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Las Vegas, NV

Freedom Park

1.75(based on 10 reviews)
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Freedom Park reviews

9 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

I'd Like It More Without Throwing Around The Homeless Dudes! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2016 Played the course:once


Freedom Park is a large, flat park with scattered trees, scattered homeless population, bathrooms, picnic shelters, soccer season fields, children's play areas and more. The nine hole course starts near the parking lot. The first three holes play around an area with a few more trees before opening up for some wide open holes. Then 7-9 play back toward the starting point. The course plays as a basic recreational level course. There's often just a lone tree or two or the occasional homeless person as an obstacle. # 9 does have two guide wires which happen to fall directly where I wanted to throw by tee off.

The course features 4' X 4' concrete tee pads with house numbers imbedded in them. There are no signs so the flat tee pads are somewhat difficult to locate your first time through. The baskets are basic older models with numbers welded on them.


The park has a fair amount of trash left behind by the vagrant guys. No surprise here. It's flat with few obstacles, basically lacking in the creative department. But, I'm not sure what more the course designers could have done here.

Somehow, # 8's basket has had the entire outer row of chains disconnected from the ring at the bottom. How this happened, I do not know but I'm willing to place the blame on these homeless guys. They're easy targets.

Other Thoughts:

This pretty much qualifies as a ho hum course. Nothing to get too excited about but it's worth playing if you live close by. For me, aging rec player, the holes didn't offer much in the way of excitement. I don't think my score would vary much here. There's not many ways to get into trouble but for me, there wern't many places to pick up strokes either. Ho Hum! Par, Par, Par, ZZZZZZZZZ.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 236 played 233 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Not very good, but it does exist

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 3, 2015 Played the course:once


The best part of this course is that it's near the old strip hotels and that the baseball field lights make it playable after dark.

The park is pretty cool and has a decent skatepark very nice soccer and baseball fields and playgrounds but the course is pretty neglected.

If your looking for some baskets to get a dg fix and Vegas hold no other charms for you it is actually in the ground.

We mostly played safari and had a good time.


Not at all well maintained, small 4x4 or so pads with only a number, no distances or directions.

Baskets are old probably Mach 1s and are prone to chain outs. Not the worst I've putted on but far from good.

The layout way confusing and almost impossible to follow.

Pretty heavily littered and there were several homeless people living in fairways.

The majority of things I usually grade a course on were cons unfortunately.

Other Thoughts:

I got to play disc golf in Vegas, a town that holds few charms for me personally. And only had to drive 5 mins to do it, that was cool. The fact that the course could have been pretty decent and was poorly looked after was a bummer.

I could see this being a very good beginner course if someone cleaned it up and adjusted the signage and layout,

Overall, we made about 30 safari holes out there and it was way more fun, if you play there I would recommend doing that. We also had distance contests on the football/soccer fields afterwards and they are actually pretty nice.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Pretty bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2013 Played the course:once


The course plays through a multi-use park with a few trees and decent grass cover. There is some distance variety with some shorter holes and a couple where most players will pull out a driver. A few of the pin placements have some trees around so you have to think about where to place your drive/approach. The park was clean and well-maintained when I played.


The layout is really terrible. After every shot you have to go searching for the next tee, with no above ground tee markers and tiny useless squares of concrete for the tees they're difficult to find. Often you have to walk back the entire length of the hole or longer to get to the next tee, and that's between two mediocre holes so it's certainly not worth the extra walking.

The first 3 holes have awkward lines, there are some nice trees but they're used in odd ways rather than creating interesting and valid lines to hit. The rest of the course is wide open and doesn't present any interesting challenges. Many of the holes play over or near picnic areas, a walking path and fields that are used for various sports. On a nice day that makes this course pretty unsafe to play.

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will find this course approachable but not very entertaining, and most beginners won't put in the effort to find all the tees out here. More experienced players won't find any interesting challenges or real variety. Don't go out of your way to play this one, even compared to the other courses in Vegas this one stands out in a bad way.
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10 0
Hector Chain
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 222 played 191 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Freedom to lie in the fairway 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 20, 2012 Played the course:once


The early holes have some interesting lines with the trees drooping and stretching, creating tunnels and over-the-top approaches. The later holes are more open. The holes generally were in the 250-375 range, so there are some good birdie opportunities that are not gimmes.

Navigation is okay if you use the map on here; without it you'll probably have a tough time finding your way around since the tee pads are so small and not very visible.


The tees are 3x3 squares of concrete that aren't very useful unless you are throwing with no run up. I've never seen pads like this. There are no tee signs.

The biggest con is that most of the holes had people lying (living?) underneath the trees in the shade, so they were the biggest obstacles. There were only two holes where I could throw with absolutely no worry of hitting someone; on the others I had to throw hyzers to lay up well short of the hole to avoid the people.

Other Thoughts:

If you came early in the day when no one is here, you could have a nice round with a couple fun shots. With people here it's just not a very carefree round.

This course is in the worst part of town (by far) of any of the Vegas courses. I don't mind courses in bad parts of town. In many places this is where the best courses are (because regular park users don't want to spend time there). Freedom Park is not unsafe, though, with the police station across the street. I did see a cop car or two coming through the parking lot.

If you're from out of town, this isn't really a course you need to hit, and there isn't much here you haven't seen elsewhere. If you live in Vegas, it's worth hitting to give a little variety and to play around some types of trees you won't find elsewhere.
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3 6
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 56 played 56 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Freedom to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 5, 2010 Played the course:once


Not one other player when I played. Probably because Sunset Park is less than 10mins away off the same street. The yellowish spongy grass almost doesn't seem real, but provides a nice surface for disc golf. Nice but old kids park in the middle of the course.


Some weird tee shots with trees directly in the middle, forcing hyzers or anhyzers. Pick-up soccer game going on right in the middle of hole #4. Never did find the teebox for #5. Smallish teeboxes.

Other Thoughts:

If you park in the middle of the lot, start with hole #9, and finish with hole #8. Otherwise, make sure to park at the very end of the lot for easiest access to #1.
Uniqueness: C+ (average layout in an average park)
Difficulty: B- (flat; not too long; some trees)
Fun factor: B- (was OK, but won't be coming back)
Aesthetics: B (cleanish; looks older than it is)
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Bad Flow Results from Freedom of Design 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 19, 2010 Played the course:once


- A Few Good Holes. Most of the shots at Freedom Park are pretty decent. They used the limited number of trees to the max and designed a few good looking golf holes. Holes 1 and 3 were the highlight. On most of the holes you had options off the tee that required you to make a decision... so in that respect it was a decent course.


- Flow. Two times you have to play a Hole and then backtrack all the way back up the fairway you just played to find the next Holes tee-pad that plays in the opposite direction.
- Navigation. Way-finding was a little bit rough in a few spots. Because the tee-pads are small (3'x3'), and there were no tee-signs, and the tees aren't always within a reasonable distance or direction from the pins, the tees were sometimes hard to find. Definitely print the map in the links section and bring it with you (I forgot mine).

Other Thoughts:

- Overall. Freedom is decent enough, but has some major flaws - bad flow, lack of navigational aids, lack of tee-signs, 3x3 tee-pads - that keep it from being pretty cool. Also, the course is in "what Las Vegas would call" a bad neighborhood, although there is a police station across the street.
- My Score: -2
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5 1
Experience: 17.3 years 20 played 6 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Hated this course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2010 Played the course:once




This course is horrid. Disrepair on most every basket, homeless all over, kids playing organized soccer across 'fairways'... No courtesy or care shown by any of the other park users that there is a disc golf course present. Poorly laid out, and the police and fire stations across the street were vacant...

Other Thoughts:

Why would a park need 8 foot tall wrought iron fences all the way around it??? Hint Hint
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5 0
Experience: 18.3 years 106 played 18 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good to see progress, but... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 14, 2009 Played the course:once


-Tee pads are a Plus, they were not installed when I played here last, so I made a point to look at the pictures before I reviewed. I played as best as I could the first time out
-Many ammenities at the park, yet I played drunk, broke, and at dawn, so I could only take advantage of the fountain, not the restroom


-Apparently the missing chains issue has not been resolved in the past year. This was a pain in the arse, but not as bad as the overall condition used to be without paved pads or numbers.
-When I played at dawn there was a homeless person sleeping at the foot of the basket, but I think that factor might've actually been a plus. It was a challenge, and I never saw them climb outta the sleeping bag to complain about my playing the course!
-Not really in a good part of town, and the police seemed to take notice of me, yet never bothered me.

Other Thoughts:

I never got to play any of the other courses on my trip to Vegas, and I am angry that I missed out on better ones to play here. Next time I will do more research and get myself to something a little more respectable
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5 1
G Bud
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.5 years 90 played 15 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Freedom is a gamble 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


* Park / Course clean and well maintained by the City of Las Vegas.
* Flat, sparsely wooded terrain works great to practice a variety of shots.
* Good Parking / Restroom
* Not far from the Vegas Strip
* Many park amenities - Skate park, playground equipment, ball fields, basketball courts & more.


* Busy park. You will have to deal with many other park users.
* Design is fair at best. Flow is erratic and doesn't make much sense at times. Some holes don't have much of a flight path. A couple tees have trees not far in front of tee.
* No signage
* Tee pads - 4 ft X 4 ft concrete makes for a difficult run up. Some are tough to find due to so many concrete slabs on property for drains and water valves.
* Baskets are Mach I & II. Some are a bit beat up or missing chains.
* More advanced/pro players will not find this course a challenge.

Other Thoughts:

This is a quaint little park packed with amenities. So there are usually a good amount of other folks using the park. We played early on a Tuesday afternoon and still had to play around other park users. It was pretty easy to get to and find just a small distance off Rt. 95. I'm sure once you know the layout finding tee pads is easy. But for our 1st time, we spent a good amount of time looking for the next tee. The pads are small and are about the size of other concrete ground level structures like drains and water valve areas. No signs to help locate tees or to give any hole information. The design lacks a natural flow and I found it was my biggest frustration with the course. This website lists 5 designers for this little course. In this instance it might be a case of too many cooks spoil the soup. There were a couple holes of good length but they are mostly field type holes with not much to challenge the player. If you are new to the game, this course would be a fair place to get started. If you're an experience player, you might play this course to boost your course resume. One of the best things about Freedom Park is that it is better than not having a course at all.
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7 1
Experience: 18.6 years 16 played 13 reviews
2.50 star(s)

What happens in Vegas... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2010 Played the course:once


Very open and playable. Easy to teach someone to play. Targets have a few trees to go around or through, but nothing for an experienced player to worry about. VERY CLEAN AND FAMILY ORIENTED PARK. Cheap Ice Cream for the kiddies because several ice cream trucks in the parking lot.


There is a massive number of people at this park on the weekends. Sunday afternoon is NOT suggested to play. Lots of folk will hang out there that have no clue about how the game goes and will walk/ride bikes in the flight path of your plastic. Also not a challenging park to play. This park is to learn on or to keep your throwing arm in shape.

Other Thoughts:

My wife and I were visiting family in Vegas and came to this park by default because Sunset Park was having a tournament. I was able to teach my nephews and brother-in-law in an afternoon. The result: my brother-in-law will be buying his own plastic soon.

NOTE: LOTS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE BEING PERFORMED HERE BY FOLKS THAT HAVE RECIEVED A DUI. Considering this is Vegas...there will be plenty of DUI folks to keep the park clean.

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