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St. Paul (New Brighton), MN

Hansen Park

2.615(based on 41 reviews)
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Hansen Park reviews

13 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 1.5 years 45 played 45 reviews
2.00 star(s)

You ought to play it at least once... drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 2, 2024 Played the course:once





Other Thoughts:

During the summer of 1976, my family moved from Minnesota to Connecticut. Not yet having gone to school there, my brother and I hadn't made any local friends yet, and spent quite a bit of time throwing old Wham-O's at trees, stop signs and mailboxes in our improvised version of frisbee golf. It was all very low key, and nothing like the modern game technologically.

Looking back, it's interesting to think that Hansen Park was laid out just a few years later, and go this day sports the old Saucer Golf cone-style baskets. What I experienced in childhood as spontaneous and non-organized was coalescing onto dedicated properties with new technologies.

I'm glad that the cone targets did not represent the final stage in disc golf development. They're damned hard to put on, honestly, with a narrower vertical approach and a tendency to deflect much of that which is not a dead center effort. Still, being honest, I probably wouldn't have ventured to Hansen if not for the opportunity to experience the alternatively styled baskets.

Do not be tempted to think of Hansen as merely a museum piece, slowly corroding on an overgrown, under-trafficked parcel of land. It's well-kempt and hosts active and enthusiastic league play. On the Saturday I visited, it was positively overrun with disc golfers capitalizing on the warmest early March in Minnesota history...a record I fear will not last.

It's not a long course by any means, but offers good up and downhill throwing opportunities, sharp doglegs, mandos and water crossings. The hole I will remember most was #4, which calls for a sharply executed uphill putt. I played it rather shabbily, missing a 20 foot bogey putt, which the cone deflected into the longest roller I have ever experienced. Personal experience notwithstanding, I think it's a great hole, and know that I'm probably not the first to have rolled as far as I did.

I don't think I'll play Hansen Park again, but evidently many people call it their home course and continue to make good use of it. For me, the draw of the excellent course at Bethel University, just 2 miles away, is just too potent. I think it would be a mistake though, to pass HP by if you are bagging the Twin Cities area. It's a living link to the sport's past, and I hope it remains as such.
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13 0
Experience: 12 played 10 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Hansen's Historic Cone Course drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 5, 2023 Played the course:once


- Hansen Park offers alternative "Saucer Golf"/Cone baskets
- Majority of the tee boxes are cement (longs)
- Very few "flat" shots at all on the course
- ^great use of the land in creating these layouts
- There are a few "Mando's" to be aware of when throwing
- Several port-a-potty's through the course.
- Benches at (nearly) every tee pad w/ brooms!


- Two, of the fourteen, baskets are regular baskets
- At the time of this review, parking lot construction continues, which makes parking limited.
- As stated by other reviews, this park has very little buffering between the course and the backyards of New Brighton residents, be respectful stewards of the sport.
- Fairways zig-zag and run close to each other, especially the wooded holes, 6-10
- Some of the short tees are wooden pallets? (specifically, Short 3)
^NOT a knock on the course, but I played this after a wet snowfall, so they were extra slippery (use your best judgement!)

Other Thoughts:

When it comes to disc golf targets, I'm joyfully enthusiastic about targets of all shapes and sizes. Yes, this includes quirky object courses, poles, tone targets! Yes, the Cones are challenging to putt on, yet they're like that for everyone, so it's best to embrace the challenge and beauty the cones provide, and HAVE FUN WITH IT :)

EDIT: I forgot to talk about the parking. With the construction going on, parking spots are limited in the lot, however, in asking a worker, they directed me to a parking spot out of the way, and even closer to Hole 1!

If you get a chance, read up on the history of Saucer Golf/Cone/Tone Targets. (fingers crossed this link works... https://udisc.com/blog/post/cones-tones-alternative-disc-golf-targets-that-almost-stuck) Funny how these were strategically marketed against Steady Ed's Mach I Baskets.

Anyways, back to Hansen, the Main Layout makes great use of the park. You'll throw up and down hills, over a blind hill and a pond, through tight corridors, and around Mando's. The layout is a little confusing if it's your first time, just remember to follow the bridge to hole 2, not the walking path like I did 😅, and then the wooded holes backtrack a little when it zig-zags back and forth.

My only minor "complaint" with the course is the expansion to 14 holes with the use of 2 normal chain baskets. Thematically, and this is my personal opinion, they take away from the rest of the course. The shot shapes of these holes are alright... but I can't help but think they could have transplanted two cone baskets from Moir Park when they installed two more targets, IDK.

Overall, I'm rating this 4.5 because I think courses like this should be preserved and celebrated. Maybe not in terms of what we normally think of championship level courses, but rather for the history they hold within the sport. Heck, one round of putting on these cones and you'll have a greater appreciation for [insert name of your least favorite disc golf target here 😂]. Will return to this course :)
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16 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 197 played 22 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Enjoyable Historic Course drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


- Most holes have large cement Tee-Pads, a few (12&13 I think had natural dirt pads)
- Well Maintained benches double as tee-signs at every hole.
- Two sets of teepads on most (if not all) holes
- Great variety of hole shapes and distances
- The course utilizes the landscape of the park well
- Port-a-potty on the course
- Historic baskets on 12 of the 14 holes


- I could see the lay-out being confusing if you didn't have UDisc to help guide you
- Thematically the 2 modern chain baskets seem out of place
- While the park wasn't busy when I was there, many of the holes do play near walking paths

Other Thoughts:

Played here as my 5th course of the day while trying to get to 100 holes played in a day. I was really impressed with how well kept and manicured the course felt. The course had a lot of variety packed into such a small place. I had so much fun playing from the longs that we played a second round from the shorts afterwards.

My thoughts on the Baskets: I came here specifically to play on the Cone-Shaped Saucer Baskets. I thought that for my relatively flat and slight hyzer putt the baskets caught really well. Overall the opening between the band and the top of the basket seemed smaller than on modern baskets but the cone shaped knocked the discs down into the basket well. Also my putter could occasionally fit through gaps in the bottom of the baskets so make sure to watch your putt.

Some construction work was going on in the park making holes 1 and 14 difficult to play. It also made parking on the north side of the park not so easy to do. It seems like for the time being they are trying to leave the hole playable. Signs around the park indicated this was part of a 2023 construction plan.

I think replacing the two modern baskets with cone type baskets and getting permanent pads into the two holes with dirt pads would help solidify this courses unique feel. This course is a great example of a sub 18 hole course.
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7 0
Experience: 19.1 years 77 played 11 reviews
2.00 star(s)

I Want to Like This One 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


-More than 9 holes (12)
-Good variety of distances
-Multiple tee locations
-Unique baskets (also a con)
-Elevation plays into multiple shots
-Variety of lines-hyzer, left, right, straight could all be needed/used


-Foot traffic is a risk on at least half of the drives, and the paths are busy
-The south end layout is hectic with cross-overs and confusion. Have an image of the map with you.
-Unique baskets result in your typical putting style gonging out. They are neat, but you need to change the way you putt quite a bit, which can negatively affect your next round.
-Fairways are close to other teepads and routes to the next tee can put you line with a drive or approach

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice little course to have nearby. In summer months you need to be very careful of your surroundings due to the foot-traffic, and the hills are popular for sledding in the winter which causes some conflict. The cone-style basket is an interesting fixture rich in history, but can be very frustrating especially if you accidentally get used to an adjusted approach for them.

This one is very nearby and I want to be more excited about it, but it lacks the draw, I believe, many players are looking for. The layout seems haphazard and the whole course lacks a feel of seclusion. If you are willing to put up with the traffic you will see at this course, just go to Acorn.
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10 0
Experience: 7.4 years 34 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)


Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Good use of space overall. Mixture of open/technical and elevation allows for a decent variety over the 12 holes. Cone baskets are "interesting" to use a Minnesota Nice term. Everybody has to deal with them and you will never be so happy to make a putt from 15 feet. I think they mix things up from all the other courses in the area but lots of people hate them. Chill crowd though I've seen doubles groups with 8 people that really slow things down.

Not too much underbrush if your drive happens to land in the trees.

Dual teepads on most holes, I see lots of kids and newer players here and it is good to have short tees for them while still having the extra challenge from the longs. Teepads are all in great shape and have printed markings. Benches and tables throughout the course.

Most other park users are cool with disc golf in the park, I've gotten dirty looks at other multi-use Twin Cities courses.

Not many places where you are at risk of losing discs here unless you go way wide or way long into the backyards of the nearby houses.

Nearby softball fields are a great place to warm up or practice if games aren't being played.

The rest of Hansen park is pretty cool, lots of pretty walking trails.


Flow zig-zags in a way that wasn't intuitive without asking for help my first time out. Be alert as you walk from 6 to 7 as players teeing off on 9 may not be able to see you walking across their fairway until it is too late. 1 and 12 are in their own little area on the north side of the creek which was also confusing my first time here.

When you crash into the top of the cone and out it makes a clang that everyone on the course will hear. They will know your shame at missing yet another putt on the cones.

9 and 12 have chain baskets but they aren't great.

A lot of this course is really close to people's houses, really poor shots may go onto private land. One resident was setting off fireworks near #8, and I've seen cookouts spilling kind of close to #3. Be nice!

Bugs can be bad here in the south part of the park.

Parking can be a challenge as the softball/baseball fields often attract a big crowd in the evening.

Other Thoughts:

Honestly your whole experience will depend on how you feel about the unique cones, if you don't mind (or even enjoy) the challenge of putting on cones this is a great small course. Others will have their whole experience ruined by them. Everyone who plays here will miss from distances they could have made on a chain basket.

I don't come to league here but I hear lots of good things about the community.
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2 4
Experience: 8.3 years 17 played 11 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Know where to park and get a map 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 25, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


12 hole lay out and a good mix of short holes and grip and rip.

Tees well marked


GPS will bring you to the wrong side of the park and you'll be walking a bit. Come in 12th or 13th instead of 15th.

The pins are cone style...and they SUCK. They don't catch disc for nothing.

Also a crazy zig-zag layout that if its your first time you might get lost.
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1 13
Experience: 14.6 years 23 played 7 reviews
1.00 star(s)

A Tale of Two Pin Types 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 19, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


It has a very nice layout with decent variety. Some longer throws mixed with some short technical tosses. All in all, well designed.


Floods a little on hole 5, but not that nasty.
THE HOLES ARE THE ACTUAL WORST. Seriously, are these holes a joke? You might have a perfect put, dead center, but just forget about it. If your disc has enough steam to make it to the hole from further than 7.5 feet away, it will bounce out. I likely won't go back because they replaced even more of the actual chain baskets with those stupid spaceships. Really a good course, completely ruined by those awful holes.
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1 5
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Found disc 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2016 Played the course:once


Sorry folks not a course review really but found a disc today may 14th so if you lost one email at [email protected] if you want it back. Of course no charge or anything.

The course was nice


It's a decent course but I think back at 4 5 6 they're too close together so heads up.
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6 0
Experience: 9.4 years 59 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course for all levels with a nice variety of shots 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 16, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Great community of local players that area always improving and maintaining the coarse.
-Can be played in the winter
-Clean course
-Teepads are in great condition
-Dual teepads - Longs and Shorts
-Nice variety of shots and distances
-Very safe course - not going to lose a disc.
-Mature and well maintained trees.
-Lots of places to put trash and use a bathroom.
-Elevation changes are fun
-Places to sit / set your bag.


-Cones take some getting used to.
-Teepads could be marked, and the baskets could be marked better
-Can be difficult to follow as there aren't a lot of markings and the ones that are there are a little beat up / missing paint.
-Lots of people seem to "wander" the course looking for places to just sit around and smoke and / or are lost.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice mix of shots, long bombers up a hill to short tunnels. The multiple teepads make it nice to play at any level. Over all the course is pretty clean. League nights can get this course very busy.
Everyone hates the cones and has had a shot they missed because of them. But I kind of like them in the way they are something different and they will certainly make you appreciate the chains when you have them.
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5 4
Experience: 22.7 years 97 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

VIVA LA CONE 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 24, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


This course is a must-play for MN throwers for the cones alone. Many people list these as a con, but I embrace the challenge. The cones are responsible for upping my putting game, if you can make putts on these, you can make em anywhere. This course has a great variety of holes, ranging from wide open bomb oppurtunities to anger-inducing tunnels. Also, the Friends Of Hansen are a riotous bunch.


I guess you could say the cones are a con too, since they add about 4 strokes to my round when I miss what would be an easy-in on a chain basket. Also, the consistency of the cones vary. Some of them are like "trying to putt into a mailbox slot", direct quote from one of the Friends Of Hansen. Also, this course was a lot better when old holes 1-3 still existed.

Other Thoughts:

Tip: bring a soft putter to conquer the cones. If this course had real baskets, it would be ridiculously busy I bet. For that reason alone, VIVA LA COOOOOOOOONE!
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10 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 498 played 491 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Cones = Good 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2014 Played the course:once


+Cones! They are so unique that I must consider them a pro. They are not ideal for putting on but this course isn't a tournament course so does it really need all Mach baskets? The cones add to the atmosphere and add challenge to some short holes.
+Ace runs. There are some shorter holes here and some of the cone holes are among the shorter ones. I would love to have a cone ace.
+Elevation. Most holes here have some ups and downs.
+Multiple concrete pads on all holes.
+Some open and some wooded. Only one hole that was really tight.


-The flow is pretty bad here. Hole 1 and 2 are disconnected for the rest of the park. There are crossing fairways and some tees that are in the path of other fairways. It was busy when I played so this added to the danger and confusion of the course.
-Some may say that cones are a negative.
-This course gets pretty busy. This leads to large groups, trash, erosion, mud.
-Not the best crowd here. They didn't bother me but I would rather not have to see 40 year old men stoned and drunk lounging around the woods.
-The course is shorter overall and doesn't have much for distance variation. Lots of shorter tweener holes.
-Not really any amenities here at all.
-The extra concrete tees were often not much different than one of the other tees on the hole. They could have done a better job at creating different looks off the tee.

Other Thoughts:

+I would stop and play here to experience the cones. Moir might be a more authentic cone experience but it is pretty good here.
+Saturdays look pretty busy. Play during the week if you can.
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3 2
Experience: 13.4 years 30 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

cone!!!!!!!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2013 Played the course:once


- good variety of shots
- definitely not too easy
- some holes had baskets
- lots of uphill and downhill shots.
- mix of tight wooded areas and wide open shots
- nice new teepads
- has long distance drive opportunity on the final hole.
- nearly impossible to lose a disc
- not too short
- port a potties


- cones
- difficult to navigate
- teepads aren't marked
- hole 3 seemed more luck then skill
- cones

Other Thoughts:

This was truly a very well rounded descent length course, definitely one of the best free ones in the twin cities. It requires a different shot for almost every hole. I would have rated it higher if it wasn't for the cones, luckily they weren't on all the holes.
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6 2
Experience: 11.4 years 46 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 21, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


This course has a multitude of shots for every player. From long uphill, to short shots, it can suit any type of player from beginner to advanced. The cones are the best to putt on!


Not Enough Cones

Other Thoughts:

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9 0
Experience: 20.4 years 165 played 32 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 3, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Hansen is in a neighborhood area where i grew up in, a middle class community where many of the league regulars are guys who grew up in the area. One positive to me about Hansen is you get to play in a chill atmosphere with many guys who play for the same reason you do, to enjoy a round or two. While you won't see many guys throwing 500 ft out there you will see guys who can nail putts from 40ft regularly while the bombers struggle to par on the cones. The cones are one thing I HATED when I started playing in 2004 but in the last year I started to play the league regularly and doing as much as I can when time permits. The holes while not too flashy have many challenges such as trees, wet fairways at times, a nice creek in the park. Beautiful scenery and a overall good place to play!


There is a walk path you have to watch out for friendly locals. Many locals have no issue with players here which is much better than most leagues and courses! Honestly I hated this course 7 years ago but learned that it is a special place to play.

Other Thoughts:

Hansen is a historic course, many were not fond of the cones in the beginning but when they learned to efficiently cone putt learned that putting on a chainstar was nothing. I honestly feel my putting is 5x better than it was last year. There are hot days and not so hot days on cones but the overall atmosphere here is a good one. The imperfections are what make this place perfect to me, kind of like a woman you fall in love with; the little imperfections grow on you with time. Overall if your chill, make sure to throw trash away and try to "police" the park you can play here any day!
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1 2
Riley M
Experience: 4 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fair 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Has garbage cans. Without (and some times even with) garbage cans people are littering and giving us Disc Golfers bad names. They even have a few recyling bins. also has a Porta John on like hole 6 or something. Open and closed shots. (trees) There a uphill hole and on the other side theres a long down hill drive that i just love. I usually throw all my drivers if its not busy. In other words in you live near it or even are just passing trew town you should play at it.


The cones. But i guess thats the fun about Disc golf. if u can putt on the cones you can make the same putt with any basket.
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3 1
J Syrup
Experience: 16.4 years 50 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


I love the cones, variety is the spice of life and if you can putt on a cone you make putt on any chains. the course has a really good use of elevation and also has a variety of open shots and wooded shots. it also has a good combination of short technical and a couple long bombs that you will definately need a driver on.


Some times puddles occur after a large rainfall, not to hard to avoid them though

Other Thoughts:

great use of the amount of land they had available to them
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4 1
Experience: 13.4 years 19 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 6, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


One of the few courses in the state of Minnesota with cones. Though others may not enjoy the difficulty of putting towards cones, I find it adds a dynamic this game truly needs. There are better courses out there but Hansen has a feel all its own.


The course needs more cones...

Other Thoughts:

The "Friends of Hansen park" have done a great job improving the course and should be recognized for their charitable efforts.
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9 0
Experience: 21.5 years 126 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Stop whining about cones. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 15, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Variety of shots. Good use of the terrain. The cones and an extra degree of difficulty on an otherwise easy to moderate skill level park. Locals, locals, locals. The locals are amazing people that are extremely friendly, helpful and have done much to keep this park open and are always working to improve it.


The overall condition of the park is dilapidated. There is erosion in many areas. Baskets and cones are in need of repair. New tee-pads and proper signage would be money well spent.

However, I have noticed in a few reviews that concern the condition of the baskets, include the complaint that "discs fall out the bottom of the baskets". I trust most DGers know that if the disc falls out the BOTTOM of the basket, it still counts...

A group of dedicated individuals known as "Friends of Hansen" are doing yeoman's work in trying to revamp this park by way of charitable donations, donated time and labor (graffiti removal, basket repair, cleaning up after the teenagers and other degenerates that think it is acceptable to litter at the park, as well as other improvements)

Other Thoughts:

I am so0oo0o tired of reading the reviews for this course that WHINE about the cones. Instead of viewing these targets as a negative, why would you not relish in the opportunity to fine-tune your putts on a smaller and more challenging target? You will find your overall putting accuracy will improve after a few rounds with the beloved cones. Stop whining and man-up and appreciate the cones and the added challenge they provide. They make you a better player. I hope the whole course is eventually cones. Plenty of courses have chains, it's nice to see a park with a slightly different flavor. As Craig mentioned in an earlier review, please don't litter and watch the LANGUAGE (remember, its only disc golf, not life and death!!)
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8 0
Experience: 27.4 years 34 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course with a history lesson 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 15, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This fun 12 hole course is one of the oldest courses in Minnesota and will provide most players with a varying degree of difficulty, shot selection, baskets and atmosphere. This course has come close to being shut down multiple times because the locals did not like it very much when this sport became more popular. The layout had a major revision done to appease the locals.

There is a group of dedicated locals which play random doubles Wednesday nights and has always provided me with a great time. They are known as the Friends of Hansen and have down a wonderful job with upkeep and improving the course. Without them this course wouldn't be here.

My original review was when this course had asphalt and natural tees. All the tees have been upgraded to concrete, with very nice benches being added to many of the holes.

Half the holes are out in the open while others are in the woods and require you to hit a variety of lines. Good use of elevation and most of the park space.

A lot of people do not like the cone baskets, however there is a positive way of looking at them. On some of the easier holes they provide an extra challenge as your putting range will go down due to the smaller sweet spot. This forces you to make better shots off the tee, which I and many other people enjoy.


The biggest con on this park is the cone shaped basket. Not because of the increased challenge, but because the quality is significantly lower than most chain baskets and require maintenance more often, especially due to the vandalism of oppressed white suburban kids who inhabit the park.

These cone shaped baskets were bought because they were cheaper and a local course who tried to put in home made chain baskets at another course was sued for patent infringement. So places like Moir and Hansen went for these green monsters.

The next biggest con is the major revision which was done to this park in the early 2000's, due to the rising popularity of disc golf. Holes 1, 2 and 3 used to be up near the cul-de-sac, at the top of the hill. The locals almost shut the course down, but instead a giant sign was erected telling disc golfers to now park on the other side of the creek, where you do now. However, most people ignored it because they didn't want to walk a 1/4 of a mile to the first tee.

The "compromise" was taking out holes 1, 2 and 3 and putting in the new holes 1, 3 and 12 while modifying a few others. Holes 4 - 10 remained the same layout.

If people are wondering why the few signs still left in the course are wrong it is because of this major revision. Every hole had a wooden post with a green sign indicating the hole, distance and par. When they changed the layout they haphazardly pounded the old signs into seemingly random tees.

Holes 1 and 12 can be quite wet at times. They were only ever put in to appease the locals who complained about increased traffic to the park.

Other Thoughts:

If it weren't for a group of dedicated locals, known as "Friends of Hansen" those "lovable" green cone baskets wouldn't be here today, but then again neither would the chain baskets because the course would be gone and have faded into the night.

If you absolutely hate the cone baskets you can play at nearby Silverview Park, which isn't a bad course, but if you only birdie 7 of 9 there you are having a bad round.

This course would be improved slightly with chain baskets. I wouldn't wait for New Brighton to spend any taxpayers dollars to do so. If you want to see this course improve I'd consider going to the Wednesday night random doubles and ask about donating to the "friends of Hansen" group.

The biggest improvement to this course would be bringing the original holes 1, 2 and 3 back, making this a 15 hole course.
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5 0
Experience: 16.5 years 55 played 13 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Cooooooonnnnneeessss! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


--Good use of the large hill in the center. Hole 4 and Hole 11 are particular favorites.

--Trees are well used, but don't make holes impossible.

--Nice dual teepads on most holes.

--The 4 regular baskets on the course are a good break from cone hell.

--There are some nice holes on this course, but it's too bad that the cones ruin them for me.


--There are not enough words to describe how much I despise the cones. Discs fall out the bottom, putts get rejected easy, and the basket portion are all bent and warped. By the end of the round, I became scared of longer putts, opting for layups instead. When poor course conditions make me drastically change my game, I don't appreciate it. Cones are on holes: 2,3,5-8 and 11

--The homemade basket on number one is not too bad, but it's not the way you want to start the course.

--My legs were on fire from the stinging nettles in the rough on hole 12. Beware the rough on that hole.

--The directions are confusing. Teepads are labeled wrong and it doesn't help that the first and twelfth hole are on the opposite side of the creek from the rest. Bring a map. My first time playing here, I got very lost at least twice.

--Course gets a lot of wear and erosion. It would be nice to see better grass and just nicer park conditions in general.

Other Thoughts:

On the flip side of the cone baskets, when I made birdies on those holes, I was extra pumped. Felt good to conquer the cones on a couple holes.

Nice course, if they correct the signage and get modern baskets, my rating will go way up.
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