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Pleasant Garden, NC

Garden Grove

3.295(based on 7 reviews)
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Garden Grove reviews

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Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Patience Is A Virtue

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 23, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


-Something my 10th grade Biology teacher always said. "Patience is a virtue!" With a big enormous smile nearly as wide as the diameter of her face with her head tilting back and forth.

-When I played Garden Grove in the summer of 2019, I hated it. It was freshly installed and covered in briars and main of the fairways were so skinny that you'd without question run into a tree if you rode a bike down them and potentially be on a trip to the hospital. It was hands down the most brutal course I had ever played five years ago. But an hour after playing, I was like "Wait a minute. I've read many of BrotherDave's reviews! He doesn't like bike trail fairways either! Surely it's just not beat in yet." Nearly five years later, I come back and see nothing but excellent changes. Dave said in his review that many of the fairways were John Houck inspired, and coming back the second time, I truly see the John Houck inspiration behind the course's design with the fairway design.

-The fairway diversity is top notch, the lines are so much clearer and defined, and there are some serious risk/reward opportunities with the different available routes on many holes. Over half of the holes have multiple options on what to throw. #11 and #12 stick out the most. #11 is a 219' ace run with two lanes. The left lane is a sidearm/putter anhyzer that curves right. The right lane is slightly less accommodating since there are a few trees straight ahead of the tee, but if you were to hit that initial gap on a small hyzer, you've got a good chance in being inside the circle for a birdie. #12 was a feral monster when I first came. Now that it's beaten in, it's a fantastic par five! Right off the tee, you have the option to try and bomb a driver down the left side, or bomb a midrange down the right side and be left with (hopefully) two sidearm approaches. Hole is almost shaped like the letter F, with the top of it stretching out. It's tough to get to the landing zone on the left side since it's much further than the landing zone on the right side.

-Not only do you see split fairways with their own designated routes, but the variety is excellent. Some straight holes are in the mix. Even a couple of the par fours are more on the straighter side (#7, #13). Course is over 90% wooded, but there are some open areas like the tee shot on the first hole, the right-side spike hyzer option on #7 gives big arms a chance to possibly show off, #13's approach in the meadow is very pretty too.

-Plenty of amenities like trash cans, bathrooms, and benches. As a result, the course is very clean. There was even a local emptying out the trash cans during the tournament! As a result of this, Garden Grove was very clean. I didn't see any litter at all.

-Friendly park atmosphere. Gorgeous setting of mostly pine trees in a forest. I feel like the Greensboro really displays the entire state of North Carolina very well with constant changes in appearance depending on what part of the town you are in. This part of town feels a lot like the Pinehurst/Southern Pines area. There is a walking path, a playground, and the ball fields on the opposite side where you park further down the path are perfect for throwing some practice drives in.

-I strongly favor courses with elevation. Garden Grove doesn't have much elevation, it's pretty light. But the walk in the forest and the consistent variety of hole lengths and challenges will leave people like me engaged despite the lack of hills. There are a few, and I do enjoy those holes (the valley hole #16 was one of the few holes I liked when I first played) and I can say I like just about all of them. There's no real repetition. It keeps throwing curveballs at you! Some short ace runs (#3, #6, #10, #11), several doglegs (#1, #12, #15, #17, &18), two of which are par fives.

-Tightness ranges from fairways less than 10' wide like #6. This is the tightest hole on the course. There is a right lane that's a little wider than the straight one, but it's tougher to navigate when the line is as tight as it is and where the turning point occurs it's likely more difficult to attack rather than the straight gap being tighter but much more bound to birdie from if you pure the gap and stay straight.

-Another example of tightness with options is #17. #17 is an intimidating tee shot down a small hill. Like #6, there are two routes. The straight one is a little tighter but likely more rewarding. The right gap is a little wider, but it's harder to have a straightforward upshot due to the left curve versus the left gap giving you a straight and clear view of the landing zone, which you don't see how to navigate from the right side. This is a par 4 that is under 450' but a three feels spectacular!

Then you see fairways that offer more room. #18 is an excellent finish. It's a double dogleg that really encourages you to throw a driver. The first curve to the left is over 300' and the fairway while it's in the woods, its more than 30' wide and offers plenty of room to give yourself a possible birdie look if you stay clean off the tee. It goes back a bit downhill and curves to the right side at the approach out into the open. There are a couple of lines to get to the pin. The outside line is probably more accommodating but it favors a big sidearm. I threw a midrange out of the inside gap on the right side (the back door route) and barely made it out and was left with a 50' putt for eagle. I love how the treacherous green is incorporated here on this par five. It sums up Garden Grove perfectly! So many different options and there's not just one right answer, but there are still wrong answers. Basket for #18 is perched on a hill and I had a death putt for eagle that I missed on camera footage.

-Great tee signs. They were installed almost immediately when the course was put in. Being a true trilogy fan, I like the dynamic veteran pins too.


-While I appreciate the fact that the tee pads are not raised and prohibit longer run ups, they are a bit small. Some holes here (especially the doglegs) favor powerful drives with putters or mids since they are slower and have less turn and distance. Still, in order for them to go a little further, you have to have a little aggression. So you'll probably be starting you run up at least a couple feet behind the tee pads.

-Some parts of the rough (the edge of #5's green) can get extremely dense. Now most of the rough here is exculpable if you have a decent scramble game. The right side of #5 by the green is VERY dense though and I was not comfortable putting for there because of potential snakes. Some high grass on the holes on the edge of the open creating some lost disc potential. The right side on #13 is very unpleasant to play from too. This being said, Garden Grove can be tough on first timers. I have to say though, I didn't think it would ever be this tame. Rough spots that are hard to spot, but I'm amazing with how polished the course is now.

-Could use some alternate pads. There is only one hole with a second pin location. That is #2. There are only one set of tee pads. I think holes like #12 really need a short pad just because of the complexity of this hole. As much as I like it personally and wouldn't change anything about the design of it, I do believe there should be an easier option for others. Take it or leave it idea, there could be an alternate pin on #15 straight ahead since there is route that leads to a clearing. Just a thought.

Other Thoughts:

-I was overwhelmed. I didn't think it would end up being as great as it is. It's a great blend of John Houck inspiration with a wide variety of lines to pick with several of them being good choices while still being a long and challenging course. It has some similarities to Nevin and Hornet's Nest with its multi shot doglegs and strongly favoring accuracy opposed to distance. I like Nevin just a little better, but I like Garden Grove better than Hornet's Nest strongly because of its higher predictability. While Hornet's Nest may be a well-polished course with some spectacular hole designs. Many of the fairways have enormous trees either in the middle or around the edges and they can result into some unpredictably bad outcomes and kick you into the rough where your only option is to pitch out and pray you save par just because you barely knicked a huge tree and it kicked you far away from the fairway. Garden Grove has a lot less opacity, and part of that is the difference of trees. The consequences to hitting a tree seem to be a lot more foreseeable and usually, it's a little more forgiving because there are many spots in the rough that are escapable without penalty if you find some sort of line to hit from there.

-The mando on #10. There was a mando on #10 when I played the tournament. I'm not sure if it was added by the TD but it's very redundant and if missed, unnecessarily taxing. If you read BrotherDave's Ashe County review, I think it was him that had some negative comments about the mando on #7 at Ashe and that mando was installed to create a low ceiling down the leftside and protect the people fishing by the pond on the right. I'd be shocked if this was Dave's idea. #10 is a nice flick hole from left to right. The mando pointing right on a tree to the left is just senseless to me when it's a given that you are trying to go right. If you didn't, you'd be in the woods on the left or would luckily scrape through and possibly be left with a long putt. My guess: Dave would hate this on his course.

-While I am a big fan of DiscgolfCraig and his reviews (and him being one of my best friends on the site), I have to say I don't particularly agree with this statement on repetition. I don't think Garden Grove is repetitive at all. This is probably more debatable.
#15 is a dogleg left just like #17, yes. But the tee shot on #15 is a lot more "roomy". #15 is a hard par three (one of the hardest ones for sure) being 342' and a sharp left sweeping hyzer. I threw an overstable driver hoping to skip as far left as I could. There are two landing zones at the turning point. In other words the fairway becomes a split at the landing zone. The first one is maybe 30' short of the second one and it creates a more obvious line to the pin.

#16 is not a dogleg. It's barely to the left side. You wouldn't want to throw an overstable disc on this hole. It's mostly straight and down and back up a valley. One of the more picturesque holes on the course and doesn't really look like any of the other holes (maybe except for 8).

#17, while it's a dogleg left like #15. This is a true stationing par four that you couldn't pay me to throw a driver on. In the video that will be posted on the disc golf galaxy channel, you will see me and Robert Bohinski throw putters down the left gap. This is not a hole you get greedy on like #15. You want to be maybe 200' straight ahead of the pad and have a straight approach to the pin. There isn't a lot of room for error off the tee, since the landing zone is smaller and the line to get to it is a lot tighter than #15. A big hyzer on this one and you are toast.

#18 is the wooded hole that allows for more distance to reach the landing zone, something #15 and #17 don't require in regards to reaching the landing zone. #15 requires a big powerful hyzer, so it does require power and distance. #18, you have to bite off a lot more distance straight ahead, since the fairway doesn't really turn until the 300' mark. You aren't looking to throw a big hyzer on #18. You want to throw a long way and fade a bit left and have some sort of look for eagle. If you have limited distance, you want to throw as far as you can accuracy and then throw a big hyzer while you have less distance to carry on the second shot and hopefully have a long approach to make a birdie on this par five. It's one of the easier holes, but it still has some teeth to it. I missed my eagle putt and luckily saved birdie after sliding down the hill a little.

-#7 is probably my favorite hole. It's on the edge of the woods, so it's a little more out in the open. It's very gorgeous. I love the straight tunnel shot into the woods gently downhill. Hole gets tighter toward the end, and the green is pretty well guarded. I love the entire course though. Seeing how much it had evolved, it really demonstrates how raw courses can really evolve into something different and how you can't truly see the full potential or how much it has when it's first installed. I didn't think it would ever get this good, but it really did. If you played here in 2019 or 2020 and haven't returned, come back and see it and you will be stunned. It truly is a great course! Kudos to BrotherDave!
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13 0
Experience: 4.6 years 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Will Age Like Wine 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 3, 2021 Played the course:once


Garden Grove is a high quality course that will only get better as it continues to get foot traffic and a few trees come down. There are a variety of technical shots needed to stay on the fairway or to get up and down if you're off it.

The park is very user friendly. The parking lot abuts a covered area with picnic tables and a drink machine that has sodas, bottled water, and gatorade. There is a water well nearby, just outside of the dog park, though I didn't test it and can't say whether it is on in the winter.

Designed for Advanced level accuracy but distance is not as important. If you can throw 325-350' on a golf shot then no birdie is unattainable.

My favorite holes were 1, 2, 7, 13, 15, 16, and 17. For the most part these have gaps and fairways that reward accuracy and less poke-and-hope situations. I expect/hope that in the future most of the course will play more like these holes.

As I continue to explore Triad courses this one stands out as high quality and I look forward to playing it again. It is much more interesting than Patriot.


It looks like the original concrete pads were tiny and that pavers were added. And they are still too tight. Why go through all of the work to make a nice course and then have wimpy tee pads? It can kill the experience for some players.

A little too much poke-and-hope on some of the holes. At times it feels less like skillful shot-shaping and more like luck. You still have to give the shot a chance by hitting the line but you can throw what feels like a great one only to be denied.

Hole 12 needs some work. Right now the par play is to throw 250' off the tee and then a series of 150' placement shots at close to right angles around the islands of trees. The middle gap landing spot is too small and is not worth the risk imo.

Other Thoughts:

The rough to the thrower's right on Hole 13 is a good place to lose a disc. If you yank over on one and get a tree kick it's bad back in there.

I ran into a few locals who seem to play the course almost daily. They were really nice and overall this park was filled with pleasant and happy people.
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Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Brother Dave, Quite the Rave. Here to Play Your Garden Grove. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 20, 2021 Played the course:once


This course is a great example of why it's important to check out a course for yourself rather than relying on other people's opinions. Based on the course's ratings, I had low(er) expectations when I came to Garden Grove. What I got instead, of a very good, challenging, wooded course that's better than advertised.
- New reviews are crucial. They offer different perspectives and reflect how a course is playing at a certain time. And they also reflect people's opinions, no matter how objective we try to be.
- A classic North Carolina wooded course. Felt like I was still in Charlotte throwing at Nevin, Hornets Nest, Scrapyard, or any other tight, pine-tree laden fairway. When you're on your game, you don't notice the fairway size. Every time you hit a tree, the fairway suddenly seems three feet wide, so tight you have to turn sideways to squeeze between the trees.
- A mental challenge. There's a huge risk vs reward aspect to this course. There are some quality, varied layouts. For a large swath of the course however, it feels as if you're having to decide on the tee whether you want to be aggressive and try for a birdie (pulling out a bigger disc), or play it safe, keep it in the fairway, and play for par. After smacking a tree, ending up way off the fairway on #7, I was only able to salvage a bogey because it was January and there wasn't any growth in the rough. The paths between the trees were just forgiving enough that I felt good carding a 5.
- Ah, #7. This hole along with #13, which share a small swath of grass, are the two most enjoyable, most picturesque holes on the entire course. #7, at 464 feet, tees off from the grassy area back to a wide tunneled fairway on a relatively straight hole. A solid tee shot will put players in position for a birdie 3. If you're like me, smack a tree, and end up in the rough to the right side of the fairway, you miss the fun this hole offers.
- #13 is the bookend to #7. At 486 feet, you've got an s-curved fairway to navigate. From there, the fairway opens up to a grassy putting circle and a slightly raised basket. With a backdrop of rolling fields serving as a backdrop, this is easily the best approach shot on the course.
- I liked the colored discs on top of each basket. I'm not sure if they're there to help identify the baskets or just to be. Either way, they serve as nice targets as I experienced first hand when my approach shot shattered the one on #3. So, I can't make 15 foot putts, but I can nail a target on top of the cage from 80 - 100 feet away. Seems about right.
- Very nice park overall. From where you park for the course, it seems like a small, nothing park. Suddenly, when you're on #10 & 11, you see a larger, nice portion of the park. It's as if they don't want the disc golfers associating with the rest of the park. Hmmmm.


Tee pads. Apparently the work order for tee pads was wrong. How do you build a new course with pads that are half as long as they should be? It stands out like a sore thumb and I sense it may mess with people's impression of the course.
- There is a walking trail that weaves throughout the course. It can be easy for a walker to end up strolling down a fairway, or a discer ending up on a trail instead of a transition between holes. In certain areas, it would be nice if the signage was clearer to identify what's what.
- There are a tad few too many non-descript holes and a repetitive sense of repetitiveness. Your closing four holes are all essentially dogleg lefts. On #15 - 17, if you can throw a disc 250 feet and straight to slightly faded left, you're seeing easy par 3s on #15 & 16, and an easy par 4, with a potential birdie three on #17. DISCLAIMER: I played in January when there are no leaves on trees. For nine months a year, these holes may play different due to the foliage factor.
- I think #12 was an ambitious, adventurous design. There are multiple cleared out fairways, all with funky/awkward transitions at some point. If it was smoothed out, this would be a much better hole. Sure, on Pretzel Day, you can ask about getting all 18 toppings on your pretzel. Unless you're Michael Scott, you probably don't want the works.
- If you don't like wooded layouts, you will be frustrated here. There's grass on #1, 7, 13, & 18. Otherwise, your fairways are covered with dirt, tree roots, and pine needles.
- #1's tee shot can be a bit testy. You have a city building to the right side of the fairway. It's really not in play, but imagine if your arm isn't loose, you're slightly concerned about accuracy, and you don't want to sail left before the fairway's bend, and you know you're unleashing a drive on a 500-foot layout, that building may seem a bit closer. More of a mental block than anything else.
- I didn't notice many, if any, benches throughout the course. I don't use them, but on a hot summer day, plenty of people will notice the lack of benches.

Other Thoughts:

Garden Grove is a really good course. I felt right at home with this layout. It does feel as if you could drop it right in Charlotte and you'd feel right at home.
- Hats off to the course designer. Whoever this unknown person is, he (or she) did an excellent job.
- The first hole ended up being one of the top two or three on the course. At 503 feet, you're playing the first 60% in the 'open' before the fairway breaks left into the woods. It's a split fairway, so two chances to hit your gap. You don't want to end up in the woods before your gap. That stuff is thick. A solid second shot, and I had a easy birdie three putt. Overall, one of the better opening holes you'll see.
- #6 is one of the potentially easier birdie chances. It's the tightest fairway on the course. It's also the shortest hole on the course as it's the only one shorter than 200 feet. In case you've had a rough start to your round, this can right the course. Or it can feel like a lost opportunity if you smack one of the many trees.
- Other than the walking trails, this course is removed from other park activities. There's a dog park (I think that's what the fenced in area is for) just beyond #18's basket. Otherwise, the parking lot will probably be mostly disc golfers.
- As for the repetitive repetitiveness, you have split fairways on both #10 & 11. I like both layouts. I just wish they were spaced out so both felt a like more distinct.
- This is an easy 3.5 rating for me. There are enough positive elements that I was thinking about a higher rating. A couple of aspects keep this course from that. Still, I like this course more than Patriot or Davie Park. A solid addition to the Triad disc golf scene.
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Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 17.2 years 154 played 150 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Garden Grove 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 2, 2020 Played the course:once


Garden Grove is one of the many new courses that has opened up in the Triad region since I moved away. It is an advanced level course that places an emphasis on accuracy and placement. The course seems like it is still a work in progress, but the technical nature of the course is very apparent. There are new Veteran baskets on the course, all of which are in great condition. 18 white rim baskets on the course, and a blue rim basket for practice. Each hole has concrete tee pads and nice, durable tee signs.

The area behind the Town Hall, which is where the course is, also features a picnic shelter (with a soda machine), dog park, and a playground. On the far side, at Volunteer Park are a couple of ball fields.

At the start of the course there is a kiosk with a nice map of the entire course layout. The kiosk also seemed to be stocked on scorecards that were printed on nice cardstock paper. I didn't see this until I was already on my way out, so I forgot to check to see if there was a picture of the map on the back of the scorecard. Either way, this was a nice touch.

The course itself will require you to throw many different shots with a wide variety of fairway distance and shapes. While there isn't much elevation to be had at all on the course, it will still test the full range of your skill set through multiple tight gaps and guardian trees. Multiple par 4s and par 5s are featured here, and they truly stand out as some of the more memorable holes on the course.

You can tell which holes have received the most treatment to make the course really grow into its full potential. If I had to describe this course with one word, I think that is the word I'd use: potential. To me the course felt like it opened up a lot once I reached Hole 13, and some of these later holes really showcase what some of the earlier holes will become. Hole 13 also features an elevated basket, which really mixes things up.

The course features two 9-hole loops that allow you to return to your car at the turn if you need to restock on water, snacks, etc. It also features many holes that will offer split fairways, giving players choices on how they want to approach the green.

The course does a great job of introducing itself to you with a nice Par 4 on the first hole. You throw a placement shot down an open fairway to one of two gaps in the tree line, where you are rewarded with a slightly wider fairway for your second shot if you can reach the farther gap. Hole 18 is a beautiful par 5, that is definitely eagle-able. If I had not had my second shot slip out of my hand a tad early I would have reached the C1 within 2 throws. However, if you miss your line slightly or throw even a touch too far, you might be scrambling for par.


Garden Grove currently is suffering from the same "new course woes" that almost all new wooded courses suffer from. While frustrating, they are something that many of us are already used to and I am sure most of these will go away with time. as the course sees more traffic. The rough will certainly clear out as time passes. My only real concern here is that the course is definitely built for Advanced level players, and that could limit the amount of traffic it sees.

The tee boxes here feel like postage stamps. I almost never use an entire teepad, but I was forced to start off of the pads here because of their short length. I was informed by a local there there are plans to extend the teepads. This will be a huge help because other than their length, the tees are in great condition.

I imagine that Brother Dave designed this course using the Stan McDaniel thought philosophy for wooded courses. In the sense that Stan often removes a few trees as possible and let them fall over with time as the course beats in. I enjoy this style of course design, but there were a couple of holes that felt like the fairways needed some TLC. Some of the split fairways seemingly disappeared before reaching the basket, and others had awkward elbows in them that didn't seem to have natural disc flight in mind. If I remember correctly Hole 15 was like this, where what seemed like the most obvious line (the outside line on the right) was built to where you could be 30 feet from the basket and be forced to plinko through walls of trees to reach the basket or continue past the basket to reach an actual gap. Of course, over time some of these trees will probably fall over, leaving just enough guardian trees to keep things interesting. Hole 12 is a great example of this, once that fairway is groomed around the edges, to where every path is playable, I think it has the potential to be the kind of signature holes that people want to travel to come play.

Most of the putting greens could use some work. Many of the baskets are placed right at the edge of the fairway and give you zero leeway for driving even 15' past the basket. However my biggest concern with the greens, and the course in general, was how often I noticed a crushed wire fence in play. I ended up getting my foot caught in it on one hole while throwing in what would usually be a tap in. I may have been 10' to 12' from the basket. The buddy I was playing with noticed it as well.

The navigational signage could definitely use some improvement. While the two nine-hole loops are nice, they felt a bit contrived, which makes the overall flow of the layout confusing at times. There is decent navigational signage using mini discs, but more obvious signs would be helpful finding some of the holes, like Holes 9, 14, & 16.
Holes 10 & 11 were probably a low point on the course for me. Neither of them are bad holes, but I actually thought I walked in a circle for a moment, as they felt nearly identical. Both were just over 200 feet long, and had split fairways where the left line was a hyzer flick and the right line seemed a bit too tight for me to want to mix things up. If something could be done to distinguish these holes a little better from one another, even something as simple as a raised basket one one of the holes, I think it would really help keep the whole course feeling fresh throughout.

Other Thoughts:

Garden Grove is a course with a lot of really cool ideas and concepts. When playing, you can tell that it has been designed by someone who loves the game, and has developed a lot of ideas while playing. I am giving Garden Grove a 3.0 for now, but I think the course has the potential to grow into something that deserves a much higher rating. I've played a couple of brand new wooded in Charlotte before (Squirrel Lake, Angry Beaver, The Scrapyard) and got to watch them grow over the years into some of my absolute favorite courses as they saw more work and traffic. I look forward to playing here again in a year or two to see how it has grown. With the effort BrotherDave seems to be putting into the course, I wouldn't be surprised if, when I do, my rating rises to be somewhere around a 4.0- and possibly become my favorite course in the Triad. It definitely has that much potential!

Favorite Holes: 1, 8, 13, 18
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Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 21.4 years 546 played 261 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Garden Grove in Pleasant Garden, this is the course to play! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 17, 2020 Played the course:once


Great, brand new Veteran baskets, very easy to see, especially with the logoed frisbees displayed on top.
Concrete tee pads.
Very good course map at the first tee and tee signs throughout.
Plenty of Innova minis used as next tee signs. This is very helpful in the middle part of the course, where several holes come together.
Five Par 4s and one Par 5, its nice to have mult-shot holes on what appears to be a small property. More on these later.
There are a variety of hole types, in addition to the length, left, right, straight, split fairway and a couple of ace runs.
Practice basket right near parking lot.
Nice restrooms and shelter convenient to first tee and after #9.


First and foremost, the concrete tee pads, while nice and smooth, are way too short. Most are flush to the ground, especially on the back, so the problem is minimized, but they need to be larger.

While the practice basket is nice, its in a rather small, sloped area near the walking path. It seems it might be better to have it near the first tee. But maybe the designer didn't want that activity so close to the first tee.

#12 - a very interesting design for this hole, Par 5, multiple paths, with a 90 degree turn in the fairway. But, after playing it, there are at least six 90 degree turns on this hole. If you take one of the first routes available, you have to make two or three 90 degree turns to get to the green area, and in most cases, that limits the length of your throw. It really affects the flow of the hole. Also, a bridge is needed on this hole.

Fairways are still a little rough and thick rough areas, and this was playing in February. This is pretty common for a new course cut through woods, I'm sure it will improve.

Other Thoughts:

This seems like a lot of Cons for a course I really liked, but wanted to get those out there in the early stages of this course. The designer is one of our own, BrotherDave, and knows all of these, but I wanted to give him another opinion.
This is definitely the Blue level layout that BD was looking for. As you pull into the Town Hall complex it doesn't look like a huge area, but he did a great job to lay out 18 unique holes, using all the terrain available.
Most of the holes are heavily wooded with only a few "open" shots, #1 tee shot and the approaches to 13 and 18. The wooded fairways are fair to make the shot necessary with only a few very tight, #2, #5 and #9 come to mind.
#10 and 11 are both split fairway Par 3s, with 10 a little longer. You need to pick your line and go for it.
I'm not sure about the established Par on a couple of holes, 5 and 18. #5 is heavily wooded, Par 3 with an S curve fairway. It turns right, then left back to the basket. At 335' it wouldn't normally be a Par 4, but a 3 seems like a helluva good score. #18, heavily wooded, 681' Par 4 that bends left and ends on an grassy hillside, with the basket around the corner on a steep slope. I just don't see a lot of people getting all the way to that hillside in 2 shots, plus its a very fast green. Either way, its a very good, tough finishing hole.
A couple of my favorites were two of the Par 4s:
#7 - 464' with OB down the right side, straight tee shot to a fairly open landing area, then it tightens up, slightly downhill and right to the basket.
#13 - a little longer at 486', again a fairly open tee landing area that is blocked with trees, except for a gap on the left, hit that gap, then it opens up, to the elevated basket.
The course finishes pretty strong, 480' Par 4 17th, that reminds me of #17 at Hornets Nest, and the 680' 18th. Both require several pretty good throws, so save something for these. They have the potential for some serious scoring separations.
I think pretty soon this will be known as one of the best courses in the Triad, somewhat overshadowed by Keeley Park right now, but this will be a highly rated wooded course.
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Experience: 10.5 years 5 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2019 Played the course:once


There are some very neat and unique shots. Some of the fairways are top notch. Some of the basket locations are pretty neat also. There are some really good golf holes out there.


I do not like to rate a course because it is new and not beat in yet. But this course needs foot traffic really bad. All the fairways are super tight and if you get off of them then you are in jail. Tons of thorns. Fairways have a lot of sticks and cut down trees laying on them.
The teeboxes are super short. Like 3 or 4 feet long at best. Makes for a tough run up especially for the longer holes.
Most of the greens are super tight and gimmicky. I am more a fan of tighter lines with a fair green.

Other Thoughts:

Ill give this course a year or 2 before i try it out again. It could be a great course down the road. Right now it feels like it is just a small teepad and then a basket thrown into the woods. I see signs or work and I understand that it takes a lot of time being that I have installed a course before.
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9 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
3.50 star(s)

*Warning: Biased Designer Review* 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 7, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Normally it's good for people to refrain from reviewing their own work but since I'm highly critical of myself I can probably get away with this.

Okay, here we go. This is a very Charlotte-esque wooded style course behind Pleasant Garden's town hall. It features 19 Dynamic Veterans baskets (one practice basket) and 18 concrete tees. Mostly par 3s with five par 4's and one par 5 to deal with. Practically every hole is designed with challenging the modern Blue level player, which was something this area badly needed. With the exception of a couple "must-gets" the par 3s are designed to be "tough but fair" with birdies rewarding to get but not implausible. The par 4/5s are generally technical rather than multi-rip but a fairly blurred distinction between the two I think.

Many of these holes are very John Houck inspired, with multiple lane fairways for your Choose Your Own Adventure enjoyment. Others are more reminiscent of Harold Duvall gems like Castle Hayne, like hole 13 which requires two solid throws and a putt on a raised basket to card the birdie. The course is almost entirely wooded but Holes 1, 7, and 13 make use of what open spaces were available to sprinkle in some variety. The wooded holes vary from the very technical gauntlet of hole 6 to the fairly open but shape-shifting beast that is hole 12. Lastly, the course is designed so that players can play the front 9 or the back 9 loops and not have too far a walk from the parking lot either way.

The course is much easier to navigate now thanks to orange sign minis donated by Alex McLaughlin. This is vital because the nature trail that weaves around this course can lead 1st time golfers astray easily. The transition from hole 13 to 14 and hole 15 to 16 would be a curve ball without them also. For the most part, the course flows fairly well and not terrible to navigate. A large map greets you at hole 1 and also at hole 18 if you happen to park in the soccer field parking lot. The white baskets are nice and visible but also have high vis frisbees attached to the tops to aid in spotting them (thanks to Tom Bullock).

Not a great deal of elevation or water elements but what exists is used quite well, such as hole 18's pin placement on the hill, hole 16's subtle valley shot, and hole 12's spring. The woods are a nice mix of tall pines and lots of deciduous trees.


Most of these are new course related. The rough is still very rough. Every species of brier and also grape vines carpeted huge swathes of this property and had to be tamed. Poison ivy was copious and probably will be fought for a few seasons. Ticks were atrocious everywhere in NC this year but absolutely Biblical plague levels bad here. Fortunately they're non-existent right now and hopefully with all the increased play the course is getting will be less and less of a problem come next Spring. It will take a considerable beating in this Fall and Winter to alleviate the roughness of some of the hole's roughs but it's not too bad now. Just keep a sharp eye on your disc as much as possible.

The tees are small. That's my fault due to a miscommunication with the park. But they're fairly flush with the ground, a good texture, and will be easily ran upon for the most part.

Some of the holes are still playing tougher than their listed par. I'll be tweaking and working on these constantly to improve their scoring separation. Hole 18 in particularly is devilishly difficult to birdie and requires flawless play just to par right now.

Hole 12 plays over a section of the nature trail. Normally I would eviscerate a designer for doing this but I talked myself into it b/c the juice is worth the squeeze IMO. This trail is seldom used in general and this section even less so. I took great care in avoiding conflict with the trail otherwise though. Hole 12 also needs a bridge over the spring if you take the left fairway, we're working on that.

Other Thoughts:

Hopefully this review brings some attention to the course and encourages more people to scope it out. It's getting more and more popular every week and I'm very pleased with it. I just want to quickly thank Mayor Carla Strickland and Parks and Rec. head Jason Peterson for putting up with me. Also a huge thank you to all the volunteers, most notably Brother John, Tom Bullock, and my 2nd in command, Dustin Maynard. Hopefully I'll have some Red Tee locations scouted out this Fall and Winter to make the course more accommodating for beginners but no real timetable on permanence. I'll update this review a lot so check back occasionally. Cheers!
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