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Hudsonville, MI

Hughes Park

2.355(based on 17 reviews)
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Hughes Park reviews

15 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 6.3 years 289 played 276 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Extremely unsafe pitch and putt 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 29, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


Hughes Park fills a small, wooded, pancake flat piece of land in Hudsonville, MI.

The concrete tee pads are all cement and in good condition. They are quite small, but more than adequate for the length of hole (also see Cons). At the front of each tee pad is a wooden kick plate with the hole number, a distance, and the par (which is always 3).

Each of the 18 holes here has a few trees scattered between the tee pad and basket - good shot shaping practice. The trees are all old growth, so there is no way you will lose a disc here (unless you throw it into the road or private property bordering two sides of the park - see Cons).

There is a kiosk at the first tee with the same map posted here (black and white version), and that map is accurate.


Safety, safety, safety. Holy cow....where to begin. Out of the 50ish courses I have played to date, I think this one might be the most unsafe. Just take a look at the map uploaded here and you will start to get an idea.
- There are 18 "holes" but only 9 baskets. This means that each basket has two tee pads throwing to it. On a couple other courses set up this way that I have played, that means that you basically play around a loop twice (#1 and #10 share a basket, #2 and #11, etc.). Here, that is not the case. Instead, someone thought it was a good idea to mix it up and throw back and forth across the park to different baskets. This creates fairways that not only converge on a single basket, but actually cross. It makes it much easier to be unaware that someone is aiming at the same basket as you. And it creates more traffic at tee pads as you have to wait for multiple holes in your firing line to clear.
- Most tee pads are literally 10 feet from the previous basket, making each one in play on 2+ other holes.
- Holes #1, 2, and 10 play close to a busy road. Holes 3 and 4 play close to a fence with private property on the other side.
- Oh yeah, this is still a multi-use park too. A path runs through the middle of the park right next to two of the baskets, making it in play on four holes. Other holes play close to a playground, swing set, and other park amenities.

The course is incredibly short. The distances listed on the tee pads are longer than the actual length of holes here (must be a RHBH hyzer line or something), but even those distances listed are all short of 300'. Many holes are shorter than 200'. Leave your distance drivers in the car. The nearby Rush Creek Park course is almost as long as this course despite having only 9 holes.

Zero elevation change and zero challenge other than the trees. This is one of the easiest courses I have ever played, including many city park 9-holers.

Baskets are not terrible but have clearly seen better days - understandable given that each one sees your disc twice a round.

Other Thoughts:

If you are trying to bag every course in the area, maybe try to come play this one on a weekday morning or something when there is no one around. If you could play this course with zero other DG groups or other people in the park, it could be kind of a fun practice round. But add just one or two other DG groups and the danger (and time waiting at tee pads) increases exponentially. Beyond that, I can attest from personal experience that it just gets silly. You will spend more time waiting at tee pads than actually playing.

I have shared similar thoughts to this in a few reviews now, but I don't understand the reasoning behind trying to cram 18 holes into a space that is really too small for that and would be better suited to a 9 hole course. Maybe I am in the minority but I would much rather play a more spread-out, safer 9-hole course (twice, if I really want to play 18 holes) vs. a cramped 18-hole course that has other DG'ers to contend with on every shot. In the case of this park, even a 9-holer would be tight but I could at least not have to worry about people shooting at the same basket as me.

Give this place a miss. There are multiple better options - both 18 hole and 9 hole - within a short drive.
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2 1
Experience: 40 played 38 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Come Monday it will be alright 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Thickly treed park provides the opportunity to play in the shade in summer. Bathrooms and water, kids playground in middle of park. Short but effective tees. Hole information notched into a 4x4 at base of each tee. Thick forest provides technical challenges. They figured out how to squeeze a back 9 into the course. Good course for beginners and families. Many birdies for a rec player. Occasionally there is more than one line off the tee. No rough, no poison ivy- plays on grass under the tree canopy. Back 9 holes become longer.


Not playable when crowded I would think. Even throw a couple of kids playing hide and seek and it gets sketchy. Distances on tee pads are not straight line tee to basket, something else.

Other Thoughts:

Played twice, both on summer weekdays. It was playable then. What a joy to see parents with kids, groups of 12-17 year old boys, a mom with a young son, all playing disc golf and having fun. While Devil's Den in Lansing is the future of disc golf, this is the road to get there.
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3 1
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Better Course When No-One Else Is Playing! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 2, 2017 Played the course:once


Hughes Park DGC is a great course to bring that beginner to play. Only six of the 18 holes are longer than 200'. The rest are just short, little pitch and putts through this wonderful, small section of park with a scattering of trees. At the beginning of the course there are picnic tables, a kiosk with map and garbage cans. The concrete tees have a front kick board with the hole # and distance. I haven't seen this before and I think it's a great idea. The baskets are older DGA models with fewer chains than newer ones.

The course suffers from this layout that has 9 baskets with two tees playing to each basket. This results in confusion and some unsafe throws. The good news is most throws are just approach shots and I doubt if anyone's getting hurt. Playing the back nine when others are playing the front nine can get crazy especially when others are oblivious to others on the course. The front nine has concrete pads while the back nine has natural tees.

For rec players, seniors, beginners, families and youth, this course can be great fun. Intermediate players on up will probably be bored.


Poor design with criss crossing fairways in a small space. Having two pads for one baskets works on other courses but here there are problems.

Recreational length.

Nest tee pads can be very close to previous basket. I guess it could be an issue but it didn't bother me. Just be aware.

Other Thoughts:

I liked this little course a lot. It probably would be better off without the back 9. That is where the course's problems start and end. When you think about it, there are few places where you can take your 10 year old to play without the worry of nasty rough, water or too much distance. I say, give this course a break, warts and all and let the folks playing her, go merrily on their way in a state of disc golf nirvana.
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18 10
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Pitch and Putt Chaos Theory, Hucker Style 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 23, 2017 Played the course:once


- There are 9 baskets in decent shape
- The grass is mowed
- The playground is nice along with the other non-disc golf amenities
- Navigtion is a snap. I mean when you put the tees so freaking close to the baskets obviously it should be no problem.
- at least the course is playable.


- Egad. Outside of Lake Township parks old layout this has to be the absolute worst layout I have ever seen. With the people on this course paying VERY close attention to who is throwing where is an absolute must unless you enjoy getting struck by flying plastic. With the odd layout of 9 baskets and 18 tees there is a plethora of crossing fairways and other assorted nonsense. More specifically:
> 17 and 6 cross
> 16 and 7 essentially thrown RIGHT AT each other.
> 11 throws right at the 12 tee.
> 2, 11, 13 all criss-cross in a spaghettified mess.
> 9 and 14 cross
> There's at least 6 or 7 spots where a tee pad is WAY too close to the previous basket.
- This course offers no challenge. At all. Boring wide open fairways with stupidly short holes and a park with zero elevation change. So short, you could conceivably play an Ace Race here with no adjustment to tee locations. But then there's all the layout issues to deal with...
- Tee pads on the front 9 are decent concrete pads but then the back nine reverts back to dirt with a toe-kick.
- Distances on a lot of these toe-kicks are totally wrong.
- There weren't any benches or trash cans that I recall seeing but by the time I even thought about that I was way too focused on trying to not be hit by random discs coming from everywhere.

Other Thoughts:

This is the worst layout I've ever seen. Lake Township and it's wonkiness doesn't compare to this insanity. Also, its just too easy.

I just do not understand why in the world anyone would think 18 holes would fit in this space. 9 holes...maybe. 9 holes with dual tees? That's really pushing it. But even using 9 baskets using 18 tees needs way way more space than this. If all the playground equipment and pavilions were removed you might have enough space for a ridiculously short 18. Just goes to show huckers on copious amounts crystal should never, ever design a course. Like ever.

Play here when there are few other DG'ers on the course. Otherwise skip it and and play somewhere else. I mean like, ANYWHERE.
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5 3
Experience: 16.3 years 91 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun ace run course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Short game course that has you seeing anything from a putter to a midrange ace run attemps. More than one time in a round you could be holding your breath or screaming get in the basket.

With the space the park has they out did them selves to give you a chance at a challanging pitch and putt kind of place


This park sees enough foot traval to see some kind of tee pads put in.

plays too close to the play ground.

Other Thoughts:

I moved from grand rapids three years ago and everytime i make a trip back home i always try to make a stop here for a quick round to warm up the arm. I would not say this is a out of state destination but as a semi local it is worth a look or two.

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3 2
Experience: 110 played 30 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Huges Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2012 Played the course:once


-nice little park
-good variety of holes, there is a lot of trees that make sure you have to do a variety of throws
-18 holes
-there is really good flow, I never got lost and there are very short walks between the basket and the next tee


-Only 9 baskets
-dirt tee pads
-not a large variety of distances, every hole is fairly short

Other Thoughts:

Fun little course to play if you are in the area!
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.4 years 353 played 299 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Aesthetic--I like the small town park feel of this course. Old growth trees and little places to lose discs.

Baskets--nice. even though it's 18 holes for 9 baskets, they are in nice condition and are grippy.

Routing--Relatively easy. Big "Start" sign at first tee. next tee is typically close to the previous basket and pretty easy to find.

Traffic--very light, I was the only one on the course, but that could be reflective of the course.

the park itself--nicely laid out, playground equipment is well out of the way of the DGC.


Challenge--little to none. I threw a -4 the first time through, many many birdies but a couple bogeys because of bad putts :(

kick strip tees-- Tees are dirt and have a 4x4 with the hole and distance, etc on them. they get covered in dirt easily and can be hard to see if you don't wipe them off with your foot.

"dual" tees v. 18 hole course--I can imagine if you were playing during prime times waiting and trying to figure out who's turn it is could get confusing. thankfully, the tees/pins don't line up 1/10, 2/11, etc... there is some variety.

other crap in your way--there are telephone poles/lines, buildings and other obstacles that pose threats to your lines. One in particular is a guy wire from a pole that is directly in your way putting on one hole.

Other Thoughts:

It's not that it's not a nice park and a fun time. Just rating this one based on how I perceive DGC's now. I like more of a challenge. I like to be frustrated, in the end it's still disc golf.
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2 2
Experience: 25.2 years 3 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Ace run Shorty! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Short ace run holes that helps work on midrange, upshot, and putts all day. Different lines to try different shots. Begginer friendly.


9 pins with 18 pads. Many pins are located next to two tee pads, so many times there are either people shooting direclty at you or you are waiting for people to finish a different hole or the hole that is directly next to your tee pad. No cement, all flat, very little distance variation.

Other Thoughts:

Patience is a virtue on this course as you will need to wait for people to play to the same pin you are shooting. There are also fearess squirrels and a few hawks on the course that you will likely see.
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5 0
Experience: 14.3 years 27 played 27 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Great Beginners Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2011 Played the course:once


* Very short holes, you can expect to birdie every hole with a mid-range or a putter.
* A little challenging with the trees and the confusing backwards play for the back nine holes. Just be sure that they are clear before you throw
* Again, with it being a mid/putter course, not too much is in the course to challenge you besides the road at holes 1, 2 (and their back holes) and then trees, building, people, etc.
* Very clean course, not usually crowded
* Ground tees, with the information on in-ground tee markers, hole number/distance/etc.
* Baskets are fairly new, good conditions, they are all used twice.
* Bathrooms here!


* Too simple, not enough to challenge the normal golfer, birdie every hole (you should at least)
* With the tees being used twice, it causes two groups of players to come at it sometimes at once. Just be respectful and it shouldn't be a problem, but you know people...

Other Thoughts:

I gave it a 2.5 due to the simplicity of the course, not because of anything to do with the community/overall course. It has to do with the fact it uses the baskets twice and that it is a fairly EASY course, all putter and mid-range. Not a bad course for beginners and golfers that want to practice mid-ranges and longer putting distances.
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2 3
Ninja Librarian
Experience: 14.3 years 19 played 1 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 8, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


*New Baskets

*Set up nice for bringing beginners
-No long holes
-enough trees to make you practice several different throws but not enough to frustrate new throwers


*Tried to make an 9 hole course into an 18
-at baskets have 2 tees throwing at them. If that wasn't bad enough many of the tees are less than 10 feet from another basket.

*Natural Tees

*"Signs" telling you the where to throw, distance and par are in the ground and often covered with dirt making them hard to read.

Other Thoughts:

If you could be guaranteed to be the only group on the course it would probably warrant a 2.5, but if there is any other group there you will run into them.
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6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 103 played 73 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Leave the Drivers in the Car 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 24, 2011 Played the course:once


-Signs (Sort of) they have wooden posts for the end of the tee pointing at where the basket is where a distance (Although I think they seemed very off at time)

-Some Great Pin Placement especially as they are used twice. They even have Wooden Blocks on top of the baskets telling you the number when facing it.

-They do mix it up so that all the baskets are getting used in a different flow on the back 9 so it's not 1 2 3 4 ect.

-Great place to learn mids and putters a lot better(nothing over 300)

-Easy to find your way around.

-The first hole has a sign that says "Start" making it very easy to find.



-Can seem to get jammed up a little bit because of the shared baskets(2 other groups were playing while I was there and I ran into both of them)

-Dirt Tee pads(besides hole 17 which has a grass one)

-Hole 3's and 11's green are on the tee pad of hole 4

-Playground in the middle of it, although it didn't seem to come into play or get in the way while we were playing.

Other Thoughts:

This place is not your normal pitch and putt. There are some good lines, and I would say this place is lightly wooded. It seems to flow very well and easy to find your way around. There are a lot of pins placed right of the tee (lots of turn overs for RHBH). For a short quick course I would say this could be one of the better ones in Grand Rapids Area.

Seems that if people are here you are bound to run into them. It's a very nice clean park, and is also multi use. Has basketball, a Net for volleyball or badminton.

Complete side note, it seemed like discs popped out of these baskets quite a bit. They have the huge bottle park.
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3 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 45 played 34 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Hughes new layout 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 6, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Finally they have baskets instead of posts. nice little layout. new layout can get tricky with basket placement and tree locations. part pro and part con. 18 tees but only 9 baskets. Concrete pads are going in now. Boundry fence on south side of park. anything on the other side of fence is OB and on private property.


first couple of holes the street and sidewalk can come into play since it goes directly along the outside within about 15 feet from the street. hole 7 and hole 16 shoot across the horseshoe pits. not too much of a problem since i have yet to see anyone using them. hole layout is 9 baskets with 18 tees so if someone is playing the other hole location you will have to wait to throw. next tee locations are really close to previous basket so if you are approaching the basket you have to wait till they tee off.

Other Thoughts:

Winter tee markers are now in place. Orange on the front 9. Yellow on the back 9. personally i sort of like it. The tee pads are a wooden board in the ground near the basket with hole #, distance, par, and direction towards next basket. new hole layout is as follows.
#1 175 ft
#2 140 ft
#3 187 ft
#4 215 ft
#5 250 ft
#6 190 ft
#7 258 ft
#8 165 ft
#9 178 ft
#10 170 ft aim at basket #1
#11 253 ft aim at basket #3
#12 181 ft aim at basket #2
#13 232 ft aim at basket #9
#14 195 ft aim at basket #8
#15 198 ft aim at basket #4
#16 260 ft aim at basket #6
#17 186 ft aim at basket #5
#18 270 ft aim at basket #7

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3 1
Experience: 14.5 years 27 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Limited variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 11, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


NOTE: This course has been redone and is CONSIDERABLY more fun to play. Poles are non-existent

Baskets have been installed
Tee-off "areas" have been implemented
Signage is up and pretty unique
Course design is intelligent, and I would say about as good as it can be for the limited area.
Park is still clean. Really clean.
I've never had to wait here. Ever.
Course plays like a full 18 despite only having 9 baskets, separate tee areas for a singular basket make it seem like the hole is entirely different


Not too much to argue with here, this course works about as well as it can in the limited area.

Distance still remains a small factor, all the holes are within 160-250 feet. However, as I mentioned earlier, I have no idea how they would change this.

Other Thoughts:

All in all, it's probably worth checking out, especially if you live in/around the area, or are passing by.

It's a nice little course that challenges your driving accuracy and consistency.

First tournament held here was won with 7 under (through 9 holes)...a reasonable possibility if you throw a consistent round. General scores seemed to be around 2-3 under for the front 9, more advanced players should shoot for 6 under.

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1 1
Experience: 15.4 years 30 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Quickie Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 5, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Quick play (I was alone on the course and played two 9-hole rounds with two discs at a round)

Easy to see the posts as long as you can find the overview map to find the first tee post.

Even though they are short holes, it gave me GREAT practice with the distance putts and mid range disc work on a couple of the holes.


This is the first course I've played with the posts as objects...I'm not sure I'm a fan.

I can see where this would be a problematic course when school is not in session. There was only a handful of kids in the park and luckily they knew what disc golf was because the youngest was running to throw my discs back on hole #3!

Other Thoughts:

I think that there is enough room to expand the course and either make more holes or make a couple more difficult, and I'm not sure why they can't get catchers instead of the object posts...maybe I'll have to call and see about donating to help improvements?
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1 1
Experience: 5 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Short 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2009 Played the course:once


easy to follow, trees make it a challenge


A small and short course even if you play it backwords, a playground in the right next to one of the holes (3 i think). Wooden posts, i'm not a fan of the posts.
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3 1
Experience: 8 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Short and Sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Easy to navigate. Very short. Good obstacle layout. Lots of trees to fly through. Very fun for driving with a putter. Every hole is a possible ace.


Tight area space. Lots of children playing (primarily hole #2). Size isn't challenging enough for someone who is looking to throw a disc far. Dirt Pads and Pole Holes.

Other Thoughts:

This course can be played forward and backwards (which is why it is listed as 18) The tee box is indicated with a pole with a red marker on top, and the hole is marked with a yellow marker. So you can start at hole #1 and shoot from red to yellow, or start from hole #9 and play yellow to red.
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2 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 86 played 85 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner Pole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2008 Played the course:never


Nicely marked and attractive tee poles. Easy to navigate. Short yardage beginner course, with little challenge other than avoiding trees.


In a very limited space, and you need to be alert for pedestrians and kids as this is very near picnic areas and playground equipment. You can probably play this entire course with just your putter.

Other Thoughts:

The PDGA listing indicates that this is an 18 hole course, but I only found 9.
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