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Carmel, IN

Hazel Landing Park

3.925(based on 26 reviews)
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Hazel Landing Park reviews

5 3
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Best Course in Greater Indianapolis 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This course has gotten better and better over the years. A lot of the undergrowth that existed originally has thinned out leading to fewer lost discs. With not much elevation change to work with in central Indiana, the wooded holes are the perfect equalizer. The wooded holes are tough but fair with clear paths to the basket. There is a nice mix of longer and shorter holes and the back tees should offer a decent challenge to even hard core players.


The nettles are not fun, but they only come into play on three holes. This is definitely a course you can lose a disc or two on. We occasionally run into hikers wandering around the course taking in the scenery with no idea they're in the line of fire.
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7 7
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

my fav in Indy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2015 Played the course:once


Best course around as far as diversity in shot characteristics as well as terrain. It's well secluded, the only other people you may see while playing is the occasional trail walker or kayaker. Beautiful scenery and clean grounds. Top notch baskets and dual concrete tees.


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, somebody change the baskets back to the short settings. They have seriously been in the B placement ALL YEAR. I'm not a fan of any courses changing the basket locations, especially if they have multiple tee pads. If a player feels ballsy and wants a challenge, just use the long tees! Half of my friends said they wouldn't play this course with me until they move the darn baskets back!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING THEM BACK DOWN. Oh, and do something about all these dag gone nettles! I seriously keep a long scycle like stick with me when I play this course so I can mow thru the nettles without getting stung to death.

Other Thoughts:

Another thing missing here is a community bulletin board. I know, its the 2010's and everything's online, but I find guys get more enthusiastic about future events and leagues when they see it on a board right before they play a round!
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8 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.5 years 112 played 95 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Challenging Scenic Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 1, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Baskets - 18 grippy Innova Discatcher baskets. There are 2 possible locations per hole (A and B). B is more difficult and A is shorter and slightly easier.

Practice Basket with 9 pavers circling it with distances listed.

Tee Pads - 2 large concrete tee pads per hole.

Signs - Each tee has a sign (2 signs per hole). Signs show a picture of the hole including both tees and both basket locations, distances, par, and how to get to next hole. Detailed course map at the start of the course. Detailed description at practice basket on how to play a game using the stone pavers. Also there are several signs pointing to the next tee when there could be confusion.

Variety - Open holes with distinct fairways, moderately wooded holes, heavily wooded holes, holes surrounded by tall grass, long holes, ace run holes, blind shots, thick rough, and 2 water hazards. Course does a great job of blending these. 1 - open with narrow fariway, 2 open with a guarded basket, 3-4 in woods, 5 in open, 6-8 in woods, 9-10 short ace runs bordering a fast flowing river, 11-12 in the open, 13 technical hole with guarded basket, 14 long hole surrounded by tall grass, 15 blind shot starts open ends in woods, 16-17 medium length hole with guarded basket, 18 mostly open blind shot. All wooded holes have some sort of slight elevation change.

Park is very peaceful and scenic.

Trash can before hole 1, at tees for hole 8, and after 18.

Benches on site made from tree stumps.

Stairs when needed.

If there is not a next tee sign and a fork in the path, the incorrect path will have a log laying across the path (leaves path usable but suggests you use other path).

Course is very difficult and technical. It will challenge any skill level. Aimed towards intermediate or advanced players. It brings the best out in you. It is difficult to save par (can also be a con). Unlike other area courses, this course is extremely technical. It makes you think and you have to know which type of throw to use.

Course is in much more of a nature park setting (paths through woods). It is very spread out. When brush/rough grows in, holes are very secluded from each other.


Course is very challenging. It can be hard to save par. When the brush surrounding holes grows in, you can spend plenty of time looking for discs. It can make or break your day. (Before it grows in, you won't have any difficulty finding discs).

Poison Ivy and thorns are included in the rough. I would suggest playing in the early spring or the late fall before/after it grows in.

Most wooded holes flood after a long rain (river overflows).

No bathrooms on site (yet).

The gravel road needs to be paved. It is full of holes.

Course is mostly flat.

Could use a few more next tee signs (after 8, after 10).

Other Thoughts:

This is the most challenging course in Indianapolis. It has a bit of everything. Overall, the Frankfort course is just as challenging if not more challenging due to wooded holes with extreme elevation.

I have played this course in both basket positions. Course is challenging even from the easier of the 2 positions.

This course is challenging even from the AM tees. It makes you pick your throw and it makes you think. If this course is too challenging, there are plenty of options for you to use.

If you are looking for a challenge, I would recommend this course. If you are a beginner, I would suggest practicing more before trying this course, you will get frustrated. It will definitely make you better either way.
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7 1
Experience: 37 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

DG Paradise 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2013 Played the course:once


• Tee Pads: The tee pads were great. Very long and course.

• Multiple Baskets/Pad Layouts: The course is able to be setup in multiple configurations. You have the Gold tees (long) and the Blue tees (short). There can also be different pin locations, short and long (labeled A and B).

• Signage: Before you even get to the first hole there is a massive sign with a course map and general info. Once you get to the tee pads you will see a sign on both the Gold and Blue tees of each hole showing the distance to pin location A and pin location B. At the end of most holes there is a sign pointing to the next tee pad.

• Baskets: Brand new Innova Discatchers. Very nice!

• Location: You feel like you are out in the middle of nowhere. It is very beautiful and set long the banks of the White River. Water can come into play on a couple holes. Some of the holes along the bank are very picturesque. It honestly doesn't feel like you are in the heart of Indiana. It's worth the walk even if you aren't playing a round.


• I feel like on some of the holes on the bank of the river where they were missing a few "next tee/hole" signs. We almost teed off on 13, I believe, instead of walking further down the ridge to the next hole. Someone playing behind us actually did end up skipping 2 holes because he didn't walk far enough. We had to direct him further down. This is being pretty nitpicky and if you play this course more than once you will have it figured out.

• Wish there were benches at each tee pad.

Other Thoughts:

This is by far my favorite course I've played so far. If I lived closer I would play it every day. Bring your "A" game as this course has the ability to chew you up and spit you out. It is worth mentioning the rough. I wouldn't classify it as either a pro or a con but the rough can be deep. You will be rewarded for great shots and punished for bad shots. Throw bright colored discs; it will greatly cut down on the time looking for errant shots. We didn't have spotters and didn't really have problems finding our discs. As for attire, most recommend long pants to play here, but it was quite steamy and warm that day and we played in shorts and tall socks and it was fine. For the two of us it took about 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete. This is a great course and one that should be visited by all DG'ers that are visiting the Indy area. It really is a treat!
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11 6
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 103 played 49 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Finally, a ridiculous course in my area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2013 Played the course:once


I'm going to be honest, I heard a lot of hype about this course before I went and finally got off of my duff and played it today.
Let me say this before I get started; This course if the real deal, Holyfield. This isn't for sissies. This isn't some local pitch and putt, scraped out of a little municipal park. This is an honest to god, destination disc golf course. So when you people get all clown shoes and review a 9 holer with no tee pads as a 4 or a 5, and we have this kind of course out there, I truly wish nothing but bad things on you and yours.
OK, on to the pros:

The setting - The course is secluded. There are no people walking their dog or random civilians just popping their heads out to see what you are doing. The park sits near fall creek, and it's one of the prettier disc golf parks that I have ever seen. It's hard to imagine a better setting for our ridiculous sport.

Tee pads - Two long, roughed up cement tee pads per hole. So there is one shorter course and a longer, MUCH more difficult gold course. And let me say this; the gold course is not just a longer version of blue. The course is 8-10 strokes harder from the golds. We played both of them, and the tee pads for all 36 spots are nice and long, very level and super well done. Props!

Signs - If you get lost on this course, you might find something simpler to do. Like...I dunno...roller blading or something. The signs show both pin locations from both tee pads. There are "next tee" signs all over the place, in between holes. There is a GIANT map of the course at the beginning of the course as well. The quality of the signs are perfect and professionally done. I've seen one other place with better signs, and that was down in Florida.

Baskets - First rate, brand new Discatchers. There are multiple pin locations for every hole. I really like these baskets as well. I had not played on the new Innovas. and I was very happy with the way they caught.

Variety - in 36 holes, there are probably 30 very distinct shot type. Long, sweeping annys. Tight, super low ceiling wood shots. Thumber shots. Tunnel shots next to a creek. At the end of the day, you could play this course all day and learn brand new things about your game every time you go out. I feel like this is the kind of course that a disc golfer would get better on in a hurry.

This is a hard disc golf course. I read a review on here where someone listed that as a con. Well, I am gong to balance that out by saying "keep it in the fairways man". Of course the rough is..."rough". IT'S IN THE NAME OF THE OBSTACLE! These fairways are perfectly fair and wide open. If you get into the junk, then throw better! If I can walk out and boatrace a course the first time I see it, then I won't want to go back. But if I got out and the course pushes me down and takes my lunch money, then I am going to want to come back. Replayability is a HUGE factor. I live an hour from here and I plan on scheduling my trips to the area around playing this course.

I mentioned it before, but this really is two courses in one. Gold is long and technical. Blue is medium and technical. Play both and have a blast. It's a challenge! (if you're new to the game, I wouldn't advise playing gold though)


I will say, don't play this course by yourself unless you're a super good disc golfer. There are times when you need a spotter for some of the blind spots. Though I am putting that in the cons, I don't find it to be a real downside. But the fact that you NEED a spotter and can't play by yourself (or shouldn't at least), then I reckon it has to go in the cons. But I am nitpicking.

There are logs on some holes to sit down on. But the place could use more places to rest your weary, broken, tired spirit.

...Get a water fountain or something out there? Maybe? truly, I am nitpicking.

If there is ONE thing missing from this course, it's the lack of a signature hole. Like one really "Oh wow, do you remember this..." about the place. There are lots of super neat shots and incredibly technical golf to be had, but not one mind blowing place. (again, I am nitpicking here. I guess that's sort of my job)

Other Thoughts:

At the end of the day, I have to say that this is my new favorite "local" course. It's hard, but it is fair...think of it like a disc golf course version of the Drill Sergeant from Full Metal Jacket.

I feel like the best compliment that you can give a course is "I am still not sure what disc to throw on that hole, and I played it twice".
Everything has been well thought out on this beautiful piece of land, and I truly can't wait to play it again.
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9 0
Jeff Feezle
Experience: 32.8 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One of the Best In Indy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 4, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


One of three great courses in a 4 mile area (the others being The Hill and Dillon Park.) There is a fourth disc golf course, Inlow Park, but it is a 9-hole Pitch and Putt course only.

Hazel Landing Park is a decade in the making: designer Dennis Byrne pulled out all the stops on this course;
new DiscCatcher baskets, large concrete tee pads, and a blue course (Medium difficult) and a gold course (very difficult.) A good Amateur score on the Blue course would be 3-6 over. The gold course would be double that. Imagine a disc course cut directly in a fairly untamed park, with 15 foot side weeds, with
fairways carved out by a tractor, and you get the gist of the course. Only 4-5 holes are 'open', with the rest of the course in a wooded area with ancient thick-based trees. The key to playing this course is simple: stay on
the fairways. The wooded fairways are not 'opened up' and have thick trees on the right and left, and 6 inch
trunk trees scattered throughout the openings.

In the open holes, tall prairie grass used to prevail, but great course trimming has cut down the lost disc time. This course is definitely not for new golfers; it requires too much finesse and a lot of power drives from the gold tees. Although water is on one or two of the courses, it doesn't come into play much (unusual for a Byrne course.) There is a nice warmup practice basket before you enter the woods.
Two tee signs (Houck-Platinum signs) are on every hole: with complete visual graphic and distances, and both locations/pins on both signs.


UPDATED 12/09/13: Next Tee signs are helpful and six are out there now to help navigate thru the woods. There are now benches and sitting stumps on 1/3 of the course. More to be added later in 2014. Use your insect repellent and you'll thank me later. You will bang your disc against trees, so plan your bag accordingly.

Other Thoughts:

Hazel Landing, when final touches have been done, will be one of the premier Indianapolis area courses for a long time. Is it fun AND challenging to play? Hell, yeah, and that's the bottom line.
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9 1
Matthew boals
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.4 years 288 played 65 reviews
4.50 star(s)

On the 15th year it was installed, and worth the wait. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 27, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


A VERY beautiful and secluded park. The newest DISCatcher "28" with a practice Hole/Putting game. Two Large, 5' x 12', concrete tee pads. Two DISCatcher locations per hole. Tee signs at each tee. You'll need EVERY shot in your game! From the short somewhat wooded #9 283' (Gold tees) next to the White River. To # 14 547' Wide open into the wind bomber hole! Too #13 347' "thread the needle" & #8 386' "Open Wooded" #7 375' double dog leg & #11 fast green and EVERYTHING between!


Bring water. Built in a flood prone area. STRONG Spring storms will make it impossible to play. But for only a few days a year. Mostly flat, there is some terrain change (Old farmer Levee used as a divider between holes and the end of it used as the "Fast Green" for #11). The Rough is THICK and the wildlife COULD be Dangerous, Snakes.

Other Thoughts:

Port-o-let is seasonal. The fairway grass will be getting cut at the end of Aug., Sept., Oct. The course is getting a beat down from HEAVY use. So, looking for your disc wont take to long. give yourself about 90 minutes for a round, for two players.
Wear long pants, Boots & Bug Spray.
From I-465 & Keystone Ave. its about 10 minutes to the park, many lights, traffic can be rough depending on the time of day. Give
yourself two hours to play your first round.
Hotels can be found east of I-69 north side of 96th St. ENJOY and don't forget to play the other 2 near by 18 hole courses!
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8 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.2 years 151 played 22 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Are you ready? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 21, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Very scenic course. Brand new Innova "28" baskets and Houck Platinum signs, 18 holes plus a practice basket/area. Large 5' x 12' brush finished concrete, Gold and Blue tees with "A" and "B" pin locations on each hole.Tons of mature trees on most holes force players to shape and plan their shots. A good drive, good approach and good putt are needed or a bogey (or worse) lurks, ready to pounce! Also some open holes to allow for some "grip it and rip it" shots. Nice variety of straight, hyzer and anhyzer shots required (sometimes on the same hole). This course will test you. Good shots are rewarded with another good opportunity, bad shots are punished. The overall course is fairly flat, but lots of "local" terrain changes. Benches at some holes, this is a long course. Recently got a port-a-let for the season and some more trash cans.


No water available, bring it. It is a heavily wooded course, bring the bug spray. The rough is still rough, but there are reductions already in the amount of schule on many holes, but still plenty of nettles and poison ivy. Can be easy to miss the small sign on Hazel Del Parkway. Go slow on the road coming in, it was recently smoothed, but it is still a gravel road....

Other Thoughts:

Not a course for beginners (there are other nearby courses for that). Bring your "A" game, you will need it. Stay in the fairways, the rough swallows discs. Although in a city park, this is still a "semi-wild" property with lots of wildlife, including deer, coyotes, all kinds of small mammals, owls and tons of other birds and bees, some snakes (including some venomous ones, be careful reaching into blind areas). With two other 18-hole courses within 4 miles or so, you can make it a day! At the end of that day, you can cool off at the free mini-splash park at Lawrence W. Inlow, just north on Hazel Dell Parkway to 131st St and turn right, go 1/2 mile and turn left into the park. There is a FUN 9-hole pitch and putt disc golf course there that's good for the whole family. Great for a warmup round before playing the other courses, or for an ace-run / birdie bash at the end of the day!
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