is a welcome feature when the ground is wet or muddy. The 4x4's in the ground provide a nice defined front to the tee box. Additional 4x4's are installed to mark the short tees. I was impressed with how easy most of the short tees were to find despite not being marked on the map. The baskets have wonderful "Next Tee" directional arrows mounted on top which makes this course very easy to navigate. It helps that the course flows well. The course map at the info board is very accurate.

The play on this course is almost completely technical. There are very tight fairways on most of the holes. #8 is a 375' hole with a 15-20' wide, perfectly straight fairway the entire way. The course is pretty well balanced but I think favors LHBH just a bit. The course starts and ends with a short, easy birdie run hole.

Very nice welcome sign as you enter the park (see gallery picture).


Many of the tee signs have become the victims of vandals who have removed the nice individual hole maps that include the distances.

It'd be nice if the course map on the info board had the OB rules posted. The only place I found that was on the online scorecard.

Several of the holes (#4 and #16 come to mind) have you standing on the tee pad looking at a mess of trees wondering just how to get to the basket... and I played in the Winter when there were no leaves on any of the trees!

Other Thoughts:

I was lucky, this course wasn't crowded at all when I played (15 degree F, and snow in December). In fact I only saw one other person in the whole park the entire time I played. The course is in a fantastic multi-use park, which could lead to many throwing conflicts in the heavily populated summer months.

There are a lot of fun shots on this course if you go in with the expectation that you're not going to have the opportunity to crush any long bombs. The shot across the water from long #9 is easily reachable, but still imposing. It was very satisfying to weave my drive through the trees and past the creek on #16; but then disheartening to toss a bad upshot and even worse putt to take a '4' on the hole. But that's the type of course this is with certain pin positions, you need more than a good drive to score well.

All the tees are marked with 4x4's in the ground except a long tee for #3 which I'm told is down on the path by #7's tee and is marked by a small orange flag.

I would definitely play this course again.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 77 played 68 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Technical & fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 6, 2008 Played the course:once


Beautiful park, challenging holes. Baskets have pointers to the next tee. Secluded. Lots of trees, skill required. Layout flows intelligently from baskets to next tee.


OB shots can get lost in the thick growth on some holes. Some signs are missing their map. Lots of muddy areas & creeks framing the narrow fairway/approach drives on the front 9.

Other Thoughts:

Very cool course, with plenty, if not all holes that require your game to be "on". Course for the most part stays away from other park-goers, and the scenery is great.

Lots of variation in elevation - you'll throw up & down hills for a good portion of this course. Probably a good idea your first time out to check out for where the baskets are before throwing, especially on the front nine.

Mostly wooded shots/throwing through trees. You'll have an opportunity to use every disc in your bag, but no open holes where you'll be gunning for pure distance.

Most of the holes are technical as opposed to brute strength drives. Not a casual course by any means, but plenty of fun if you know what to expect.
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6 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2008 Played the course:never


Very challenging course. Lots of very narrow fairways. The course is well marked, and each basket has an arrow pointing to the next tee, which is very helpful especially on this wooded course.


The rough is very rough. If you miss the fairway, and that is very easy to do, you'll probably have to wade through fairly think brush.

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun, but very hard course. If you like narrow fairways and some tight turns, along with some just generally difficult holes, this is your kind of course. Not for a beginner though.
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