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Union City, TN

Grove Creek Run

3.95(based on 5 reviews)
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Grove Creek Run reviews

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Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 5.2 years 184 played 131 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Grove Creek Glows with potential

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2023 Played the course:once


1) Grove Creek Run is located in a massive beautiful park. We had difficulty finding Hole #1 as we were unfamiliar with the area, tried using U-Disc for assistance and it sent us to the wrong side of the park. Plus side, we were able to view all the amazing amenities on the property.

2) Extremely well manicured - It would be a mistake not to mention just how well maintained the grass is on this course. We made the joke that these felt like traditional golf fairways, lush, green, no weeds, mowed super low. "Rough" is left higher in other areas, but most of the course is mowed and maintained to perfection.

3) Lots of big arm, air it out holes. Multiple in the 375 foot or longer par 3 range.

4) Wonderful mix of wooded and open holes. The open holes allow you to bomb, but usually involve tight OB or severe elevation change. The wooded holes demand interesting non-traditional lines to attack (ie. not a lot of stock RHBH hyzers on this course)

5) Beautiful landscaping, old hardwood trees, mulch where needed. Can't emphasize enough how well kept this property is, especially for a public park.

6) Holes 12-14 were the stars of the show for us. #12 was a massive downhill right to left Par 3 with a gigantic tree you had to get around off the tee while managing to hit the correct angle to push all the way down the hill and get under the low ceiling of a heavily protected and tree guarded green.

7) Hole #13 was a "pick your tight gap" way uphill Par 3 that basically plays back up the hill you just threw down. This time the fairway is wide open and the green only has one small tree to protect it. However, just off the tee, you have multiple large hardwoods with very skinny gaps in between. The angle of the tee pad coupled with the available tree gaps make this a hard turning left to right shot that requires both power and accuracy.

8) Hole #14 was a beautiful low ceiling "hallway" Par 4. Very getable but requires distance and a low penetrating shot off the tee to avoid the the massive hallways of trees that line the OB road to your left, and the hallway of trees that line the sports field to the right. Very fair hole with probably 30 yards wide of landing zone down the hallway. If you land clean off the tee, should be an easy 3. Hit something early and you could be looking at a big number. Great scoring separation hole.

9) Large textured concrete tee-pads, simple but effective tee signs, Innova discatcher baskets. All the proper amenities needed.

10) Elevated (Hanging) basket on Hole #6 provides a unique challenge for a change of pace without being gimmicky.

11) The combination of shorter, technical wooded holes along with the longer bomber holes gels well and allows for players of all skill levels to be able to play the course and find a way to have fun regardless of skill. Just challenging enough to give solid players fits, and not so overwhelming that newer players should avoid coming here.


1) High lost disc potential in and around Grove Creek that cuts through the center of the course. This creek does come into play on several holes and has the ability (with a poor shot) to come into play on multiple others.

2) Multiple holes play near or along fence lines of sports fields. A super errant throw can make it a long and tedious process to get your disc back.

3) There are a couple holes that require you to throw over busy walking paths. Hole #8 or #9 maybe threw directly over a pedestrian bridge that is near the basket location. We had to wait probably 10 minutes to throw as families kept stopping on the bridge to take pictures or let their kids play. I refuse to throw near people, so we just waited patiently.

4) Lack of benches and trash cans. Not a huge con, but having a place to sit or empty out your trash would be nice.

5) No next tee signage. This comes into play quite often as some tees are quite close together branching in varying directions (Hole #10 and Hole #15) for instance. You could easily skip multiple holes if you are not paying attention.

Other Thoughts:

This course has had a lot of work put into it recently, upgrading it from a 9 hole course with temp tee pads and no signage to its current state. Probably in its current state, one of the best courses in western TN (below some Memphis and Nashville courses) with the potential to be even more with continued upgrades. A variety of challenges for all skill levels and a certain stop in and play if you are traveling through the area. I wouldn't plan a long trip just to play this course, but I would certainly add this course as a stop along the way to somewhere else.
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1 1
Experience: 29 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Grove Creek 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 10, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


The course has some long holes so you can stretch it out and there are multiple lines available on each hole. There are 3 teepads per hole which make most holes play completely different not just shorter. The short teepads are pretty simple and set up for beginners except for hole 8. The course is very well kept and is in a park setting with mature trees.


It's only 9 holes. The short teepads aren't needed. The course holds a lot of water during the rainy seasons which can't be helped. No tee signs or distances posted.

Other Thoughts:

Alternate pin placements on several holes would be nice in the future. Hopefully it turns into an 18 hole course this year which would increase the number of players on the course. The course has big potential.
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