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Hood River, OR

Hood River DGC

Permanent course
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Hood River DGC reviews

7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Has this course had a redesign?? 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 22, 2013 Played the course:once


Reading older reviews of this course I believe that there may have been a redesign and many brush clearing work parties in the not so far past. The Valkyrie Kid's review from 2010 tells of a poison oak and lost disc fiasco of a course; a very different experience than I received here.

You pull up and the course is literally on the side of the road, walk ten feet and here is hole one. All of the holes on the course are under 220 feet, a real pitch and putt so no need for your speed 13 drivers here. Hole one is a nice little 160 foot hole throwing through the gap in some trees and hole two is an open open near the road. Hole three is on top of a little mound throwing downhill and over the rest of the park which is only three acres maybe. There are a few interesting shots here that turn left and right, just a little variation and a couple of slightly up and down holes.


There are a couple of funky throws here that take you into other fairways but considering the size of the park and the ease and speed in which it takes to play each hole it shouldn't be too bad most days. The small piece of land here really hinders what can/could be done and really this course is a practice course, safari or lunch time course. Great for beating in new putters (or playing SuperClass) and having a fun and a laugh but nothing here to challenge anyone other than Grandma, Grandpa and four year olds.

Other Thoughts:

The Valkyrie Kid mentioned briefly in his review of a strange vibe he got from the skaters across the road and I would echo those views three years later. One of the later holes there were some teenagers sitting near this rock pile by one of the tee pads throwing rocks and pine cones near me. I threw my drive and they laughed and kept throwing things, not sure what that was all about but it had thinking about why I was the only person on the course on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
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7 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Don't Attempt To Play This Course Alone! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2010 Played the course:once


Hood River DGC sits in a small (maybe 3 acre) extremely rugged park across the street from a skateboard park. There were about 50 kids skating while I had the park to myself. I sensed some kind of weird vibe from this. Stepping up to hole one, there is a sign pointing down and saying, "This is poison oak. Please don't remove this." And then naturally, there is nothing there so walking through the rest of the course I'm paranoid about stepping into poison oak.

Hole # 1 is listed at 220' to a blind basket. I consider skipping it due to the risk/reward of hunting for my disc in these poison oak infested roughs. But I throw a couple of overly cautious short lay ups finally finding the basket.

# 2. This hole is 420' into the Bermuda Triangle of lost discsville. I call this a NFW hole. Meaning there's No F- - - - - - Way I'm risking it.

# 3. I wander for a while and finally find the basket I just skipped and the # 3 teepad. It's short and almost safe.

#4 teepad was back with the #2 pad so you have to backtrack to get back to it. #4 is also a NFW hole.

So now I walk back to the pad where both # 3 and # 5 tee off from. By the way, this pad is about 50 feet from I-84. Cars are whizzing by at a 100 miles an hour right next to you. I think I might be clipped by one while in the middle of my back swing. But # 5 is a playable little hole.

# 6 is a short 179' little hyser shot.

# 7 Another NFW hole. I estimate needing five spotters minimum before playing this hole.

# 8 is 173' to a basket so buried that it qualifies as a NFW hole. Probably the shortest NFW hole in America.

# 9 Plays back towards the skateboard park, I think. It's another major NFW hole. The only route I saw was throwing along the street and then sending explorers to find the basket.

On the plus side, lately someone has actually done some mowing or weed-wacking on the course. Probably the FBI looking for bodies.


Holes will here by be referred to by the PDGA and DGCR recommended number of spotters needed formula (RNOSNF) or by the more familiar RNOSNF. Pronounced Rhino-SNFFF.

Hole 1 - 1-2 spotters recommended
Hole 2 - A minimum of 5
Hole 3 - 0-1
Hole 4 - A minimum of 5
Hole 5 - Only 1
Hole 6 - 0
Hole 7 - 4-5
Hole 8 - 3-5
Hole 9 - 4 plus

Other Thoughts:

My advice here consists of two options:

Option # 1. With Parks department approval, Using park approved heavy machinery, cut, clear and trim about 90% of the underbrush. Leave baskets where they currently are.

Option # 2. Move every basket closer so that every basket is visible from pad. This would probably leave you with a course with no hole longer than 100 feet. A virtual disc golf pitch and putt course. But that would be much improved over the current inpervious thickety design.
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