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Belmont, MI

Grand Rapids Rotary North

3.555(based on 11 reviews)
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Grand Rapids Rotary North reviews

18 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 103 played 73 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My Closest Course

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


This course is set up on an old ball golf course and has been turned into a disc golf course. There is now a brewery in front of it with outdoor seating so perfect for some food and a beer before or after your round. There have been talks of putting in soccer fields for years, but currently besides a few walkers and a few fishers, its mostly just for disc golf. I have been playing about 3-4 rounds the last two weeks in the morning before work and it takes about an hour to 1.5 hours, including extra drives and trying a lot of new discs out.

- Tee Signs - Every hole has a tee sign with the line and distance to the basket.

-Manicured - This course is always mowed, and looks great when you get out on a play it.

-Shot selection - a lot of different stuff here, Water comes into play, the woods are used nicely when they can be, and they have some nice man made OBs that adds in a little bit of a challenge to it and plays on the ball golf feel. While you may not need a lot of utility discs, you will be able to use a good amount of your bag here.

-Amenities - the course has a porta potty at hole 1, I'd guess about half the holes have picnic tables and every hole has a bucket for trash.

-Business - As I mentioned I mostly play in the morning, but this place doesn't get as much traffic as you would think compared to some of the our courses. Whenever I am at the brewery I hardly see people out there.


-Tee-pads - They have rubber tee pads here and if you play in the morning or with some wetness out there they are very slick and easy to slip on.

-Holds water - Make sure to check course conditions as this does hold water on some of the holes. #1 is normally the worst, but it can be bad. If you play in the early morning or before the suns been out for a while, bring a few towels as you'll need them.

-Pretty wide open - while this course does a lot with what it has, I am not sure a pro would much enjoy this course as all of the holes (excluding maybe #5 and 18) should be fairly reachable if you can throw 300+

-The front nine plays takes a bit longer to play and has some more "extra" walking, but I think ultimately this helps with the design of the course.

-Poison Ivy - make sure you are aware it's there

Other Thoughts:

I have probably a larger list of cons then pros, but being completely honest this is mostly nit picking besides the tee-pads because I have been playing this course a lot by myself lately.

Before getting into final thoughts I wanted to mention the rough as it's pretty rough and deep. I did not want to mark it as a con for the most part as it is supposed to be that way and make landing on the fairway more rewarding, but make sure to be aware of it.

Overall this is a fun course. I wish it had some cement tee pads, but for the most part besides hole 9 you can take relief on the side of them. This is not really a destination course, but if you are checking out grand rapids, this may be a good one to hit before lunch and grab a beer and food, or to finish off your day of discing and have some beers and dinner afterwards.

There is also a disc golf shop called Disc Baron that is about 2-3 miles from here and one of my favorites in town. They have most things you could need including almost every brand of discs, and most accessories to boot and the owner was even a member of here years ago.

If you want someone to show you the course hit me up on DMs and I'd always be down to play a round with you if I can make the time!
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9 0
Experience: 15.5 years 50 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

maxed out 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 12, 2017 Played the course:once


This course plays on an extremely flat piece of riverside acreage with some fairways cut out through groves of cat-tails and the like. While this course doesn't particularly suit my game really well I had a fun time playing it. Being that this was at one time a ball golf course it is extremely well manicured.

Equipment:Tee pads are a non slip rubber which performed well and were adequate in length. Nice visible baskets with orange painted poles. Well made tee signs with accurate distances and pictures. Also there are little next tea plaques in the grass which are a nice touch.

Lots of area to air out drives and practice your rollers.

A couple of well designed memorable holes with solid risk/reward built in. Hole 5 sticks out in particular. This hole goes out a few hundred feet and turns 90 degrees left through tree lined isthmus and up another few hundred feet of fairway. It is designed in a way that big arms can cut the corner and throw over OB the entire way to hit the second fairway past the isthmus and get up and down for a 3.

18 is also a nice risk reward hole in terms of how far out over the OB you want to throw and consequently how far up the fairway you can get.

I like the use of the OB sand traps. This is a different look than your average disc golf course and I think it's a really fun obstacle to play around.

There are a lot of really open fairways but the course designer did a good job incorporating some dense areas of trees that force you to hit your line on the approach shot or possibly get caught in jail.

Taking in to consideration the available land it is a pretty well designed course. Despite what others have said I think the real fear of losing a disc is a positive feature in a course. Losing discs isn't fun but airing out a forehand over 300 feet of water and landing safe feels really darn good.


Update : The other thing this course is really missing is a proper warm up basket...I really feel like any top flight course needs a practice basket to warm up at...

Due to how flat this course is and its proximity to the river it can be nearly unplayable for portions of the year.

Barely any elevation change in the entire park. I can only think of 2 holes where there is really any at all and even then it's pretty moderate.

Some of the holes end up having a pretty repetitive feel to them due to the sparse trees and flat fairways.

While the tee signs are accurate there are areas in which multiple baskets are visible and could cause confusion on a first play through of the course. The next tee signs certainly help but a map would certainly be useful for a first timer who is playing without a guide. A couple areas feature descent little hikes between holes

Other Thoughts:

This course provides a really fun round but I don't understand the 4.5 star ratings that some people have given it. If a course were judged based on a star system in which 5 stars meant that the available land was used to its best potential then I could understand this being a 4.5 star course. For the given land they have done a really nice job putting in and maintaining this course. However the actual piece of land isn't perfect and limits the ceiling of this course in my mind. In my mind the highest this course could score is about a 3.75-4 so the fact that I'm giving it a 3.5 is a really solid compliment. They have done pretty much everything right here and it shows. Thanks for the great round to the folks that designed and maintain the course.
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