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Easton, PA

Hackett Park

3.295(based on 12 reviews)
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J jksdg's Round

Score: 67 +9
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
83°F Rain Calm 844
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:2
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:E66 K 64
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 4 -- --
2 240 3 3 -- --
3 297 3 4 -- --
4 509 3 5 -- --
5 367 4 5 -- --
6 268 3 3 -- --
7 341 3 2 -- --
8 226 3 3 -- --
9 256 3 3 -- --
10 492 4 6 -- --
11 273 3 4 -- --
12 273 3 4 -- --
13 254 3 3 -- --
14 414 3 4 -- --
15 490 4 4 -- --
16 272 3 3 -- --
17 452 4 4 -- --
18 244 3 3 -- --
Totals: 5921 58 67 -- --

S Sigleypuffs62's Round

Score: 76 +18
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
80°F Sunny Calm 755
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:3
T. Bogies:1
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 4 1 --
2 240 3 6 2 --
3 297 3 4 1 --
4 509 3 3 1 --
5 367 4 5 1 --
6 268 3 4 1 --
7 341 3 4 1 --
8 226 3 5 2 --
9 256 3 4 1 --
10 492 4 6 1 --
11 273 3 4 1 --
12 273 3 3 1 --
13 254 3 3 1 --
14 414 3 3 1 --
15 490 4 5 1 --
16 272 3 4 1 --
17 452 4 4 1 --
18 244 3 5 2 --
Totals: 5921 58 76 21 --

G gtijim's Round

Score: 68 +10
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
69°F Sunny Calm 834
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:2
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 2 -- --
2 240 3 4 -- --
3 297 3 3 -- --
4 509 3 3 -- --
5 367 4 5 -- --
6 268 3 3 -- --
7 341 3 5 -- --
8 226 3 3 -- --
9 256 3 3 -- --
10 492 4 4 -- --
11 273 3 5 -- --
12 273 3 4 -- --
13 254 3 4 -- --
14 414 3 4 -- --
15 490 4 4 -- --
16 272 3 4 -- --
17 452 4 4 -- --
18 244 3 4 -- --
Totals: 5921 58 68 -- --

T Toughy22's Round

Score: 79 +21
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
-- -- -- 726
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:4
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 4 3 --
2 240 3 4 3 --
3 297 3 5 3 --
4 509 3 4 1 --
5 367 4 4 2 --
6 268 3 3 2 --
7 341 3 5 2 --
8 226 3 4 2 --
9 256 3 4 2 --
10 492 4 8 2 --
11 273 3 3 1 --
12 273 3 4 2 --
13 254 3 3 2 --
14 414 3 5 2 --
15 490 4 5 2 --
16 272 3 4 2 --
17 452 4 5 3 --
18 244 3 5 5 --
Totals: 5921 58 79 41 --

T Toughy22's Round

Score: 35 +7
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 18
-- -- -- n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 4 2 --
2 240 3 4 2 --
3 297 3 5 3 --
4 509 3 3 1 --
5 367 4 5 2 --
6 268 3 4 3 --
7 341 3 4 3 --
8 226 3 3 2 --
9 256 3 3 2 --
10 ** Skipped **
11 ** Skipped **
12 ** Skipped **
13 ** Skipped **
14 ** Skipped **
15 ** Skipped **
16 ** Skipped **
17 ** Skipped **
18 ** Skipped **
Totals: 2757 28 35 20 --

T tpysher007's Round

Score: 42 +14
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
9 / 18
-- -- -- n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:4
T. Bogies:1
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 3 2 --
2 240 3 4 2 --
3 297 3 4 2 --
4 509 3 5 3 --
5 367 4 6 2 --
6 268 3 5 2 --
7 341 3 6 3 --
8 226 3 4 2 --
9 256 3 5 2 --
10 ** Skipped **
11 ** Skipped **
12 ** Skipped **
13 ** Skipped **
14 ** Skipped **
15 ** Skipped **
16 ** Skipped **
17 ** Skipped **
18 ** Skipped **
Totals: 2757 28 42 20 --

D dtmoore1971's Round

Score: 61 +3
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
88°F Sunny Calm 903
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Hackett tags round .. came with 28, left with 9!! (most of the good players were at blue mountain tourney)
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 3 2 --
left 30' birdie try short
2 240 3 2 1 --
parked drive .. big hyzer around trees
3 297 3 3 1 --
drive was a little long .. landed inside circle, but also inside tree .. no putt .. tried a scooby
4 509 3 4 1 --
drive short and left in tree .. tried to punch through with scooby & came up short .. 2nd scooby try from 40' inside trees just missed
5 367 4 5 1 --
poor drive .. behind tree on left edge .. turned over FH leaving awkward 3rd shot to the pin .. turned over another FH (thought buzz would hyzer out and it didn't) leaving 50 ft putt, which just chained out
6 268 3 3 2 --
missed 28' birdie try low off cage
7 341 3 5 2 --
bad drive hit high trees on right & finished left in bushes .. poor FH from awkward stance went 80' into bushes again on left. FH from there was online but high and landed outside circle downhill past basket .. missed comeback putt
8 226 3 3 2 --
good drive .. missed 25' uphill birdie try off right edge of basket
9 256 3 3 1 --
really bad drive .. popped it up into trees on left .. not in a horrible spot, but threw FH with buzz that hyzered out 40' from basket .. nailed the putt
10 492 4 4 0 --
decent drive, but tree obstructing 2nd .. put it a little offline into tree 75' down fairway .. thumber for 3rd shot slipped out & went into canopy .. hit 100' putt(!!!!!) to save par
11 273 3 3 2 --
ace run for drive .. 30' past basket .. made comebacker from 25'
12 273 3 2 1 --
drive went 35' past basket .. hit putt from bushes
13 254 3 4 1 --
bad drive .. didn't turn over .. tried BH skip shot through tiny gap .. missed it .. obstructed putt from 50' was just a bit short
14 414 3 3 1 --
drive on a good line but low .. cut rolled way out into field .. good upshot to 20'
15 490 4 4 0 --
good drive, but hyzered out a bit early and just caught uphill edge of trees on left ... only had FH roller out of jail for 2nd ... tried hard anny backhand under low ceiling from right for 3rd, but it clipped a branch .. hit 70' putt for par
16 272 3 3 2 --
decent drive w/Mako, but a bit too far right .. missed 35' birdie try high and right
17 452 4 4 2 --
good drive, but again, 2011 pro world bold is more stable than usual one, so hyzered out a bit early ... 2nd shot w/Mako on perfect line, but short .. bad break on birdie putt, could only see top-right quarter of basket past large tree
18 244 3 3 1 --
Hit the gap off tee with Boss, but went a bit deep and hit pine tree on other side of "fairway" .. missed 40' birdie try of top of basket
Totals: 5921 58 61 23 --

D dtmoore1971's Round

Score: 62 +4
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
65°F Sunny Calm 893
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Hackett park tag round .. 1st time playing there
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 2 1 --
2 240 3 2 1 --
3 297 3 3 1 --
4 509 3 3 1 --
5 367 4 5 2 --
6 268 3 3 1 --
drive short into tree ... 60' birdie try
7 341 3 3 1 --
8 226 3 3 1 --
9 256 3 3 1 --
10 492 4 4 2 --
11 273 3 4 1 --
12 273 3 3 2 --
13 254 3 4 1 --
14 414 3 4 2 --
15 490 4 5 2 --
16 272 3 3 1 --
17 452 4 3 1 --
18 244 3 5 3 --
Totals: 5921 58 62 25 --

G gtijim's Round

Score: 61 +6
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
17 / 18
54°F Sunny Strong n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 3 -- --
2 240 3 3 -- --
3 297 3 3 -- --
4 509 3 2 -- --
5 367 4 4 -- --
6 268 3 4 -- --
7 341 3 5 -- --
8 226 3 4 -- --
9 ** Skipped **
10 492 4 4 -- --
11 273 3 3 -- --
12 273 3 4 -- --
13 254 3 3 -- --
14 414 3 4 -- --
15 490 4 4 -- --
16 272 3 4 -- --
17 452 4 3 -- --
18 244 3 4 -- --
Totals: 5665 55 61 -- --

Cpatire Cpatire's Round

Score: 66 +8
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
55°F Cloudy Calm 854
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:3
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 253 3 2 -- --
2 240 3 3 -- --
3 297 3 3 -- --
4 509 3 4 -- --
5 367 4 4 -- --
6 268 3 3 -- --
7 341 3 3 -- --
8 226 3 3 -- --
9 256 3 3 -- --
10 492 4 6 -- --
11 273 3 5 -- --
12 273 3 5 -- --
13 254 3 3 -- --
14 414 3 3 -- --
15 490 4 5 -- --
16 272 3 3 -- --
17 452 4 5 -- --
18 244 3 3 -- --
Totals: 5921 58 66 -- --