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Canon City, CO

Gorge Hills (Skyline/PCC)

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Gorge Hills (Skyline/PCC) reviews

1 1
Experience: 26.5 years 27 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

PLAY THIS COURSE!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 26, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


This is a course that will challenge anyone's game from PRO to AM. It has long open shots, short woods holes, upshots, placement shots, the wind changes as you move through the course. You have crazy elevation changes, water hazards, and log bridges. There is even a fort on the back side of hole 3 and a secret t-pad on Hole 9. This course is a mixed bag with long and short tee pads on every hole. I recommend playing short tee pads the first round and long tee pads the second round for the full 18 hole 3 mile round trip experience. AMAZING views of the Skyline and Fremont Peak and the Arkansas River Valley.


Tee pads are gravel and need to be updated with concrete. There is a lot of overgrowth on hole #2 so watch where you throw. This course has so much potential if you could be properly maintained each season. There has also been a lot of trees dying off over the years here.

Other Thoughts:

Hole #1 starts on the far north side of the Community College parking lot on the lower terrace near the geology history walking trail. You can't miss the sign. Please pack in and pack out with trash.
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2 1
Experience: 12.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Could be awesome 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 4, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


It's a course.
Good baskets
Good signage
2 course lengths


Many of the holes are long. Really long.
When the wind is blowing and the hole is really long, it's a chore.
Cactus. Everywhere.
No upkeep.

Other Thoughts:

This course really could be an 18 hole course with some creativity. Holes 2, 4, and 5 are annoyingly long. (Especially 5)

Hole 7 is interesting, though it is easy to get winded climbing up the anthill. Hole 8 across the valley is the best hole on the course. 9 is a fun hole as well.

Cleaning up some of the junk around the course combined with taking out some of the brush would make this course much nicer. Shortening some of the longer holes and/or doubling back in some of the fields would be an easy way to expand.

Just having a course to play in this area is nice, but this course has the potential to be much nicer.
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1 0
little oz
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 103 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Pleasant Suprise 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2013 Played the course:once


I was expecting a typical college campus course but found that more work and thought had gone in to the design. It is obviously cared for, with steps, benches and a trash can. Most of the holes work well, but a couple are lacking creativity. Pro and Am tee pads, good use of the available terrain, and there are cool Territorial buildings visible throughout the course, which is visually pleasing.
#1 is an open shot that isn't remarkable, but it does have a cool stone wall upon which it sits.
#2 plays right up the creek bed, and calls for a nice "S" shot. Basket is protected in a grove of trees.
#3 - The only anny shot; a short one in to the trees, but nothing special.
#4 is pretty wide open. Stay out of the right side of the fairway, because there is a ton of prickly pear and bushes over there.
#5 Drive in an open field. Not spectacular, but at 718' it is fun to work your arm.
#6 - Slight anny to a basket on a berm. Not great, but you walk under the bridge in the creek be to get there, and i've never done that before.
#7 - I walked to the tee pad, looked up and laughed and said "Wow". Best described by the previous reviewer as an "80' anthill" choked with cactus. A gust of wind or a roll away putt can make this a nightmare hole.
#8 is the prettiest hole on the course, as it plays across a small valley. Basket sits on the ridge, so accuracy is a must.
#9 Plays down back to the parking lot. Not a great hole, but it's fun to throw from elevation.


Large gravel tee boxes make it tough to do anything but take a one step approach. At least they aren't muddy.
Too much trash on the course (for a course that is obviously cared for).
I'm not sure how you navigate the course when the creek is running; you cross it several times and there are no foot bridges.
Prickly pear and Cholla cactus abound, so watch your step.

Other Thoughts:

It looks like there is room for 18 holes here. With the Pro/Am setup, you could play 18 from all of the pads. I liked the vibe and the effort put in to the course. It exceeds most 9-hole courses i have played. Enjoy!
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0 2
Experience: 19.3 years 80 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Must play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2012 Played the course:once


Great use of the space and surrounding typography. Good variety of shot needed and unique ones at that. Had a blast for 9 holes.


Only 9 holes, had to pull some cactus out of one of my discs. Did not care for the gravel tee boxes.
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3 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.6 years 40 played 40 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Holes 7 & 8 save the course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2011 Played the course:once


This is a 9 hole course with minimal technical aspects incorporated into it. It is located in a very hot and dry area with minimal water, so the plant life (and obstacles) are at a minimum. Much of the plant life are cacti, and are too short to come into play, making the course much easier. There are minimal technical aspects, and the course consists of some very long, open holes.

Hole 1 is fairly short and is an open shot ending elevated behind a wooden fence.
Hole 2 is a 500 foot hole that winds down a dry river bed. The bed is a long double-s-curve and is the only hole which is surrounded by trees. However, this hole is not extremely technical, and a few high bombs will get you within reach.
Holes 3-6 are fairly monotonous, long straight shots. Unload as hard as you can a few times to even get close to the pin. In my opinion... very boring.
Hole 7 and 8 are the two notable and awesome holes on the course. Hole 7 is a straight up shot that ends on the top of a gigantic "ant-hill" style hill. It is about 80 feet in elevation gain, and is a very short shot. Short and challenging, and can leave you with an easy birdie - or a bad roll can end you in a bogey. Awesome & unique hole which is certainly aceable.
Hole 8 is across a small valley, and ends with the basket on the tip of a hillside. Going too far results in a hard uphill shot, while ending too shot ends the same. Fun and challenging, and also aceable.
Hole 9 is a downhill shot out in the open. Certainly aceable if you have a very big arm.

There are pro and amateur tees for every hole. The pro tee can add 100-200 feet. Each hole has a sign designating the basket placement as well as the tee placement, and distances. However, there are no par listings... so the par of an 800 foot hole is unknown. All of the baskets are in extremely good shape!

No map is required, but just know that many holes are extremely long and require you walking farther than you may think. Also just note that Hole 1 is in the northeast corner of the school lot.


This course had a major lack of creativity. All holes but 7 and 8 were extremely open and extremely boring. Even though #2 made an attempt to be technical, it still possessed a lack of creativity and was generally easy. I am also not a huge fan of long-bomb courses when there are no technical aspects. This course is generally made to see how far you can huck a disc. Accuracy is not much of a requirement here, because the lack of obstacles makes it extremely easy to get back on track. Everything is open, and it seems like minimal thought or reconstruction went into this course. There are minimal discs to be thrown here, and one or two drivers with a putter will easily handle all of the terrain this course has to offer. That being said, 7 and 8 were awesome holes; 7 being a very unique and fun uphill hole with the possibility of an ace.

Many of the tee boxes here are 4 sided with railroad ties. These tees are between 2 and ½ and 3 feet on each side, so many times it is only possible to take one step before throwing. I am usually not one to complain about tee boxes, however the lack of movement is certainly noticeable. Having said that, the gravel within the tee boxes makes for a great surface to plant and throw from.

The lack of trees in combination with the location in Canon City can leave this course to be a scorcher. The sun can beat down on you without mercy, and there is minimal cover to take. If you are not from the area, be prepared and bring water and sunscreen. There are also grasshoppers and cacti EVERYWHERE out here. Expect to step on them, and walk amongst them almost anywhere you go.

Other Thoughts:

It is very hard to make a 9 hole course that gets me bored with repetition. If it had not been for 7 and 8 on the back to save my enthusiasm, this course would have generally been the same hole repeating at different distances. 7 out of 9 holes had me bored by the end. I would check this course out if I was in the area, but don't expect much... and certainly don't travel to play here.

I am a discer who loves to hike and loves the hard work incorporated with the disc. However at this course the hard work comes from the beating taken in the middle of prairies by the sun. I would have rated the course a 1.5, but holes 7, 8, and 9 raised the score to a 2.
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2 10
Experience: 19.2 years 741 played 33 reviews
4.50 star(s)

gO plaY 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 29, 2011 Played the course:once


A Nine Definately WorthThrowin.The site requires more decriptive info and personally the pics ruin it,don't look.


Not Enuff to Matter out there really.Why hate congratulate...a nine holer in colo.

Other Thoughts:

It gets better in the end.The Best Nine i've played for what thats worth.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.6 years 88 played 87 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Variety! Elevation! Details! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 6, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


A newer course on the edge of town. Easy parking right next to the first tee. Dual sets of tees on all the holes. The teepads are railroad ties with gravel inside the enclosed area. Very nice signs on all the holes that show location and distance as well as the next hole. The baskets are built tough! Thick metal on the basket part and three sets of chains that catch extremely well. Another detail is the large number plate on top which is easily visible from the tee. Then on the back of the number plate are arrows pointing to the next tee. Also a rung on the basket is marked as well. You don't need a map here as the navigation was very good. Lots of varitey on this course. Every hole is definately unique, no repetition here. Some holes require a very accurate drive and a few are just to throw your distance driver on. The last holes, 7,8 and 9 definately use the elevation to increase the challenge. You get a nice veiw on top of the 7th hole. Benches are at most all of the holes. Time was also taken to put steps in the sides of the hills to assist in climbing to the top where the baskets are on 7 and 8.


There was a fair amount of trash on the course. Also be on the lookout for cacti all around, don't need any thorns in your throwing hand! Most of the throws favor a RHBH player, I would have like to seen more baskets on the right side of the fairways. Highway 50 is rather close to the course and you hear the cars flying by which takes away from the experience.

Other Thoughts:

This course was a bit of a surprise for me. Lots of varitey of holes so you don't get bored. Lots of effort was put into the details, which is definately a nice touch. It looks like there is land there to possible expand it into 18 holes, that would be nice. However as it stands now as a 9 hole course, it doesn't dissapoint. Not your average 9 hole course.
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5 0
Experience: 14.7 years 74 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

PCC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 12, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


There is a great variance of shots, good use of elevation changes. I have never met anyone here when I've played. The use of the terrain is nice from using the trees and the hills to the wide open spaces. It's not a park course by any means, bring boots and water. Another nice touch, that a lot of places don't seem to have, are the benches and signs. Even playing it for the first time I had no problem finding the tees (raised railroad ties helped there), even 6 (go under the bridge).


The tee boxes. I throw forehand so they don't bother me, but I can see if you depend on a run up there is a good chance of hurting yourself. not possible to run up on the last few because of the tie in the back.
The cactus, several different kinds, all of which will leave spines in you, your disc or both.It's a hazard throwing from the middle of the patches. But again, to remove the cactus would take something away from playing the course itself.

Other Thoughts:

I try to play this course when I'm down in the area, unlike a lot of courses there was some serious thought put into this one, the signs are good, and either on the basket or the back of the hole marker are arrows pointing to the next tee, this was helpful the first time I played it. I think it wouldn't be too hard to make it 18, just cut hole 5 in half (this hole, absurdly long, seemed like it was just trying to get you from the interesting 4 at the front to the interesting 4 on the other side of the road). And then continue to play around the campus.
Like everyone else says, bring boots, you will end up in the cactus. I've never played the course in the summer, but Canon can get hot, and there is always the possibility of Rattlesnakes in the area. It's not a park course, but in my opinion that makes it a lot better. The rough is rough and possibly dangerous. If there were 18 holes here and they were thought out as much as most of the rest of the holes it would be one of my favorites. Its a good winter course to play as the snow doesn't hang around, most definitely worth a stop or even a trip to play this course.
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3 1
Experience: 47.4 years 114 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Winter Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2010 Played the course:once


This course makes good use of obstacles and terrain. There are two sets of tees with the tee markers on the shorter tees. I played in December under a winter storm warning and barely needed a jacket. There are real nice indicators for the next tee on each basket. There are nice benches by many of the beginner tees.


I don't mind the rail tie in the front of the tee (no one can go beyond the box on their tee shot) but the few that block of the back afforded an unwanted hazard in my opinion. Most tee I have come across rarely provide room for a solid approach.

Other Thoughts:

I would recommend parking in the south side lot close to basket nine. You will have a bit of a walk to the first tee (time to warm up) but less of a walk after the ups and downs of the last three holes.
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4 0
Experience: 74 played 17 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Cacti and Elevation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2010 Played the course:once


Not being from this area, it's really interesting to see a course where an errant shot can leave you tip-toeing through cacti and loose gravel. I view it as a positive, because for me, it's unique.

Holes 7, 8, and 9 use the elevation changes in the terrain very well.

Hole 8 is particularly cool, with a very difficult pin placement, set on a ridge with prickly plants perched in every direction.

Hole 9 is a scenic downhill shot. Too bad the throwing area is so nasty.


The teeboxes are poorly designed. Pea gravel with a horseshoe of railroad ties. The area where most tees would allow a follow-through past the end of the box, is a serious tripping hazard, as a railroad tie blocks your footing. Simply removing these would improve the course vastly.

This is particularly problematic on holes 8 and 9, where tripping would send a player down a steep hill riddled with cacti...yikes.

You'll notice an area either to the side of, or behind each tee box, where people are throwing from the ground to avoid the issue. Which is what I did.

Some of the "pro tees" are set in ridiculous areas. I'm recalling two of them in particular, where there's a large tree with sprawling branches 5 feet in front of the box. It's literally impossible to throw from those, unless you want to take a HUGE anny route around the tree. Literally, you'd be throwing perpendicular to the tee's direction.

Other Thoughts:

Bring either some really tough socks, or some boots if you're going to play this course multiple times. Twice I found myself pulling beaver tail cactus needles out of my ankles.

As with any course in this kind of terrain, be sure to know where you're stepping. This is prime habitat for a lot of animals/insects you don't want to mess with.
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0 2
Experience: 15.6 years 11 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Lots of nice long open holes, and a variety of tricky shots.


The last couple of times i have been there it has been pretty winded, and there is a ton of cactus.

Other Thoughts:

Its a nice course, but i think there could be potential for 18 holes.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 188 played 106 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Don't Fall on a Cactus 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2009 Played the course:once


The course design finds the interesting parts of land that the campus is limited to. There are good sings on one of the tee box locations for each hole as is circles the campus. There are a few distinct characteristics along the way; terrace walls, a dry wooded creek bed, and cactus covered hills. The interesting locations are sewn together with a series of very long holes. The last three in my opinion being the most fun, a 200 foot hole, 50 of them up a crazy cactus covered mound. Then the course takes you under power lines to another mound and next to a small pine tree both being tantalizingly dangerous ace runs. Finally a reachable bomber to finish out the round from an elevated tee spot. This was the first round I had played with Gateway Titan baskets and I was surprised by their quality, much better than their various plastics (imo), they have three layers of chains and catch pretty well.


For much of the course you are just be chucking into the middle of a prairie in the hot high arid weeds. If you are looking for a nice cool shady round, you wont get it here. Sometimes the signs are near the reds and other times the sign is near the blue locations. Both tee-pad locations are marked with a set of colored flags and illustrated on the hole signs but since they are natural the location that is not by the sign is not always easy to find. For example number two's tee, I wanted to throw blue which I guess is up three terrace levels and would have been much more fun, but since I had already walked about 100 plus feet to the sign by the reds I ended up throwing from there because it didn't seem worth walking back up. I ended up just throwing from whatever color was next to the sign throughout the round.

There are ants everywhere it was hard to find a good spot to set my bag down and I learned to kick my bag to knock off the ants. I would not recommend playing in sandals and shorts here, this terrain made me glad I always wear jeans. Sometimes I had to go on scouting missions for the basket locations and other times the next tee wasn't evidently clear to me. I had some confusion finding number six, after the five basket. Printing out the map that is available here was very helpful.

Other Thoughts:

I'm still very conflicted with my feelings of this course. I would have to recommend it for hardy golfers who do not mind trudging through tall weeds and climbing around cactus in the hot summer sun in altitude. After the first few holes I wasn't sold on this course but as you make your way to the last few holes the more interesting locations reveal themselves to like a pleasant surprise that left me with an overall positive feeling about this very new course. The course is very new and I imagine as it ages things will improve and the paths will be more worn and all the kinks will be ironed out. I would play this one again if I'm ever back in town, it's on a natural setting and I love em that way.
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