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Dalton, GA

Heritage Point DGC

3.125(based on 26 reviews)
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Heritage Point DGC reviews

7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
2.00 star(s)

No Me Gusta El Punto Heritage 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2021 Played the course:once


-The basics. The tee pads are nice and the tee signs give accurate hole measurements. I liked the mach pins.

-Some of the pin placements were cool. #2 was mentioned by many previous reviewers but it is a nice spot on a steep and tall hill. Cool look and great practice on lay up shots. It's probably 20' above the base of the hill where it instantly rises.

-Few interesting looking holes. #9 offers a nice and fair mando gate pretty close to the tee pad. Not a hard gap to hit, but requires a good straight shot to reach the pin from the pad. #12-14 was a good three hole stretch. Decent elevation changes. #12 offers a low ceiling the whole way and plays slightly downhill. #13 was a nice strong right to left curl going back uphill. I may be in the minority here, but I liked #14 too. It's pretty much a "split fairway" but strongly favorable on the left side. Nice sharp left to right sidearm throw. Tight but fair hole.

-Ends well with a cool finisher. Best hole on the course. From the tee pad, the hill you throw up leading to the basket on #18 looks a lot steeper than it really is. It's probably close to 30' up in elevation, so it's a difficult 290' to reach, especially with a fallen tree in the fairway. I think the thought process on this hole was great. You want to get it up there. Some players will have to give it all they've got to get their drive up the hill and have a look at birdie. The basket is just barely on top of the hill, so if you go far off the drive or the up shot, you'll have a dangerous putt looking back down at the steep hill you initially threw all the way up on.

-The bridge built on the way to hole nine was created as an eagle scout project by Will Pendley. That bridge is a lot more appealing than more than half of the holes here. There were a few others. Bridges are convenient but even more so here since this is a wildlife habitat. I'm not looking to walk in high grass infested by whatever kind of snakes are present in there. Luckily for me though, this was my first and last trip here.


-I don't have any idea why the terrain is brought up as a warning when you are playing in wildlife habitat. It says so on the sign before you get to #1. I get that there are some steep walks to the next pad (most obvious would be from hole three to four down the hill), but FORGET ABOUT THAT! This course isn't that hilly. It said it was very hilly in the description and hell no it ain't! There were a couple steep uphill holes but other than that the elevation was pretty light for the most part. Someone said that they wouldn't recommend it for kids because of the terrain. Oh YEAH?! Well when I was a kid, my parents were always telling me to slow down when we'd hike Crowder's Mountain! When I was a kid, my dad had to borrow a neighbor's big ladder because I climbed high up a tree and got my foot stuck! When I was a kid, I did backflips off of swingsets and jumped off the top of playgrounds during recess just to make my parents and teachers nervous. When I was a kid, I wasn't scared of a little adventure and got in trouble for it sometimes. but one thing I was scared of, was snakes. I guarantee you they are out here and I don't know what else. That is why you shouldn't bring your kids here! Not because it's a little tiring! I mean come on! A kid could handle some hills.

-Some cringe looking holes. Bad start on #1. It's a weird tight flex forehand. Nice that it plays on the terrace and all but the gap was almost poke and hope because of bad maintenance. #3 is dreadful! Just a lackluster straight 150' hole onto a drop off. Go long and you'll be down a huge hill. A two could turn into a five or worse because it's poke and hope back up there if you go long. Holes #4-8 are all at the bottom floor of the course. Completely flat, forgettable, somewhat messy, and tend to flood.

-The bathroom isn't until #11 and I was ready to lose my shit before I got to #11. I was fixin' to lose it on hole five or six because this course was no bueno for me.

-The hole diagrams on the tee signs are confusing and inaccurate. Many straighter holes where the diagrams looks to as the hole is not straight or the hole sharply turns left or right and diagram makes it look like it barely turns at all.

-#4's teepad is under the bridge you walk on to get there. The tee needs to be moved somewhere else. The bridge serves a real purpose because the grass it's over could be infested by ticks, bugs, snakes, or something else that's hard to spot.

-While some fairways are discernable and clear, others are not as much because of low limbs and extended branches making the holes look unkempt. I don't recommend this course. Beginners won't like it because of strange lines and high grass and more experienced players won't be interested because they have better courses in Dalton like Westside and Edwards Park. Not to mention, if more experienced players come, they'll be irritated with a few fairways and won't be in the mood to play if they land in the rough because it's messy and hard to pitch out of.

Other Thoughts:

-Maybe this is just a summer issue and looks better in the winter, so I'm giving Heritage Point a 2. I liked a few holes here but didn't enjoy more than half of them. My round was mostly me halfheartedly teeing off, picking up my disc and walking to the next hole without playing my second shot. I found this course to be pretty anticlimactic aside from the last hole. It's just there as a support act pretty much.

-On a more positive side, it's good that there's a shorter course in Dalton, Georgia because the others are longer. But the fairways are more clear and they have more character and offer different ways to reach them. If you practice here, your scramble game and ability to get out of the rough may improve because of the shorter holes but then again, you might lose a disc or two.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.1 years 339 played 322 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Average Technical on Great Terrain 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2020 Played the course:once


A medium-short, fully-wooded course on a nice tract of land.

-Amenities: Concrete tees. Great next tee signage. Mediocre tee signs (see cons). Old, numbered Chainstars caught everything but weren't highly visible. Paths cleared between holes. Course map at start.

-Terrain: Probably the strongest boast of Heritage Point is its terrain. Thickly wooded throughout, the course plays up and down some very steep hills--the combination is both beautiful and engaging game-wise. Situated outside Dalton proper, it also has a secluded feel.

-Gameplay: Pretty good if you enjoy shorter technical courses. Most holes are in the 200'-300' range and have full tree cover, but well-defined fairways. A majority of the shapes are straightish, but there are some substantial s-curves and pockets. A lot of capacity for different shot choice--I mostly found a way to play each hole to my strengths, but I've played with other players who would only have done one or two holes the same as me. Heritage Point also forces you to play smart with elevation.

-Navigation: Almost flawless. Next tee signs are all over the place, and the only real problem was that some of the paths spat you out 80 feet up from the tee, which could be dangerous on a busy day.

-Scramble-ability: Good for a woods course. I always had a scramble opportunity, where "scramble" means putting it 20-30 feet from the basket for par, not necessarily putting it under the basket for par. In the same vein, I think straddle putters will have fun here because there are lots of obstacles inside the circle that make it pretty hard to get a stance for a conventional putter.


-Drainage: Some serious drainage issues with the holes at the bottom of the course, like (4)-(7). Lots of mud when I played.

-Signage: The tee signs are pretty poor. They have maps, but the diagrams are either too vague to help or just plain misleading. The distances seemed sketchy to me as well. It's very difficult for a first-time player to know how to throw, a problem compounded by old grey baskets that blend right in.

-Hole Design: There are some holes that seemed pretty hokey to me. I didn't see a clear line on (5), though there's plenty of space to throw for an easy par. (14) had a dubious combination of tightness and strange shape. (16) had a pocket green that only looked reasonably accessible through a 4-foot window directly perpendicular to the fairway and pin-high. My biggest complaint is with (18), which plays over a valley then up a steep hill, but has a large horizontal branch blocking almost any shot high enough to reach the basket.

-Mowing: There was some serious need for a mower/weedwhacker when I played. This was mostly just a nuisance, but was so bad on (15) that I didn't feel like I could go for the pin without risking a loss. I haven't dropped points for this since I might have played the day before regular maintenance, but if it were the same next time I would deduct.

-Disc Search: Some holes with thicker spots of rough and high rollaway risk mean it could easily take longer than average to play due to searching for shots.

-Traversability: Steep hills could make this a no-go for those concerned about their knees.

-Multi-Tees/Pins: Despite the photos on DGCR, I didn't recall seeing multiple tees for any hole except (4) when I played. That could have been player error, and I don't think it's a huge con on a course this length anyway.

Other Thoughts:

For me, this is on the borderline between Typical and Good. I think it's fun to play all of these technical shots, and the beauty and steep hills are really nice. On the other hand, the unhelpful signage, bad drainage, and holes I thought were misdesigned position me unfavorably. In the end, I think I got a bad rap from the course due to a few unlucky breaks it threw my way, so I've gone with the slightly higher rating, since Heritage Point is slightly nicer than most of my 2.5s. I would drop it to Typical if the mowing weren't improved on my next visit.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 677 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Finish With Your Best Shot 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2020 Played the course:once


(2.875 Rating) A short technical woods course with a few steep gradients.
- RAW BEAUTY - I thought the course looked gorgeous in spots. I really liked hole (2) starting from the valley floor and then finishing up a ridge. After this point it was seven straight technical tunnel shots. (11) was the only meh hole I remember as (12) thru (17) were all nice looking woods plays as well.
- FINISH - The best hole of the day was clearly (18). A striking slightly uphill valley shot. Sadly a new tree on the left had fallen into the line to muddy up the perfect photo opportunity. I predict and hope that it will be chain sawed up in a few weeks.
- CHALLENGING - About average. Lots of tight lines to craft discs through in every which way direction. Some will argue that the lines aren't wide enough, although my limit wasn't reached. The course however is definitely short so the difficulty that is here is sort-of one-dimensional being all precision.
- AMENITIES - The baskets are decent chainstars and the tees are concrete. There are benches at a few tees and there is a nice pitstop bathroom and drinking fountain by tee (11). My playing partner said there are a few alternate basket placements, but they rarely change. Overall, I'd rate this aspect around average as well.
- SIGNAGE AND NAVIGATION - Adequate tee signage and course map by tee (1). A little off on the distance on a few, but still respectable overall. As for navigation, I had a guide for this one. So it's hard to comment on how good or bad the navigation was. I did however notice next tees sign near most baskets.
- SHOT SHAPING - Magicians will love this course.
- QUICK PLAY - It took my two-some 80 minutes. I figure just under two hours for a four-some.


Mostly just personal preference stuff and course conditions.
- SHORT - I think a lot of Advanced bomber type players aren't going to like this course. The hole distance average is just north of 240 feet. I don't throw that far and I recall throwing putters and mids numerous times off the tee. I recommend The Pasture on the north end of town for those that enjoy hearing their arm pop out of the socket.
- POKE AND HOPE - Overall I personally wasn't bothered too much as the density was just below my threshold level. However, I know people that would curse out a couple lines. If I recall correctly, I think holes like (13) and (14) have optimal lines with pinch points in the 4 to 5 foot wide range.
- SEASONAL OVERGROWTH - Expect moderate and heavy overgrowth in spots from May through September. I spotted poison ivy a few times, but it's not epic bad. Probably snakes and ticks too, but that's normal on wooded courses in the South during the noted months above.
- DRAINAGE - I was informed that the course is a mess after any significant rain and I am not surprised after walking and playing the course. I'd put waterproof boots in the car unless you are certain it's going to be dry.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - I personally wouldn't bring a beginner here. Too many trees for them to hit and it will kill their confidence. If I lived in Dalton, I'd take a beginner to Jack Mattox, which is 25 minutes north.

Other Thoughts:

Cerealman met me here last minute to show me this course. It was a battle back and forth all the way to the end where his final putt lightly brushed threw the chains to result in a tie at even par. Perhaps it was wrong of me to remind him of the stakes several times before the last throw. Good times sir and thank you. As for the course, I mostly liked it. I've always enjoyed crafty shot shaping lines with elevation movement and this course has it. That said, there will be a crowd that doesn't like this style as much and they'll likely rate it lower than I have. This course is ideal for those that throw a max distance between 250 and 320 feet off the tee and that also like heavily wooded courses. Bombers may hate this course. Be sure and check course conditions before playing here.
- UNIQUENESS - About average. I like technical lines that break every which way and this course excels in that aspect. The amount of elevation in play was well above the average course too, with a couple of them moving in the 40 to 50 foot range. On the flipside, and as noted above, the course is one-dimensional. There are no bombing opportunities and the course is all par 3s.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.8 years 238 played 235 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun but kind of short. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 19, 2017 Played the course:once


This course wasn't one I planned to play. But the kid and I were on the way back home from the TN aquarium and I wondered if the carpet capital of America had a course.

Turns out it does, and it's pretty good. I was glad we stopped.

It is a pretty park, with baseball fields and camping, a lot of amenities overall. The course is easily found just inside the main interance to the left.

The map gives you a good general lay of the land and how to navigate. Some good tips on where the bathrooms and such are as well.

This heavily wooded 18 hole course has some amazing elevation to start. The first hole is an easy 300ish FH or turnover line, but a death putt. The second hole is a sharp uphill ace run, with some ropes that make it easier to get up the steep hill. 3 takes you sharply back down the hill with another death putt and then from 4-11 you play technical heavily wooded holes that have some really cool lines and are overall pretty fun. The remainder has some great elevation changes as well.

The baskets are chainstars which isn't the best for heavily wooded courses, but they caught just fine.

Signage was pretty good, and they had a lot of benches, and the bathroom was nice too. When your playing with a little girl that is a big deal.

Most of the holes were well thought out and it was usually easy to find the next hole.


It's pretty short. Too technical to be termed a pitch and putt, but you can easily get by on mids and putters here. I used a driver a couple of times, but mainly just to get some skips.

I think a few of the holes have been changed since the signs were made. Some of them end right when the sign says left and number 14 I think says it's 250 and it's actually about 375 now, and the clear line ends right at the old pipe pocket where the old basket was.

I enjoyed myself and played the whole thing in 40 mins so not going to nitpick too badly.

Other Thoughts:

Most of the people here were really nice, one group of teens walked up a fairway very slowly. And was in my way so that we couldn't throw, and then asked if they could go first even though they had 4 people and we had 2. Just oblivious I think.

Overall I liked it a lot. Well worth the time!
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 16.2 years 660 played 185 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Deserving play in Dalton 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 22, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


If you're looking for a technical challenge that prioritizes shot placement over distance, the wooded adventure at Heritage Point DGC might be a good fit.

The first six holes at Heritage Point include several of the most difficult holes on the course, featuring elevation and risk-versus-reward shots. Minimize your bogeys during the opening stretch and you'll be OK.

Each hole features a nice teepad and fairly-new sign indicating distance. Even though the course is heavily wooded, there's still variety in hole design, though a few more doglegs would improve the diversity. And big arms aren't required, as the average distance for a hole is just over 250 feet.

Previously, Hole 14 included a "B" pin that was a legitimate, 475-foot par-4. However, on my most recent visit, that pin wasn't there and the brush had grown up a bit past the "A" pin.

Hole 18 is a picturesque finishing hole and ends near the parking lot. While it's uphill and footing could be slightly dangerous in spots, the hole requires a well-placed drive to guarantee par.

Several beautiful wood benches have been placed on the course. You'll be thankful for the bench at the Hole #3 teepad after climbing up the hill!

The course is tucked away at the back of the park and usually has little traffic.

High score variance: Due to some narrow fairways and punishing rough, your scores at this course might vary wildly. For example, I've played back-to-back rounds at Heritage Point - with a 10-over for the first round and 5-under for the second round. Accuracy is paramount and poor drives will be punished.


The "traversability" at Heritage Point is challenging in several places. The course could definitely use a maintenance day to clean up fallen branches and wayward limbs. The course can easily be susceptible to muddy conditions, and several days of sun are required to dry out a few of the holes. Hole #4 is nearly unplayable after the rain. The hills on Holes #1 through #3 are quite treacherous, even when dry.

A few holes currently have the basket in a location that is not reflected on the signs/DGCR photos. Holes 3, 6 and 10 fit this description.

Navigation could be tricky in a couple spots. Accessing the map is recommended for first-timers.

Other Thoughts:

This use to be my favorite course in the Greater Chattanooga area. That is, until Westside DGC was created a few miles to the west. Now you can play the "Dalton Double" during your visit to the Carpet Capital of the World. Every hole on the course is a possible birdie or bogey, and I appreciate the challenge of Heritage Point.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 264 played 100 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Heritage Point DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2016 Played the course:once


Has concrete tee pads

More wooded than open fairways with doglegs and elevations

Has some bridges/platforms to cross over areas that could potentially have standing water

Some holes have multiple basket placements

Course flows pretty good

Almost all holes are under shade

Water comes into play on holes 15-17 but the real danger is near the #17 basket - what a drop-off if you miss a putt!

Had whole course to myself on a Sunday afternoon

Area is partitioned for disc golf and you won't see other parkgoers


Water fountain

Free parking


Some tees are missing signs (holes #12, #15, #17, #18)

Tee sign for hole #14 needs to be updated to reflect new distance and par

Couldn't locate the amateur tee pads - not that I was going to use them anyway

Some of the fairways are tight and quite unfair - hole #14 is a beast to get through cleanly

Needs more next tee signs - recommend a course map for the first-timer

Baskets are hard to locate from tees - need flags

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice, challenging course that I enjoyed playing. A few of the holes here have some areas where one can be punished for missing putts like on holes #1, #2, #3, #17, and #18 - you know when a potential birdie turns into a double bogey. I think some of the fairways here are too technical and could use a little more tree chopping to make them more fair. The baskets are nice but many of them are hard to locate in the woods. I can see this course getting flooded easily but I was fortunate to play when it wasn't wet out here. I like the course and would play again if ever in the area.
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5 0
Experience: 8.6 years 17 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

After Playing Just Once - You'll Want To Come Back! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 15, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Signage at every tee is great. They even warn of drop off areas. The course seems to flow very nicely, making you want to start over once you finish. The concrete tee pads are in excellent shape as well are the baskets. Wooden boardwalks have been built to navigate over some of the wetter areas and one extends from the tee pad. Each hole is very well maintained. I saw no brush piles or left behind tree stumps from where the course was cleared.


My biggest concern for this course is the wet areas where standing water just never seems to dry. I wonder if some sort of drainage or water prevention could be done to correct this. If you're not familiar with the course, you may wander off some. Hole 6 has a sign pointing to the opposite direction of hole 7 which caused me to walk across 2 different holes. Hole 11 was also somewhat difficult to find after completing 10. At one point of the course, there is a pipe bridge. I thought this was the way you were supposed to go to get to the next hole, but it wasn't. Luckily, I ran into another player who pointed me in the right direction. There aren't any benches or trash cans except for hole 1 and hole 11 where the restrooms are, so you may get tired and you'll probably spot some garbage left behind by irresponsible players. Trees definitely add to the challenge of the game, but this course has A TON right on many of the fairways. It'd be nice to see some more tree clearing.

** UPDATE **
Benches have been added to many of the holes on the course and they're in excellent locations! Kudos to whoever put them in place!

Other Thoughts:

I ran into a park employee who plays this course who told me that they are still making more improvements. Right now, every hole on the course is a par 3, but they've already moved one basket to make it a par 4 - it just hasn't been labeled yet. There is a nice river that flows along the outskirts, which I think could be added to the courses scenic feel. All that needs to be done to make it more visible is some tree clearing. Heritage Park is a very big location with a lot to offer. Adding a disc golf pro shop, a practice basket, or a driving range would make it even better!
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7 0
Experience: 11.6 years 18 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Not for beginners 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 23, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Nice tee pads
-Signs at most tee
-Baskets in great shape
-Boardwalks in some of the wet spots
-Forces you to take interesting lines on some holes
-Good mix of hyzers and anhyzers
-Completely in the shade after the first tee
-Bathroom and water fountain on hole 11
-Rarely busy
-In a section of the park dedicated solely to DG. Not very much foot traffic at all
-The new pin positions on some holes make the course much better!


-During the winter months, water can accumulate on holes 4-8 and can make some of them completely unplayable. Bring your water shoes if you play between November and March
-Could use some more benches. Especially on the 3rd tee. Only 2 benches are on holes 1 and 11
-Some tee pads have a steep drop off on the front or sides, which can cause some uncomfortable follow-throughs
-"Amateur" tee lengths are listed, but there is no pad or designated tee area for Am tees.
-Can be unforgiving on bad shots (not necessarily a con)
-Very steep walks between holes 1-4 and 18

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course that really grows on you the more you play it. Not for beginners at all! I played it a couple years ago right after I started playing, and HATED it!
In order to play it successfully, you need to have a good BH and FH.
18 is definitely a signature hole. It's also the only hole on the course that needs a distance driver.
Overall, I think it's a good course that could use some more distance. Definitely worth the drive if traveling up or down 75. It is less than 10 minutes off the interstate
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4 0
Premium Member
Experience: 29.4 years 176 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Glad I came 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 4, 2015 Played the course:once


Love the course. Love the woods and the elevation changes. Fairways tight but mostly reasonable. This really would be a great course to play again. I will be back. Also, there are no long holes on this course and all of the holes are par 3. But that does not reduce the fun and challenge of playing it.


The course almost prohibits birdies on some holes because there is no line to allow any caliber of player to reach the basket for even a long putt. Removal of just a few select trees would cure that problem in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

This course stands in water for several holes on the 1st nine after a big rain. Not much can be done about it but BOOTS are a necessity and your feet will likely still be wet. Nice selection of different shots is required to do well. Not a course for guys who want to throw the big and long shots. Very technical and skilled selection of shots is needed.
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7 0
Experience: 16.2 years 8 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Like it, but would rather play at others. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


•Nice Chainstar Baskets
•Not every hole has the same line from the tee (some do, but there are various different layouts)
•Never crowded
•Nice tee signs
•Great length and level teepads
•A full 18 hole course


•Terrain can be a bit much
•Only a few places to throw a solid drive (even with your mid-ranges)
•No good resting places, which would be nice considering the varied elevation changes
•Wouldn't consider it kid nor beginner friendly

Other Thoughts:

Rather than list everything in the Pro/Con section, I would rather describe it here so as not to sound unfair to the course or those interested in playing it.

1. Not able to "go for it" enough
I actually enjoyed this course MORE before I was at the playing level I am now (which is pretty much a steady par player that hits a good round here and there. I don't expect to shoot -10 every round). I think the reason being is because I knew I couldn't throw it decent then, so I would just take a good shot into the fairway, then make an up shot to the basket, and then hit the putt for par (on the holes I was able to do that good). So that leads me to one of my biggest dislikes about this course - there doesn't seem to be a lot of room for a great round. Once you establish your average on this course, that's as good as it would get in my opinion.

2. The course is degrading in my opinion
The course was better 1 year ago than it was this time. I personally don't mind the elevation that much, but there are a few spots now (since it has been worn in) that it is just dangerous. Namely exiting hole 3 to number 4. I actually had a friend fall and roll a bit there once. There are people that I play with that wouldn't enjoy this at all because those few spots where the terrain is testy (Holes #2, #3, #18 mainly) wouldn't be enjoyable trying to navigate, much less throw. I also wouldn't bring my 4 year old daughter with me, because it would be tough to carry her on those holes, and I don't know if she could make it otherwise. She enjoys playing with me and I love for her to tag along, but couldn't do that here, bummer.

3. The flow of the course is "off"
I don't think that the course really has a natural flow to it. Hole 1 you have a great into the fairway shot, and a possibility to hit a good birdie line. Then you take a stroll down a steep bank to Hole 2 where you throw on a fairway that turns steep halfway to the basket. On Hole 3 you can go for it (and likely end up with a horrible lie at the foot of the hill), or lay up. Either way you end on a steep downhill where a miss is probably going to cost 2 throws. 4 is in a pine grove that sits in a bottom, and 5 is your first chance at a great drive with a birdie opp. 6 and 7 are short little hyzer holes then 8 opens back up into a great birdie drive hole. 9 is short between lots of smaller trees with a somewhat intimidating, but very manageable mando 20 feet from the tee. Slow decent length anny hole for 10...etc. I feel like it is hard to get in a rhythm here, but maybe it's just my playing ability.

I had been anxious to get back to this course after not being for nearly a year. However, I don't think I will try to go back for another year probably. I hate to pick on a local course, especially since I know people that helped it get in and build it. However, I feel like it still leaves plenty to be desired, and could be brought up to a better standard. I am not a pro though, and I don't claim to know how to build the best course, so maybe I am just wrong there. This is a review of my opinion of the course though.
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10 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.2 years 353 played 321 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Average, but trashy and swampy 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2011 Played the course:once


The park itself at Heritage Point is large and really nice, off a main highway and very easy to get to off I-75 between Atlanta and Chattanooga. The 18 hole course here is relatively new and is of the wooded technical variety. There is a good mix of holes with elevation and those that are flat. A small river is a secondary hazard beyond the rough on a couple of holes towards the end of the back 9.

Navigation was easy and there was a great color course map by hole #1. The nice restrooms and water fountain between holes 11 and 12 are nice since the course does not come back to your car until after 18, and almost seemed to be built solely for disc golf since they were not near any other park activities. The concrete tees are some of the best I have seen, including the wedge-shaped ones on slopes where they used very thick concrete to get them level (instead of the usual dirt that often eventually erodes.) The course map, tee signs, and baskets are as good as you could expect. It is evident there is lots of work being done here to improve this course by the parks department, boy scouts, and local disc golfers, and I appreciate their efforts.


The park is nice, but unfortunately the course is not so nice. Part of this is the new course look, but the land it is on is swampy and littered with trash, and honestly looked like a wasteland in parts. The front was extremely unappealing to look at. Many of the fairways were muddy with standing water- many bridges and boardwalks had been built or were being built, which were nice, but to me is a sign that this course is usually swampy.

The tee signs showed 2 tees per hole, but there was only 1. (Maybe the second set is still to come, but I did not even see where they might be put in.) The holes started to become repetitive throughout the round with most in that 200' range, and all you really need off most tees is a straight shot. This course just doesn't demand a wide variety of skills and shots. There were also a couple of basket placements that seemed like they were not in the best possible location. (for example #3, the basket is over the edge of the cliff on the downslope, rather than on the edge, which to me eliminates the skillful and strategic risk/reward option, and instead makes everyone either play it safe or get lucky.)
A sign near tee #1 said to place found discs of others in the lost disc receptacle. What a great idea! However, the only receptacle I saw was a trashcan, so I hope people don't throw other's discs away.

Other Thoughts:

This could be a fun short technical woods course if it were dry, but it seems chances are it won't be as most of the previous reviews have mentioned the standing water as well. To me, though, many of the holes were kind of boring and repetitive. The other reviews were pretty favorable and the pictures look great, but not in real life in December.

On DGCR a 2.5 is average, and the day I played here this course was just a notch below what I would expect for average. It seems most of the pros here are the amenities while most of the cons are the course itself. My recommendation is if you must play a round while in the area it will suffice, be sure it has not rained recently.
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4 2
Experience: 29.4 years 107 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

up, down and wet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


tee signs
concrete pads
boardwalks in wet areas
bathroom and water at turn


Holes 4 through 7 bring your galoshes.
Two pads per hole but could only find 1 concrete pad per hole and assumed it was the "pro" tee.

Other Thoughts:

Roc, aviar course.
Plenty of room to lengthen some of the holes.
Most holes have unique roll away opportunities.
You can easily play hole 15 to pin 12 to give some additional length.
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6 0
Chigger Hamby
Experience: 14.1 years 18 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Love this course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 18, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


- Signs at every tee
- Concrete tee pads
- Double chains
- Bathroom and water fountain at hole 10
- Easy to navigate
- Well maintained by Dalton Parks and Rec.
- NEVER crowded
- Holes 2 and 18, love em!


- Hole 3 needs a backstop, my disc stands up and rolls every time because of how steep it is.
- Forget about playing after a rain storm, low lying holes will be soggy.

Other Thoughts:

If you've played here more than once, I'm sure you know exactly what this means: "You got dogs??? Mine are friendly!!!"

A great course! Perfect for those hot summer days when you still want to play. Shaded canopy, next to a creek. A sweet gem of a course right in Dalton! I have never run into a crowd, ever. We always have the course to ourselves.
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12 0
Solid Gold
Experience: 52 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Liked it, didn't love it. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2011 Played the course:once


-Shade. Every hole. Good for midday summer play.
-Bathrooms at hole 10. Very nice.
-All the standard things are there: Teepads, signage, ample parking, varying holes. Basically, the designers knew what they were doing.
-Hole 2 and 18 sure do create some interesting second shots!
-Hole 14 was Tough! On my first run I drove it 5 or 6 times trying to figure out what line would actually work on that hole, never could figure how to get it in two.
-Rough was manageable. While I did lose my discs a few times out there, i was able to find them in less than five without getting bitten or stung or thorned or rashed or fatally stabbed.


Personal Issue:

-What do you do on hole 16? It's short, but there's a bunch of trees totally blocking access to the hole. The only thing to do is go for the very small pocket on the right and long putt for two?

-I would love to see some things extended back a bit and create 2-3 400 footers out there. The best courses should have something more than par 3 every hole. This is something that would be awesome to see added if there is time in the future...

Three sign fixes that would help things:

-Add to holes one and three on the signpost: "Warning, sharp drop off at back of hole!" I found a lost, unmarked putter from someone who had overshot and given up on finding their disc on hole one. This was while I was looking for my disc which I had overthrown greatly due to not knowing about the dropoff.

-A big glaring sign on the side of the bathroom reminding people to watch out for people coming out of said bathroom!

-Love love love the "next tee" wrapped around each basket, but I would love love love if all the next tee arrows pointed right at where the tee is located, not at the path leading to that tee. I could always figure out how to get through the woods on the paths, but I could not always figure out immediately which path to take to go down!

Other Thoughts:

I wouldn't say it's a beautiful location, but it is a good standard woods course. I went on a dry summer day, so I didn't see any of the water hazarding others are talking about. Can definitely get better. Definitely
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3 3
Experience: 13.8 years 38 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Short and Technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 8, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


-Layout and Use of space is great
-Course is easily Navigational
-Signs are great quality and list distance
-Permanent tees
-Restrooms and Water fountain Mid course
-Clear trails and regular course maintenance
- Plenty of parking


-No benches or trash cans
-Short course (but technically challenging)
- No warm up basket

Other Thoughts:

Great course, lots of hills and trees. Great design.
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1 4
Experience: 16 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

challenge but fun! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2011 Played the course:once


excellent in term of decision on type of threw. enjoy the natural and saw rabbit, squirrel and more. its more of mentality game!


if you are into hiking and enjoy disc golf then its for you! its hard to go up hilly at some holes especially at 18th hole. you need to be in pretty good shape to handle the hilly part. NOT RECOMMENDED when raining because it will be VERY slippery.

Other Thoughts:

its good between start cool fall season thru to end of spring or end of april. because it wont be any fun to play in hot weather when u have to go uphill!!
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8 0
Experience: 16.4 years 33 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

You've got a short woody! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 30, 2011 Played the course:once


Short distances allow a wider range of players the opportunity to shoot near par while still requiring several different shot types to score well. Mostly clean and well maintained on the fairways. Excellent signs with all of the necessary information are much appreciated. Level concrete tees are just the right size. A real bathroom is along the course. Good exercise up and down the hills is a pro because footing has been added where needed.


Look out for the thorns in the heavy rough just off the fairway. Serious navigation issues that could be avoided with a few simple signs and I never like backtracking down the fairway just played. Be careful of people coming out of that bathroom 20 feet directly in front of the tee too! Amateur tees are only flags and don't seem to be necessary for even a recreational player. This place will have unplayable holes after only a moderate rain.

Other Thoughts:

My next time through this course will be much better because I will know where the blind baskets are and have a better idea of which way to walk after I get there.

A little bit of local effort to clear out the thorns where players are obviously going off course would add another half star immediately. Put up some next tee signs on a tree here and there and get the other half too. It has that much potential.

I expect to be back to enjoy this course soon with my group. We just have to plan around the weather and allow extra time to play through.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 50 played 50 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Heritage Point DGC is a fantastic little 18-hole course that is cleverly designed through the hills and woods of Northern Georgia. What the course lacks in length is made up for in the design and good use of woods and elevation throughout the course.

Course Essentials:
-Baskets: Chainstar, single position, all in great shape.
-Tee Pads: Large, level concrete tee pads of adequate length, all in great condition. Pro/Am Tees on each hole.
-Tee Signs: VERY nice tee signs that show hole layout, distance, par, and location of next tee (next tee noted on most signs, missing from a few).
-Course Map: Very nice course map located near the first tee.

General Course Design & Layout:
-PAR: 54
-Distance: 4305ft Total/239ft avg (2@>200, 9@200-250, 4@250-300, 3@300+)
-Fairways: Well-Defined, easy to navigate. (Fairways are mostly dirt, very little grass)
-Fairway Variety: Left2Right (6), Straight (5), Right2Left (7)
-Elevation: Minimum to Moderate throughout the course, a few holes have more severe elevations (Holes 2, 3, 18)
-Elevation Variety: Uphill (6), Flat (7), Downhill (5)

The Heritage Point disc golf course offers a semi-technical layout with the best variety of any course that I have played. The design makes excellent use of the terrain and landscape to create a course that is both fun and challenging. The course is comprised of one continuous loop from start to finish. Hole 8 ends down the hill from the 1st basket, so access to the parking area is possible here, but it is a decent hike back up a steep hill. The fairways are very clean, well-defined and easy to navigate. The design makes good use of the elevation present throughout the course. The variety of the course is very evenly distributed between uphill, downhill, and flat holes as well as straight, right, and left fairways. Most courses tend to favor the right to left shot path, this course does not. The dirt fairways make for some very fast greens, any disc landing near the basket will most likely skip 20+ ft away. Several holes with more severe elevations are condusive to roll-aways, a bad upshot or missed putt could easily roll 50+ ft from these baskets turning a simple 2 or 3 into a 4 or worse! These severe elevations are primarily in play on the basket for hole 1, 2, 3, and 18.

Maintenance and Navigation:
The course seemed to be very well-maintained. Some of the rough is a little thick outside the fairways, but it is the rough, so no issues with that. Navigation is relatively simple and straight forward. Someone new to the course may find a few trouble areas, these will be discussed in the cons sections. Several of the baskets are hidden and cannot be seen from the tee. With the technicality and layout of the course, you will most likely be scouting out the basket position on several holes your first time through.


-Rain/Flooding: Several low-lying areas are prone to flooding/standing water. Some of the steeper elevations would be VERY difficult to navigate in less than perfect conditions. (NOTE: I ran into member of the parks and recreation dept who was working with the local boy scout troop on a project to help clear up some of the issues with flooding and standing water. Hopefully this will get better with time)
-Navigation Issues: Next tee markers noted on most signs, however, some of the tee signs do not have next tee markers which could clear up the navigation issues.
> Tee for hole 11. This was the most difficult area that I had trouble with, so I'll note that there is a path on the left side of 10s fairway (before you get to the basket) that leads to water/restrooms. The tee for 11 is located up this path near the restrooms.
Trip Hazard: There are several small tree stumps still in the ground, with the dirt fairways, these stumps can be difficult to see. These stumps can be a trip hazard, so just keep an eye out for them.
-Crossbacks: This can definitely be a safety concern. Many of the tees require you to walk back down the fairway that you just played to a path leading to the next hole. With several blind baskets, it is possible that someone could sneak up and throw into your group without even knowing that you are there. Also, tee for six requires you to walk down the edge of its fairway to get to the tee, be watchful of others who may be teeing off on this hole.
-Pro/Am Tees: Tee signs show 2 tees on each hole, but there is only one concrete tee on each hole. Another review mentioned orange flags/markers, but I did not notice these during my round. As short as the course is, I feel like one set of tees is adequate.

Other Thoughts:

I saw that this course was conveniently located just off the interstate along my route to Atlanta, so I decided to stop by and check it out. I was very impressed with this course from the time I pulled into the parking lot though the end of the 18th hole. I really enjoyed playing and walking the course. It is a relatively simple course and will not provide much challenge the more experienced players, but the course is well-designed, well-maintained, and a lot of fun to play. If you are near the area, it is definitely worth stopping by for a quick round. Just be prepared, especially if it is really hot or raining, the steeper elevations can be a little difficult to navigate.
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7 0
Experience: 18.6 years 47 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very challenging, not a lot of distance though 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2010 Played the course:once


Lots of parking.
It's free.
I only saw 2 other people out there.
Supposed to be a found disc box on tee 1, but I didn't see it.
Beautiful scenery. Some fairways looked like you were between two giant walls of trees. Easily 40' tall.
Some seriously epic holes. Hole 18 is not forgettable. I estimate an elevation change of 50-75' up from tee to basket, over a large gully of sorts.
There are a few holes that are easily ace-able if you have the control for it.
Great use of elevation changes and land usage.
There is a playground nearby so you can use that as an excuse to bring your kids out and end up using them as your caddy.
Restrooms/water fountain at the 10/11 transition.


Lots of thorns. If you shank a shot, you're going to be looking for a while and wonder why you didn't wear jeans.
Sometimes you have to cross a fairway to get to the tee-box.
No cement am tees. There's an orange metal stake that marks where the am tees are.

Other Thoughts:

Truly one of the best courses I've played at. I'd go more often if it was closer to me, but at 40 minutes away, I'll probably go once a month.
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 76 played 28 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Workout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 2, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The 18 holes make a giant loop and I suppose if you wanted to exit after 9 you could but with just a short walk. A variety of elevation comes into play including downhills, uphill, side hill, over valleys and flat shots as well. Fairways are well groomed and most are quite wide.

Baskets look almost brand new and are all secured in place with none being wobbly. Signs at each hole are decent and show you where each pin is. Concrete teepads are in great shape. This in itself is a big deal, seeing as how wooded this course is, they designers and developers took on a huge task to get this done.

Wooded, but too much allows multiple lines on each hole. I can think of only one hole that forces only one line you must hit. The rough isn't that bad except for 2-3 months of the year so be sure to wear pants. Also, the majority of the course is shaded which really helps in the summer heat. Water comes into play on hole 2 (small 1' wide creek) and 18 (2' wide creek) and that is it. On 15 and 16 there is a larger river, 15-20' across, that is way right so just beware that these you can lose something in but only a very errant throw will be punished.

This is a very clean course, even though I didn't see but one trash can by the restroom at 11 and at tee 1. The volunteers are either out there a lot, or the locals have a great respect for this course.

Quite a bit more to do here such as baseball fields, playground, pavilions and I'm sure something else I am missing. Parking lot is easily 100 cars and is designed for the baseball fields. In the whole complex there are probably 500+ spots so parking is never a problem. Being a multi use park, it is nice that no other activities interfere with the DG course. It has it's own section of the property.


This course is a workout. Remember all of those hills I told you about? You have to walk up and down them as well. In the summer this can be tiring because there are no benches at any hole except 11. Also, no trash cans so you must carry your empty water bottles at least half of the course.

The summer rough is rough and there is some poison vie out there so be careful.

Drainage on holes 4 & 5 leave a little to be desired but since these are the only two in low areas, it's not that big of a deal and most of the puddles can be walked around.

Other Thoughts:

This is one of the best courses around here that I have played and with a few benches and trash cans, this could easily be a 4.5 course. Would definitely take the time to play this but in the summer, get there early to avoid the heat.
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