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Carthage, NC

Hillcrest Park DGC

2.25(based on 23 reviews)
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Hillcrest Park DGC reviews

9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 616 played 568 reviews
2.00 star(s)

The Ancient Ruins of Carthage

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 4, 2019 Played the course:once


Pulling into Hillcrest Park, it's clear what is prioritized here. There are top-notch baseball fields and playground & splash area for the kids. And then there's the disc golf course.
****2024 UPDATE - driving by, I wanted to take a quick look at the course (and possibly play). It's clear some of the baskets are gone. I didn't explore further, but it's clear this course would probably be considered unplayable at this point. Now, continue reading my (now) outdated review.****
- When this course get's proper attention, this can be a decent layout. When fairways are completely overgrown, it's not so much fun.
- There are plenty of open holes. In some ways, these are the best parts of the course. Granted, that's only because you can't notice the neglect. Yes, having clearly laid out fairways is a positive for this course.
- There were two holes that I thought were good, B+-level in terms of quality, design, and enjoyment - #2, an uphill 254-footer and #16, a 265-foot, slight downhill layout with a tree lined fairway. The latter was the only hole that had an actual, well-laid out fairway.
- There are at least a half-dozen holes that would be just as good if this course got proper attention. #9 could be the course's best hole with proper attention. Your approach shot is (in its present state) to a basket that has waste high, or taller, grass three feet to the right of the basket. Cut that height down, widen the green area, and clear out some of the underbrush, and you now have a legit risk/reward approach shot rather than a 'I hope I can find my disc and not a snake' throw, or a safe, 30-foot to the left, bailout throw.
- If you ever want to see the inner workings of a small-town park and rec department, a round here is really a behind-the-scenes tour to see how the sausage is made. Hole #3 plays behind storage sheds and piles of dirt and mulch. #8 plays along the fenced in yard where county vehicles are stored. The walk from #9 to 10 leads you past more P&R equipment. Then, if you're still on the fence about whether you want to work for the county, this recruiting tour's Coup de grâce is the walk through the waste collection center, complete with the opportunity to tee off on #14 right next to one of the dumpsters.
- I was able to spot the tee areas for 15 of 18 holes. In school, that's a solid B or B-. Between wooden posts and some tee signs, you too can play most holes. Add to that, I did spot all but one basket, and even most fairways. And most baskets were still completely upright and not leaning.


This park offers multiple amenities. All get more attention that disc golf.
- For everyone who says any disc golf course is better than no disc golf course, this will test your beliefs. The directions on the course's DGCR were spot on, even to the point the first tee is a couple steps from the back, right corner of the parking lot. I spot the first tee sign immediately. Solid first impression. Then I try to figure out where the actual tee area is. Don't see markers in the ground. Don't see a frame anywhere. I guess they want you to just throw from that exact spot. And that was one of the easier holes to play.
- Hole #5 is a hole in that it does have a tee marker and a basket, both of which have a #5 on them. What's in between said tee marker and basket is nothing that resembles a fairway. Go to your nearest cluster of trees, underbrush and wild growth. Great. Welcome back. Now tell me, what did it look like? Was it nicely manicured or was it a complete jungle that it'd be difficult to walk through or get a disc through? Chances are it's still easier to get to than it would be from #5's tee to basket.
- #6 & 7 were two open field holes that only served the purpose of giving this course 18 holes. You tee off on one side of the field, play 500 feet to the other side, walk 30 feet away, tee off on the far side, and play to a basket close to where you just were.
- If you go over the fence on #8, or possibly #12, I don't think you're retrieving your disc.
- For a simple course, there were a ton of blind tee shots. As already mentioned, it's not always easy even figuring out where the fairway is on every hole. So, it's not like you can just throw a disc down the fairway and hope for the best. You can throw down the widest area and hope that it is the actual fairway. I guessed wrong on where the fairway was on several holes on the back 9. Can't say I remember ever having to play 'guess the fairway' more than once on a course before. So, there's that.
- I'm sure I could complain about other issues, but I feel I would just be wasting brain cells.

Other Thoughts:

Hillcrest was one of the most frustrating courses I've played. The course is clearly an afterthought. There are two good courses nearby so why pour resources into this sunk cost?
- The frustrations mostly stem from the realization that it wouldn't take that much effort to turn this into a better course. One solid weekend of fairway clearing and tee sign / next tee arrow installing, and this course would at least be playable. Just because this will never be an elite course doesn't mean it can't be a solid option for players.
- I really would have been interested in playing the wooded stretch of #9 - 16 were things in more optimal shape. The stretch of #9 - 13 should be the course's best section of holes. Instead, I'm happy I didn't have to search too long for a disc in tall grass, didn't twist an ankle, and only had to walk through two dozen spider webs. #10 and 12 really could be fun holes, and I was disappointed I didn't get a real taste of them.
- When you start playing a lot of courses, you're going to eventually play some bad courses. This course most closely resembles two others that were complete s-shows: Woodward Park in Camden, SC and Lowe Warner Park in nearby Troy. I'd rather see, and play, a course that tops out at a 2.5 rating than just see it completely ignored.
- In this layout, if everything were in good shape - tee pads, tee signs, clear fairways, easy navigation - this tops out in the 2.5 - (maybe) 3.0 range. Based on how the course played in July '19, I'm probably being generous with a 1.5 rating. Based on the fact the most recent course update from a year early, these flaws have been around for a long time. Until things are better, give me Pinehurst or Reservoir Park every time.
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6 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.6 years 104 played 27 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Bad, bad, bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2017 Played the course:once


There are Innova Disc catcher baskets in pretty good shape.

Hole 8 is a neat tree tunnel shot.There were a few tee pads on the back nine and those holes might be more fun on a replay when you actually know which way to throw and approximate distance


Navigation is terrible. Course maintenance is non-existent. cars parked in course. Basically a sports complex with a disc golf course as an afterthought.

Some of tee pads that exist on the back 9 suggest there was a re-design at some point because they don't seem to point to any of the baskets.

Other Thoughts:

A car was parked on the first tee, so we teed off a bit farther along. There was plenty of parking in the lot but the first tee is shaded so I guess it seemed a much better spot on a 90° day in the Sandhills. There was a car parked in the "fairway" of #2 that we were able to throw around. Hole #3 looked kind of like a junkyard with random items scattered about. Could not find tee for 34 as that was where the tee signs ceased to exist. We teed off in front of a giant pile of sand.

At #5 we realized the tees were marked by posts. There were two rocks on the ground about five feet apart that I thought were possible markers so we threw towards the basket they faced. That was #7 basket so we backtracked and threw to the other basket we could see. That was #6. We never found #5 basket.

#10 tee post is on a hill just past one of the ballfield fences. We couldn't see a basket but there appeared to be a path into the woods. There was a basket in the woods. There were a few red arrows on trees that presumably were intended to aid navigation. Fail. My dad is a man of few words and has never had a negative thing to say about a course. As we holed out on 18 he said, "This is the worst course we've ever played." And we played Springwood Players Course a few weeks ago.

This course could be much better with a little maintenance and signage. Not world class, but I bet it could rate a 3 or so with some work. If I were local, I'd make an effort to give this course some TLC.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2015 Played the course:once


The back nine has some fun holes when you find them. It varies from wooded holes to sparsely treed holes and there are some good lines there if you can locate them. A few completely wooded holes with clean fairways of good width. A bunch more holes that traverse scattered trees but they are scattered heavily. Lines are tricky and a few verge on plinko but they are fun. More fun than challenging but fun. Underbrush is non-existant and holes are interesting enough for experienced players but simple enough for beginners.


The back nine has absolutely the worst navigation I have ever seen. (Not that the front nine is better). Forget scouting the basket. You would have to do concentric circles because from many of the tees, the direction of the fairway is a complete guess. There are scattered trees on all sides. A few of the holes have the tee signs which make that point moot, but for the majority of these holes, the tee sign is missing. All that remains is a post with the hole numbers tacked on. Occasionally there are too flags which mark the throwing line, but that still leaves two options for throwing direction. The poles are also quite difficult to see so it can be hard to find them from the previous basket. All-together, visiting players will do quite a bit of wandering here.
The back nine does end on two holes which play along the park road but the real bad spots of the course are the in the first nine. These holes just aren't much fun. A stretch of holes that play along the edge of the park and among a few piles of equipment and park buildings. Lot of stuff to hit in the fairway and a short fence which separates the course from residential property on the right. After that there is a series of holes which zigzag across an open field. Of course multiple baskets are typically in view and you might throw to one and realize it has the wrong number.

Other Thoughts:

For those who know the course, this can be a fun round. But it's not worth the time for players passing by to have to figure it out.
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2 0
Experience: 54.3 years 77 played 24 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Cool Course in Carthage 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 5, 2013 Played the course:once


In a nice, easily accessible park. Excellent score cards, without which I'd have probably never made my way through, despite my natural talent for navigation.
A good mix of open and wooded holes. The two Par 4's (6 and 7) will let you let it fly through wide open air. #9 will let you sail it as well, but not as worry free. #8 is a beautifully designed hole, flying through a long tree tunnel, similar to, but longer than #13 on the coming soon Springwood Players' Course.


Some of the natural tees are hard to find, even with the good map on the back of the scorecard. I never did find #4 and had to make a best guess as to its intended location. Many of the tee signs have evidently been vandalized and are missing from the tall posts on which they were mounted. But hole numbers have been put on most of the signless posts.
Despite its design flaws of crossing a fence and a road, #2 is still a pretty cool hole, making good use of upward elevation. #5 can be misread, as the basket is pretty well hidden in the trees and is much shorter than the card listed distance of 170'. Even with its shortness, it's no gimme, featuring a very narrow gap entering the tree line from the tee, which is in the open.
As noted by other reviewers, some back nine wooded fairways aren't very fair, but are largely discernible and navigable. #16 is probably the worst, but can be easily cured by simply moving the tee about 20' to the left to utilize the beautifully grassy, reasonably wide lane between the two tree stands.
I'll assume that the fallen pine partially blocking #15's green will soon be removed, as the bush and tree on #18 will be trimmed.

Other Thoughts:

The sandiness of the soil in the Carthage area should keep the natural tees from turning to mud in the rain. All in all, an enjoyable DG experience. I look forward to playing it again, perhaps on a leisurely Sunday afternoon, along with the other two nearby courses
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2 1
Experience: 47.5 years 14 played 2 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Had better days 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice park, well worth a visit. Skip the DG (see Other Thoughts).


Numerous missing holes, missing signage. Layout includes several holes in dense pine forest requiring more luck than skill. Overall: not much fun.

Other Thoughts:

Doesn't need TLC, needs an intervention. Check out the old fenced-in county cemetery for burying indigents.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 179 played 120 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Hillcrap 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2013 Played the course:once


Layout - It's got some challenge to it; tight tunnels and OB near baskets. The first nine holes are mostly open and the back nine are mostly wooded so it has a balance.

You'll need to be accurate and able to shape shots through gaps on the back nine. The front nine is mostly placement on open shots.

Atmosphere - The back nine has a nice piney feel to it. Not crowded when I played it.

Equipment - The baskets were in pretty good shape.


Layout - The front nine is terrible. There's a few solid golf shots but overall it's deplorably repetitive and boring. The pics you see are all wrong, it's all open now. You throw a left to right shot towards the basket which sits next to a tall fence more than once.

There's two awkward tweener open holes back to back which just sucks. There's also a crappy little tiny hole. Plus some of the baskets on this side are surrounded by brier and small trees within 5' of the basket.

The back nine is much better but still has some unrealistic lines on a few holes; and still this part of the course is a bit repetitive.

There are some really awkward transitions out on the course. It can be confusing if new.

Equipment - No pads, only a few teesigns showing distance at the beginning. No benches or trashcans.

Atmosphere - You play around some ballfields and near the road in a few places. The park isn't very nice or scenic. You don't feel secluded at all. There's a crap ton of ugly things beside the park like rundown dirty houses, some kind of miserable facility with trashcans leaking trash on the course.

...and there's a graveyard on the course

Other Thoughts:

I don't like this place, the back nine isn't enough to redeem how terrible the front nine is. It's funny how people used to complain how plinko the front nine is and how I'm now complaining how terribly wide open and dumb it is.

There's much better options in the area and this place isn't worth your time unless your bagging courses.
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2 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Changed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Its a hard course. Holes are a mix of open and wooded. Before this course most of my play had been in wooded areas and I didnt know how much I relied on trees to so me the line.
Not matter how many time I play it kicks my rear.


Its a dump. You actually do pass by the dump on holes 11-13. And the whole course is in bad need of a trash clean up. Lots of redneck dumping went on in these woods. It is hard as all get out to figure out where all the tees and baskets are. there is no yardage on any whole but 1,2 and 16 i believe.
BEWARE of the fences. You have a fence that run the length of 1 and 3 and if you throw over you are going to have to work to get your disc back. On 8 the fence and barbwire and houses the counties school buses. The last thing you want to do is get bust trespassing on what could be school grounds. Leave the disc and drive around to the facility when you are done. The people there are quite used to being told. "i lost my disc over the fence, can i go get it?" I have never had a problem with getting it a lost disc back. However they do close at 4pm.

Other Thoughts:

Over all its ok course that will make you work but isnt a whole lot of fun to play.
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.6 years 797 played 59 reviews
2.50 star(s)

what's left is pretty fun. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice Baskets.
Not much undergrowth.

The layout that still exists is actually very challenging and fun. While it does stink that a large portion of the course does not exist anymore (4-9) but If you treat it as any other short 9-12 hole course it's still a fun play.

I really like 10-18 and could find myself playing this layout on a regular basis if I lived in the area.


The walk from hole 3 to 10 is a long one(walk around the baseball outfield fence)

I do not enjoy throwing over the graveyard on hole 2 kinda creepy if you ask me. I'm not try to get cursed if my disc lands in the wrong place.

There are raised buildings on a few holes that your disc can slide under(as mine did) and it is hard to retrieve.

On holes 1 2 3 and 18 there is a very tall, hard to scale, fence. if your disc goes over and you are not a proficient climber then you may as well say goodbye.

No trashcans

Other Thoughts:

this course was a fun layout and if it wasn't for the absence of holes 4-9 I could imagine it being a little more popular in the area. I however think it is worth the play if your around and compliments the other course in So. pines with a little bit of a different look.
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4 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Information 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2010 Played the course:once


Good local course. challanging


lots of pine trees and still work in progress

Other Thoughts:

Just a comment to let everyone know that I have talked with the Parks and Rec department and they are cutting out trees for open space for over flow parking but all baskets in the area that are being cut will be replaced and will open up 3 holes. this will add more variety to the course when complete.
The course is not going anywhere!
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11 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 192 played 189 reviews
2.00 star(s)

A Shell of its former self 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 21, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


18 baskets, yea!

Welp, that's about it. After the park took out the best holes for overflow parking for baseball, you get some less than stellar field holes. Still, it's disc golf and worth a stumble around.

There is a bit of odd character to this course, like the little graveyard in play at the end of hole 2. That and the multiple little storage buildings around give a weird vibe to the course.

No tees but the dirt is okay and you can find most of the tees thanks to wooden posts. Some even have signs on them!


The worst part of this course is that so much of the course plays around fences. The first 5 or so holes have a fence along the right that borders a neighborhood. Then hole 8 is a crepe myrtle type lined fairway of goofiness with a daunting fence on the right, complete with barbedwire. Then there more than enough tees and holes right next to baseball fences, not ideal.

Some of the new basket locations for the holes taken out by the parking lot are just inside little pockets in the tree line, not awe inspiring design.

Still a lot of broken glass and trash here and there that looks like it's been there for awhile.

Holes #12-14 stink, literally, they're right beside a big dumpster.

Holes #17-18 are just awful. 17 has a good mando to keep you from throwing out into the main park road but there isn't much of a fairway actually. Then 18 is a goofy walk back down the road where you basically have to use the same main park road as the fairway. Just bad.

Other Thoughts:

This used to be a solid if not spectacular course that had some challenging in a good way pine tree tunnels of doom holes. Now, those holes are gone. What's left is basically a tour around the baseball field and some filler holes. The good holes here are very reminiscent of OT Sloan, it's that kind of poking around the woods. They did a fair job replacing the lost holes and with a little tweaking here and there they could be fun holes but for the most part they're just wide open field holes.
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2 1
Experience: 15.4 years 17 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

lots of fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Nice variety of shots. Some very challenging fairways. Full amenities very nice scorecards. Almost every hole overs different shot choices from the tee. Hole 13 is my personal favorite. Its a short left hook with a steep down hill elevation change that has definite ace possibilities. Easy to navigate. Signs to next tee at every basket.


Course is built at a park that is clearly dominated by baseball. A few tee shots come with the chance of climbing the fence. Hole 17 and 18 run either side of the entrance road which gets quite busy on days they have baseball games. A few holes have what I like to call a "wtf" tee shot where a tree or two should have been cleared (hole 9 and 13 in particular)

Other Thoughts:

!!!*** there is a rumor going around that we are in danger of losing this course***!!! The park is wanting to build more baseball fields on top of the four already there and another parking lot which would require the land the course is on.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.9 years 201 played 147 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Work in Progress 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2009 Played the course:once


Wooded course with some challenging technical holes. New, visible baskets. Natural tee pads seem to be level and are holding up OK.


Looks like a newer course that is still in progress. Most holes don't have signs. You need to walk up the fairway to find the basket, and then go back and throw. A few holes have what I would call WTF fairways. If they take down a couple more trees it will make those holes play fair. Not any holes that are real fun to play, or unique. A few long walks between holes, and some poor course layout.

Other Thoughts:

This is a newer course so I assume it will improve over time. Right now it's not great, but is playable if you somehow find yourself in Carthage. There is a kennel of some kind next door, and people were walking dogs along several of the holes. There is also a walking trail that doubles as the fairway on some shots.
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2 0
Experience: 16.1 years 43 played 7 reviews
1.50 star(s)

will improve in time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 23, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful park with great amenities, Discatcher pro baskets, and decent length, the Next Tee signs helped a lot


In order to please the Base B fans several holes were redistributed 1-3 are pretty much as they started Standing on #4 tee you will see baskets 6,7,and 8 but not 4 #4 is straight down the wood line about 300 feet then go right. hole 5 is a little 119 footer through a tight gap. Then you get the bombs of 6 and 7. Hole 8 runs right beside a fence between 2 rows of Crepe Myrtle trees the center of the fairway is about 12 feet from the fence to your right. 7 & 9 share the same tee area but there are no tees on the course only a 4X4 in the area of the teeing ground and the course is played so little you cannot tell were others have been teeing of on the field holes. The redesign seems to be take the baskets and dump them out in the field. Dumpster/recycle center, holes 13, 14, &15. More signage would be nice, at least distances. Holes 17 & 18 are not very friendly to the beginner that 17 basket is on just too narrow a strip of grass. Some holes need some thinning of trees and mowing of that tall grass. Long walk from 17 basket to 18 tee. Number 18 is a hole that only a thumber could love

Other Thoughts:

This course it is not a course to introduce new players to the sport. But for those that like to let it air it has something for them. The Crepe Myrtles on holes 8, 17, and 18 have a good potential of becoming a real obstacle in the near future. It does not appear that the county plans to invest many resources in the course so it is a good thing that Pine Cone Crush and Wild Pine are just down the road. It is a shame to let these good baskets go more or less unused
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 45.5 years 1001 played 118 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice pines 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 20, 2009 Played the course:once


*Many holes have very nice pine trees with a carpet of pine needles underfoot and very little undergrowth.
*The fairway shapes are perfectly balanced. 6 Straight/ 6 Left/ 6 Right
*Baskets are new double chain Discatchers.


-The course is mostly flat, with some slight elevation changes. 7 Flat/ 7 Up/ 4 Down. The biggest change is a drop of 16 ft. on hole 10.
-The hole length variety isn't the greatest; the majority are 200-299 ft. (2<199/ 11 of 200-299/ 4<399/ 1 of 500) The 500 ft hole 8 is a nice change of pace, though.
-A few of the holes are still just a little too tight and could be cleared a bit more.
-The tee signs are good, with a basic map, when they have them, but they're only on 5 holes (1-4 & 17). They need to finish them on the rest the course.
-There's a really long walk from the 17th basket to the 18th tee.
-In a few places there were piles of tree limbs and brush that need to be cleared away more.

Other Thoughts:

Course Level: White (most suited for Intermediate players rated 900.)

You be the judge-
My favorite hole- 10 is a short, dogleg left, downhill ace run to a guarded basket.

With quite a few very tight fairways this course rewards accuracy over power. Even though there a few scenic holes (7, 10, 13) I found the course beauty to be nice, but just a little below average. The natural tees work, but they're only average. Also, there are good restrooms and score cards available in the park office, but no maps, warm up basket, or message board.

This course is like an attractive girl in your 6th grade class-- flat and needs more development but is kind of pretty and has some potential.

Look in the Files section for my Overall Rating notes and Hole-by-hole ratings.
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2 0
Experience: 16.8 years 16 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Love this course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


- There are hardly ever any other players on the course.
- A truly tough course that really challenges your shot selection and shot shaping capabilities.
- Really beautiful if you like pine trees.


- VERY narrow fairways.
- Not many chances to air it out.
- Grass on number 9 can get (and currently is) out of control.

Other Thoughts:

I absolutely love this course. Every time I play here, at least one hole will hand my backside to me, but when you pull off the impossible shots throught the thick woods, you fall in love again. This course definitely prizes accuracy over power, with some gaps on the drive (number 13 for example) only 4-5 feet wide 100' down the fairway. Not fun when you catch a tree, but exhilarating when you pull it off. To be a nice as this course is, I have played here 10+ times and have only seen another player out here once. This course is a seldom seen standout in an area with little to no disc golf resources.
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3 0
Experience: 16.5 years 49 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Has potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2009 Played the course:once


-Good piece of land, in an area that needs disc golf (not necessarily Carthage, but Moore County).
-Baskets are Discatchers I believe, great condition.
-Course layout (walk from hole to hole) is reasonable.
-Great course for recovery shots and inventive putting
-Has potential to be a quality course


-Many holes do not have a discernible fairway (seven springs to mind)
-Many holes "fairways" are extremely tight, with luck being the deciding factor off the tee.
-Although not a problem for me per se, crushed gravel tees.
-Where's the next hole? It will come with time, but a simple wooden arrow with a "7" would do the trick.
-Four signs in total on my count, that will be resolved with sponsorship.
-Road on 17 and 18, fence on some holes.

Other Thoughts:

First of all, I'm glad that Moore County has a dg course. Kudos to all the hard work and effort that went into the course, the design, and the whole process. Although the course was somewhat enjoyable, it does have some problems. The design seems forced, as in they placed the tee somewhere and figured out the best place to put the teepad without having to cut down any trees or maintain some kind of fairway. I understand that one of the allures of dg is not clearcutting forests, you have to remove some trees to make the course playable. Considering Moore County's amount of ball golf courses (and all the side effects that result) I'm sure cutting down a few trees won't hurt. Hole 9 has a gap probably 4 discs wide off the tee. Take down those small trees that make the hole unplayable and voila, you have yourself a nice hole. I understand that it takes time, work, and resources to achieve this, however, it is possible and it will be done in time I'm sure.

Overall, I would recommend this course to those in the area as a show of support. If you live in the area and enjoy dg, then get out and help. Make some calls and see what can be done to improve this course that could be much better than it is currently. Since its the only course in Moore County, I'm sure it will receive the right amount of attention in the coming years.
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4 0
Experience: 7 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

It'll only get better. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 29, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


- A variety of types of shots needed from teeboxes. I think it's challenging for course designers to get this variety with pine forests but they've done it here.
- the gravel teeboxes while not concrete are flat and clear of roots or rocks.
- some signs and at least some folks have tied ribbon on trees near the teeboxes so without a map I was able to find the next tee without too much problems.
- good length for intermediate players that want to work on their precision shots.
- again, I'll mention good variety of shots because they also got some elevation changes in there.


- beginners or players that just don't like trees may think they're just way too many trees on some of the "fairways".
- advanced players or at least those with great arms may be disappointed they don't get to rip it.

Other Thoughts:

I occasionally visit family in this area but am not a ball golfer so I'm excited to see this course and some others spring up. As an intermediate player I'll enjoy this course again and look forward to getting back here. It's a nice setting and I like pine forests courses but I'd bring newbies somewhere else where they're not going to hit so many trees. I expect and hope this course will only get better. I think it has great potentional. I think advanced players could really warm up to it when some additional longer tees are offered. Know that could be years but here's hoping.
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2 0
Sling Moore
Experience: 22.2 years 43 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

An Instant Classic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 19, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Hillcrest Park has evolved into a very fine course in such a short period of time. A lot of work has been put into it and it is starting to show. The course has a great variety of unique holes and no two holes are even remotely the same. Navigation is easy as there are arrows placed on the holes where they are needed. Plus, the routing of the holes through the walking trail and around the baseball fields ease course navigation as well. To be a new course, the tee pads(gravel) are level and free of ruts, the fairways are well defined, and the greens are cleared of debris.


The rough on holes 5, 7, & 8 are littered with fallen trees and needs to be cleared. The tee pad on hole 14 needs to be moved to the left to fit the fairway better. There are only five tee signs thus far. More will be added when sponsorship is obtained. As of now there is no information board nor a practice basket. All of these issues will be addressed and fixed in the near future.
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2 2
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2008 Played the course:once


They have brand new baskets.


There are no fairways in the wooded areas, this means more than half the course is just covered in woods. With no path to follow. about a thousand trees need to be knock down.

Other Thoughts:

Ive played a lot of courses in NC and this one for being in a park and having great baskets for 18 holes is no were near being finished. frustrating
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 54 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 20, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


-Disc golf in area that needs more courses.
-Great facilities, bathrooms, water fountain, playground for kids.
-No crowds, secluded and beautiful eastern NC forest.
-Tight technical mostly wooded course, for those like me that like these type courses.
-Maps in the park office, arrows pointing to most tees.
-I like the layout here, even the first time I played it when it had no arrows it seemed easy for me to follow. The designers used all available land.


-Hole 9 could use some serious weedwhacking, the parks and rec folks don't help keep this fairway clear.
-Not all holes have tee signs, but this is a temp problem that should be solved with sponsorship.
-The fences along 1, behind 2, along 3, and up the fairway on 18. I don't like the thought of losing a disc to a fence, it makes me pull up a bit on my drive. Not a huge problem, just mental.
-The walk from 17 basket to 18 tee. I really don't see an alternative, and part of why I play is the walk in a park.

Other Thoughts:

I like this course, but I prefer tight courses that make you shoot accurate. (Even if I'm not that accurate). I've notice that the loose gravel tee boxes have started to pack in. I'm not the biggest fan of these type, but with a little time and rain it washes the loose stuff away and starts to pack down. I assume with time concrete will be put in place. This course will get worked in with more play, and hopefully more courses for this area will follow.

Update-As of Sept 09, most of the fairway on #9 had been whacked down. The rest of the course looked the same as when this review was first written.
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