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Olathe, KS

Heritage Park

3.785(based on 20 reviews)
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Heritage Park reviews

11 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 42 played 36 reviews
4.00 star(s)

This is your heritage!

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a very fun, varied course that plays mostly in DG-exclusive areas of this massive park.

There's a good variety of shots out here; I typically only bring 4-5 discs with me, and wished I had a few more on several shots.

The shot selection is good as well. There aren't a ton of wide-open holes to just huck it at the basket (think WyCo), but you get a nice mix of technical, wooded holes, and more open shots that use the foliage to force you to pick your lines effectively. Lots of spruce trees guarding the fairways and baskets.

This park is nice, but the land used for DG is probably some of the nicest in the whole park that I've seen. It really suits the sport well and is a relaxing play.

Signage is in good shape and clearly shows the pins, as well as the direction of the next teepad. I hadn't played here in over 6 years and had no issues finding my way around.

As appears to be the case for most of the courses in the area, there are multiple pin positions on the holes, which really helps make this one accessible for multiple skill levels. Not all of them are drastically different, but it's enough to change your shot selection and make you think. It also adds to the replay-ability of the course.

Wooded areas are used well to create some more technical shot opportunities, without just being the same boring tunnel shot over and over again.

There are minimal lost disc opportunities out here, in my opinion. The rough was maintained - not ridiculously high to where you'll lose a disc unless you're really not paying attention, but still high enough to punish a bad drive.

Maintenance is great. Grippy, solid tee pads with gorgeous baskets in impeccable condition.

While there are hillier courses around the area, Heritage uses what it has to pretty good effect.

Navigation is generally fine and pretty intuitive; next tee signage is good.

Very safe area with ample parking and clear signage.


There aren't really many (if any) super long, wide-open holes that you can really stretch out on, which is a little strange as there's ample land where they could've included it.

If you are a big fan of elevation, what's here is used well, but it's not as drastic as a lot of the other courses in the area. Lakeside Hills and Shawnee Mission are both relatively close by and have quite a bit more variety in that regard.

12 and 13 play right by Pflumm (Road). You're not in danger of throwing into the road thanks to the trees, but it's a bit noisy and distracting.

Although you're mostly in DG-exclusive areas, be mindful of the walking path cutting through near 16/17.

Other Thoughts:

This is an awesome course, in my opinion. The relative lack of elevation hurts the variety a bit, but it makes up for it with some great treed shots and just general beautiful scenery. I definitely wasn't bored here and always loved coming out here when I lived in the KC area. Looking forward to continuing to visit this gem in south JoCo!
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15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.5 years 193 played 122 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Little Elevation, Some Flaws, But Still Pretty Good 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 27, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


Heritage Park is a fun, well-maintained, and super challenging course with great amenities and a variety of challenges. There are 3 pins on most holes, extra baskets in all the par 4 positions, a practice basket, and the tee signs even indicate which pins are active.

Even if the pins were never moved, this course has a lot of replayability. With several lines on a lot of holes, there's a lot you won't understand about this course until you've played it several times. Things like how your disc is likely to fade into the woods even if you nail the first two gaps and give you a tough upshot. This course makes you remember the things that should be basics. The downside is that it makes for some more lost disc potential for first-timers, so feel free to play safe. Although the par 4's add more challenge, including a few proper two-shot holes, I also recommend you don't play them unless you know exactly where they are.

This course uses long par 3's really well. They might be a little on the hard side for most skill levels, but they do an excellent job making you take a difficult shot if you want to get all the way there in one. They also have different challenges at different parts of the fairway - gaps of various sizes, small finishes to some direction, or a challenging green.

The shorter holes have good variety as well. Some roller potential, some low ceilings, and some skip opportunity highlight what this course has to offer. And having multiple pins changes some holes in a subtle, but meaningful way - you may want a right finish instead of a left finish.

While being heavily wooded, this course does a fantastic job making most holes "in the open" while having a lot of trees around, and danger if you go off the fairway. Only holes 12-14 are properly in the woods, but all the others are close or have rough on both sides of the fairway. This gives a lot of opportunity for various types of shots while, in most cases, not offering any simple lines.


Some of the par 4 pins are just not good. Some are on the easy side, only adding a little distance to a par 3, and while the hole is still a good design, the distance ends up being an easy 3 or 4 for most people, depending on your skill and experience. On some others, the long pins(s) give more opportunity for a super aggressive over-the-top line, which is made possible by somewhat short trees and slightly elevated tees. On these, even if your drive ends up in the woods, you may still have an easy upshot for the three, but those lines are dumb and bring safety hazards and lost disc potential into play. And the worst of these is...

Hole 10. Utter garbage hole. The short pin has an easy RHFH/LHBH line, and on the others, you're either laying up or taking a crazy line. The fix should be to cut down or trim a few trees to open up the low line, then scoot the tee a little forwards to make you take that line (probably the right line), removing the over-the-top line from play.

Very little elevation change. The course design here mostly makes up for this, but it makes a few holes be a little boring, and a few others feel a little same-y. The tee shots of holes 8 and 17 have a small gap to hit off the tee, and while the challenge is there, I don't like that when you still need a decent amount of distance to get to the green. Hole 5 also has a skinny gap off the tee that's just too skinny. And hole 16 is just the wrong way to do a water hole, but if it was downhill, it would probably be pretty fun. The elevation that is present is used well, such as the uphill shots on 14 and 18, but there's just not much of it.

The brush is super thick here, for seemingly no good reason. While it makes the holes more punishing, especially the shorter ones, it also makes the aggressive shots less fun, even if they're still the right call. Hole 1 seems to be especially eager for discs to miss the initial gap and start rounds off poorly, and holes 10-15 can give a lot of trouble as well. Even the tall grass on 2, 6, and 7 is more dangerous than it may initially appear.

Holes 12 and 13 play near Pflumm Road, and if the road is expanded to four lanes in the future, like most roads in the area are, those two holes will be in trouble. Even now, the barbed wire fence comes into play on 13 if you take a skip to the right, and the road is a little noisy and annoying, even though it doesn't come into play.

Other Thoughts:

While this is a really solid course in pretty much all respects, it doesn't give me the wow factor very much, and the minor issues are there to make me hesitate to give a high rating. There is room for improvement though - there's a pond and some more woods behind hole 1 if the course wanted to lengthen a few holes or remove some of the weaker ones. A par 5 pin for hole 1 on the other side of the pond would be sick.

There's a walking trail around holes 1 and 16(ish), but the course stays away from it pretty well. The parking lot has a lot near it other than Disc Golf, so don't be worried if there are quite a few cars.

The lake is surprisingly close on hole 16. Just saying. Feel free to bail out to the left side. Not only is the short pin that way, but being on the left actually makes it easier to get to the long pin (and the longer pin that might be getting installed in the future).
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22 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.2 years 175 played 174 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Bases: Covered

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 30, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Heritage is a park of variety, difficulty, and quality. Large tee boxes for every hole with gravel around them, and now a basket in nearly every pin spot on the course, mostly MachX with a few Lat64 models sprinkled in. Each tee has a helpful tee sign with accurate distances.

The variety of the course is a huge plus. Open, wooded, gaps, doglegs, par 4s, tough par 3s. All working together to create a challenging round

The par 4s - if you choose to play them - are some of the best holes of the round. Hole 7 that narrows to the green on the second shot, Hole 14 is my favorite of the course, an uphill tunnel tee shot, followed by a dogleg right and a gap to get into the green. Hole 18 has trees both big and small to beat, and there is no middle line; you'll be challenging the trees on either side off the tee, then the final tree wall at the end.

The open holes are decent and have some nice shapes to them, but the holes in the woods (12-14) or across the hallway (8, 9, 17) are the highlights of the course.

Many epic greens to hit. 8 and 17 long especially, and 12 has a raised basket in a tree trunk with guardian trees all around it. You have to earn the deuce on these.


The rough. My first time playing here, I quit after 7 holes since I had searched for discs six times already and had lost two of them.

There are some poor pin placements. Holes 2 long, 6 short, and 15 short... are literally a basket stuffed 10 feet behind an evergreen. 15 isn't that bad but 2 and 6 are just terrible to try to birdie. And then there's hole 10. I'm not sure how many large evergreens are in the middle of the fairway 200' from the tee, but they leave you with a 5' wide gap on either side to hit. Either way, these feel poorly designed. Or maybe someone likes climbing evergreens for discs.

Some of the lines off the tee are a bit too tight (8, 15, and 17) which make it even more rewarding to get a birdie.

For people who have a cannon, some of the par 4s become frequent eagle opportunities (2, 11, and 16).

Hoe 16 really feels like a filler hole. Because it is.

Other Thoughts:

The first 7 holes are not the highlight of this course. Fairly flat with some good and some meh holes. But hole 4 gives you a taste of the incredible the rest of the course.

Having the multitude of basket options really opens the course up to higher level players, while keeping the shorts accessible to most people with a few rounds under their belt.

In the end, this is a great park course. It covers most regular people's shots, and advanced players have the chance to really push the envelope, but playing clean is almost always rewarded with low scores. Well worth a stop if you're in the southwest of KC.
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3 7
Experience: 5 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pretty good! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Good use of the park and nice mixture of holes. Hole 12 is amazing.


Lots of thorn trees. Rough areas are overgrown and difficult to find discs.

Other Thoughts:

Watch out for park rangers. They will make you pour out your beer.
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9 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.1 years 52 played 50 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Well designed and maintained 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2018 Played the course:once


A really nice course overall. Well maintained with concrete teepads, tightly mowed fairways, and rough that's, well, rough. Most teeshots have a moderate-sized window to hit initially, with very few being a flatout grip it and rip it opportunity. Great mix of long and short holes. As a RHBH dominant player, I felt like there was a fair mix of teeshots that played to a natural hyzer vs ones that required a turnover. The day we played had multiple holes in a longer Par 4 pin location, which was nice. The signs very clearly marked which basket location was being used that day and what par that location equated to. Course flow was well designed and exceptionally easy to navigate. It's located in a large multi-use park that clearly prioritizes disc golf; I don't recall at any point having to throw over a jogging trail or near a soccer field or playground. And here's a major bonus: we played on a Saturday mid-morning and the course was nearly empty! Based on what others reviewers have stated, that is not an abnormal experience.


Not a lot of truly memorable holes. I think the park's lack of natural elevation changes is a contributing factor in this, since the design of the course itself seemed to maximize the land's potential. Also not the most aesthetically pleasing course I've seen. This course lacks the "It Factor" but is still really solid.

Other Thoughts:

Heritage would be an awesome home course if I lived nearby. I feel like the combination of multiple basket placements, above average maintenance, and low traffic would make this a really fun course to play regularly. The course alone is probably most worthy of a 3.5 rating, but I gave it a half point bump because it seems to be way less busy than you'd expect for a course of it's caliber.
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5 2
Experience: 11.3 years 120 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun, Well Maintained Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


~ Lots of different drive selections, some longer holes, some shorter ones, left end, right end, you get the point.
~ Mach X baskets with concrete teepads
~ Very well maintained fairways (short cut grass on field holes)


~ The main thing I do net enjoy about the course is that many holes have between two and three pin locations; but it seems that they have no rime or reason as to what location they have them all set up on any given day. Recently they changed many of the baskets, I played a week later and another one or two were switched. If they rotated all on A, or all on B, or all A/C-A/B you get the picture.

Other Thoughts:

Overall after recently moving to the southern KC area this has been my favorite of the courses with 20 minutes driving time and the one con is not a big enough deal to make me want to play other courses instead.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.4 years 561 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Heart of Heritage 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 2, 2017 Played the course:once


Heritage Park is a nice park. It didn't have a lot of other traffic around the disc golf course. The nice tee signs sit next to large concrete pads. The baskets are in working order, and there are lots of possibilities for pin locations.

Terrain is primarily flat, but there are plenty of mature trees and tall grass rough patches interspersed across nice grassy fairways. A pond comes into play, but is not a high risk for losing a disc.

The layout is nice, I didn't have to spend much time looking at the map to navigate. Par 54 total without any excessive distance. Plays fast and fair. Plenty of room to make throws out of the box on most of the holes. The trees will create lanes and ceilings frequently, but still leave a good fairway.

I favored the back nine over the front. Fairways get a little tighter, and the interest rises a bit. It is tougher to get distance from the tee, and knockdowns can lead to tough second shots. The basket on 12 is raised on a stump. The water is in play next to hole 16.


I can't be overly critical, but I also don't feel a high level of excitement thinking back on playing Heritage. There are few holes that are memorable enough to warrant a second visit with several other great courses in the area, as well as several I have yet to visit.

Other Thoughts:

Heritage is absolutely worth playing. The design is very good, and is good for learning the game or maintaining skills. It isn't in the top tier of courses around KC in my opinion, but if it were my neighborhood course I would mind playing there on a regular basis.

I scored 58 during my only round at Heritage park. I made a couple of birdies, and a handful of bogies, with one double bogey. I would not mind a few more tries at it. There are some shorter holes that give chances to get under par, and I could clean up a few of the bad shots with repetitions.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 512 played 183 reviews
3.50 star(s)

KC’s got a Heritage of solid courses 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2017 Played the course:once


Nice course set apart from other activities in a large, multi-use park.
• Variety: Good. Heritage is all about keeping it in the well-defined fairways and out of the dense woods and brush lining them. A few holes open up enough to allow for a few different routes off the tee (especially if you have the arm to get up & over some of the trees in the fairway, and still get decent distance), but for the most part, you actually have to shape a shot and hold a line. The map makes it look like everything's straight ahead, but with 3 sets of rotating basket placements, it seemed to be set up so that not all the holes were straight ahead, and it felt like a decent mix of R & L turning fairways, (but I'm pretty sure it's possible to have the baskets arranged so that most of the holes are basically straight ahead). The range of distances is good, but not outstanding. That said, some holes "feel" quite a bit longer because they're tunnels.

• Challenge: Very good. Fairways do a good job of presenting a reasonably tough, but manageable window... swear I heard them saying, "Here's your line... hit it." Most of the time, the rough is thick enough that leaving the fairway will add a stroke or two, but there are some spots where it's more forgiving. Heritage is much more about shot placement and mitigating risk than it is about distance off the tee.

• Equipment: Very Good. Nice tee concrete tees, quality baskets, and tee signs that show all 3 pin placements (too bad they don't tell you the current placement). Everything (including fairways) seemed to be well maintained and in great shape.

Aesthetics: Lots of eye appeal - not stunningly beautiful, but a very green and pleasant setting.

• Navigation & Flow: Mixed feelings. Getting from hole to hole was pretty intuitive most of the way... don't recall using the map that much. However, we spent a lot of time walking fairways to spot baskets, because several of the pins were in blind placements and the signs don't tell you the current position.

• Memorable holes: #12 with its well-guarded basket atop the stump and #16, with water lurking to the right as you approach were standouts. I also really liked #15. Kudos for raising 12's basket a bit so that misses result in longer comebacks.

• DG exclusive - didn't see much else in this area.
• Ample parking (apparently not a given from what I saw at Lakeside & Water Works).


• Elevation: Meh. Pretty much flat. 16 plays a downhill enough to add some distance to your drive, and the terrain rolls a bit here and there, but this course is pretty freakin' flat. (See Other Thoughts).

• Repetitive: While I enjoy the finesse/control part of the game, Heritage starts to feel a bit repetitive toward the end of a round. The view from many of the tees has a similar look & feel. A couple of well-placed bomber holes would go a long way toward creating a change of pace.

• Where's the #$^$@! basket??? Regardless how nice the signs are, some system of communicating the current placement would be a HUGE improvement (and not just for visiting players). I'm a BIG fan of rotating pin placements; keeps things fresh and interesting for locals, and if changed regularly, you don't get those ever-growing dirt circles around the basket, because each position only gets used about 1/3 of the time... but for cryin' out loud, tell us where it is.

Other Thoughts:

I used to accept that you can't do much about creating elevation where nature doesn't provide any, but I've seen enough examples where courses have built up tee boxes or elevated baskets (like #12) to make things more interesting. Even a few feet makes a big difference in how a hole feels and plays. I've seen railroad ties and landscape timbers used to create a large box (approx 6' x 15' x 3' high). Fill with gravel and packed dirt, and tamp/compress, frame in a flush tee pad, add concrete and, voilà: elevated tee. Looks nice, too.

Wonderful complement to Lakeside Hills (about 10 miles away). Both are solid courses, with each providing what the other is missing. The two pair well for a great day's discing, but neither puts it all together, which keeps me from rating either one higher. That said, if I were local, I'd play more rounds at Lakeside.
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6 0
Experience: 8.6 years 42 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Enjoyable, not "WOWING" 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Every tee had a nice long tee pad a few had seating around and a trash can. Course was clean with a few cans laying around here and there, but overall very clean course.

Great parking and bathrooms close by, along with a shelter not far from the first hole, which is awesome if you are meeting up with a group.

Nice signage showing different pin placements, didn't have the ability to show current placement, but you can normally see the pin from the pad or a few steps up the fairway.

Not many open holes to have a bomb other than 2 and 11. The majority of the holes will require some kind of tunnel shot or straight accurate shot with a turn

A couple of my favorite holes were # 3 and #12
- 3: Not the most technical hole or most impressive, but who doesn't love an ace run?
- 12: Probably one of the staple pins on the course. Elevated basket with trees surrounding the pin.


I love courses that have a nice big board showing the course lay out and a bulletin board of some sort, I'm not sure if they are looking to put one in, but it currently does not have one.

We played the course after some rain and the course doesn't hold water very well in a few spots, but this won't be an issue every day.

Would also enjoy more benches and trashcans on each hole, but still a pretty young course, so improvements seem to be on the horizon.

Other Thoughts:

Decent course, I will say it have a young feeling and knowing the Olathe area they will most definitely be making upgrades on an annual basis.
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3 1
Experience: 15.2 years 38 played 23 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Maturing Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 18, 2017 Played the course:once


- Nice mix of technical and open shots
- Concrete tee pads and some have trash can and benches
- Fairly easy to navigate
- Good signage on the course


- No park signs pointing where the course is within the park (yet)
- Fairly easy to lose a disc from the mid spring to mid fall

Other Thoughts:

There were a few shots that made me actually think a little and the trees can be quite the determine to your drive. Given a few more years this could be one of the best courses in the KC metro.
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2 0
Experience: 14.2 years 22 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2016 Played the course:once


--Nice variety of shots.
--Excellent tees and baskets.
--Plenty of space.
--Nice mix of technical and non-technical throws.


--No pin position indicators.
--A few lengthy walks between holes.

Other Thoughts:

I've played disc golf for a number of years--primarily in Cincinnati. This course ranks near the top among my favorite courses. I loved the open feel of most of the holes mixed with the challenge presented by some of the more technical throws. As this course matures, I think it will become one of the best in Kansas City!
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3 2
Experience: 9.2 years 176 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Almost their 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2016 Played the course:once


Beautiful course in a very nice neighborhood. Good mix of open and wooded holes. Benches and trash cans at some holes. Grass well manicured. Signs are now up on all holes. Multiple pen positions on most holes.


No park signs pointing towards were the course is within the park yet so you'll have to follow the directions from this site to find the course. Nothing on the signs indicating which pen position the hole is in unfortunately this is a common problem in disc golf course design I feel is usually over looked in course sign design. Hopefully this is problem that is fixed in sign design in the near future.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this is a very good course layed out very well and easy to follow. It is probably soon to become the most well known in the area so get out and play it before it gets crowded.
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2 2
Experience: 10.1 years 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Soon to be favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


I feel this course is laid out very well. There are multiple basket locations available. Good combination of open and wooded areas. Plenty of shade throughout the course for those hot days.


I really have no complaints about this course. Being that it is still under construction, not all holes have benches or signage.

Other Thoughts:

I would consider myself a beginner, and I threw 5 over par. I gave this course 4/5 only because it is not complete yet. After completion, this will deserve a 5 and will become my favorite course in the area. The signature hole #12 is one I will look forward to every time I play. Great job done on this course!
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2 1
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Course is cared for and has a variety of shots with differing lengths. Benches are concrete tee pads are great. Very secluded feel when playing and the land is dedicated to the course, minus some negligible nature conservation stuff.
Good mix of shade along the course. Course has a lot of potential and some basket placements make the course fun.


Benches on back nine seem a little sparse, maybe not fully in yet. Some rough gets ROUGH and you will pay. Problem is probably more exacerbated by some tight window tee shots.

Other Thoughts:

Once course is fully built, it will be a great addition to the KC scene. Kudos to the organizers and hope they stick with it!
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4 1
Experience: 10.5 years 14 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Great variety (tight technical to open placement shots)
Fun technical shots
Multiple backet locations
Signature hole 12 is beautiful
Good sized tee pads
Benches installed
Secluded feeling in the woods


Think brush in the summer with thorns
Extra tight fairways when trees and plants are full bloom

Other Thoughts:

This is a personal one, but I don't like the water on hole 16. You don't get to throw a nice pretty shot over the water, instead it is very close behind the basket making me play a layup every time to make sure I don't lose a valuable $15 disc.

I know Scott is always looking for ways to upgrade the course as he has upgraded something nearly every time I have visited the course (probably 20+ times now). I usually enjoy courses that have multiple baskets in the ground for each hole, or multiple tee pad options (easier locations for beginners/juniors, and harder for intermediate to open). Maybe this could be an option down the road?
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3 2
Experience: 9.3 years 18 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Pleasantly Surprised! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2016 Played the course:once


Long concrete Teepads
Good Variety of shot selection
Well manicured fairways


Lack of signage on where to go - I found myself on several holes having to walk halfway up the fairway or more to see where the basket was as there was no way to tell from the tee pad.
Crazy rough in some spots
Bugs! Got attacked a few times by a large flying thing I couldn't identify lol.

Other Thoughts:

I'm relatively new to disc golf and haven't developed my form enough to have a cannon yet so I probably average 300 on drives and occasionally hit 350+. That being said this course fit my game pretty well as I was able to have a chance at reaching most holes. The baskets weren't the best but they worked just fine. I had one of my better rounds here even tho the score didn't show it. Several birdie opportunities for intermediate to advanced players.
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6 4
Experience: 12 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun New Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


As a relatively new player I can say that this course provides a big challenge without seeming over my ability. This course has helped me learn how to throw hyzers, anhyzers, and straight tunnel shots effectively and I would highly recommend this course to novice players to improve their technical game.
-Multiple pin placement
-Good use of elevation when available
-Lots of technical and accurate shots are required (the course is quite wooded and navigation through the trees serves as a tough test)
-New concrete tee pads with pee gravel surrounding have been added
-Course is well maintained


-The rough can be nasty (thorn bushes, thorn trees, ticks, etc)
-Navigation can be difficult between some holes (9 to 10 and 14 to 15)
-Multiple people in my group have lost discs to the lake on hole 16. Water only comes in to play if you overshoot it or have a shot drift off to the right

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course is a great addition to the disc golf scene in the area. It has enough variation to keep me coming back and although it plays more to the strengths of technical players there is enough distance to have something for everyone
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8 1
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 1179 played 232 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good golf off the beaten path 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 13, 2016 Played the course:once


This course has multiple pin placements to keep things from getting stale. Also there are dual tees at many holes that offer a different look from each tee.
The flow is logical.
Excellent shot variety on this course-dog legs L/R, low ceiling shots, tunnel shots, open shots, and wooded shots galore.
Elevated basket on 12 is a cool touch.
This course uses the present elevation well.
Paths to the next hole are cut out well: tip follow the orange topped stakes to get to the next tee.
Benches on several holes.
There are also other amenities close by, playgrounds, golf course, fishing lake, etc.
This is a disc golf exclusive course.
Small water threat on 16 if you go long and to the right and also to a lesser extent on 8 with a little stream.


No signage as of yet, hopefully this is slated for the future.
Natural dirt tees with wood chips for now, again I hope this is forthcoming.
Fairways are hard pack dirt at the moment due to the clearing of the area to make the fairways and holes. Grass has been planted but hasn't yet taken hold. Therefore the fairways are super sloppy after a solid rain. This should take care of itself in the next couple of months as the grass starts to grow, but for now it can get pretty sloppy.
***The grass has came in nicely and the fairways have plenty of ground cover so the above statement is null as of this date***

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed my round here and didn't find myself getting bored with the lines that needed to be shaped. I found myself thinking about my shot selection and that kept me on my toes.
You will need a variety of shots to score well on this course. Personally I feel there is a bit of something for every golfer here.
You will have to have a good mid range/approach game and accuracy will be key to keep your score low.
I'm giving this course a 3.5 because I believe the addition of signage and concrete pads, which I hear is forthcoming, will make this course even more enjoyable. As it is the golf alone solid and definitely worth the play if you are in the area. make a day of it and play Lakeside Hills(Birdland) as well.
***UPDATE since I wrote this review I've had the chance to play an additional 2 rounds here. Tees are now concrete and they are plenty long enough for a proper run up. Also the signs have been added, providing all the necessary information for players. I've now played this course in both the short positions and the long positions and both provide a good challenge. You must pick your line wisely on many of the holes to put yourself in a position to score well. The more I play the course the more it grows on me. Over time it should beat in well and provide another quality course to the greater KC area.***
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2 2
Experience: 3 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Something for every skill level 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2016 Played the course:once


*Majority of the holes offered varying routes
*Elevation was used where it could be
*Interesting pin placement
*Some bomber holes
*Technical approaches


*No concrete tees (scheduled to change)
*Slightly repetitive
*Fairly remote
*Poor access

Other Thoughts:

Most holes are a tunnel shot drive, to a pick-a-route fairway, to a short putt. Varying level of difficulty throughout the course. A big arm, or a good technical player could bogey some holes, but very few ace opportunities.
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5 0
Experience: 15.9 years 85 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Winter round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2016 Played the course:once


Even though I would consider this a tree course, the fairways are very fair; always had decent options. Multiple pin placements visible on many of the holes appears the course could be much longer. Decent use of elevation although there wasn't much available. Most holes had decent guardian trees that up the approach challenge. Good balance between left and right approaches. Length was good, only a couple holes where they were short enough most players could bird and those had challenging tree setups.


The holes tended to get a little redundant, tunnel tree shots followed up by a guarded approach shot. The rough is made of up of a lot of hedge apple and black thorn which can get nasty. Course is a little new and the tees are just dirt tees and were a little nasty in the current conditions (melting snow). Navigation wasn't intuitive I was glad we had a map on our phones

Other Thoughts:

Nice addition to the Johnson County disc golf scene, once the tees are laid the rating will increase. The course definitely has a personality and while there was some redundancy, you never got the sense you were just throwing back and fourth. Water only came into play on 17 and one guy in my threesome did park one on the thin ice. As did the group in front of us. A few of the holes had unique settings 14 was guarded by a ring of large trees laid on the ground, and 12? had an elevated basket.
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