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Live Oak, FL

Heritage Park & Gardens DGC

2.895(based on 9 reviews)
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Heritage Park & Gardens DGC reviews

11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 12.9 years 117 played 81 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Alive in Live Oak

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2023 Played the course:once


Concrete tees (x2) / decent baskets (x2) / proximity to highway / ample parking / the space seems dedicated to disc golf / navigation is pretty easy / mix of wooded/open / some range of distances and shots required


All layouts skew towards the short side / seems like it could be a bit cramped if you've got several groups out, and depending on how experienced those groups are, the fairways on the second half of the course could seem even more cramped / Florida-flat / intermediate and more advanced players probably won't find too much challenge here

Other Thoughts:

I thought it would be fun to try and review Heritage P&G DGC in no more time than it took to play it. Here goes.

I had completed some unfinished business in Mobile and decided to jam over to Jacksonville to see an old friend before heading home. It's a quick 6 hour burn, and around halfway there is Live Oak, home of the annual Suwannee Hulaween concert weekend. It's also the home of a quick little nine-hole bag at Heritage P&G.

The day I played in late September it was evident the area was still cleaning up from Hurricane Idalia some weeks prior. The course itself wasn't in bad condition, but the tees were covered in pine needles, making it look as if the locals had had more pressing concerns than leagues lately.

Heritage was a nice quick leg stretch - late morning on a Saturday I had the place to myself. Two tees, two baskets, all 4 combinations leaning to the shorter side overall. It cannot be exaggerated the lack of elevation here - the course is the textbook definition of Florida-flat. Despite this, I wouldn't say Heritage is one-dimensional. The trees are used to great effect, affording some needle-threading opportunities, and there are a couple holes in the open, showcasing that Florida-flatness but giving the course some balance in terms of wooded/open.

I'd consider it a good challenge for beginners, experienced players may be underwhelmed, especially anyone looking for ball-golf distances and, well, any elevation whatsoever.

Play time was a half hour, tops. Which means I have to end this review if I want to achieve my goal. Final thoughts - Fun little niner, worth the bag.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 764 played 387 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice Easy Play On A City Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2020 Played the course:once


Pulling into Heritage Park And Gardens 9 Hole Course , I was unsure how this course would play out . You will immediately see several baskets and wonder if the park is too cramped to play . This is deceptive and I will explain in a few . First , the parking lot is small , but enlarging it would shorten hole 9 . There is a kiosk near the parking lot with a good map of the course .Print the map , or you might wander around a bit . A practice basket sits a little beyond the parking lot , as you go to hole #1 . There are some trash cans randomly at some of the tees , and some nice benches to sit , which helps since the course was crowded on the Friday afternoon that I played . The park was spotless when I was there and was mowed . There are 2 nice sized cement tee pads AND 2 baskets per hole . The short tee pad ( red rectangle on the back of it ) matches up with the red Discatcher baskets in the short position , and the longs match up with yellow banded Discatcher baskets . This is such a great feature . A foursome of different skill levels can meet at the course and play together . Also , a newbie can learn on the red to red baskets first , then move maybe red to yellow or long tee to red basket , then eventually work up to long to Yellow . This way , someone's progression can move at a slower or faster pace . The signage here is very good , metal set on a wood post on each tee pad showing hole # , par , Distance and flight path . The course itself has an odd flow to it . You start off on #1 throwing away from the parking lot , then make a hard right turn , stepping past the basket for 5 , throw 2 , which in the longs is pretty cool , since the ground drops off some at the end , making the basket hidden . Take a hard left and you will now play 2-5 in a big square . 3 throws across a field into a bush line , 4 throws from that same bush line out into the open and back to the right to the baskets set into the same bush line . 5 is the longest hole on the course at 560' . It throws across a large field . a big tree has a canopy that will swat away your 2nd throw if it goes in too high . 6 starts parallel to hole 2 , and goes back and forth with holes 7-9 . The throwing lanes are manageable here , but not overly generous . There are trees that can be hit on 1-2 and 6-9 . A hint on hole #9 . When lining up to throw into the fairway , you immediately see a basket in front or just a little right of you . That is the basket to hole 7 . Hole 9 baskets are on the left and hidden from sight , making you bend your midrange or drive right to left ( or let to right if you wish to bend your throw towards the road ) . This course plays fast . I was able to play it solo in under 30 minutes . A group of 4 might take an hour or so . Disc Risk : Very low . Maybe if you griplock a drive to the right on 4 or 5 , or stick it in one of the trees near the front of the course . The course is easy on the legs , as the elevation is very little , and the course can be a leg stretcher since it sits next to I-10 and 11 miles from I-75 south . A few holes that you can air it out , and several more technical holes all in 9 holes .A popular but peaceful course . Signature hole ? I guess #5 because it sits long at 560' and made me work for a 3 .


#1. Safety . The course was getting a lot of play for a late Friday afternoon , and as I said before , a perfect haven for casuals and newbies , even families . With the fairways right next to each other on 2 , 6,7,8, and 9 , it seems very possible to be struck with a disc , even if it's not a bad throw . You might want to keep your head up and be aware of the other disc golfers . #2 The course doesn't seem to generate excitement for the regular or advanced player . If you can throw reasonable straight , then you will not deviate much from tee pad to pin . I think I only had to band a drive on #4 and a midrange on #9 . The course is flat and plays short , even from the longs . The parking lot could stand to be paved and slightly bigger , but I guess you can't have it all .

Other Thoughts:

I know that a 2.5 score makes me look like I was barely impressed , but it wasn't true at all . I rarely give a score for a 9 hole course higher than a 2.5 . Just off of major interstates and a great course to use as a warm-up for or a warm-down from Magnolia ( pick up a sandwich and eat here ) , This is a nice course to come to . Hey , a park full of players can't be wrong , can they !? A lot of work has gone into this course to make your rounds here enjoyable . The Fun Factor is here . Thank You , Live Oak Parks and Rec for letting me play here and making this course happen . My Recommendation ; While not competitive enough for good ams and pros , they can still work on their short game . Everyone else , from the traveler , to the course bagger , to casuals , locals , newbies , one-discers , and families , This is the place for you . A quick play , give this course a round or 2 .
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8 0
Experience: 7.3 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Surprisingly fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 10, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


As others have stated, this course has two sets of tees and two sets of permanent baskets. There are some nice tees and tee signs and the park was clean. There is a putting basket to warm up on near the parking lot.

There are a couple holes in which you need to be able to throw a tunnel shot straight for 200' to get in circle 1 for a birdie. I enjoyed the longer shots from the "pro" tees better due to some additional challenge of longer distances. Holes 3-5 from the long yellow pads/baskets allow players to test their ability to throw out in the open for over 400'.


I never got lost, but couldn't find the yellow basket on hole 2 until I threw my shot. It was down a hill and hidden until you got about halfway down the fairway (just where the tee sign said it'd be).

One of the tee pads is cracked, but is still very playable.

The red (beginner) tees should all be par 3; however, holes 5 and 8 are marked as par 4 for some reason. Hole 5 is around 350' with no obstructions until the tree above the basket. Hole 8 is even shorter but a more difficult shot with lots of pines to get through to get close to the basket.

Other Thoughts:

I'll be back!
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not Magnolia, but still a great city park course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 6, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


(2.718 Rating) (REVISED - replayed August 2017)
- DUEL PINS AND TEES - Far and away the best thing about Heritage is the duel pins and tees at each of the 9 holes. I'm a big fan of this type of format when space is at a premium. This setup is great for groups of multiple skill levels. It also allows players the opportunity to never play the same round twice as they could randomize the tee and pin they play at each of the 9 holes.
- CHARACTER - A surprising number of course amenities and comfort items. There is a wonderful course map near hole (1). There is great hole signage at both tees. Most of the tees are shaded well and have above average sized concrete pads. Seating appears at a handful of holes and there are a couple of trash cans. There's a practice basket near (1) tee and all the baskets are DISCatchers. The course feels like an established course, yet its only 4 years old.
- NAVIGATION - I don't find any major issues as a quick photo of the course map clears up most issues.
- ACEABILITY - A few of the holes are highly aceable, especially holes 1, 6 and 9.
- FORGIVENESS - The odds of losing a disc due to an errant shot is low with the exception of throwing high in a tree or into the heavy overgrowth, right on (5). I have a very nice driver hanging out in the overgrowth on (5). In general, errant throws are not further punished.
- MAINTENANCE - The grounds have been kept up well for all of my visits and the park is very clean.
- LOCATION - A 20 minute drive from the I75 and I10 junction. Easy to play as a quick detour before a more challenging course. Like Magnolia for instance.
- QUICK PLAY - A single could easily complete a full 9 in under 30 minutes. Groups of 4 would probably finish in under an hour.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - A lovely park without any noticeable blemishes. Heritage my not have any blow me away holes like those at nearby Magnolia, New World or Tom Brown, but every hole here has tranquil look and feel to it. The open rolling meadows around holes (4, 5 and 6), I find to be quite meditatively peaceful.


Other than hole diversity it's hard to find any major complaints with this nice city park course.
- UNIQUENESS - The holes themselves in terms variety are below average. None of the holes are that exceedingly hard. Six of the nine shots feel the same, and play threw moderately spaced pine tree lanes. The duel pins and tees in several cases, only alter the hole by a length modification. I originally enjoyed hole (4), which pocketed left into a tree row, but the hole placement was moved into the clearing. It kind of sucks when your favorite hole has been altered on a course you had met only a year earlier. There are no water elements in play (some may consider this a blessing) There are no dog legs, and perhaps the most that any one hole veers is 10 degrees. There are also 3 short par 4s, with the longest being 550 feet from the back tees.
- ELEVATION - Maximum elevation change on any one hole is 15 feet on hole (5). You may be surprised to hear this, but this is actually above average for Florida (97 Florida course played as of this Revision). I do realize that, just about all parts of the country will consider this course flat.
- DIFFICULTY - Not much of a challenge to advanced players. The shot shaping required is extremely light when compared to nearby Magnolia. Advanced players should have no problem breaking par and should probably play them all 3s. Rec players may be delighted however as it can be a feel good round. It's a great opportunity for those players to finish around even.
- NO NIGHT GOLF - This would have been an ideal night golf course, but park closes at dusk
- PARKING - It's dirt and starting to pit a bit.
- SPACING - Not the best or worst out there, but I did end up in an adjacent fairway once or twice over 5 rounds. If the course were full of players, you would be wise to keep your head up and aware of other groups teeing off.

Other Thoughts:

Overshadowed by Magnolia, but Heritage does have its perks when comparing the two. Heritage is free, quicker to play and more forgiving.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.4 years 245 played 198 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Options 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 31, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice neighborhood course with two sets of tees and two sets of permanent baskets. Lot's of options here. Nice tees and tee signs. Well maintained and very clean. Set in a DG specific area of the park featuring many large pine trees and some open holes. Very nice chill spots and picnic tables to take a break. Fun. A good place to introduce the sport to new throwers.


Might be a little on the short side for some.

Other Thoughts:

Nothing earth-shattering here, but a fun quick play none the less!
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2014 Played the course:once


Fun rec course with some solid variety that provides an excellent introduction to the sport. At first I thought it was going to be one of those courses where all nine holes are cramped into a square lot, with a lot of bumping up against each other. It is not. Three of the holes explore the field beyond the semi-wooded area, giving the six holes room that are in that lot room to breathe.
Those three holes(3-5) offer up some real distance and some chances to watch discs fly unobstructed. The fields they play across are wide open but they aren't as boring as that sounds, even for the novice. 3 presents a row of trees that requires a player to hit one of two gaps or throw high over the whole thing, before mowing across the truly wide open space. 4 has the basket tucked against the right edge of the field, meaning there is no hyzer route to the basket. 5 is long and very open, until the end, where the basket is guarded by a canopy.
The other six traverse a plot that is what I would consider sparsely wooded. Thick trees with lots of high branches means shots are better kept low, and routes to the basket need to be planned. They are a little more technical, but there is a lot of room for error and new players shouldn't be frustrated. It also helps that as long as discs stay in the plot, the ground is clean and no time should be spent looking for discs. They aren't even that short from the white tees, with average hole lengths of about 280 feet.
There are also two sets of tees. While both are certainly accessible for new players, the whites are definitely harder than the reds, which usually avoid the early trouble that the white tees provide for the player that's ready to step up a little bit. That adds more variety to a course that already had a bunch of it. I'm pleased that this route was chosen, as opposed to the "add a second tee that's slightly to the right of the first instead of making a more difficult so that we can claim 18 holes" option. Speaking of tees, both sets are excellent and the tee signs are great as well. Overall, an excellent place for a new player to throw discs, and a quick stopover that should hold some interest for the veteran.


While there is no shule on the actual course, there are a few chances to go off property. On the very first hole, the fence on the left is fairly close and newb hyzers may go often go over it. At a course aimed at rec players, this probably causes some problems. When 8 is in the back position, it offers up a nasty area for players to wind up in if they go after the pin too aggressively.
Other than that, it's hard to find much fault with the course. It's an excellent rec course with limited appeal for players beyond that ability. Nothing memorable here. Nothing that makes you want to throw it again. Nothing of notable challenge.

Other Thoughts:

It also gels nicely with Magnolia, as that course does not cater to the new player. Nice that a town this size has its bases covered.
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7 0
Peter S
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 165 played 32 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Magnolia warm up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 4, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


I love how clean and manacured the grounds are. 6 of the 9 baskets are on a square portion of the grounds with longer holes 3, 4 & 5 pushing out beyond & back into the square. Mix of short to medium open holes through very tall mature pine trees. Manacured grass with pine needle grounds make for possable skip ace shots. Nice new signs give distance and par. Manacured grounds thanks to being on museaum property. Very close to I-10 or I-75 makes this a good rest stop for someone on a road trip.


only 9 baskets. However, the dual cement tees do offer a different enough looks beyond long & short to round out a fun 18 holes. No restroom for the ladies.

Other Thoughts:

Great beginner or Rec- course. Advanced players will find it a great pit stop for Magnolia to work the mid-range game. Need a snack, wild berries by tee 3. Very tough to rate. One of the best 9's I have played. Magnolia's proximity & only 9 baskets prohibit a higher mark. Fun factor prohibits a lesser rating.
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 84 played 34 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Pretty, Average 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 23, 2014 Played the course:once


This is a beautiful little course set next to some kind of apparently historical mansion. I didn't have time to check out the mansion part however. The park is set amongst mature trees, and there is virtually no underbrush, which might be common for this part of the world, but I'm from Kentucky , so it was a nice change for me. There are multiple pads and/or baskets for each hole (apparently, more on that later...). There is a nice sign at the start of the course and the parking is right by teepad 1. OB rings the course, but I never had a throw that got close to it. The trees are used well, providing a guarded basket or taking away that one line you wanted to throw. The tee pads and baskets themselves are nice. There is no water that I could see, but that might change in a few of the lower lying areas with a good rain or two. It is a fun course, but...


The layout can be confusing for a new player, even with the map. it suffers from what I like to call "small course syndrome" - you can see several baskets from each pad (except for 3 - 5). From hole 2, I played right towards basket 6, and didn't find hole 2 until I tracked around a bit (FYI, it's hidden down in a little depression. Play along the fence and you'll see it). And, I had no idea where 3 was, but that's partly my fault for not looking at the map. There were some signs pointing to the next pad, but not all of them were still there. Oversight or vandalism, I don't know, but either way, that type of sign is very helpful on a course that you don't know. As far as the multiple tees/baskets that the main sign lists: I did see a few of them, but either they are well hidden or there are only sleeves for the alt pin locations. There were definitely 2 pads for hole 7 because I thought one of them was hole 3 (before I found 2's basket) until I walked over to it. The parking is NOT at the mansion by the way. Go down the street a bit and you'll see it.

Other Thoughts:

All in all, it's a nice little 9 hole course, above average even if for nothing else than the overall beauty of the park. And, most of my complaints are centered around not having played it before. But, that is how you are supposed to judge courses: Ease of navigation, signage, tee pads/baskets, FUN! NItty gritty: "Is this a course I MUST play"--- I'd say no, but if you are in the area and don't have time to play the other course in this town, it's a nice stop.
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2 6
Mary G
Experience: 11 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great short course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 15, 2014 Played the course:once


Beautifully maintained - well marked, concrete tees. Nice mix of wooded and open. Very pretty terrain.


Short course, but just right for a leg stretcher.

Other Thoughts:

We loved this course which we visited while out of town. Will definitely revisit if over this way again.
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