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New Lenox, IL

Haines Wayside DGC - Old Layout

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Haines Wayside DGC - Old Layout reviews

8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 296 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Just Ok, Could be Better 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2020 Played the course:once


- 2 tees per basket, although i felt the added interest was limited
- well maintained park for the most part: mowed and clean
- nice incorporation of wooded area on the side of the park for holes 5-9


- gravel tees
- most baskets are very basic and have rusted chains and shallow baskets
- no maps on tee signs
- limited amenities: no benches, maybe 1 garbage can, etc.
- heavy undergrowth and lack of an actual line in places
- smell from creek is noticeable on holes 2 and 3

Other Thoughts:

This course is maybe a 1.75 for me. I feel like it has potential but just doesn't really have a wow factor in any way. They have it labeled as an 18 hole course, but it's not - it's a 9 hole course with short and long tees. Most of the setup here is as basic as possible - a wood post with hole number and distance, low quality baskets, and not much else. Navigation wasn't wholly straightforward but can be figured out without too much trouble. A course map could be helpful.

The gravel tees leave a bit to be desired. I think I would prefer natural. As others have noted, some of these tees end up feeling like you're trying to drive off of a sand pit, and footing isn't great. I did enjoy some of the wooded holes, but with a little work to make some actual lines this course could be better.

Holes 1 and 2 were pretty basic, open shots with limited tree obstacles. Hole 3 is a nice shot down a narrower fairway, but the rough growth to the right is thick - I was hunting for a disc in there for a long time. Hole 6 is where things start to get a little more irritating - the tee is literally right against the woods - bumping it out 5 feet would be so much better. You're basically throwing a shot from out in the open into the woods but with no real opening in the wooded edge to cut in. I feel like it's purely luck if you drive through the trees and isn't emphasizing any particular skill. Hole 7 and 8 play much more reasonably through the woods, but on 9 you are throwing back out of the woods into the open, and again, lots of potential here, but it's so overgrown there's no real line to follow. I think if some of these holes were cleaned up a bit this course could be a lot better.

The park was generally nice and clean, although Hole 8's tee sign was missing. If I was in the area I might come back and play this course, and I think with a few improvements it could be fun. It's certainly not going to provide an immense challenge (except where there currently is no line at all), but for a quick round it's alright.
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4 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Design Is A Little Confusing! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 26, 2016 Played the course:once


The thing that pop outs here is the parking lot is fairly small, maybe 12 spots. Walking into the park it looks like a typical little city park, complete with children's play area, restrooms and a picnic shelter. The next thing that jumps out is this big ugly sign for the disc golf course. Now I love this game and all but if I were the park's director here, I would have never allowed this eyesore to be placed right in front of the park!

The course plays in a clockwise direction. The signs are simple ones just giving the hole # and distance. The pads are framed with crushed rock. They're bad as there were puddles in almost each pad. I teed off next to the pad on most holes.

I played the first nine holes. I guess they are the shorter nine. The navigation was a little strange as I didn't know there was a back nine or longer nine. I liked the wooded holes OK except for # 9. I didn't find a line there.


Crushed rock never makes a good tee. It always gets rutted and puddles.

Eyesore of a disc golf sign at start of course.

No memorable holes. Nothing to get real excited about.

Woods would be wet, slippery and sloppy during rainy times.

Other Thoughts:

This course was just OK. I didn't hate it but then I didn't really have any positive feelings for it. It just lacks the "it" factor. The whole set up; the park and the disc golf course, just aren't visually appealing.

The End.
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2 7
Experience: 6 played 4 reviews
0.50 star(s)

stay away 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 6, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


there really are not any pros


the creek makes the park smell bad
the tees have no signs telling you which basket to aim for
there are not par markings
there are only nine holes and each is used twice since there are 18 tees

Other Thoughts:

not many player if you need practice it a place to go other wise stay clear of this course
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4 5
Experience: 26.4 years 5 played 5 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Too many redesigns 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Middle of the park holes are wide open to learn new discs.


New placement of forests holes offer no line, and almost assure off target shots or tree ricochets.

Other Thoughts:

Played Haines pretty much everyday throughout my teens. I've seen this park redesigned something like four times now. Each time the holes became more basic and shorter. Maybe if people stopped cutting down the baskets they wouldn't have had to go to a dual tee system. Sadly the course I use to be able to just go throw a round is just a frustrating waste of time now.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Better as a 9 than an 18 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2011 Played the course:once


The course was redesigned from a very short crammed in 18 holer to a 9 hole course with a little more room and dual tees. The tees numbered 1-9 play fairly short, and are mostly beginner friendly. The holes numbered 10-18 are a bit longer on the open holes, and offer slightly trickier lines on the wooded portion of the course. There is an ok mix of different shots required, though if you have a straight shot in your bag you'll be pretty successful. There are 4x4 posts at each tee with the hole number and distance, and the baskets are all visible from the tees so more detailed hole signage isn't all that necessary. The course flows well, and is pretty easy to follow. The tees have been improved over the old layout.


Despite these improvements, however, the tees are still pretty bad. They're framed and filled, and most are pretty rutted out and eroded. The baskets are old and in poor shape, many don't catch all that well. There aren't any really interesting holes here, it's slightly better than many of the other boring Chicago 9ers, but it's not one to choose over the other Joliet area courses.

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will find the short tees very approachable, there are some tight lines on the few wooded holes but punishment is limited for inaccurate shots. The longer tees provide a little more challenge for intermediate players, better players won't find a whole lot of real tests here. I think the redesign makes this course significantly safer, it plays much better as a 9 holer with some buffer between holes than as an 18 shoved into a small area.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2011 Played the course:once


- Couse is set in a park that has a playground and a pavilion on one side. If people stay in the designated areas, then there's no interference, but they could easily go for a stroll through the course or by the water.
- About half of the holes are out in the open, sloping area, with large mature trees to force line shaping. #1 is a long, sloping valley shot around a patch of trees, #2 is next to a large tree and in front of the creek, #4 plays next to the woods with the basket tucked behind a pine. A few shots are wide open, but most have a good wrinkle.
- Other holes play in more wooded areas; #6 shoots out of and back into the forest, and #3 is a long, low ceiling shot with rough bordering on both sides, finishing right into a clump of small trees. Two more holes play in the woods, with tons of trees to contend with. There are obvious lines to hit here; missing the windows can result in some tough recovery. #9 is a cool shot out of the forest, with a RHBH hyzer finish in the open.
- Good mix of hole length, especially with two sets of tees. Some of the pro's are pretty good bombers; #1 and the low ceiling on #3 will need a healthy drive for any shot at a deuce.
- Practice basket has some short markers, good for beginners to practice on.


- Holes out in the open are just standard shots, nothing too crazy. Distance is the main factor in score, hands down. Even some of the forested holes just need a straight shot, though accuracy is still important to stay out of trouble, the line is dead simple.
- Land is mostly flat, there are a couple elevation changes on the first few holes, but nothing too extreme.
- There is water on the premises, but it's really not in play. #2's basket is a healthy distance away, so only a bad overthrow is going to reach it. #3 plays by the creek, but only a terrible shot is going to get there as well.
- The course itself is in pretty sorry shape; usually I don't care but no signs, old baskets, and rutted teepads are the latest improvements. Yikes.

Other Thoughts:

- This land is much better suited for a 9-holer; the hole lengths went from super short to respectably long on some of the holes. Getting a deuce on the longer holes requires a good huck; there aren't any distances listed but I think a few are pushing 400' or more. Wooded holes aren't throwaways, either; shooting well here is nothing to scoff at.
- Better suited to beginners or intermediate players; the holes themselves are pretty interesting and a little tricky, even though the course itself is ugly, smelly, and beat up. I'd bump it up to a 2.5 with some better hardware.
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