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Denver, CO

Globeville Landing

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Globeville Landing reviews

3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.5 years 356 played 203 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 28, 2016 Played the course:once


- right in downtown Denver, so relatively easy to access.
- quick play, easily play all 9 in 20 minutes, as long as you know the course


- couldn't find any tee pads
- homemade, pretty crappy targets
- people use the park for picnics and soccer and seem to have no idea there is a course there

Other Thoughts:

Basically this a decent practice area when the park is empty of pedestrians. Maybe a good safari golf area.
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3 0
Experience: 11.4 years 32 played 8 reviews
0.50 star(s)

why is this even listed? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 25, 2014 Played the course:once


None. If you live for safari golf, maybe you can eek some fun out of this place.


The only memorable things about Globeville are negative. Trash everywhere, views of parking lots and an I-70 overpass. "Tees" and "baskets" are impossible to find/follow. It seemed pointless to even try. A good throw can easily take an unlucky roll into the dirty water pool by the parking lot, and goodbye disc!

Other Thoughts:

Calling this a disc golf "ccourse" is being extremely generous. It's a field with some hills and some trees. And I LIKE just throwing in a field. This one just felt sketchy (even though it's probably perfectly safe), and there are too many opportunities to lose a disc, with no commensurate rewards to compensate. Usually living or working nearby is a pro; here it's a con, since that proximity might trick you into throwing here rather than anywhere else.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 498 played 491 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Tubers 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2014 Played the course:once


-The land is decent and the park is kept mowed.
-There are some hills in the park.
-Some decent sized trees.
-Central location.
-Varied distances.


-Tube tones instead of baskets. I'm addicted to chains.
-No tees and hardly any tee markers. I didn't spend much time looking because I didn't want to waste time while course bagging but you really shouldn't have to look in a park style course.
-Navigation was poor without marked tees or signage.
-Crammed into a pretty small park. May be other park users.
-Not the best area of town, smelled funny. If I couldn't see my car most of the time, I might have been more concerned for the safety of my stuff.
-Noisy. Industrial and highway noises abound.
-Doesn't really use the river at all. Could make a tricky green over there.
-Homeless people hang out here often.

Other Thoughts:

-Only stop here if you live very close by or are a course bagger.
-I need baskets to get my disc golf fix.
-They did do a surprisingly decent job with the layout for what they had to work with but lack of upkeep will hold this course down forever.
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2 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Don't go out of your way 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2014 Played the course:once


It was close to where I was staying while visiting Denver so I didn't have to travel very far in order to waste my time.


Ummmm no baskets?!? No tees. Map provided here is basically worthless. Shady area of town. Sewage smell prominent.

Other Thoughts:

I happened to see some people throwing off a big hill while driving the Interstate so I made it a point to check it out. This course is really just for locals. Don't go out of your way to play here. If u go, hopefully there are some locals to play with or follow because otherwise u will spend most of your time tryin to figure out where to throw from and to.
No baskets. Only random unmarked sign posts with yellow tubing wrapped around. Occasional tubing will have arrow written in sharpie pointing to random tee which isn't marked. No tees. I think I saw a couple orange "markers" on the ground. A couple of locals made some hole descriptions on black marble chunks for a couple of holes. The map provided here seems to be out of date and basically useless.
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1 1
Experience: 12 years 31 played 15 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Meh 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2013 Played the course:once


Clean park
Quick highway access for quick escapes
Open to safari-ing


In a sketchy/smelly part of town
No tee pads
Stinky pit draining into the putrid South Platte river.

Other Thoughts:

This is the best thing you could do with this patch of land. You would NEVER come here if not for DG.

Your mental set coming here will make the difference between fun and frustration. There are many things missing here, but if you don't overcome the lacks, then the real lack is in your imagination. Quick, flexible, and, yes, smelly. Make something out of it!
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1 0
Experience: 12.6 years 21 played 2 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Stinky Town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2013 Played the course:once


Well maintained park in the middle of dense industry. The views are surprisingly nice considering where this course is located.


This course stinks! Not because it's so bad, although it is a lousy course considering there are no baskets to throw into and very badly marked tees, but because it's located directly adjacent and downwind of the Purina plant. If you've ever driven on 1-70 next to the stock show complex and noticed the weird smell of dog food being cooked, imagine playing a round of frolf and smelling that the whole time. Not a good experience.

Other Thoughts:

The tees are so badly marked that you would probably have more fun playing safari through the park, and to be honest you probably won't finish your round anyways because of the smell and the fact that there's no baskets. If you're in the area play Paco Sanchez instead, take my work for it.
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0 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 33.4 years 52 played 42 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not.as bad as everyone says! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 3, 2013 Played the course:once


---Fun layout
---Tone poles which add to the challenge! ( this may be a con to those who are unfamiliar with object golf)
---Aside from the toxic sludge pond the park is immaculate
---The locals are all awesome and super chill
---Plenty of parking
---Great use of a small patch of land. Some open shots, but a fair amount of obstacles in the way as well.


---Tees are marked with little markers in the ground, and are thus hard to find
---No signage. At all. I almost missed the park entirely.
---Tone poles aren't marked with numbers, and in a cramped spot like this it becomes an issue
---Too easy for average players, too hard for begginers

Other Thoughts:

I don't know why anyone would hats on this course. Its fun! If you show up expecting anything other than a short, tone pole course then yeah, it will be a letdown. But bring the positive vibes and you'll have fun.

This course is not crowded (unlike every other Denver area course) but there are still locals who will show you around. We might up with two guys and they made the experience a treat.

Its in a weird spot (right off the highway and next to the Pepsi Plant and the Denver Coliseum) but its actually quite peaceful. If you're in the area (the Coliseum has tons of events...park and catch a round!) Hit this course up for a nice change of pace. They even have a league on Thursdays, the Globeville Goons. Far from a destination course, but fun when you're there.
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0 3
Experience: 12.5 years 17 played 1 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Not for me 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 20, 2013 Played the course:once


Decent location, hidden but it had parking.


Confusing layout, green and yellow poles for pins that blended in with the surrounding environment. Almost impossible to find tees.

Other Thoughts:

A lot of potential for a good, small course but it needs easy to spot tees and the pins need to be painted a third color as well to make them more apparent.
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4 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Not A Fan Of Tube Tones! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2012 Played the course:once


I understand the Denver Park's Department saved a bunch of coin by installing yellow Tube Tone targets instead of baskets. I also believe this small section of park land in an sketchy part of town probably didn't merit baskets anyway. So maybe the Tube Tone targets were the way to go. Obviously, this course doesn't get much play. There are no teepads or worn teepads or even hints of teepads. So even with the on-line map, I ended up just playing a quick round of safari and getting out of Dodge. The park has very green and lush grass. Some parts were swampy in the middle of July (over-zealous sprinkling system?). The Platte River is next to the park but doesn't come into play. The area seems to be a homeless magnet.


I'm just not into the Tube Tones. Yeah, these made a pleasent enough sound when your disc hit them but they can't replace baskets. A course without any kind of teepads or signage is always going to get a poor review from me. There are just too many other choices in the Denver area.

Other Thoughts:

If I worked in the Pepsi Factory across the street, I still wouldn't drink any of those crappy Pepsi products nor would I play this crappy course before or after work. I'd drive the 5-10 miles to one of Denver's many other fine courses.
This course, the Pepsi Factory, the Homeless population, the train tracks, the old civic arena and the nasty smelling water all deserve each other.


A Diet Coke drinker for life


A Basket Loving Disc Golfer
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.6 years 40 played 40 reviews
1.50 star(s)

A Little Better Than Awful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2011 Played the course:once


When I first arrived at this course and looked around, I thought I was in for a terrible round. After playing however, my view is much the opposite. They did a good job of using a beautiful narrow strip of land in the middle of the city to create this course. It is a great course to get the idea of the sport out there.
The park where the course is located is beautiful and very well maintained. All of the grass and trees are always green in the warm seasons. While I am never a fan of objects as targets in disc golf, this course has the nicest post-targets I have seen. The targets are a pole that is the height of a disc golf basket. The top 3-3.5 feet are painted yellow, and this is the area you must hit. Each pole also has 4 chains dangling, so while you do not get the true chain sound... you do get a minor sense of the "sound-of-chains" sensation. They are super-nice TubeTones.

While the course and most shots are not creative, there are 2 or 3 holes which leave you the option to use precision on longer throws. Like I said... this is a great course considering the park area they had to work with... it is not a great course.
Hole 1 starts out going to a semi-blind hole over a water feature and ending with a slight hyzer behind a stand of trees. Hole 2 is completely blind, long, and is tucked in behind a wall of larger trees, allowing for skill, strength, and precision to all come into play. Hole 3 is a 50-or-so foot wide fairway between a line of trees and an active railway yard with a fence. Hole 9 is another semi-blind hole that goes back near tee one, requiring a large hyzer over the water feature. The other 5 holes are relatively open. 2 pins are located very close to out of bounds which adds a little extra difficulty, and a few of the holes have nice lines through gaps within the trees which you can choose to hit, or go around.


YOU MUST BRING A MAP!!! This course is IMPOSSIBLE to navigate without a map. Posts are everywhere in the course, and wandering around will not get you much luck. This park is also not played very often, so advice from locals is few and far between. Even with a map this hole can be hard to navigate due to the lack of tee boxes. Instead of tee boxes, each tee is marked with a large rubber cap in the ground. I would have never found this out without the help of a local... and even then they are hard to see! Each cap is a faded pink color and is about 7 inches in diameter and at ground level. Use the map and then look around the general area for the rubber cap in the ground!

The water here is disgusting. It is pretty much waste from the Pepsi factory which is right next door, so losing a disc in here is tragic. I had locals tell me it's better to just let the disc go, unless it's a special disc. The course is also object-golf. I never like this, but some people do. I always consider it a con, because it adds less excitement to the game. That being said, it is certainly harder to hit these poles than get a disc in the basket... so practice here would yield great results elsewhere.

This course is very susceptible to homeless people. I have only played here once, but at 1:00 in the afternoon there were 4 groups of homeless people sleeping on the course, oblivious to the idea of disc golf. Both annoying and hazardous.

They did do a quality job with what they had... but that does not mean that this is a great disc course. It is an average quality park course, with a few holes that are a bit more fun than average. There is certainly some crossover of holes, many similarities, and a general lack of creativity.

Other Thoughts:

I understand why somebody who did not tour the course with a local would consider it awful/terrible. However, once you understand the true layout of the course, it is certainly above awful. It may not be amazing, but it is certainly more fun than annoying/boring. That being said, the lack of baskets and the funny tee boxes is certainly a large con.

This course is possibly worth checking out if you're in the area... I wouldn't travel far at all. But if you hate object-disc-golf, stay away! The poles are the nicest I have ever seen, and they did a quality job of utilizing space in the park... but the overall feel of the course is simple, easy, quick, and not too creative. As somebody who is very anti-object-disc-golf, I had a fun time playing here.

I feel in defending this course from others comments I may have made it sound better than it is. My rating of a 1.5/Passable is truly how I feel about, but EASILY understand how a first-timer would call this 0/awful... and without local help you probably will too.

If there were baskets and tee pads this place could be a 2-2.5
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1 4
Experience: 15.5 years 94 played 56 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Time lost 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2010 Played the course:once


This course was awful. It is wedged behind the denver coliseum, and the park is next to a nice stream, but a holding spot of water smelled awful. There are no baskets, just poles in the ground. There are no tee boxes. The park is hardly scenic, considering it is surrounded by industrial buildings. The path there is through a fairly confusing interchane to add to it. I will not return, and will encourage anyone to avoid it.
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17 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.6 years 156 played 142 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Ching Is Much More Satisfying than Tunk! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2010 Played the course:once


Hmm... Well, the park itself was on a nice piece of undulating land that was well maintained and had a good amount of trees. The whole course plays along the South Platte as your backdrop, but unfortunately it doesn't come into play. Other than that - even I am at a loss to say more positives about this place.



Location: This may be the closest park to downtown, but I'll take the burbs any day if that means I don't have to play in Robberyville Landing. For those of you familiar with the Denver Coliseum, the park is on the edge of its parking lot area, and sandwiched between the Interstate, railroad tracks, and the Pepsi factory. Basically, this is the homeless haven backdrop I imagine about when a reporter is on the scene reporting about rampant drug use or an escaped serial rapist.

The Interstate and tracks are what you expecting - loud and carbon monoxide filled, a stark contrast too many courses in Colorado. The parking lot is bleak, and the Pepsi factory - well... there is something unnatural coming out of that place and it runs down a containment drain across hole #1 and #9 into the river. Don't bother trying to get your disc - it's melted in the radioactive looking stink sludge. I'm now a Coke man.

Baskets: I hope Tubetone baskets saved the city a lot of money when building this place because they are just that - a thick metal pole with four chains welded to it. I mean - why not just save more money and put up big post that says hit me? This was my first experience with these "baskets" and is something I would expect to find on a private course in the middle of nowhere. Hell, if Antarctica can get nine real baskets -I think Denver parks and rec should be able to do the same. Note - the rusty pole without chains anymore is #3 sitting on the edge of the park next to tracks.

Tee boxes: Sorry there are none, so not much to report. I printed a map, as you should, and played in the areas indicated - but you'd be just as good teeing off from the previous basket.


Other Thoughts:

Here's the thing about Globeville Landing - it's the kind of place that a first glance has a lot of potential with its open areas for good distances and varied terrain in a good central Denver Metro location. You might think with some quality baskets, a little signage to actually denote a tee box area, and you'd be in business. Then, as you walk over the homeless man on hole #5 you think, oh wait - this is health crazed Denver, Colorado and they have hundreds of parks like this around that could serve the same purpose.

My suggestion, find a park like Commons or Cheesman park nearer downtown - pick out some trees as targets and go enjoy yourself. The tunk off the tree can't be any different an experience than what you would get here. Even better, take an extra fifteen minutes and go west to Johnny Roberts DGC or Camenisch DGC - The Badlands or east to Exposition Park and play a real disc golf course.
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7 2
Experience: 22 years 8 played 6 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Stink. Stank. Stunk. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Mature trees, close to downtown.


Everything else. The course hasn't been maintained, the old chain posts are all falling apart, hard to find the tee 'areas' without a map, even with the map it wasn't easy to follow. The water is nasty and smells bad. Seedy part of town with lots of ghetto thugs chillin in their tricked out ford escorts.

Other Thoughts:

While it has a lot of potential, the stench from the water and the noise from the highway, train yard and factories make it a big failure. I'm all for urban courses, but this one is neglected. I'm sure if it was maintained it would get torn apart again by the local crowd.
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6 1
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Map is definitely needed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2009 Played the course:once


Close to the city good for a quick game. Once you find the holes than it is easy to follow


Water run off is terrible, awful smell. Make sure to have a map. A lot of shady people near by possible people doing or selling drugs like today or bums

Other Thoughts:

Map is definitely needed and a possible retriever if you go into the water you dont really want to step in that water.
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10 0
Experience: 27.3 years 33 played 7 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Do you smell that? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 20, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Very close to the city, good for a quick after work round. Designed very well with limited space. This course will keep you humble with your short game, thanks tube tone! Some of the shots can be very technical, if short. Not a whole lot of people know about this course, so there are rarely other players out there. You can play 18 (9 twice) in under an hour.


The Pepsi factory runoff, which you throw over on #1 and #9, is disgusting. You don't want to be upwind of it, let alone fishing for a disc. The tees are only occasionally marked, good luck. This course is not in the nicest neighborhood, so occasionally you will run into bums laying in the fields or people training pit bulls and german shepherds to attack (100% true).

Other Thoughts:

Don't expect much when first playing this course and you won't be disappointed. Definitely download the map or have a buddy show you the layout. This course is good for beginners or when you only have a little bit of time.
It's dirty, short and technical, you gotta love it...or hate it... or love to hate it.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.5 years 66 played 25 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Needs Upgrading 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a surprisingly nice park in an industrial area just north of downtown Denver. The park is quiet and is rarely crowded. The course is located along the Platte River Trail, so biking to this course is very possible. The holes are short and play around both established and newly planted trees. There are a few technical shots.


Unfortunately, this is not one of the nicest of courses. The targets are tube tone, of which I have never been a big fan. There are no tee pads and the tee markers are sometimes painted or consist of little grass-like pin markers that sometimes get eaten by the mowers. Definitely bring the map. The park is located in an industrial neighborhood and within walking distance of the city's two largest homeless shelters. I personally don't mind interacting with people experiencing homelessness, but its does feel a bit wrong throwing over the top of them as they sleep in the sun of the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

Globeville Landing has become the only convenient course for those working and living near downtown now that Lakewood Dry Gulch has been closed due to light rail construction. Unfortunately Globeville Landing is no where near the quality of Lakewood Dry Gulch. Overall the course really needs some basic upgrades. The good news is that the Platte River Trail and the surrounding area are being redeveloped soon. The city is currently reviewing residential construction proposals and trail/park improvements similar to those upriver near Confluence Park. In addition, there are two proposed light rail stations within a few blocks of the park.
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8 0
Experience: 16.3 years 78 played 20 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Where is the tee? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2008 Played the course:once


This is a decent 9 hole course using the park that is in pretty good shape. It is located right off of the highway and most of the holes are pretty short and offer a good variety of shots.


The holes are tube tone, not actual baskets. The tee boxes consists of spray paint in the grass and a small orange marker, the next tee for every hole is hard to find. Also it is hard to know where you are throwing to due to lack of signs.

Other Thoughts:

I went with someone the 1st time I played this course, and I needed them to help guide me to the next hole, for every hole. I would play again if in the area or if I was short on time.
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8 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 51 played 28 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Need a Map 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2008 Played the course:once


This course is close to work and with the waning daylight hours it was a nice play afterwork. I think the course uses the land very well. The park was well maintained and clean. It was quiet when I came. The shots are short so most players can make in 2-3 strokes.


The tube tone baskets did not allow my disc to hit the chains and give it the lovely sound we all strive for. The lack of tee pads and signage made it hard to navigate. I had to ask a couple other players to help me out. Once you know the design it can be played rather quickly. There was a homeless man in my way to shoot 4, but I shot around him. The park needs a little better signage or at least an indication for where #1 begins.

Other Thoughts:

Bring the course map or someone who has played the course along with you. Some shots require going around trees and along a busy train track. The view on one side of the park is nice with the Platte River although it does not come into play unless you hit a shot hard left on #2. The view on the other side is the Denver Coliseum and the Pepsi bottling plant. It is in industrial Denver, but surprisingly a nice park. I would recommend this course if you work close and wanna throw a few after work.
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4 1
Experience: 16.5 years 55 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Close to town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2008 Played the course:once


It's nice this course is so close to town and I can make it from my work in under 10 minutes. Nice park and decent layout.


No tee markers the day I played, and since many of the fairways overlap you're not quite sure which pin to shoot for... that is until you get up close and see the number on the pin is the wrong one.

Other Thoughts:

Worth playing again, but only if you're in a pinch or have a short amount of time.. like I did on my lunch hour.
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