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Liberty Corner, NJ

Harry Dunham Park

Permanent course
2.65(based on 29 reviews)
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Harry Dunham Park reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13 years 117 played 81 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Dunham Done.

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2023 Played the course:once


+ 9 Discatchers that still catch discs; asphalt tees - 18 of them? I couldn't find the second tee for #5. Signage that exists is decent w/ Hole #, par, distance and diagram.

+ Plays a loop (more or less), no crossing fairways, well maintained, not much in the way of rough/underbrush to worry about that I recall (except on #7)

+ There is a tiny bit of elevation here on #6 that gets used well, decent variety in distances, I found myself tossing both FH and BH. Despite being in a multi-use park it doesn't really get repetitive like many multi-use park courses I've played, most holes offer something different than the one before it.

+ Not too far from the interstate making for a potentially quick bag in what seems like a safe park & neighborhood.


- Baskets are showing some age, more than one tee sign is missing, no course map that I could find (course bulletin board is underutilized). Navigation isn't alllll that great because of this. As stated a couple reviews down, the tees for 9 are found back toward the parking lot, not into the woods as the trail near basket 8 might make it seem.

- The day I played wasn't terribly busy, but it WAS busy, and I did have to wait a couple times on other park patrons walking near some of the holes. I could easily see the place being busy to the point of unplayable on several holes, mainly among 1-6.

Other Thoughts:

I got the chance to play Harry Dunham during a recent road trip - it was great to stop here after slogging thru the truly, truly terrible southbound traffic of southern Connecticut. The previous reviews are still pretty accurate in a lot of ways so I'm going to try and not repeat TOO much of what's already been said.

It's a good stop for baggers, and if it isn't crazy busy I'd say pretty beginner-friendly as well. If it IS crazy busy I'm not sure how much fun it would be for either. Holes 3 & 4 stand out to me as your most risky holes regarding other park patrons w/ the playground and walking track nearby. 5 is a short, fun RHFH flick to the basket out of sight and sliiiightly uphill if I recall correctly (I could only find one tee and no sign for this one). 6 utilizes available trees, parking and elevation to make for a fun, challenging RHBH that forces you to try and keep it low. The long tee for 7 shoots thru a very narrow alley surrounded by some pretty thick rough on either side. Possibly the most challenging (or aggravating) hole here.

Overall I felt that I was fortunate at Harry Dunham, simply because it wasn't crowded, affording me the chance to concentrate on what each hole had to offer. There's definitely some fun to be had here; I've played muuuuuch worse niners in similar busy family park-type settings. My 2.5 rating is leaning more 2.25 - "Decent" (for a niner) - than "Typical".

Fun fact for baggers/non-locals - Trump's Bedminster Golf Course is a mere 7 miles west of here.
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7 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.4 years 239 played 200 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Some Spark At Dunham Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2019 Played the course:once


+ The course weaves throughout a quiet field park setting.
+ The tee pads are solid and lengthy.
+ This is a great place for driving and approach practice.
+ Current tee signs are clear and accurate with diagrams, distances and pars.


- The course is mostly wide open and flat.
- The baskets are showing signs of age and disrepair with rusty cages and chains and slightly slanted poles.
- Two of the tee signs are missing outright.
- Some holes have absolutely impenetrable rough/undergrowth areas.
- The information board has seen better days. Plus, there is no practice pin or lost disc box.
- Some park amenities near a few fairways mean potential safety hazards for other park goers.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite hole here is hole 6 because of the combined challenge of tree dodging on a gradual downward slope and avoiding the nearby parking lot OB while throwing towards the pin on a peninsula. My least favorite hole is hole 7 for no reason other than it claimed two of my discs in that jungle zone in the middle of the long and short fairways.

As for the course as a whole, Harry Dunham Park is just fine. For a nine hole course, I was impressed by each hole having a short and long tee pad, even if they are made of cracked and worn asphalt. This enables old hats and newbies alike to get in a round or two. One solo session can be completed in about half an hour.

Your session here will be a gentle challenge. There are no truly meaty tasks. However, there are certainly some trees to dodge like at holes six through eight, but most everything else boils down to power metering and angle control with one or two noticeable elevation changes. There is a forested area behind hole 8 that might be a lot of fun to play in, but it will likely not be developed for disc golf. So, what is here works just fine. It's just a shame that there isn't more to this course.

Bottom line: It won't reach out and grab you, but the basics are here. Play multiple rounds, and you'll find yourself having a good time at Dunham.
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 444 played 411 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Nice for beginners and for practice

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 3, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


+ Well-maintained, good signage, rusting but still effective DisCatchers, flush asphalt tees

+ Most of the long tees just add a little distance, but Hole #7 creates a separate and very narrow alley, and pushes the distance to almost 400'


- That alley on the long hole #7 is becoming even narrower due to bushes and trees being allowed to grow in. It's gone from a tough shot to a very low percentage one, and it's now best avoided by throwing up and over to the main fairway on the left

- A popular park for walkers and joggers - there are a few places where the paved path comes too close to the throwing lines. It's also not unusual to have kids and picnickers on the first fairway on nice weekend days

- Several tee signs have gone missing


Other Thoughts:

~ Park 9 with two sets of tees. Baskets throughout the course are open targets, but the layout takes advantage of woodlines at the park edges, and a few obstacle trees. A few holes encourage left-to-right flight shapes, several baskets are placed on small mounds or berms, and one hole places a premium on staying low and straight. A couple of soft par 4's. Great for beginners and a decent bagging stop for others.

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8 0
The Katana Kid
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.9 years 185 played 56 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Well designed 9 hole in a nice park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2018 Played the course:once


Harry Dunham Park was a fun and quick round not too far from the freeway on a road trip through New Jersey.

The asphalt tee pads do the job. The tee signs that are still there are well done, which include distance and par.

The short red tees are a course length of 2241 feet and are par 30. The second asphalt blue tees are longer (2670 feet) but are par 27. I like this thought since the red tees give the beginner/novice some birdie chances which make it a more rewarding experience, hence a fun time. The longer blue tee with a lower par challenges the intermediate player, even if it's only a small challenge. It's a built in course handicap for players of different skill levels that want to play together.

The course plays around the outside of the park. This design allowed me to play off to the side even though the park was full of families with kids at the playground.

The course plays counterclockwise so it favors s RHFH, since you're constantly throwing left to right. Since that's my go to shot I list this as a Pro. Others may list this as a con if they favor a RHBH.

Navigation is good until you get to 9, where you can't see the tees from 8's basket. You'll think/hope you are following the trail to your right that leads into the woods, but not so. You need to head toward the open area and there you'll find the red and blue tees around the corner in front of the woods. Maybe the yellow tee is deep into those trees. If so this course would be really cool.


The walking paths in the park had many pedestrians out for a walk in the park. This was not a big problem but caused me to wait a total of 2-3 minutes.

Hole 6 plays near the parking lot but I felt it was far enough away to be no problem.

If all of us disc golfers would be courteous and careful there should not be a problem here since the designer used the space well to keep our discs away from other park users. And I expect there will always be other users of this park since it's so nice and well maintained.

Other reviewers complained of mud and bogs, but I saw no problem. I hit the tree on 7 and had to go into the area which would be the most likely bog, but it was fine.

Other Thoughts:

DGCR shows a third set of yellow tees that are 4935 feet total and a par 31. Yikes! That's an average of 548 feet per hole. I saw no sign of those yellow tees, but I imagine some locals have a Pro level layout which includes some detours into the surrounding woods. There is no course map posted, but if there was one created to show the yellow tees that would be nice.

If you are a course bagger, like me, then you'll like this peaceful and enjoyable experience. For me it's my only New Jersey course. I'm giving it a 3.0 because I'm giving them credit for an awesome course through the woods from the yellow tees.
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2 4
Experience: 12.4 years 13 played 12 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Sandbox Mode Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 15, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-Am and Pro Pads, all concrete
-Simple to navigate/good layout flow from tee to tee. Signage is weak and probably not accurate, but its not really necessary to figure out where to go next.
-Quick and Fun. Great If you only have an 45 min- or an hour or so to play
-Bathrooms open during most of the year
-Beginner friendly
-Well maintained park


-Simple and Boring: Little variation and no surprises to be seen here
-Park floods very easily, even after light rain or snow melting
-Morris County locals in the park: High in the running for the title of most entitled, ignorant, selfish,petty, rude, bossy, vain, fake and elitist people in NJ. Don't throw anywhere near them, and expect to wait awhile for them to finally move along. You may occasionally get some nasty glances from them, because in their eyes you must be a drug using criminal if you are playing disc golf. A few will be estatic if you hit them, their family, or their cars with a disc... Before you can apologize you will be served legal papers.
-Two or three present opportunities for discs to vanish without a trace, or to go OB into a road, or some uptight local's backyard
-You only really need a midrange to play most, if not all of the course.
-Chains are pretty rusted

Other Thoughts:

A very simple, straightforward, boring, beginner-friendly nine hole course. Its pleasant and good for a warm up, or to work on midrange shots and putts. Don't go out of your way to check it out, you aren't missing anything. It still three times better than nearby Chimney Rock DGC though.
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3 0
Experience: 126 played 16 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A Perfectly Fine Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 1, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Harry Dunham is a great course for playing a lot of perfectly fine holes quickly.

This is a great entry level course because it gives you enough variety without being too challenging to lead to frustration.

Two tee pads per hole allows you to play 18 different holes in about 45 minutes - 1 hour.


-If you have a big arm, the course will feel very short.
-There definitely is a good change of landing on walking paths, playgrounds or roadways. So look before you throw!
-Baskets are getting pretty rusty

Other Thoughts:

Harry Dunham is a fine course. It won't provide experienced players a lot of challenge but for those new to the sport its great exposure. Even though its only 9 holes, there are two tee pads per hold so you can still get 18 different shots.

This isn't a course that you put on a bucket list, but for a quick round its perfectly fine.
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2 1
UCC Wizard
Experience: 10.2 years 8 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A course to cut your teeth on 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 25, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Clean park, Restrooms, quick paying.


Only a 9 hole course. Few difficult holes, if any. Walking paths EVERYWHERE and lots of walkers. Several holes up against little kid playgrounds, parking lots, and soccer fields. No wooded holes to speak of, a couple random trees at best.

Other Thoughts:

Played this course a few times to practice for a Birdie Bash I entered here. Other than that, I doubt I'd make the drive again and its only 25 minutes away. If your wife or small kids want to learn how to play, this would be a nice place to bring them. Not trying to kill this place, its pretty, and friendly, just gonna bore an avid disc golfer.
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1 2
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

GNATS! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2014 Played the course:once


The park is huge and well manicured with many amenities. The course itself is well maintained, and pretty easy for beginners, like myself. You can get free equipment if you stop by the Basking Ridge Recreation Center nearby. There are plenty of things to do if others in your party aren't playing. Huge play area for kids.


Gnats...lots of them! The entire park is full of gnats for whatever reason...they'll be in your face all day. Not much of a problem, but very annoying if you hate that sort of thing. Other paths in the park either cross the course or pass close by, so you have to wait for others to get out of the way before you throw.
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2 0
Experience: 11.2 years 33 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Casual Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 30, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


* Well maintained signs and baskets
* Very clean/tidy park
* Two tee locations
* A couple of holes where you can air out your discs
* Great for beginners or casual playing
* Lots of parking


* Lots of pedestrians
* Soccer course to the left on two holes
* Could be an easy course for better players

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorite courses for nice, casual playing.
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2 6
Experience: 11.1 years 89 played 28 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Play it only if you're in the area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 16, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-This is a great course if you are a pro and you want to teach a beginner the basics of disc golf
-It has a couple of middle distanced par 4's so you can take out your big arm
-There's a blue tee and a red tee so good disc golfers can be a little challenged on the far layout
-Open if you really want to break down your mechanics and not worry about hitting a tree
-Variety of short holes and long holes
-Different sports fields so you can play there after or before your round
-If you just want to play a casual 25 minute round or you are in a rush, just play a round here because a round takes about 18-27 minutes with one person and 20-33 minutes with 2+ people


-If you are a 900+ rated player, do not come here. It will be a waste of time for you
-Only 9 holes, so if you want 18 holes, you have to play the same 9 holes again
-If you are a beginner, it could be easy to hit a person on a sports field or on the playground
-In the summer, the rough will get tall and thick so be careful
-Pedestrians on walking paths could be a hazard

Other Thoughts:

Don't be tricked by the photos because this course isn't horrible, but it really isn't a course that is going to be in your top 25 courses. I recommend only come here if you are in the area.
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5 3
Experience: 12.2 years 4 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good Beginners Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Wide open with a couple par 4s. There are bathrooms there in case you need them. The baskets are in perfect condition and the grounds are well maintained.


Not too much challenge. No trees really to throw through it is pretty much all straight throws to the baskets. Some holes are a little close to the playground so you need some accuracy but i have never had a problem.

Other Thoughts:

I started playing on this course I think it is a great course to practice on. It has two starting tees which is always nice.
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3 0
Experience: 13.5 years 5 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

straightforward, simple course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2011 Played the course:once


nice tees boxes, two per hole. clear signage and navigation. good park, plenty of facilities and parking.


very straightforward, open holes so no need to use a lot of shots. course runs next to a jogging path so lots of pedestrian traffic. although the course briefly goes up against the woods, it does not make use of the woods.

Other Thoughts:

the lack of variety makes this course boring, just a tee, open area and a basket for most holes. the alternate tees could have been better served being located in different areas to give this a true 18-hole feel. good practice for putting, easy to get in a quick round, but not worth driving out of the way to play.
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10 0
Experience: 15.3 years 21 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good beginner course... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2010 Played the course:once


Easy to find, easy to navigate. Ample parking. Bathroom access. Mostly open, with a few trees involved or easy doglegs to keep you honest. Good for beginners and/or families, nice for advanced players to work on approach and putting.


Lots of open field = lots of places for families to be in the way. I played during dinner-time, so it was empty; I can imagine that this place is packed with non-golfers at times.

Hole #4 in particular can easily lend itself to having a disc fly into traffic on a fairly busy road. Hole #6 ends at the corner of the parking lot; too close to cars for me.

Other Thoughts:

The town of Liberty Corner, NJ put in this course and did a surprisingly good job with what they had. The course is just a little 9-hole town park course, but they have two sets of concrete tees for each hole and the baskets and tees are well-marked. There's no course layout handy, but you really don't need it - the course is small enough that you can easily see the next tee when you hole out.

In all honesty, any intermediate-level player or above should be birdieing these; no need to bring your distance drivers here.

I only had time for nine holes, but this is the type of course where you can just relax and have fun. Not too difficult, laid-back stuff. I'd play it again, and smile as I did.
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2 2
Experience: 14.4 years 32 played 23 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Good if you are looking for a quick round


Out in the open
Share park with other amenities
have a few shots that are next to main road or throw over walking path
Short holes even with extended tees

Other Thoughts:

Don't expect anything too challenging
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5 1
Everett Evans
Experience: 31.4 years 116 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Harry not so Hairy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2006 Played the course:5+ times


1) Nice clean park
2) Plenty of parking
3) Easy to navigate
4) Relaxing, tough to lose a disc or score a snowman
5) A couple of ace runs, a couple of tricky holes
6) Two tees per hole turns 9 into 18 holes
7) Played 100+ times and never ran into course traffic!!


1) OK, as others have stated, this ain't "Warwick Animal to Blues" (search if you are clueless), it is pretty simple, easy golf. Only holes 7a and 7b give you a challenge (but a darn fine challenge it is!!).
2) Don't go if you want to meet up with fellow golfers, guarantee you will be playing the course alone.
3) Funky pars, just get on the trolley and play everything as a three like the big boys.

Other Thoughts:

Harry Dunham was the nearest course to my workplace, so I played there pretty regularly from 2001-2006. You can easily get a few rounds in in an hour or so playing solo. I usually played a quick front 9/back 9. Most holes are EASY threes, my lows were -8 from the short and -7 from the long. Favorite holes are 7 long and 6 short (you were kicking yourself if you didn't deuce). All in all a happy, clean, peaceful course, if not overly difficult.
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3 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Underrated! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Course has a good mix of holes for righties and lefties, and for technique and power. Course is very well groomed. Layout flows. It's never too trafficked. You will probably never lose any discs. There are A and B tees at each hole. Each hole is well marked. No park fee.


You only need one solid throw to beat a hole.

Other Thoughts:

All the holes should be played as par 3's, though some are labeled par 4. I've played the course 30+ times to date, and still love throwing a round here. Sure the course isn't that difficult, and the holes aren't super clever, but the course doesn't try to do more than it can or should. It's very strong for a simple course and it's definitely underrated in my opinion.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 85 played 64 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Basic Community Course with Perks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Harry Dunham Park is a large, clean, and well-maintained community park and is a nice setting for a DG course. The course is good for a quick rip through 9 holes, but one big advantage at Harry Dunham that a lot of community courses don't have is multiple tees. Having two sets of tee pads makes it possible to play 18 holes by using both positions.

Overall, the baskets and tee pads are starting to show signs of wear but are still in good working condition.

For a local park, the signage is amazing. The entire fairway is clearly depicted on the tee signs as are the locations of both tees, length to basket, and intended flight path.


Inevitably, pedestrians are a major hazard in a community park. The location of some of the tees/baskets come close to roads, paths, and parking lots making it potentially dangerous for bystanders.

Although there are two tees for each basket, for a lot of the holes the distance to the pin and the expected flight path is too similar to really take full advantage of multiple tees.

Despite having such a large community area, very few trees and other obstacles are factored into the design of the course. The bulk of the holes are simply drive/approach and putt. Additionally, the fairways border some gnarly brush that is dense and full of prickers. It would be very easy to lose a shanked drive in the thick rough. Drainage was an issue on a few of the holes and the tees and fairways were soggy.

Other Thoughts:

For families, those starting out, and for locals near the course, Harry Dunham park offers a great opportunity to play disc golf. For any seasoned player, this course would be great practice for approach and putting.

As happens with many courses that are in community parks, the land allotted for DG probably factored into the layout. If the surrounding woods were included in the course (perhaps another 9 holes) and if some of the baskets were repositioned to make the existing holes longer and/or more challenging, Harry Dunham park could easily step up a few pegs and be a quality DG course that Central/Northern NJ so desperately needs.
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3 1
Experience: 12.4 years 48 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Perfect place to learn and pratice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 22, 2010 Played the course:once


Very well maintained public park, plenty of parking, Great tees and great baskets. All 9 holes have short and long tees. Some interesting shots. Its a very nice 9 hole course thats perfect to introduce a newbie, or work on your short game. The constant wind will test your skills


Park is busy, lots of families / kids, you need to be careful when you throw. The constant wind will test your skills

Other Thoughts:

It is very well designed for the property, the nine holes run the outside perimiter of a large park and playground and walking path. for the most part all fairways are open for play, but the walking path does come into play on a few holes. I gave it a 4 because its the best 9 hole course in the area.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 92 played 92 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Enjoyable Local Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 26, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Located in a very well maintained public park in Liberty Corner- one of those picturesque small towns you might see on a postcard, Harry Dunham is my favorite local 9 hole course in the Central Jersey Area. Has two tee pads at each hole and clearly marked signs with Par indicator. Hole 7 in particular is a challenge regardless of which tee pad you use, with tall grass on both sides serving as OB. Very easy to negotiate.


Probably not challenging enough for the advanced disc golfer. Many, many joggers, people walking their dogs and kids you must be mindful of when playing. Very soggy in spots after heavy rains. Would have been nice if some of the surrounding woods had been incorporated into the course.

Other Thoughts:

Of the three 9 hole courses in the area, Greenwood Meadows is the best at utilizing the available land, Chimney Rock has the most potential, and Harry Dunham is the nicest overall.Really a peaceful experience playing here despite the heavy park use. People are very friendly and twice older gentlemen curiously asked me "what game I was playing" and expressed approval. As it's a 9 hole course, you can play it two or three times in a morning. Not too far from Chimney Rock & Greenwood Meadows.Worth the trip.
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4 0
Experience: 15.6 years 42 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good short course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 7, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Asphalt tee boxes
Two tees per hole
Clearly marked
Well-designed, given the limitations of the park


Only nine holes
I wish they went into the woods behind #8 basket

Other Thoughts:

Of the three short courses in this area, this is my favorite. It's a nice little nine-hole course if you don't have a lot of time or if you want to show a beginner what disc golf is like. While it's mostly level, mowed grass fairways, they did their best to arrange the course around the few trees to make it a little challenging, and some of the holes have some good distance from the long tees for such a small course.

EDIT: I've been playing this course more lately for a variety of reasons. If you go when it's not crowded and aren't worried about hitting joggers or kids on the playground, it's a lot of fun to play this course in a semi-safari layout. Play 1's tee to 2's basket, 3's tee to 4's basket and so on until you get to 9, which you play to 1 and then go around again (2 to 3, etc.). It makes the course a lot longer and gives you some very interesting shots. I added this layout (with rough distances taken from Google Maps) to the course and called it the "Gold" layout.
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