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Tulsa, OK

Hunter Park

3.75(based on 33 reviews)
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Hunter Park reviews

2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.7 years 52 played 41 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2013 Played the course:once


Out of the 5 courses I played in Tulsa (Redhawk, Blackhawk, Hunter, McClure, and Haikey), this was by far the most fun and beautiful of them all. The holes provided for some fun and creative shots. I loved hole 3 where you had to shoot over the trees to get to the basket. I loved playing over, above, and around the creek on all the middle holes. It was so aesthetically pleasing. This is by far the best park course I have played. There were 600 foot open holes, and 200 foot technical holes. There were holes were you had to shoot low, and some were you had to shoot high. If I could only pick one course to play in Tulsa for the day, it would be this course, then Blackhawk.


This course is a solid 4.0, but I had to hesitate to give it that rating because of the navigation between and on a few holes. This course plays along a creek, and me and a buddy played it after a rain. There are times when you have to cross the creek to get to the next hole, and there is not a bridge. There are rocks to step on, but the water was rushing over them. If you have a bad shot on a hole and go OB over the creek, its tough to get to the other side to retrieve your disc. This course needs at least 3 bridges to get from side to side of the creek, because it is honestly dangerous to cross.

Other Thoughts:

I decided to still give this course a 4.0 because of the shot variety and the beautifulness of the course. Bridges are needed and will hopefully come. If you love fun shots, you need to play this course. It has some of the most beautiful shots you will find in disc golf.
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1 0
Experience: 15.3 years 63 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Not for the faint of heart 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Concrete tee pads.
Good baskets.
Tons of risk/reward shots.
Lots of holes run along a shallow creek which always makes things interesting.
For this part of Oklahoma there is a decent amount of elevation changes.
Playground and dog park if you want to bring the family.


Brutal for a beginner. (I think I shot 20+ the first time I came out)
The signs aren't bad, but are nothing more then a post with the distance.
Not a good course to play after a rain. (gooood chance of busting your ***)
Parking can be a pain on a nice day as the course shares its parking lot with the dog park.

Other Thoughts:

One of the nicest parks in Tulsa with one of the hardest DG courses in Tulsa inside.

If you are new to the course hole 17 has an alternate pin. (There is a 10ft+ marsh between the normal tee and the hole and you probably wont find your disc if it goes in)
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2 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Intermediate/Expert 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2012 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a good sized city park, which is also home to walking paths, a dog park, and a playground. These aren't really in play, so there shouldn't be any major interference with the DG. Maybe some waiting for pedestrians to pass by here and there.
- Varying amounts of trees present here. The first four holes are in thick, gnarly woods that have very tight lines. A few RHFH shots, a BH flex, and a possible thumber come in handy. The rest of the holes have mature trees in play to force line shaping or take away paths to the basket. Some mando RHFH/anny shots, some sweeping hyzers, some straight ahead.
- Creek that runs through the course is a major, major factor in many holes. Whether it is off to side of a fairway, or running through the fairway, or across, or behind, it is a serious hazard that will harshly punish any bad shots. Also provides a number of risk/reward shots where the choice to layup or go for it can mean at least a stroke difference. In play on #5, #5, #7, #10, #11, and #13 at the very least.
- A few spots with elevation changes, #1, #3, and #15 are slightly downhill, and #16 has a blind shot over a small hump. #7 and #13 are uphill shots with the creek in play, and #18 is a fairly steep uphill shot. Also some valley shots, like #17 over a good sized marsh.
- Decent mix of hole lengths, there are three holes over 400', and eight under 270'. Even better, the shorter holes aren't necessarily all super tight, and the longer holes aren't brainless open bombers.
- Good concrete pads, though some are a little on the small side. Posts with hole number and length at each tee, good baskets. Navigation isn't terrible, but it isn't extremely easy either.


- Getting around this course can be a bit of a hassle, there are very limited places to cross the creek. The daring log cross by hole #6 looked a little too sketchy to me; I went way around to a different spot.
- Last five holes are pretty open compared to the rest of the course, kind of finishes with a whimper. Other than the marsh on #17, and some walking paths, there isn't much thought required.

Other Thoughts:

- While this course isn't very long, it is very challenging. The creek is for real - multiple chances to get into serious trouble. Distance and accuracy are equally important to reach a lot of these holes. Also some more straightforward wooded and open holes to balance things out. Definitely NOT a beginner's course; intermediate or expert players should find a good challenge.
- Had a bad round? There is a labyrinth after hole 18 to 'unwind your level of stress'!
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 72 played 40 reviews
4.00 star(s)

This course is Great! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 23, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- Concrete teepads.
- Nice DGA Mach 2 baskets
- Good creek that tests your shots and is rewarding if not thrown into
- Nice park overall with dogpark, walking trails, playground, basketball courts, etc.
- Bathrooms and Water fountains
- Different varieties of shots and holes. Holes 2-4 are heavily wooded and are extremley different from 5-18. Some holes went uphill, downhill. Across bogs, and much more. The variety really helped with the fun- factor. You will find yourself usuing different throws throughout the course
- Nice locals allowed us to play through.
- Tee signs said hole number and distance


- Crowded. Since this course is one of the best in the city, it gets alot of disc golfers to play. If youre under time constraints, you may want to play another course instead.
- After one of the holes, you had to cross the creek and there wasnt a bridge. This could be an extreme issue when the river is all the way full.
- Navigation was a bit iffy at times.
- 18 ends a bit far away from the parking lot but not bad.
- I wish the tee pads were more descriptive with a map or something because on some holes, it was hard to find the alt. teebox/basket.
- The creek was a pain to get a disc out of. be prepaired!!

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a challenging course that will test every aspect of your game. This course is one of the best in the city. The enjoyment i had during the playing of the course was great. It is a really fun course and i cant wait to go back.
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1 3
Experience: 22.4 years 31 played 12 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great variety of holes with a mix of long and technical shots. Great scenery and change of elevation in play on almost every hole.


Creek that runs through the park is in play throughout the middle of your round.

Other Thoughts:

One of my favorite courses. Must play if you're in Tulsa.
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3 0
Experience: 15.3 years 33 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 14, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Very nice course. Great mix of shots for both lefties and righties. Course has several tight very technical holes with several open long bombs. Accuracy is a premium here with OB being very much in play on many holes. The course is also well kept and when I played had nice signs (albeit temp ones).

First third of the course takes you through tight wooded shots. Second third criss-crosses a creek. Last third is much more open but is also longer.


Not beginner friendly. The OB is often times the large creek running through the center of the course and it can be VERY easy to lose a disc if a shot catches a tree or takes a bad skip. The creek really needs some sort of bridges to make crossing easier. I also really wish the course had 2-3 par 4's to make things a little more interesting.

Other Thoughts:

Great course. Though I'm from OKC I've played several course in Tulsa and this one might be my favorite.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 360 played 100 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Tulsa's best southside course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Good intermediate to advanced level player course. Logical flow. Decent signage for the most part, Unlike most Tulsa courses, has a good albeit not extreme degree of elevation to it, as well as a good balance of wooded and open shots. The woodsy up and down Hole 2 is probably my favorite hole in town. The big appeal at Hunter are several holes which straddle the park's creek often tempting you to put your disc over the water to park for a birdie. Accuracy here is key. Hole 12 is especially challenging.


A few flow problems concerning the aforementioned creek. Two times on the course you have to cross this without the aid of a bridge. There are some stepping stones in the creek, but these may not be usable if the water is up. The area around these holes is somewhat eroded and can get muddy. Even on a weekday, with all the dog people and walkers, this park is BUSY. While a reasonably good job is done segregating the course from other amenities at Hunter, this is still a multi-use park, so watch for pedestrians using the sidewalk along hole 14 and vehicles entering and exiting the park.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite Tulsa course. Recently reconfigured with some new pins, mandos, and an entirely new Hole 18 (a dog park now sits where the old one did), this next to Blackhawk, is the best play in town for players looking for something a bit meatier than most of the standard fare rec courses in the area. Might want to bring a retrieving device and some shoes you don't mind getting dirty. Highly recommended if you're in town.
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1 2
Experience: 7 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

good technical course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 14, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Good layout clean park with excellent pads and baskets


needs bridges a couples of signs are missing could use paint on basket spoke to indicate next pad

Other Thoughts:

a variety of shots required to shoot well here
great for advanced players
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.3 years 235 played 185 reviews
4.00 star(s)

challenging, varietal 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 6, 2008 Played the course:once


- Easy to navigate once you find it, well marked with informative signs.
- Good cement tees.
- Well maintained, clean, short grass.
- Long, tough with many tough par 3's and a few par 4's/not many easy gimme holes.
- Lots of variety of types of shots and land.
-OB hazards.


-Some poison ivy in play, bad where it is but not that widespread, entirely avoidable -watch out walking from #4-#5 though!
-The water hazard is gross, sometimes deep enough to keep your disc unless you feel like taking your pants off.
-It was hard to find the 1st hole.

Other Thoughts:

Course is popular and busy, don't expect to not get held up by a group or two.
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1 5
Experience: 16.3 years 55 played 40 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Tulsa Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 22, 2008 Played the course:never


Concrete tee pads. Variety of shots required. Lots of different looks from hole to hole.



Other Thoughts:

The greatest thing about this course is that no two holes are the same.
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