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Johns Island, SC

Haut Gap DGC

1.445(based on 8 reviews)
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Haut Gap DGC reviews

4 0
Experience: 15.7 years 22 played 18 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Great Idea, Bad Location! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 31, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


*Easy to navigate
*Great use of small land, and wooded holes.
*Easy Ace Race for better players.


*ONLY 5 baskets are still in play.
*Due to being placed in a hidden location with no security, all of the amenties seem to vanish without a trace. (bad area)
*This course had alot of potential, however no more Love was given to it's upkeep after being installed.

Other Thoughts:

What could have been the best fast, fun and family friendly course in the Charleston area has become a victim to crime. What a shame, this course had very limited space, and seemed to have a great design using that land very wisely. This course need severe tender, live and care to survive.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 181 played 150 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2015 Played the course:once


Haut Gap DGC has a mix of both wooded and open shots, offering both tight and technical and wide open, with a few minor transitions between these two states of woodedness. The lines are varied, although there is a premium on straight, and there are some challenging windows to hit. Some of the more severe lines will even have you consider laying up, a rarity at such short distances. A few solid pin placements add to the challenge. The concrete tees are excellent, almost hilariously long, wide, and level given such short holes. Navigation is easy.


Haut Gap's mix of wooded and open sits at two extremes, with the open holes being exceedingly so and the wooded holes being quite tight, often courting luck or entering into "not a golf shot" territory. Some of the lines in the woods are very unrealistic. The combination makes it hard to tell who this course is meant for: the open shots and very short distances suggest beginners, but at least half these holes are very beginner unfriendly, owing to rough, extreme lines, and tight windows. As it stands, the course seems to suffer from this bipolarness.

Compounding the unfriendliness is the nearly omnipresent fence, which borders many holes and creates a lot of risk of losing a disc. There are breaks in the fence that allow one to retrieve a disc (as I thankfully discovered at one point), but I'm not sure that's always the case. Either way, the fence really hems the course in and lends an artificial sense to its environment.

In all, it's a constrained environment that lends the course an ace run feel, but that feel is countered by the drastic and occasionally absurd lines and tight windows on many holes.

Other Thoughts:

Haut Gap DGC made for a fun and casual round testing my accuracy throwing putters off the tee, but it's not a course that I would play with any regularity. The predominance of NAGS and the short distances makes for a weird mix. Worth spending 20-30 minutes to bag a course and test your putters' accuracy, but that's it.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.5 years 41 played 33 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


- Concrete tee pads
- Nice tee signs (much better than normal for a small niner)
- Some very interesting, technical holes
- Good variety of shot types (r>l, l>r, etc).
- Quite a few ace runs (managed my 1st ever on #9)


- The fence. Ugh. It comes into play on a few shots and is a PITA if you need to retrieve from over it. It also just gives the course a really weird feel.
- 2 wide open throwaway holes that just didn't feel right. Short and absolutely no obstacles. :(
- Short. Too short.

Other Thoughts:

This is a weird course. There are a few very nice holes that I really enjoyed, a few uninspired ones, and one I was scratching my head as to what to throw. As I look back at what I put as my pros and cons, I feel like I should be rating this higher.....but I can't. Stacked against other similar courses I would much rather re-play those than this...but I can't put my finger on exactly why. The closest I can come to is that the feel of this course is just confined and cramped with the fence & short holes packed in tight.

Update - A note on parking - hole 1 is easiest accessed if you park behind the public library, not at the school.
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4 1
Experience: 30.6 years 119 played 9 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Passable 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 7, 2013 Played the course:once


They only installed 9 holes. Baskets are single chain but catch well. Tee pads are concrete and large. The course plays through a nice hardwood/pine thicket with 3 or 4 interesting holes. The designer did a decent job with what he had to work with in such a small area with th 6 tight wooded holes and 3 short open holes.


It's a forced design into an area probably not large enough for a decent 9 hole course. Since the entire course is fenced in, (some holes by a 10' fence), the chance to lose a disc here is high. I wouldn't take my kids here or allow them to throw all the holes. Not worth your trip unless your in the area or bagging courses.

Other Thoughts:

Description on the course home page says park next to the tennis courts behind school. DO NOT do this. The course is behind the school and fenced in. The gate to get to the first hole was locked and we had to walk around the side of the school until we found an opening in the fence near the garden and hole 3. It appears parking at the library is the best way to get to hole 1.
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3 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Good for Learning 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2013 Played the course:once


Somewhat strange course that nonetheless contains some fun holes and boasts great components. The tees are perfect and bigger than necessary for the course. The signs are beautiful, and seem to be designed for a far more important course. The baskets are shiny and impressive. A ton of money went into building this small schoolyard course.

There is some good hole design too. 1 is a straight shot through the woods and two is a nice arc that sweeps over a wetland area. 5 and 6 also are well-crafted fairways that play through the trees. Those holes play like they are part of a much bigger course than this is, especially when combined with the quality of the facilities.

As is, it is a nice beginner-level course that flows nicely from hole to hole and while not providing too difficult a challenge, creates a good introduction to the game.


But the whole course is weirdly fenced in and it feels very confining in parts. 3 and 4 are small shots across an open green in a very small, shared space. They feel odd after the first two holes, and I was wondering if something was moved from the original design. It doesn't help that there is a small pond that is within the course but also fenced in itself. It's a bit like playing in a cage. The worst is hole 7 which runs along a fence, the other side of which is a yard I would not want to have my disc land in. There are nice tee benches in there too, but instead of being placed next to each hole, they're in a circle near hole 8.

Other Thoughts:

While the amenities are great, and there are some fun holes, I wouldn't send an experienced player here unless he's bagging courses. Should be great for the young ones though.
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Solid course for Haut Gap Middle School 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 25, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Haut Gap is a very nice, beginner friendly course. It definitely meets its goal of being geared towards the middle school students.
- This is a simple, straight ahead design, with nothing flashy. There's a solid mix of open holes (#2 - 4), wooded and doglegs. The course offers some ace runs, as long as holes that require good accuracy to avoid hitting trees.
- Course has a nice, easy flow to it. Thanks to good design, there are nine holes in a small piece of land, without a feel of them playing on top of each other. The lone exception is the down and back layout for #3 & 4.
- Course is easy to navigate. There are good tee signs, that show the hole layouts, along with the direction of the next hole. The course has nice big tee pads. Baskets are in pretty good shape as well.
- Good course for a quick round. You can easily play nine holes in less than half an hour, or play through twice in 45 minutes.
- Very good course for beginners. The biggest obstacles are the trees, especially on a couple of the wooded holes. #6 & 7 come to mind as the examples. The only chances of losing a disc are by throwing over the fence that runs along the right side of #6 & 8.


There's very little to find wrong with this course. It does a great job of reaching all of its goals. There are only a couple of nitpicking things to mention here.
- Course isn't going to appeal to better players. It's a little too easy and straight forward for more experienced throwers.
- Some of the wooded holes need to be cleared a little better. There's still some stumps and underbrush on #1, 6 & 7. You've got to keep one eye on the ground as not to trip on a stump or root.
- There seemed to be a little more room to create another challenging hole or two. Holes #2 - 4 are all wide open and straight, all around 200 feet. More experienced players will feel like you should get deuces on all three holes, or you've thrown away strokes.
- The course, obviously, is closed during school hours. So you can only play on nights, weekends or summer.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course for the middle school students. Any school course, especially one like this that is designed well, can only be a positive for the growth of the game.
- This is a simple course, but it's a job very well done.
- It's only a couple minutes from Trophy Lakes, as well as the Johns Island course, so it's a good warm-up course, or a good place to play several nine-holers.
- There was no true signature hole, nor was there a true bad hole. It's a good sampling of different hole layouts for the students at the school.
- I'm giving this course a 1.5 rating, but that's not an indictment of anything wrong here. In fact, this is about as good of a 1.5 rated course as you're going to see. My ratings are heavily based on a course's overall quality, and difficulty/challenge is the biggest factor in that rating. The course more than meets its goal of being a good, beginner course aimed at the middle school students.
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3 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 62 played 60 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Constrained by the Fence 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 20, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great job fitting in 9 holes into a small piece of available land. There is a nice blend of wooded and wide open holes.

Nice ace runs.

Great brand new concrete tee pads which give awesome grip. Also very nice signage with a course map at the first tee.

Hole 7 is a beast of a par 3 because of the trees. Though not necessarily a good design, it is fun to navigate.


The tall fence is a bit frustrating at times...it is definitely in play. The fence makes the whole course feel odd and constrained, and really is a pain if you have a bad throw and end up over it as it is in some places 10 feet tall. The course has a very claustrophobic feel to it because of these artificial borders.

The Disc Nation goals are not the best...single chain baskets that don't really grab the disc that well.

Holes 3-4 are just short straight away holes in an open field... a bit boring.

Hole 7 lacks a well thought out path...not really sure what to throw on the tee here or where the fairway really is.

Other Thoughts:

A really quick but fun short course on school grounds. Nice neighborhood and a good practice course. But for any real challenge, there are better courses in the area.

That said, this course is very new. It needs to be broken in a bit, there is definitely some uneven soft ground and a lot of loose underbrush. With some better paths worn through the woods and possibly a bit more play, this course definitely has room for improvement.
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5 0
Carolina Crushers
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 25 played 25 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Ace Race Time!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


* All 9 holes feature huge concrete tees for great grip!

*All brand new Disc Nation goals.

*Great Signage at every hole with easy naviagation.

*This course is half open and half wooded, which is a great change for the little amount of land used.

*This is a fast-fun ace race course for better players and a great starter cousre for new players.


*The landscape requires some serious work before children can safely play here. There is heavy debris around the wooded holes.

*Too easy of a course for an advanced player, serious players can become bored quickly at the lack of far disatnces.

*The fence around this course is great to stop the local middle school children from walking onto the course. However it is fairly easy for a newer player to lose a disc over the fence.

Other Thoughts:

Although this course is not as demanding as I like, I found it to be very fun for an Ace race, and a good course to practice tight wooded shots.

****this course is still under heavy maintance, as the course gets better, I will update my review!
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