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Omaha, NE

Hummel Park

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Hummel Park reviews

14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 283 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Best Elevation Change East of the Rockies? in... Nebraska???

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2024 Played the course:once


- absolutely insane bluffs and elevation change
- some of the best risk/reward rollaway type shots I've seen
- good use of next tee indicators in a few places
- concrete tees on most holes
- great variety of uphill, downhill, water hazard, flat shots
- DISCatcher baskets in good shape
- beautiful natural scenery with huge natural variety
- tee signs have satisfactory maps where not damaged
- huge technical challenge requiring good shot variety
- really cool terrain playing over creek hazard on several holes
- bridges over creek where needed
- insect activity tolerable, at least in April
- long with some length variety


- some signage in desperate need of repair
- need for many more next tee indicators
- navigation in middle of course becomes extremely confusing
- overgrowth in places makes it hard to follow course
- a few holes play near roads/pedestrian areas

Other Thoughts:

Hummel Park is one of the top 5 courses I've ever played with over 250 played. I was looking for wooded, technical challenge and elevation change. I never expected to find it in Nebraska. I think this is tied with Justin Trails - Big Brother (WI) for most insane elevation change I've played, in the middle of the midwest - I'm floored.

Hummel Park will beat you senseless. It is an absolutely insane workout with more uphill and downhill trekking than almost any other course you will ever play. It is not for the faint of heart or anyone really out of shape. You get quite a ways from your car and won't be back until you finish, so be prepared. You will want at least 32 oz. of water, in my opinion, and probably a few snacks too. The first few holes start off strong with insane elevation change - including the iconic 91 ft. drop on hole 1 - and some major rough. After this, things flatten out for a few holes and the rough becomes far more forgiving. There are ample opportunities early to lose your disc badly off a major dropoff.

The middle of the course starts feeling more like you're in the Rocky Mountain foothills with rockier terrain and no grass. In this section, navigation gets very, very confusing with no concrete tees or next tee indicators, and some tee signs missing. This course is incredible and the main limitations for getting a 5 are the nagivation, the upkeep, and the signage. Honestly, it doesn't deserve above a 4 in its current condition, but with a few improvements this is easily a 4.5 quality course, and this is how I remember it, as a 4.5 caliber course. The tee signs need to be repaired/replaced and some places need to be trimmed back a bit.

You will need every shot in your bag here - being able to throw both forehand and backhand is a plus to fade shots both ways, or at least being able to throw anny. You will have to throw uphill and downhill effectively.

The water hazard here is a small creek that comes into play in the first third of the course - nothing crazy but a cool feature to add intrigue to the flattest parts of the course playing through a more spaced out wooded area. There are plenty of tree hazards here but most of the course plays dense and tight outside of these holes.

I played this course at the end of the day out of necessity but I don't really recommend that. Best to do this one with fresh legs. Par felt fair here but expect the course to be difficult. The course is long overall; there is some length variety, but not much under 300 ft. You will need to bring some arm power as well as lots of accuracy.

This is absolutely a destination course and the highlight of my brief stop in Omaha. While Kansas City has a larger quantity of quality courses, Hummel Park blew away everything I played in KC. Go to KC for numerous excellent courses, but stop off in Omaha for one of the best disc golf experiences you will ever have - if you enjoy elevation, anyway.
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19 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.2 years 174 played 173 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A Hike With A Side Of Disc Golf

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 19, 2023 Played the course:once


18 baskets on some of the most varied elevation you'll ever see creating incredibly unique holes. Updated tee signs will be a huge plus when they've all been installed. They're very informative as they show each pin with distance and par, as well as elevation change, but unfortunately they were only to be found on 10 of the 18 holes.

Elevation use is second-to-none out of the courses I've played to date. The first tee alone is a 90ft drop down a tunnel with a left finish. Hole 2 is one of the most unique holes I've ever played. A short, uphill control shot that needs to land in the middle of the fairway so you can get a good second shot… through a lane that drops 70ft to the longest pin. Less dramatic (but still significant) drops on 3, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 12. Massive uphill shots on 8, 16, and 17, and some with less grade to them on 9, 13, and 16. Top it off with the valley shot on 18 and you'll see holes like none other all over this course. The best part about it is that all these (besides maybe hole 10) have a very fair line to the pin/landing zone. While some of the shots are extremely difficult, they never go into "unfair" territory.

When there's not insane elevation, the trees are around to keep you honest. 5, 6, and 7 are the best examples, 5 has trees all the way down on the right side to make sure you get the distance over the creek before allowing you to hit the pin (my third metal hit of the week with no ace), 6 has gaps to handle on the left and right, both with low ceilings (a creek looms left of both of these fairways), then Hole 7 tees from elevation, has a ceiling to get under, then stay straight down the fairway. This was the only hole I remember being disappointed in the pin placement as it's likely more fun in one of the par 4 spots than a 380ft bridie or die ceiling shot. 13 also has a lot of trees to beat all the way down the blind, uphill fairway.

For being such a rugged course, the rough really isn't too bad if a disc gets in it. The shrubbery is mostly off the ground, except when it's shielding a road (2, 3, 5)

Doglegs in tight woods are great on 11 and 12, both very reachable as they're downhill but easy to mess up as the tunnels are quite tight. And balanced as 11 turns right and 12 turns left. 14 is also a dogleg right after a more open – but much longer – fairway.


Navigation is the main downside here. 1 to 2, 3 to 4, and 8 to 9 are the worst offenders, but there are plenty of really clunky transitions and without prior knowledge or a map you could get pretty turned around. I've added directions for some of the tougher ones in the course description, but the main thing is to keep an eye out for is the red arrows nailed to the trees. They're not very big, and they're usually pretty high up, but when you do see them, they make a big difference.

Some poor areas of holes. Hole 1's approach shot will have the left route unavailable if there are cars in the parking lot. Hole 13 plays right next to the busiest road in the park, and Hole 2's approach is straight toward a road, albeit a much less busy one. Hole 10 I really want to like, but the gaps and ceiling required by the tree in the middle of the fairway make reaching the dogleg extremely difficult. Might play fine as a par 4 in the longest position, but challenging the dogleg off the tee is not something I'd want to try.

Inconsistency in amenities, the new tee signs disappear on hole 4, come back on 5 and 6, disappear until 12, then go all the way to 16, and gone on 17 and 18. Concrete tees are present on the first 8 holes, are gone for 9-12, is back on 13, a gravel one on 14, concrete on 15, dirt on 16 and 17, and concrete on 18. I can't really understand any rhyme or reason to the missing ones, and I hope the upgrades get finished soon.

As recommended, the course will definitely be better after the leaves fall. The hillside fairway of 8 was absolutely covered in stinging nettle and I also found some past the basket on hole 1.

Other Thoughts:

Prepare yourself for a very taxing round here. As the title says, this is a hike with a side of disc golf. I've played 11,000ft+ courses on foot, I've done golf courses with long walks in between holes… this beat out them all for the wear-you-out factor with the amount of elevation you gain and drop over a round, and that's just in between holes! I played in the summer and I wouldn't recommend that unless you lower your expectations, but I can imagine a round after the greenery dies out is pretty incredible.

Do I recommend this course? Yes, but know that in the summer Hole 8 may be unplayable and you'll be really hoofing it. If you're in town over the winter it's a no-brainer. You'll see some impressive and unique holes that you'll remember for a long while.
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23 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Pummeled at Hummel 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 16, 2022 Played the course:once


Hummel Park is a course I've heard nothing but great things about. I can now vouch for all the good things I've heard about it. This course is the real deal. 18 holes of extreme elevation and tight woods.

The course design appears to have gotten an upgrade in recent years. Most of the distances on the DGCR app didn't match up with what I was encountering out there. I didn't get the chance to play the old design, but this version seems like it might've tightened up some of the walks between holes and toned down the overall length. No worries, this course is still a monster.

The baskets are Innova Discatchers, one per hole. These were all in solid shape and caught great. The majority of holes have either two or three pin positions per hole. These change up not just distance but shot shapes as well. Nicely done in this regard.

The tee pads are a mix of concrete, natural and artificial turf. All surfaces were fine today, not sure how the dirt and turf hold up in wet conditions. They worked fine when dry though. All the dirt pads were leveled off and smoothed out. Didn't have any issues.

There's a pretty even distribution of left, right and straight shots out here. If anything I'd say it might lean a little RHBH friendly, but not by much. Lots of massive uphill and downhill holes scattered about. And I mean massive. Hole 2 goes drastically uphill before cresting and finishing severely downhill. Probably the most unique hole I've played featuring such extremes on both end of the spectrum. There's enough flat(ish) holes scattered in between to let you catch your breath for a minute.

The course flow, from hole 4 on is very easy to follow. The course doesn't loop back to the parking lot after 9 so be sure to pack enough fluids to last a whole round. A map is a must when playing here.

There's numerous benches throughout the course which is very much appreciated here, especially after crest the hill for the third or fourth time.

There are next tee arrows hanging from the bottom of the cage on every basket, next tee arrows zip tied to the top of the chain assembly and red, wooden arrows nailed to the trees on the latter holes serving as directional aides. Hard to get lost on the latter half of the course.

Water can come into play in a few spots in the form of the creek the meanders it's way through the park. It was pretty dry in most places when we were there, but after a rain it could be trouble.

The course is permanent and free to play. This course would be more enjoyable in cooler conditions so it's nice to see it open all year.


The tee signs are of no help currently. Maybe the first 3 holes, but after that they don't match up with the current set up. Don't bother trying to locate the pin based off of these maps. Hopefully these get upgraded, it would be a big help for first time players. Especially with the numerous pin positions.

The walk from hole 1 to 2 and hole 3 to 4 is NOT intuitive whatsoever. Hole 2 isn't so bad if the basket is in the long position. In that case it's pretty simple actually. Hole 3 to 4 on the other hand is borderline impossible without lots of unnecessary wandering, even using the Udisc map. A few next tee signs would go a long way for this transition.

The potential for lost plastic is very possible with all the huge downhill shots. Having a spotter or two would be highly recommended. The rough wasn't too crazy in mid September, not sure how it is in midsummer though. Same for bugs.

Other Thoughts:

Hummel Park was much harder than I was anticipating. I wasn't taking it lightly per se, but this course kicked our ass. I shot a +4 if the par was 55 like it says it is on Udisc. So not scorewise, physically this course is a beat down. I'd put it in the top 5 most grueling courses I've played to date. That's out of 750+ played.

All that being said, I'd 100% play this course again. I absolutely loved it. Not for beginners or even most casual players for that matter. Expect a workout, and a good one at that, and plan for a couple hours minimum to finish a round. It took me and the wife 2 1/2 hours to play a round. Granted 30 minutes of that was finding my drive on hole 2 and locating hole 4. Still, it's not a quick play. But it's absolutely worth experiencing at least once.

With better tee signs and pads and a few better navigational aides at the beginning this course is a 4.5 all day. That's literally the only things holding this course back in my mind. It's that good.
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4 0
Experience: 11.2 years 12 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Take a map 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2021 Played the course:once


Great usage of elevation, creek, and trees. Has a few spots where you can just grip it and rip it but most shots are going to make you think twice about how to approach it.


Without a map, I would have been lost. Not consistently marked how to get from hole to hole (especially from 3 to 4). A handful of tees have no markings/numbers/map and are just dirt tees. Pretty easy to lose a disc so be prepared for that possibility. Better signage would have easily bumped this course up to a 4 or 4.5

Other Thoughts:

Very peaceful setting on a Friday morning.
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17 0
Experience: 12 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Hauntingly Beautiful, Stunningly Difficult 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2021 Played the course:once


If ever there were a location that cried out for a disc golf course, Hummel Park would be it. If you know Omaha, you probably know that Hummel has a lore all its own. The course itself feels like it's miles away from everything in many spots, and save for the occasional airliner flying into or out of Eppley Airfield every now and then, everything is quiet. There are courses in the area that have some of what Hummel offers, but none of them that can do it to the extent that Hummel can, or combine all of them into one package. Woods golf? Elevation change? Sheer difficulty factor? This is the course that all the others in the area get compared to on those factors.

Variety is something else Hummel has in spades. Every hole has something different to contend with. Hole 18 has a wide valley that you have to get across to even get a look at the pin. Hole 14 has a 90 degree dogleg right with OB to the left and long and woods on the right, making for a narrow fairway all the way to the green. Ponca Creek comes into play on several holes as well. As one of my cardmates in the round I played yesterday said, "Every course has a signature hole. Hummel has 18 of them." Hummel will make you earn a good score.


Not surprisingly, the lack of real tee pads (and signage on some holes) is my only real objective gripe with the course. The dirt on the tee boxes is packed down well enough to provide decent footing in good conditions, and most tee boxes have a fairly obvious line where the end of the box should be, but some holes don't have a clearly marked tee box or even a sign, and had I not been playing with a local who plays the course regularly, I wouldn't have known they were supposed to be tee boxes. This is in the process of being addressed by the OMDGA thankfully.

Hummel is definitely not beginner-friendly. Bad shots can end up in some places where recovering your disc will be difficult at best. There are steep cliffs and thick woods that are tough enough to contend with when there's not a lot of foliage. Even some seemingly good shots can skip or roll and end up in a bad position. As I mentioned in the pros, Hummel will make you earn a good score. That can be a bad thing if you're new to the game and don't have good control of your disc yet.

Other Thoughts:

Big thanks to the OMDGA volunteers for putting in the work to add concrete tee pads and new signs. Good tee pads and signage would make this a professional-caliber course in my opinion.

If you're unfamiliar with the course, make sure you go with a local who is familiar with it. That way you won't have problems navigating, you'll know where to expect the tee pads/baskets to be, and you'll have a spotter, which you're going to need on some holes.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7 years 52 played 50 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Elevation Changes in Omaha? Yep. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Very unique course for the region. Beautiful scenery. Many holes have a fairly tight window to throw through and a demanding, specific line to hit. It's usually not busy and most holes have little-to-no visibility of other holes on the course. That combination makes you feel like you have the whole park to yourself.


Depending on the time of the year there can be a ton of poison ivy and mosquitoes to deal with. This necessitates long sleeves and pants, which is miserable on a humid 90+ degree summer day. I really enjoy this course in the spring and fall but in the summer it can be brutal.

Other Thoughts:

Hummel is near the bluffs of the Missouri River, and as such has some fairly extreme elevation changes and is densely populated with trees. It doesn't even remotely resemble the flat and sparse landscape that most people envision when thinking about Nebraska. This course would be fun to walk as just a hiking trail, so throw in some great disc golf and it's an awesome time.
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 557 played 429 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Hummel Most High 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 2, 2017 Played the course:once


Hummel Park is an amazing course if you're looking for a test. The fairways have some of the steepest slopes I have encountered anywhere. Way outside of ordinary for the Midwest region.

There are 18 holes, and all of the baskets are there, a bit worn, but in good enough shape to do the job. The tees are natural, and close to level. Signs on most holes, though some have been lost over the years. Equipment is functional, but the course would benefit from bit of TLC. However, the course makes up for shortcomings in the hardware department.

The elevation changes are massive, and play into the majority of holes. Climbing up and down more ridges than a bag of ruffles. Not only that, usually the trees are dense enough to restrict the flight path to a very precise line. You will understand the moment you step onto the first tee. Hitting those lines is not impossible, but it will require skill. I played in early November, and the leaves had fallen, making it somewhat easier I imagine.

On hole 1, you will have to stay under the branches, and fade to the left after descending a staircase that drops vertically a long way, feels like nearly 100 feet. I was able to reach the flat, and skipped close to the corner of the parking lot. Left with a 30' putt after a mediocre approach, I two putted for the par. An incredible starter.

Hole 2 plays up the next ridge, and 3 down the opposite side. Both have fairways that are pretty narrow, with trees that punish if you stray too far from the middle. The drop on 3 is nearly as big as 1, and is a little more difficult to steer between the trees, though not as long.

Cross the road, and follow it around the end of the ridge on the opposite side along John Pershing Drive to get to 4. 4, 5, 6, and 7 are the flat portion of the front nine, and the creek comes into play. I put my second shot into the water on 4, and took a triple bogey. I liked the flow on hole 5, and made a perfect drive, was parked close for an easy birdie two. I also got a shot back on hole 6, with another deuce. At hole 8 you start to climb again, and there was a huge tree down blocking the approach on the left side of the basket, when I was there. 9 is another big climb with just enough trees to make it interesting.

The back nine starts with another downhill run through the woods on 10, and there's a great tree in the center of the fairway a little more than halfway to the pin. 11 is also downhill, but not nearly as steep and reachable with a putter. I overshot it, and had to comeback out of the rough to make par. 12 goes big downhill again, my favorite kind of hole. A tricky drive, but feels great if you nail it.

Hole 13 plays near Hummel Road, and is uphill to nearly flat depending on the pin position. 14 is across the street, also somewhat flat comparative to most of the holes. 15 has more trees than the previous hole, and is slightly uphill, warming you up for the home stretch as you climb back toward the parking lot.

16 is uphill and not too long or crowded by trees, and gives a good shot at a birdie. Put one in the bank here if you can, you may need it. 17 is steeper and longer than 16, but is still gentle compared to the finale. 18 goes downhill off the tee, then back up. It is good to maximize distance on the first shot, and be in good position to get out of the woods with your second throw. Instead, I was knocked down to the fringe with my drive and hit another tree followed by a long roll downhill with the second shot. It was a 7 when I reached the final target.


Not a beginner friendly course. The boxes being concrete would be nice. Some of the signs are missing, replacing them would be cool too. If they installed arrows to the next tee after a few holes it would be very helpful for a first time visitor. Especially after holes 1 and 3. Print a map or get a screen shot at least, it will probably come in handy.

More trash cans might cut down on litter. A few extra benches would be nice after some of the steep climbs on the course. The parking area took me a minute to find, and the lot near the basket on hole 1 may be a safer place to park. But that changes the great first and last holes, which is a cool aspect as a first timer at the course. I did see broken glass from a car window in the lot as I pulled in, making me a little nervous, but nothing happened.

Other Thoughts:

In my heart, Hummel is a 5. With dirt tees and missing signage, I can't say it is perfect. It is in the top 2 of the 48 new courses I have played so far in 2017. A very close second to Tombigbee State Park-Course #2 in Tupelo, MS, Both had incredible disc golf land, with fun and challenging holes all the way through. Neither got the 5 star rating due to the more primitive outfitting.

I hate to do it, but I feel like technically less than optimal tees and signs are big enough reason to say it isn't perfect. But I did enjoy both of them more than the only course that got a 5 from me this year, Blue Valley in KCMO. I can't explain this ratings anomaly. It's basically a 4.75 or 4.8 out of 5 to me.

At any rate, Hummel is the most exciting disc golf course in Nebraska that I have played. Wild drives topographically, so many fun throws, and requiring great effort, and maybe a little luck to be under par here. Instant favorite, would go again.

I scored 66, and DGCR app listed the score at 62. Holes 5 and 6 both were listed par fours on the app, and I made two's. Maybe pin placement wasn't up to date. If not for an OB penalty on hole 4, and some bad bounces with rolls on hole 18, it could have been way closer.

Will try to get back there and try again. If you like big elevation as much as me this is must play if you're anywhere nearby.

Screw it: 5 stars.
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3 1
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course! Pick up needed though. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 15, 2017 Played the course:once


Great design
Holes are challenging but get-able for adv / pro level players
Even though teepads were dirt, they played just fine


So much trash! I picked up as much as I could while I played
but it seems like the users of the park do NOT pick up their

Other Thoughts:

Wish this course was closer to me. Will play it every time I come to Omaha!
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7 0
Experience: 18.5 years 55 played 15 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2017 Played the course:once


+ Well thought out holes with a wide variety.
+ Many holes took two good shots to get to the green.
+ Good use of elevation.
+ Many holes you have to have a think about what you want to do with your drive, there are intentional landing zones to setup the rest of the hole.
+ Some good views and a cool area along the river.


- Hole navigation is a bit tricky. It took us a while to find hole 1&4. See below.
- Spotty cell coverage so don't rely on Udisc or finding a map online.
- Some missing tee signs throughout.
- There may be other people using the area for non disc golf activities.
- On hole 1 the parking lot could come into play. (so park accordingly)

Other Thoughts:

This course was a ton of fun. Every hole has some elevation and a line or two to hit. There are few open shots. If you are missing your landing zones you will pay for it. The course does a great job of making you hit your lines without being overly punishing. There are alot of trees but I never felt like there were any "poke and hope" type of holes. There were some very memorable holes here.

I only played it once, but I think it would be more fun after having known the course better now. There were a couple of holes where we walked the entire hole to find the pin and had to walk back to tee afterwards. NOTE: Hole 1 is up at the top of some stone stairs and Hole 4 on level ground with the road to get into the park.

Our play through took much longer than we had planned for. This is not a course you will play through quickly.

I hope to get back out to this course again! Some better signs/tees would make this a must play course.
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3 2
Experience: 22.4 years 5 played 5 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Challenge Accepted 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Not busy
Course Maps Accurate
Easy to find
Challenging precision shots
Well-maintained fairways


Dirt pads (which can turn to mud after rain)

Other Thoughts:

Once you get accustomed to the woods and elevation change, you keep coming back for more. The course is testing a new thick grass-like turf to replace all pads, which will make this course amazing.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.4 years 204 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-Challenging course through a heavily wooded park. Trees are in play on every hole, so there is a strong focus on accuracy and placement.
-Great use of elevation changes. Elevation comes in to play on most of the holes with a pretty balanced mix of up and down. This courses provides a nice hike, although a few of the steep uphill walks can get some people winded.
-The natural tee pads are nicely leveled.
-Quite a few of the holes have log benches near the tees.
-There is a good mix of left, right, and straight holes and 3 pin placements on most, if not all of the holes.
-A small creek provides a water hazard on several holes.


-There was quite a bit of trash and broken glass throughout the course and not many trash cans to be found.
-Natural tees. It's a shame that this course still hasn't put in permanent tee pads. There is one turf tee on hole 2, but the rest are all dirt.
-Missing tee signs on a few holes.
-The course has some flow issues early on and could get confusing to first timers without a course map. Some next tee signs would be beneficial, especially the first five holes. Once you get to hole 6 the course begins to flow more instinctively.
-Too many blind pin placements for my liking.
-There are a couple of holes that stand out, some for the wrong reasons, but I didn't get much wow factor after the first hole. Hole 1 is a pretty cool steep downhill throw over an old stone staircase, but there is a small parking area that is in the danger zone of cars being hit by discs.
-The course could use a bit of maintenance trimming and clean up off of the fairways. Watch out for stinging nettles and thorns.
-If it has rained, this course would be pretty dangerous to play. My kids had trouble on some of the hilly areas even with dry conditions.
-Some of these holes would be best to have a spotter. There are plenty of opportunities to lose a disc off the fairways.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a pretty good course, although a bit overrated. The course is very challenging for those who aren't accurate or skilled throwers and there is a lot of punishment to be found for not hitting your lines. The lack of tee pads, signage, and upkeep really take away from giving this course a better rating. But even if those issues are addressed, I probably wouldn't rate this course any higher.
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6 1
Experience: 28.3 years 50 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

WOW!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 17, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


AWESOME course, just incomplete!!!
It is by far the most exhausting course (due to elevation changes) that I have ever played.
It is very difficult, but in no way is it unfair. If you didnt take the time to find the basket (and while you were at it) check the lay of the land for creeks or cliffs, thats on you.
No 2 holes are even kind of the same.
Some extremely well thought out pin placements (multiple every hole).
Good placement of tee boxes, but really bad dirt boxes. More on that in a bit.
Absolutely stunningly beautiful location and some incredible views. Giant mature trees come into play every hole. Its hauntingly quiet and peaceful. *Do your homework on my choice of "hauntingly"*
The info on the signs is perfect on the holes that had them, however they blend into the scenery too well, making it quite difficult for a first timer to find the next hole very often... even with a map (which I downloaded). Unfortunately, about 6 holes had no signs today.
This course is the ultimate test of many aspects of disc golf, primarily the mental. If you attempt to hurry through it, you WILL get pummeled. You will need to know how to control your mind when the exhaustion kicks in, you will need your precision and finesse games to be on, but you will need all of your arm as well.
If its your first time playing here, take your time scoping out where the baskets are, and the lay of the land. Take a minute to catch your breath between shots and expect a 3 hour round.
I have never been this impressed with the layout of a disc golf course. I had a lot if fun playing here too!!! I shot a 63 today, but stupidly didnt pay attention to what the actual par of the course was, but with so many missing signs, never would have known anyways.
If you are in the area PLAY THIS COURSE!!!
I am only including the next part for fair warning and full disclosure.
The course was in absolutely terrible condition due to it being spring in Omaha. It was so muddy that I could not even use the (very poorly designed dirt (2 inches of mud today))tee boxes. The elevation changes are so severe and the course so muddy that I fell 4 times. Potentially VERY dangerous.
That being said, this is the best course I can remember ever playing. PRO CALIBER for certain. The course cannot be to blame for its condition today, so I deduct no points. The tee pads however should never be in this condition. Dirt pads on a course of this quality is by far WORST design flaw I have ever seen. Fix this and the signage, and we go higher than 5.0.


The dirt tee pads are a major design flaw on a course this pure. SHALL WE START A GO FUND ME? I WILL CONTRIBUTE

Often difficult to find the next the next hole.

Tee box signs blend in to the surroundings too well and many are missing altogether.

This place could be on par with wildcat bluff or camden2 with good pads. i have played it in good conditions 5 times since and still hate them.

until they are fixed, save yourself som aggrivation and drive a bit to atlantic iowa and play a very, very nice, complete course.

Other Thoughts:

YOU WILL TOTALLY THANK ME FOR THIS!!! https://www.google.com/search...bBTIQ_AUIBigC#imgrc=t6TBAIp2apiXSM:
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14 1
Spike Hyzer 23
Experience: 31.2 years 92 played 88 reviews
5.00 star(s)

The Best Course on Earth? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Council Bluffs is just across the river, and this magnificent course is on the Omaha bluffs and is completely secluded and I saw almost no one playing it during my time there.

The holes are extremely long, sloping, densely wooded with narrow fairways, and have the most extreme elevation changes I've ever seen. I wasn't aware of course par at the time, playing them all as 3s, but entering my rounds of 57, 59 and 56 were all in the 1000 range. It's that difficult. I would personally have to play perfect and error free golf to avoid bogies or doubles, and I saw only 4 holes that might be regular birdies for me (there are just a few others that I might get lucky with putts in the 50-80 range or great tee shots).

The signage is the best I've ever seen, including up and down triangles to indicate just how much elevation change there is on any hole (not that it makes disc selection any easier, as I reached a 300 footer with a putter downhill and my max is 210 with a putter).

It does favor a lefty, as one reviewer mentioned, so that is perhaps why I fared well and didn't blow up completely.

It was a humbling experience, but courses like this are exactly what disc golf was meant to be with the modern technology, and if the PDGA ever had rotating US Opens or PDGA Championships, this course should be in the rotation and host both events in every 5 year period.


Holes 16 and 17 are virtually identical.

It's more ideal to go to the second entrance parking lot and start on hole 2 so that you have the massive downhill 1st as a finishing hole (it's a quibble, but that hole does sort of have the parking lot in play).

The signage indicating how to get from hole 3 to hole 4 is awful and I lost nearly a half hour climbing a slope that took me up toward 11 and 12. That needs to be fixed pronto.

I've heard from others that mosquitos are a problem, but I was there late in the summer and there were none. We have a lot where I'm from, so I doubt it would bother me.

Other Thoughts:

I am an exceptionally fit guy in my mid 50s with a good game and can still easily play 2 rounds in one day anywhere. I played 2 in one day here and it nearly killed me (just kidding, though I had to take 3 full days off and was aching pretty badly).

It's simply one of the greatest parks I've ever seen and absolutely the best course I've ever played.

I'd love to see a tour event here.
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3 3
Experience: 15.4 years 36 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

wow 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 4, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Wow, having played a good amount of courses that are great, I can say this is honestly one the the best courses I have played. Bring you game not just an arm. This course will decimate you if you try to lumberjack your way through the holes. Stay on line and you will have a great time!


Dirt tees, difficult to navigate during your first couple of rounds. Did I mention dirt tees? I guess I'm a DG snob, but permanent improved pads make a world of difference.

Other Thoughts:

If this course had accurate signage, help navigating for first timers, and CONCRETE tees I would say it is an easy 4.5-5. Just tees would give it 4.5. Sadly the city has very little interest in doing much, all work is done by the Omaha Metro DG club. Even with its current cons, this is absolutely a must play!
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 498 played 490 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Is this really in Omaha? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 1, 2014 Played the course:once


+Insane elevation. On many holes. Even the flattest ones featured some kind of elevation. The signs also tell you how much elevation change there is on each hole which is very helpful.
+Great signage. Of course they have the problem of not showing what pin location is in but most courses do.
+Baskets are nice enough. Some are graffiti'd a little bit but not bad.
+Tight but very fair woods golf on most every hole on the course.
+Very high fun factor for me.
+Many holes were pretty long, like 5-600' wasn't uncommon. These holes weren't big flat open bombers either.
+Many fast greens and even fairways. Every shot had to be well thought or it might get out of control.
+Some fun OB if you use roads and parking lots as OB.
+For being in the largest city in NE, this course was very remote. I played in December but it was still 30+ degrees and snow free so it was a great day for disc and noone else was on the course.
+Huge varieties of holes. I was excited to see what was next. No two holes felt very similar and all were fun.
+Probably doesn't get too busy as it is pretty remote.
+Really easy to find just off the Interstate and a few miles straight north of the airport.


-This course is kind of hard to navigate. You sometimes criss-cross other holes or have to walk a bit to the next hole. It isn't always very intuitive because there are walking paths that aren't related to disc golf all over as well. The flow isn't great.
-You could lose a disc here. With all of the extreme elevation, a disc could end up where you can't find it or maybe even can't get to it. Discs can fly forever downhill.
-The tees are natural and are pretty lumpy. If they were improved on, this course would jump up to a 4.5 and be in my top 10.
-Some vandalism, trash, graffiti. Not horrible but it's always nice to not have any of that.
-Not many amenities that are easily accessible on most of the course. The course is in a nature area so it is pretty bare bones.
-If you aren't fit, be careful here. Some holes have elevation changes of around 100'.
-There will be some erosion issues here if it gets a lot of use. Some holes have preventative structures but many don't.

Other Thoughts:

+This is by far the best course in the city and one of the best in Nebraska for sure.
+Well worth a stop. I was pleasantly surprised at the crazy elevation and amount of trees. The cons that others talk about didn't seem nearly as bad as they said they were.
+This course might be best played early or late in the season to avoid issues that others have talked about.
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3 0
Experience: 12.3 years 284 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Physically challenging...and I loved it. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 19, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


1. If you like elevation changes, this course will fulfill your dreams.
2. If you like trees, you will find plenty to challenge you.
3. If you want a nice workout, you will find one here. I played it twice and was beat after the second round.
4. If you don't like heat on a hot day, this course shouldn't be too bad due to all holes having tall, mature trees in play.
5. The easiest hole on this course is probably as hard as the hardest hole on most courses.


1. Course is incomplete as far as signs go. The signs they have are good.
2. The flow from holes 3 - 4 and 10 - 11 can be confusing. See below for details.
3. Hole 1 throws down a set of steps that you will want to make sure nobody is coming up or going down before you throw. There isn't any warning for walkers to be aware of discs.
4. I would be careful if it has rained recently. Holes 5 and 7 could be under water and I am sure footing would be difficult due to the steepness of some of the fairways and paths between holes.
5. The easiest hole on this course is probably as hard as the hardest hole on most courses.

Other Thoughts:

First, getting there. I had never been to the park. I ended up parking near the basket for hole 1. So, I walked to the tee pad which was up the hill. There were steps but it was still a long way to go before I even started. So, upon entering the park, take the road that has the automatic gate. That will take you to the shelter near hole 1.
I really liked the elevation changes and having to find lines through the trees. The distances were a bit long for my old arm but I only had one hole (18) that I felt I couldn't reach in two. Unfortunately for me, I took a six on hole 2 both rounds due to terrible second throws and seemed to enjoy trees on a lot of the holes.
Find holes 4 and 10. After throwing hole 3, go down the path to the road, walk to the right along the road and take the path along the creek. The tee is 300 feet or so down the path. After hole 10, face the road and the path you need it about 7 or 8 o'clock. I spent about 45 minutes my first round looking for these two holes.
At this time this is one of my favorite courses. It may never be a five because some of the things that would make it a five also create problems. The elevation changes and the two baskets near the creek.
I recommend you play this at least once, if your health and fitness level are overall good. It is VERY challenging physically.
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3 0
Experience: 10 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has it all hard backhand/sidearm holes this isnt a course to play for people who just like to bomb the disc this is a very technical/ ver unforgiving course.The course starts out giving you a 600ft down hill hole it has a 91 ft elevation change from the top to the hole location. this isnt a hole where you can just rip it either more like threading a needle from 50 yards out witha shotgun. the terrain is very difficult to navigate whcih in my opinion is what makes this course just awesome because one minute your throwing a relativley clear cut straight shot hole to a omg thats the basket, the course is very fun


the layout of the course makes sense but is NOT clearly marked after hole three their is a road you need to go down the road and to the nature center , they have maps which are helpful but only because they show where the holes are generally but not the correct numbers. also if you are new to discing i strongly suggest you take someone who really knows what to look for because a few tees dont look like they are their but a seasoned discer can pick out a tee.

Other Thoughts:

suggestion: bring water/ make sure you have a seasoned discer or a person who has played the course before. not a course where you want to bring heavy objects or carry alot , wear boots and long socks. bring bug spray lost of mosquitos.

if this Course was maintained properly this would be up their with the best of them "like Flip city, luddington's beast beauty and goliath, silver mountain" definitley will test your skill
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2 2
Experience: 23.4 years 13 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Where to start... with a review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Technical course for those that have honed their skills, and are up for a good challenge.
Pads, baskets, some trash cans (though not too many) and it's a beautiful course. Great for a hike through the hills.


Bring a chainsaw. This course isn't full finished. The people that designed this course feel like everyone is at their level and put baskets realllllly far away. The pars don't seem to be accurate sometimes like when they move to the far placements. You might need bug spray and hiking boots. I usually play this course and about halfway through I'm thinking "I hate this course, why did I come here?"
One just needs to play the course enough to know the lines, discs, and throws needed to work well. It's a very challenging course. Also, if you don't know the course bring someone that does, or walk far enough into the forest and you will find the next pad.

Other Thoughts:

I will always play Hummel. Don't think from my review that I won't. It's like a drill sergeant. Throw off the fairway or don't think about the disc you're using, or throw you're attempting and you will need to drop and give Hummel 20, more throws that is over par. Ha!
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4 2
Experience: 16.1 years 25 played 14 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Please improve this course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 6, 2014 Played the course:once


-Massive elevation changes
-Challenging and technical
-A lot of variety of layouts - right legs, left legs, up and down
-Aesthetically pleasing


-Extremely poor tee boxes - only two had some disintegrating rubber pads
-Poor tee signage
-Poor directional signage
-Very few trash receptacles
-Very few benches
-Course does not turn back to parking area (after 9 holes)

Other Thoughts:

Bring your hiking shoes, this is not a course for beginners or anyone out of shape. There is a considerable amount of elevation change and course is moderately to heavily wooded. The course makes you pay for missing the (often narrow) fairway, in some cases requiring some spelunking to retrieve your disc (i.e. right side of hole 3). Nearly every hole is very technical and seems to favor LHBH/RHFH shots. This is a beautiful course and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. Unfortunately, it lacks several basic items that are standard to just about any course. Some holes do not even have tee signs and those that do have no indication of pin placement, and several pins are not visible from the tee. Also, the course does not loop back to the parking area until you have played an entire 18. I understand that the course is currently under construction and these improvements are planned for the near future, however I have to deduct points from the review for the current condition. This course is really deserving of a 4-4.5 score if a few improvements could be made. I would still highly recommend playing this course if you are anywhere in the area.
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4 0
Experience: 11.3 years 31 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

GOOD WORKOUT 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 25, 2013 Played the course:once


Terrific challenges in elevation, hill-side putting/approaches, trees, ditches, cliffs and water make this a very fun course and get those mid-range disks into play. A truly good workout too just climbing and hiking from hole to hole. I loved it.


The on line map we download is completely confusing because it's missing some of the landmarks and roads. I'd recommend getting a satellite photo and editing that instead. Once we got past hold 4 it was easier to find the next tee. It's getting better as they work on the course. If you are not in the best of health it might be a bit much for you to hike this place. We struggled to find hole 4, losing 20 minutes to the search. This place is a nature preserve so there will be without question some conflicts between nature lovers and the yelling, cursing, drinking, smoking trash-droppers that seem to be on every course these days. It's an embarrassment and surprising that the disrespect is so overt. YES, CIGARETTE BUTTS ARE TRASH.Get yourself a pocket ash tray please and take a trash-bag into the park before they get fed-up with us and kick us out.

Other Thoughts:

The course is being developed so my rating is a little low for how much fun it is. I love to hike and this course gives you a reason to do it.We ran ito a member one of the DGA's and he said they need volunteers to help pour concrete pads and other jobs that will make the course better.
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