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Albion, IN

Hidden Diamonds

Permanent course
3.175(based on 3 reviews)
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Hidden Diamonds reviews

6 0
Experience: 16.4 years 94 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Hidden Diamonds is a Good Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 12, 2021 Played the course:once


Hidden Diamonds is located in a beautiful city park just off of Highway 9. The people taking care of this park and the disc golf course are doing a fantastic job and it shows! Everything is in great shape and well maintained.
There is a large course map at the backside of the parking lot and great tee signs on every hole. Course navigation is generally good. Make sure you take a look at the map and look at the tee signs for the next tee location.
The tee pads are a little unusual to look at, but work well and are very grippy.
The baskets themselves are very nice and in great condition. They also seem to catch EVERY shot that hits chains.
There is a good mix of shots on this course including everything from short birdie/ace runs to long, top of the world bomber shots. There are wide open holes and some that are tight wooded shots. They also make good use of the elevation changes present in the park. You don't see many hills this size in the area and I'm glad that they put them to good use.


There are only 9 baskets here and the two tees to each basket layout makes for some strange navigation and long walks between tees, especially on the back 9. While we had the place entirely to ourselves when we played, I can imagine that you would have to wait on other groups and could potentially have some safety issues with an errant throw.
There is a walking path that runs along a few holes and could come into play with an off throw. Be aware of people using the path and try to wait until they are out of the way to tee off.
A few holes play over and around a loop driveway. I had to ask one driver to move their vehicle as they were parked in the fairway. I could see this being a bigger issue when the park is busy with non disc golf traffic.
While the tees are generally good, there are a few on this course where a square of concrete is missing and could be a safety issue.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I walked away with a great first impression of this course. While not a destination course, it was well worth the drive and time to play. I would recommend this course to anyone in the area looking to get their disc golf fix.
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Hidden Diamonds in the Rough 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2021 Played the course:once


- Located in a busy, multi-use park boasting ball fields, splash pad, playgrounds, walking paths, etc., Hidden Diamonds is a fun 9-pin, 18-tee course that weaves in and out of wooded parkland atop and around moderate elevation changes. Holes not located in or next to wooded areas play more links style, although even the "open" holes have enough trees, distance, or elevation to not become boring or too easy. The second, longer set of tees are numbered "10-18" but play to the same pins as "1-9."
- Solid amenities: baskets, "grate-style" concrete tees, tee signs, map kiosk (with scorecards), etc. Course was well-groomed, with trees trimmed and grass freshly mowed.
- Not sure if it was because this was my sixth course of the day, or because I had a raging blister on one of my heels (thanks for nothing, Bixler!), or what, but this course seems to play significantly longer than the distances would indicate. For sure, at least some of this is due to good use of elevation and woods. There are some serious shots out here, especially on the "back" nine: hole #14 is 340' uphill, mature pines hard to the left, scrubby deciduous forest to the right, with narrow straight fairway between; hole #15 is an up-and-over the hilltop shot clocking in at 540' with a fast downhill green to finish; hole #17 is probably the true beast of the lot at 492', a subtle up-and-over to a gap between trees a few hundred feet off the tee, that then turns slightly to the right for another couple hundred feet with tough schule and woods on both sides. Miss the gap and this is a blow up hole for sure. After a long day, I missed the gap horribly to the right and a decent round score-wise went right out the window.


- The biggest issue here is the gravel walking path that appears behind hole #3's basket, completely blind from the tee. The path is directly in the hyzer killzone of the circle, and is easily reachable from the tee for most players. Likewise, the blind basket for #5 is way too close to the walking path. A couple of other spots can conflict with the paths, or random people popping out onto the fairways from other park activities, so practice caution: most people seem completely unaware of the course as they cut through the fairways.
- The "grate" tees are something I've seen in this general area before, and typically they're pretty good, and offer good drainage; however, several of the tees here have rectangular ankle-breaking "traps" directly in the middle. Less than ideal.
- Nit-picky, but the pine branch overhead on tee #1 is a touch on the low side. I'm only 6' and I almost scraped my noggin on it.

Other Thoughts:

- I think this is the first 9-pin/18-tee layout I've played, or at least the first in quite a while; I appreciate the added difficulty of the longer tees, but I'm not at all certain how such a layout plays if at all busy, or if people are playing different tees. I didn't see anyone else out here during my weekend afternoon round, so maybe Hidden Diamonds doesn't receive enough traffic for it to matter.
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7 1
Experience: 12.5 years 65 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great mix of shots! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 21, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


-New DGA Baskets!

-Course Map Located in Parking Lot by Hole 1. Very Easy to Follow.

-Several Short Ace Run Holes on the Front 9.

-Back 9 Offers Long Holes With Great Elevation Change to Challenge Even the Strongest Arms.

-Great Mix of Holes That Require All Types of Shots (Back hand, Fore hand, Hyzer, Annhyzer, Spike/Grenade, etc)

-Great Use of Limited Foliage to Demand Specific and Alternating Shot Types

-Course Stays Drier Than Surrounding Area Courses

-Brightly Colored Tee Signs Are Very Easy to See and Make Traversing the Course for the First Time Extremely Easy

-Perfectly Manicured Grounds. Fairways are Very Defined and Neatly Mowed. Pine/Spruce Trees are Are Well Groomed. Almost No Fallen Limbs, Thorns, Burrs, or Poisonous Plants to Contend With.

-With No Large Dormant Bodies of Water in the Immediate Area, Bugs Are of Very Little Concern


- 18 Tee Boxes Share 9 Baskets

- Tee Boxes are Natural (In Great Shape)

- Not Many Natural Obstacles to Work With. (Mature Trees, Rocks, etc.)

Other Thoughts:

This course offers something that not many in this portion of Indiana do, Elevation! So much fun to play on a course with good rolling hills.

We Played the Red (Front Nine) and White (Back Nine) Tees today. A Couple of the holes on the front nine almost bored us by how open and short they were. We quickly got excited again by how many times we hit metal off the Tee! It felt like every other drive would result in chains ringing! The back nine is where I finally got to open my arm a bit and push myself.

One of the things that I Loved about this course was how meticulously maintained it was! All of the fairways are extremely well taken care! The rough is still rough, but enjoyable. The grass is taller and you will find some small bushes, but you certainly won't have to Search for a disc Or force yourself into thorn patches!

I would give this Course a 4.5 with Permanent tees installed. 9 more Baskets for a full 18 would be great, But, I don't believe this park could offer the same challenge with holes if it did. I believe that with the limited obstacles available, the designers did a fantastic job. No Two holes feel the same. I definitely intend to play this park again.
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