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Kansas City, MO

Hidden Valley Park

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Hidden Valley Park reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.2 years 174 played 173 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Point and Shoot 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 4, 2021 Played the course:once


9 concrete tees with signage that gives distances for both pin spots.

9 MachIII baskets that are still in fairly decent shape for being so old. However, they are MachIII baskets...

Some sweeping elevation which is used a little bit. Holes 4 and 9 go downhill fairly far, and hole 6 is one you have to punch up the hill pretty hard.

The pin tucked into the trees on 5 requires decent accuracy over 300ft of ground. Hole 4 is also a challenge whether you go through or over the trees.


Apart from holes 4 and 5 there are very few if any obstacles on these holes. Some young trees are present, but they are never really in the way except for hole 8's long pin. There's nothing to this course besides one nice pin spot and one hole you have to throw through the trees on.

The tees could be considered a little small, but for the level of player this course is intended for, it's fine.

Most of the alternate pin spots only add 30-40 feet to the hole and don't change the shape of the shot at all.

Hole 9 does play a bit close to the playground especially if you're throwing backhand.

Not many pins outside the 250-350 range except hole 7.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice introductory 9er for newer players to air some shots out and see how they fly. Being up on the hills you may have wind to contend with, but that just adds to the practice value.

For more experienced players, this course is a nice warmup as it does have the distance for some mid-range practice, but it will be a birdie-fest if you really attack the baskets.
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 193 played 122 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Needs Nine More 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 28, 2021 Played the course:once


Hidden Valley makes a casual round and plays pretty fast with good tee pads, amenities, and simple navigation. The tee signs can be seen from miles away and while they don't have maps, the holes are simple enough it doesn't matter. It's pretty beginner friendly, with few tight lines and good upkeep.

There's some elevation on every hole that at least tries to keep things exciting. On some holes, it makes left-to-right or right-to-left lines a bit harder, and on hole 7, you can't see the basket from the tee because of the hills, and the distance makes it the hardest hole on the course.

There are two pin placements on nearly every hole. I'm not sure how often they get moved, but the fact that they exist shows that someone has cared for this course at some point. There are grey posts where the alternate placements are.

Hole 4, the only wooded hole, has several different lines and opportunity to be in trouble if you miss your line. You can throw over the trees on the right, or try to pick a gap through the trunks. Hole 5 ends near a treeline, so an errant shot can produce a short shot but with no line to the basket. On the open holes, wind can be a challenge.


There are not many trees at all, other than hole 4. While it is good for beginners, it becomes boring when there's just nothing to work with. Even if a few more holes could play into or out of the woods, just slightly, there would be a lot more challenge available. I know there's an apartment complex and a road that must be avoided, but there's at least a little space for a fairway or two. If nothing else, there are some ace runs here.

The layout has a few issues. The baskets of holes 1 and 2 are really near each other, and there's no way to tell which is which. It also means the walk is long to get to hole 2's teepad. Several other walks are longer than they need to be as well. If the holes were amazing, it would be fine, but that's not the case here.

Safety can be a concern. The course tried to stay away from the rest of the park, but there are opportunities for errant shots to cause trouble. With wind being a factor here, this can certainly happen. On hole 9, the playground is nearby, and while it's a decent distance away, the playground is down a hill to the left, so a shot that's just a little too high could go there. If I wasn't confident in my overstable RHFH skills, I would have taken a much safer shot.

Other Thoughts:

The land on the eastern part of the park is much better suited for Disc Golf, and has less (if any) other park features. Hopefully a back nine can occupy this space someday. And when it does, hopefully a few of the issues with the existing holes can be cleaned up as well.

As with most courses in Kansas City more than a few years old, the baskets are these garbage Mach 3's. But being a casual nine-hole course, I don't care that much.

This is never going to be an amazing course, but it has the potential to be one of the better beginner friendly courses in the area. Considering the difficulty of some of the other courses nearby, this is a big plus. Other than that, there's not much to rave about here, but nothing too much to complain about either.
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3 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice beginner course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2020 Played the course:once


Simple layout
All par 3 for beginners
Few trees
Nice views
Playground for kids after round


Could have mor variety, most holes are pretty straight forward.

Other Thoughts:

There are benches along to walking paths but not near the tees. Nice shelter with benches and tables near the 9th basket and the playground. Nice to sit after a round and rest while the kids play.
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4 0
Experience: 6 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Unfinehsed Beginner course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 4, 2017 Played the course:once


- Has water fountain.
- Very hilly.
- Hole #4 was cool. You throw downhill with trees in front. So either go right or left. (I went left and lost a disc into the woods. So if you find a red wahoo, it's mine).
- Quick easy course to play.
- Grass was cut and well kept.
- Grass on ground with no logs or things.
- The pads are V shaped concrete, not rectangular. I like this. This allows on to stay on the pad if he throws off at an angle. BTW: the pads are actually big compared to ones I normally play on. They're fine.


- No sign pointing to hole 1.
- No path or signs pointing to pads or baskets.
- Signs by pads show generic hole but not the one playing.
- Sign shows 2 pads, but only 1 is there.
- No toilets.
-Everything in open with no trees (except hole 4).
- Can't loose a disc except at hole 4.
- Baskets do not have hole numbers on them. They have DGA for some reason. (So hole #1 you don't know where to throw to. Hint: It's the basket to the right. but if you do the one on the left it's OK. Just reverse the baskets on hole 2).
- Most baskets are close to the next pads. However, some you have to walk a ways to get to the next basket. As I saw these, I thought they could have moved the next pads closer to the nearer baskets. Or ever slightly changes some hole so you don't have to walk a ways to the next pad. Hopefully before they get trees three they will figure this out.
- Only 9 holes (a plus if you want a fast game) but plenty of room for more holes. They could even have 2 18-holes courses with the extra room.
- Saw multiple guys in cars just sitting there probably doing drugs.

Other Thoughts:

- This looks like a work in progress. If they finish the course it will be really nice. The basics are there now.
- They have the pads and baskets down, but no trees.
- There are hills and the course goes up and down the hills. However, without obstacles, it's just a straight throw to the basket.
- The hills are nice as it changes the wind direction for every hole. Coming from Florida where everything is flat, a real nice change of pace.
- There are 9 holes, but they have the room for 9 more no problem.

I came into town and had some free time to play. You can play all 9 holes in 30-40 minutes. It's fast and easy. It's on hills with all grass on the ground. Good for beginners or anyone wanting to just have fun. If they ever finish it then it should be pretty good.
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7 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Really Has Potential To Be A Solid Little Nine Hole Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 20, 2015 Played the course:once


Instead it's kind of an enigma to me. What target audience were the course designers aiming for? What's going on with these tee signs? And finally why, WHY would they put the DGA emblem on the top of the basket instead of the hole number?

The terrain is really a pretty choice piece of land for disc golf. The lovely rolling hills are fun to throw off. Granted, a few more trees would be a great addition. I was mostly underwhelmed by my experience here at Hidden Valley Park DGC. The baskets are fine. The concrete tee pads could be a little longer. The tee signs have no information yet do have a nice big number welded on them.

I did enjoy playing # 4. It was the only hole that actually required a skillful shot off the tee.

My other most enjoyable part of my experience here today was watching this black dude zip around the walking path on this little miniature motorcycle. Obviously, he thinks he's Evel Kneviel. The walking path has the perfect curves and banks and this guy was tearing it up. He wasn't overly concerned with the posted signs stating that the path was for pedestrian use only. He was having a lot more fun than I was.


I was really perplexed about these tee signs? After reading the other reviews, I take it that they are a work in progress and the information is forthcoming. OK.

Putting the DGA logo on the baskets instead of the hole number is such a silly mistake. There's no reason for the logo but having the number on the plate actually helps players navigate the course. I think I've seen this on one other course somewhere.

So many boring holes, open holes.

The grass was just long enough that I didn't enjoy walking through. Freshly mowed and it would be really nice.

Confusion at the beginning as to which basket is # 1.

# 6 basket sits in middle of field. ZZZZZZZZ!

# 7 is 386' over a hill and it also induces sleep.

Other Thoughts:

And the wind. I'm from Washington (the state, up there by Canada). I'm not used to playing in winds such as this. This is like, my 12th straight course where the winds are blowing gale force, and really destroying my already sad game and consequently, my enjoyment factor as well. I guess it makes you Mid-Westerners better players and tougher men. Kind of like those goofy Canadians who play in the snow. Myself, I don't like to play if it rains just a little.
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2 4
Experience: 13.2 years 76 played 42 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 17, 2013 Played the course:once


+new baskets
+concrete pads
+hole 4


-no trees
-some slanted pads

Other Thoughts:

Land is most similar to Swope. Could be something if they spaced out the holes, made use of the backside of the property and then planted 50 pine trees. only value this course has is pads and baskets for practice. This is not an actual course
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9 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.6 years 206 played 63 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Waste of potential 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Navigation between holes is not a problem. All tee posts can be seen from the previous basket and the numbers on top help make sure you're at the right one. 10/10

Baskets are brand new and looking great. Tees are concrete and just a tad small. 9/10

Finding discs is very easy on seven of the holes. If you do throw it in the woods on 4 and 5 (the only ones with any obstacles) the brush is pretty thick, but it's only really in play on 4. 9/10

Navigation on the holes themselves is good after you get past the first hole. Holes 4 and 7 are blind but aren't bad to find. The tees do a pretty good job pointing to the basket, but there are a couple of weird ones, especially hole 6. 7/10 and will improve to 9 or 10 when hole maps and numbers at the tops of baskets are added.

There are no severe elevation changes on the course but there is some variety. Hole 1 is a valley, 2 slopes from left to right. Holes 3, 6, and 7 are slightly uphill, while 5 and 9 are slightly down. 6/10

I'm on the fence a little about course maintenance. I'm going to hesitantly give it a 6/10 in expectation of upcoming improvements. The grass is mowed and there are tee signs that will eventually have maps in them. It looks like a couple of benches will be added along the walking trail.


With the exception of a huge hyzer route on hole 4, this course does not force a variety of shot paths. 1/10

There is almost no variety of openness on shots. Hole 4's drive is the only tee shot with obstacles and hole 5's basket kinda has obstacles if you miss to one side or the other. 1/10

There is no decisionmaking required at all except on hole 5, where you can choose to lay up and pretty much guarantee a 3 or go for the basket knowing that if you miss to one side or the other you're in the woods. 1/10

The use of obstacles here is terrible. There are a few newly planted trees that could maybe have an impact on the shots in about ten years but for now only holes 4 and 5 have any obstacles. 2/10

No running water or bathrooms, no shade, and currently no benches, but some may be added along the walking trail somewhat close to the course. It's pretty short and only nine holes so that helps but still 2/10 on comfort during the round

This course will offer almost no challenge to players with any experience at all, I would reserve this solely for new players and juniors. Challenging all levels 2/10

There is very little variety in distance here. There is one long hole (7) and one short hole (2) but most play somewhere between 270 and 300. 2/10

There are some alternate hole positions. I have only seen the pins in one setting, but I did see an alternate location in the ground on two holes. The two I saw did not change the hole much because the holes were still completely wide open, and didn't change the distance by more than 30 or 40ft. I'm hoping the rest are better, so I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say 3/10. This is the best I think they could possibly be, and it may really be a 2 or a 1.

Other Thoughts:

Overall challenge 2/10, it reminds me a lot of Bluejacket DGC in Eudora, KS for those who have played there.

This land has potential to be a good nine hole course, but the designers did not utilize it at all. The most guarded pin here other than hole 5 is the practice basket. The opposite side of the park provides more severe elevation changes and more obstacles but they instead just built the whole course out in the open. Hole 4 has the opportunity for an awesome shot if the tee were ten feet to the right and the basket 50ft to the left. I was very disappointed after seeing the possibility for some cool holes that this course was almost completely wide open.
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4 1
Experience: 15.8 years 85 played 17 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Brand New 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2013 Played the course:once


Wide open, nice baskets and nice tee pads, very easy to navigate for the most part.


The group I played voted that the course, maybe the one of the most boring in KC. Just wide open throws for the most part. The baskets were not numbered and #1 and #2 were not quite obvious which was which. Several of the tee-pads were sloped with the hill which was not optimal.

Other Thoughts:

Maybe when some trees get planted and some of the small ones there grow larger the course might be OK.
Number 4 and number 6 tee's were not pointed at the pins.
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