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Hampden Sydney, VA

Hampden-Sydney College

Permanent course
2.385(based on 4 reviews)
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Hampden-Sydney College reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Wait...it's not Hampton-Sydney?

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2023 Played the course:once


This sums up the life of a disc golfer. Showing up at an elite private college (the oldest private university in the Southeast) that is filled with lots of history, I show up dirty, tired, and sticking out like a sore thumb because there's a course (actually 2) to bag. History. What history?
- I generally liked this layout. A couple of quality water holes. #2 is a really good layout. When you've already 6 courses for the day including Mayflower Hills and New London Tech, and driven some 400 miles, your snap isn't as crisp. Suddenly the water hugging the left side of holes #2 and 3 becomes much more intimidating. And when you throw over the edge of a pond on #5, you're glad the hole is less than 200 feet.
- Course does have a good flow. Holes 1 & 2 have less trees on them, but with lots of leaves, you do have lower ceilings. #3 has water on the left and an open field on the right. #7 & 8 are again mostly open holes with more tree coverage around the baskets.
- Generally, an easy course to navigate. The hardest part of the course was actually finding it. Between GPS not being accurate, which has since been fixed, and some roads blocked due to a baseball game, I saw a lot more of campus than I expected.
- Course starts and ends next to the same parking lot. Makes for an easy round.
- Course is generally isolated from the rest of the campus. I skipped #8 because of the baseball game and cars, tailgaters overrunning the fairway. It did look like one of the better tee shots on the course.


There is (or was) no basket for #6. As some have suggested, play #18 on the Tadpoles course in its place. That's what the sign says too.
- That said, I'm not sure how this hole was supposed to play - didn't see a fairway. Maybe this hole's been gone awhile and the fairway's overgrown.
- There's discrepancy concerning #5. According to a competing disc golf tracking website, the hole's length is listed at 332 feet. On this site, and the tee sign, it's listed at 177 feet. I looked around for alternative, longer layout. And didn't see one. So for you lemmings who follow the bigger named app, good luck with that.
- Parking may be an issue during the week. I saw some lots were reserved during the week. I guess you'll have to get creative.
- The overlap with the Tadpole course may be confusing. After finishing #4, which is #1 for Tadpoles, it's easy to go straight to Tadpoles #2. Or, while looking for #6 or 7, hopping onto Tadpoles.
- No trash cans or benches on the course. Is what it is.

Other Thoughts:

I was smart and knocked out both courses at once. After playing #4 & 5, I turned around and started the Tadpoles layout. After finishing #18, I hopped back on this layout for #7 - 9.
- If I were betting, I say this course eventually goes away. When you have another course completely isolated from the rest of campus, some will feel the need to get rid of the eyesore of baskets on campus, notably #1, 8, & 9.
- This course was seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The town of Farmville is only 10 minutes away. However, heading other directions, you're in the middle of nowhere. Leaving campus, I headed south on 15 then 360 to South Boston. I don't remember a stoplight until I got to my destination. Other than a couple gas station and dollar stores, there was nothing in this area.
- I liked being able to throw full shots and have open spaces throughout this course. Tadpoles is short and technical throughout that it was seemingly putter or mids the entire round. Here, there is more variety.
- The course reminded me a lot of Gardner-Webb in Boiling Springs, NC in the way it weaved along the outskirts of campus and around a pond.
- #1 & 9 were perfect bookends to the round. The holes mirrored each other with #1 playing slightly downhill and 9 slightly uphill. The same general vibe on both. Seemed fitting.
- Yes, I was one of those people who had always just assumed this place was named Hampton-Sydney. Forgive me for only periodically hearing the name of the place and just assuming it was the more common word.
- Generally, a good nine-hole course. If #6 is permanently gone, make it clear to players what the alternative is. Otherwise, a nice, above average layout.
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15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 5.1 years 113 played 112 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Woods, Water, Elevation, and Uncomplete. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 3, 2021 Played the course:once


-A 9-hole course with a variety of holes that meanders on the backside of a college campus. The center point is the athletic field house. The variety includes lightly and heavily wooded holes, two ponds, and elevation. The course shares space with the new Tadpole Course.

-The course is a par 27 with a variety of distances. Two holes #2 and #7 are greater than three hundred feet, and one hole #5 may be less than 200 feet or could be greater than 300 feet?

-Hole signs where present have hole number, par, distance, and a hole map. Baskets catch well! Hole 4 shares a turf pad, basket. and hole space with #1 on the Tadpole course, and maybe #5 turf pad only?

-Navigation is counter-clockwise with a few next tee signs. Since the course shares space with the Tadpole course there is flexibility to play both courses and eliminate extra walking. Best option is to start on #1 on the Hampden course thru #5, jump on #2 Tadpole, and after playing #18 Tadpole rejoin Hampden #7.

-The course is very scenic!

-From the bag on the tee mid's, fairways, and drivers.

-Beginners and Recreational players will find the Hampden course more open and manageable, College students as well. Intermediate and Advanced a few holes a challenge, but mostly good scoring opportunities.


-Since the installment of the Tadpole course, Hampden course had been pushed to the side.

-#4 shares hole space with #1 Tadpole course from tee to basket. The new hole sign is for Tadpole, #4 Hampden sign has been removed. Udisc map puts both holes on top of each other. Confusing for first time players on the course.

-No tee sign for #5 adding to confusion since Tadpole #5 short tee pad is installed in the same vicinity where #5 should be on the dam for Tadpole Pond. DGCR distance based on the old tee sign says 177 feet somewhere around the staircase to get up to the dam. Udisc distance since the installment of Tadpole course says 333 feet placing the tee at about the #5 Tadpole turf tee which skilled players will appreciate placing your shot right over the pond. So, I guess pick your poison.

-#6 basket has been pulled being that the #18 Tadpole turf pad has been place right over the location. An unknowing first-time player may be doing some looking after playing there tee shot on the wooded hole.

-The natural tee pads were soft on a fall morning. A round after some rain, likely to become muddy.

-The course is on a beautiful setting, on a warm day wouldn't be surprised to find walkers along the pond on holes 1-3, and 5. Or laying out closer to campus on fairways 1, 8-9 around the fieldhouse.

-Holes 2-3, and 5 involve water, so loss of disc will be high there, not so bad elsewhere on the course.

Other Thoughts:

Yes, the Hampden-Sydney has been pushed to the side for the newer Tadpole course at least for the time being. I hope the course gets resurrected, it's a very solid 9-holer when all things are in place. Holes 1-6 very scenic play with some water looming mixed with some elevation. I like the distance of 7-9 but just a little too close to campus, and the least exciting of the course, it's a campus meadows setting. My biggest personnel con is the pulled basket on #6 its been at least 6 months as of this review, and is the biggest point deduction on my overall rating. Despite the one missing basket, overall, a fun layout. I would think the basket will eventually be placed somewhere on the fairway, and at that time will re-evaluate my rating.

My overall rating is anchored on the scenery of the course, holes 2 and 3 at this time, and that anchor is at a 3.5. The time to play was 25 minutes.

I normally like to pick a personnel Signature and Trouble hole. But with hole 5 and 6 unsettled at this time its going to be pushed to the side until later. If hole 5 is placed at 333 feet with a tee sign, its in the mix.

Notable Holes:

-No. 2 Par 3 at 354 feet is a straight away tee to basket on a sliding fairway right to left into the pond, which is all the way down the left side, from the tee also upslope. There is a splattering of trees on the line here and there with a clump of trees about 100 feet out from basket. The basket sits as a possible roller into the pond. Very scenic hole.

-No. 3 Par 3 at 289 feet is an open tee to a basket in a tree line downhill. The tee sits on a dam to the pond on the left, and the pond is all the way down fairway. The fairway is straight away from the tee with the basket right center in the tree line. To the right of fairway is downhill from the dam to a soccer field. A pump house sits right center fairway about 200 feet down. Another scenic hole, dangerous to the left, and to far right can be blocked by trees to the basket.

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2 1
Experience: 23.1 years 15 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Neat Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 6, 2013 Played the course:once


-Nice setting in peaceful and well maintained campus.
-Good signs for hole info.
-Nice new baskets
-Fairly easy to follow course
-Casual play but still a challenge with #2 and #3 beside a big pond with a fountain in the middle. Be careful it looks deep- too much back hand left fade and "bloop". Wooded mix with open.


-No real tee pads that i could find.
-Like the other user said no trash cans.

Not really much else unless you just want to nitpick.

Other Thoughts:

Very fun and I enjoyed playing it and I think if you are in the area and have some discs worth a stop.
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3 0
little oz
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.2 years 103 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice quality course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2013 Played the course:once


Excellent signage with distance and map with no graffiti. Well thought out basket placement with disc catcher baskets. Uncrowded in a very scenic setting, with a couple of ace runs. Nice mix of wooded ( but fair) and holes near the lake. Hole #2 was a challenging hole where an early release could result in a swim. Good use of moderate elevation change. You wouldn't think that a college with this conservative reputation would have a nice course, but they do and it seems to be respected and well maintained.


Dirt tee pads ( except for concrete at #1). No trash cans and a few beer cans,(but not many)at a couple holes. Holes 3 and 8 are kind of "link" holes That serve to get you from one part of the course to another. Rhbh hyzer friendly that doesn't require a lot of creative shots

Other Thoughts:

The course planner actually put a lot of thought into the design of this course and did a quality job. This is not the usual Campus course. I was pleasantly surprised. I played this on a weekday morning so I don't know if it gets crowded on the weekends. You can play this course with a Teebird and mids
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