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Stanardsville, VA

Greene Co. Community Park - Old Layout

2.415(based on 11 reviews)
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Greene Co. Community Park - Old Layout reviews

5 0
Experience: 8.6 years 58 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Great Holes on a Faulty Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 23, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


This course is full of potential and has several holes that are very fun to play. A nice job is done to give a variety of holes that force you to use an abundance of discs off the tee. The trek through the course includes a decent amount of wood time as well as some open sections and even a few creek crossings.


As others have said, the location has made this course very difficult to maintain. The path between hole 12 & 13 almost no longer exists. As recently as two weeks ago, the grass on the majority of open holes came up to my knees making it very hard to find discs in the middle of the fairway. The tee pads have also been overrun with grass, covering up all of 2 & 11.

Other Thoughts:

Navigation is fairly easy on the front 9 but can be somewhat confusing once you get onto the back. Expect to get scratched up if you kick off the fairway on the wooded holes. Baskets are sometimes used for multiple holes, but this overall isn't too big of an issue as the course never has heavy traffic.

When played from the late fall to early spring, this is honestly one of my favorite courses. But I would not touch this course in the summer once the foliage takes over.
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3 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.4 years 145 played 32 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Seen better days 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 12, 2018 Played the course:once


At one point someone really tried


No one is trying now

Other Thoughts:

Was set up on a budget but done pretty well, not a full 18 baskets but taken care of with 2 holes playing to the same basket with separate tee pads. The layout makes the best of what's available, the wooded holes are pretty well done, open holes aren't bad for a rec course.

Problem is that it hasn't really been maintained and from the looks of it, it doesn't get much play at all and as a result it's overgrown in quite a few spots and not beat in at all. Shame really, I'd like to have this course near me in a place where it would get played and taken care of. Seems that the area just doesn't have a lot of disc golfers, too far north of C'ville, too east of the courses on 81, just kinda in a dead zone.

If you're riding through 33, stop and give it a play, worth it just to kill time and make you appreciate your home course.
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2 1
Experience: 14.3 years 6 played 6 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Poorly marked 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 18, 2018 Played the course:once


Nice location, short but interesting holes. Some very tight wooded holes and some open. Would be challenging.


Very poorly marked. Impossible to to navigate. Hole numbers, hole location maps missing, confusing.
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3 0
Experience: 16 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A decent course that could be better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 7, 2016 Played the course:once


Some of the holes are a lot of fun. There's a great variety between open holes, tight lines through trees, doglegs in both directions, and even a nice hill bomb on 17.
When I went (late winter/very early spring), the conditions were great. The grass was well mowed, paths are clear, bridges are solid, and there's only one or two spots of mud (although this might get worse after rain).
Baskets are in excellent shape.


There's only 13 baskets for 18 holes. Some of these (8/17) do a good job of feeling like completely different holes. Some (1/10, 2/11) feel moderately different, and some (3/12, 6/13) are the exact same hole, just with an extra 50-75 feet on the second pass.
I played at lunch time on a Monday and I was the only one out there, but if it were busier the reuse of fairways would crowd the course very fast.
The tee pads are starting to age. They've got divots and grass growing up some spots. It could be worse, but they're definitely sub-par.
Holes 3 and 6 don't even have tee pads. There's just a tree marked with the hole number partway down the fairway of 12 and 13, respectively.
Navigation is iffy. It's not terrible, but only about half the holes have signs with maps and the walk from 16 to 17 is long enough that you're not sure you're going the right way without checking the overall map.
Back in the woods the rough can get rough. Thorns and vines are pretty prevalent.
The only trash can is out near the start, and the only benches are a pair of picnic tables right in the middle of hole 9's fairway.

Other Thoughts:

With a little work, this course could be great. 5 more baskets would make it a true 18, but even 2 more and a couple minor changes would make it at least feel more like 18. Some newer signs, tee pads, and a little work on the underbrush and you could really enjoy what it has to offer.
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1 0
Experience: 12.7 years 17 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lots of potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2016 Played the course:once


This course already has a very good layout with lots of challenges on its holes. This is a diamond in the rough. It has a good combination of open and wooded shots; right-handed and left-handed holes. You will find yourself dusting off some little-used discs on this course. The tee signs and well-worn paths make this course very easy to play right off the bat.


The tee pads will need to be re-done very soon as they are getting to be rough and bumpy. Much of the course takes place on the grassy north-facing slope which can get very, very soggy. It was today. The south face was dry as a bone. We also just had a bunch of snow melt. I'm sure that it's much better in the warmer months.

Other Thoughts:

I really like the creative re-use of baskets to make this course 18 holes. It really didn't feel like we were playing some holes twice because the angles were different and the tee pads were different. Well done. I very much look forward to seeing the improvements that are made over the years and also helping out with them as I am local.
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1 0
Experience: 17.9 years 54 played 9 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A Decent Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 20, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


The course has a good variety of holes, including a few wide open throws, a couple of shorter potential ace holes, and many technical ones in the woods.
There are rarely many players so a round can be played quickly.


There are a few spots with excessive briars but keep it in the fairway and you'll be ok.
A few of the holes share a basket and are similar in nature.
Signage needs improvement but the local club has plans to fix in 2016.
The tees are recycled turf from UVa, most in decent shape but a few have grasses growing through them.

Other Thoughts:

There are 13 baskets used to create an 18 hole layout. The front nine is an easy start with multiple birdie opportunities followed by a back nine which is more technical with greater distances.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 182 played 59 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A lot of potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2014 Played the course:once


This course has a lot of really nice shots. I was impressed about the time I threw on hole 2. This course is better than what it is chalked up to be and could be something special if a bit more work was done.

There are more than 11 "holes". There is an 18 hole layout that allows the course to seem bigger than what it is. Technically, though, there are still only 11 baskets as many holes share the same basket.

There is a lot of variety out here to be on such as seemingly small plot of land. You'll have a few open bombs, a few open lobs, some tight wooded doglegs and tunnels.

I used most of my bag within the first 6-7 holes. The wooded holes were really nice and unexpected. I loved the tunnel shot. Once you're out in the open, you'll have a few opportunities to open up and throw drivers.


The tee pads are a carpet type, which can be pretty hard to play on in the rain. I suppose it's better than natural tee's and a necessary evil until the final course layout gets figured out.

My biggest complaint is that this isn't a legitimate 18 hole course yet. I imagine there are budgetary restrictions, along with a smaller community of golfers. A proper 18 hole course can help grow a community and is an investment into the future of disc sports for the county. I would recommend the county helping any way they can to give this course the proper shot to be great. The land is there.

There are multiple places where losing a disc is likely. An errant shot can send you into some nasty stuff, so be careful.

Other Thoughts:

It's hard to see such a beautiful location with so much potential be dragged down by the negatives. The course needs more baskets, proper tees and signs and the ability to use a little more land. Once this is a legitimate 18 hole course, I'm sure it will be one worth traveling out of the way to play. As it stands now, I'd recommend experiencing it once, but not regularly (yet).
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4 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Better than Your Average 11 Hole Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2014 Played the course:once


- Way Better than Advertised. I was pleasantly surprised by the course at Green County Park. I usually would avoid an "11 hole course"... however, this isn't an 11 hole course... it's an 18 hole course with 11 baskets (maybe more). There are some really fun holes at Green County. You will not be disappointed with the quality of shots here.... the Holes themselves are probably not the reason why the disc score is low.
- Room for Improvement. I was lucky enough to play with the course designer (random luck) and he was able to provide some history into the design, redesign, and then redesign... and the future redesign plans for the course. If he can get the parcels he showed me, and some of the original holes on the course that were removed, this course will be great!


- Only 11 Baskets for 18 Holes. I really wish this course had a full layout. I do not mind going around a course 2 times, with slightly different layouts... but a straight up 18 would be better. I noted above, there are plans and space for expansion of the course. I hope it happens.
- Navigation. I did not have a problem with the navigation (granted, I was with the course designer)... but I don't think that would have been an issue for me anyway. I've played enough courses that I can pretty much find my way around anything. However it could be an issue for others, so I mention it in the "cons" section.

Other Thoughts:

- Seemingly Not Worth Visiting. I was traveling and contemplating if I should go to Green County Park (a not so highly ranked 11 hole course), versus going to revisit Walnut Park on the other side of Charlottesville (a full on championship course). But, seeing as to how I had been to Walnut, and it was in the opposite direction of my intended travel, I decided to go to Green County... I am glad I did.
- Star Hill Brewing. Special thanks to the bartender at Star Hill for telling me that this course was worth going to. I was contemplating where to go play (Green County or Walnut) and he convinced me that Green County was better than advertised... and he also knew it worked better with my travel plans... so I went there.
- Overall. I had a great time at Green County Park. I would have loved to go around it twice, but had to get back on the road. Don't let this 11 basket / 18 hole course fool you... it is better than what you might typically attribute to an 11 basket / 18 hole shared fairway course. Especially given the quantity of play out there (fairly isolated)... I doubt there is ever that much of a problem with crossover between various groups. The Star Hill Brewery is 40 minutes away... and it's always great to mix in some brewery visits to your disc golf travels (I have probably been to more than 100 breweries - fun times). And, it's conveniently on its way into Shenandoah National Park.
My Score: I don't remember exactly... somewhere around -5.
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1 0
Experience: 13.2 years 109 played 13 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Potential...lots of potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2013 Played the course:once


There is a lot of variety in this course. Some wide open, some very narrow fairways, some open to woods and woods to open. A little water, but nothing you would loose a disc into. Views of the surrounding mountains are great. I saw bluebirds, cardinals, minnows, deer , and rabbits. The wooded holes are not so overgrown that you are likely to loose any discs. I think this is a great beginner to intermediate course. If you can throw 150-200 foot drive you have a par potential on nearly every hole, which for an intermediate player like myself is fun and fantastic. Now I only made 3 pars, but that's why this is a great course for my level of play.


The signage is confusing and poor. Most holes have 2 different hole numbers, and though there was some instructions at the start, they didn't make sense to me.
The course map doesn't match either set of signs exactly. No next tee signs (why don't all courses have these?), though some of the tee signs did shown where the next tee should be.
Tees are not in great shape but playable enough.

Other Thoughts:

A little course spruce up, especially with signs would make this a very good course and one I would recommend. But without that, an out-of-towner like myself would just get frustrated.
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1 0
Experience: 26.3 years 30 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Thanks blueridge DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2013 Played the course:once


good mix of open and wooded holes

lots of risk/ reward. ie do you lay up on 1 or go into the rough? Do you shoot through the trees or put it in the middle?

Grass was cut and the creek was running. built on a watershed reserve.

hole 1, 2 and 9 are something special. like playing ball golf.

A little bit of wild life and beautiful views of the blueridge mountains


There are signs but I got a little confused that #2 was labeled as 11.

Super tight fairways on 3 and 6 in the woods seemed a little unfair. Damn it if I didn't hit the "first tree" twice in a row.

There was an extra basket near 7 i couldn't figure out and hole 8 seemed too short but maybe i didn't figure it out right. Did seem incomplete.

Other Thoughts:

Another example of well we could put 18 holes here but a nice 9 hole with multiple tees would be better.

Sign at the front explains everything but i could tell it hadn't been updated for 6 months.

I gotta say I really like the work from these guys in central Virginia. Nice work blueridge!
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2 1
Experience: 14.7 years 59 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Nice Walk in the Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 12, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice mix of open an wooded holes. Good elevation changes. Not crowded at all. Fairly well marked.


A few holes were tough to find the basket and missing at least one tee box.

Other Thoughts:

I've played this course twice in two years, but it was a nice chance to get out and toss the discs. There are some challenging wooded holes and a few open field holes to let it rip. They seem to be making improvements to it each year too.
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