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Jamestown, ND

Jamestown Reservoir DGC

Permanent course
4.445(based on 8 reviews)
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Jamestown Reservoir DGC reviews

15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Island 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 19, 2020 Played the course:once


The Jamestown Reservoir course is pretty epic. The course, the views, pretty much the whole experience. They're not lying when they say this is a championship caliber course. Every kind of shot and disc in your bag will probably be used at some point. It will take you probably, at minimum, 3 hours to play the whole thing. It took us just shy of that and we were only able to play 20 holes. It was still set up in the Spring layout without the water carry holes by the beach.

The baskets are DISCatchers with brand new(ish) bands and chain assemblies. These are easy to spot and catch fantastically. About half or close to it had two baskets per hole. Can't speak on if this is normal or if some of these were from the holes not in play down by the reservoir. Either way there's 2, sometimes 3 pin positions on most of the holes.

The tee pads are very large and level. Plenty big enough for a long run up. These were all nice and grippy and aligned in the right direction to the pin. Very well done with these.

The tee signs are top notch as well. They show an overhead shot of the hole with hole #, all applicable pin placements, distances, next tee arrows, pars for every distance, any OB present and there is even an overlay of distance markers every 100 feet on each sign. There is literally nothing more you want from these. Probably the best signs I've seen to date.

The flow of the course is pretty easy to follow in most spots, especially with the next tee arrows on the signs. Be sure to take a picture of the map by hole 1 or have one on your phone though because there are a couple tricky spots. Nothing too major but you'll want to avoid any extra walking if possible.

The elevation here is crazy. There are huge uphill shots. Monster downhill bombs. There's holes with both those things in the same hole. The mix of wooded to open skews more toward the wooded. There is not an unfair hole here. There's plenty of punishing holes with an errant drive or approach shot though. Great design. Fair but extremely challenging for rec level players. Fair but still a good challenge for pro level players. Execute and you'll be alright. Don't and you'll struggle.

A couple water carries over the reservoir look to be pretty fun, especially if the wind is up. If you have a big arm it shouldn't be a problem though.

The course is permanent and free to play, which is almost criminal if you ask me. This and Idlewild are the 2 best free to play courses I've been to. That's some lofty company.


My biggest con was the fact that they only had 20 holes playable when we went. It was mid June and the reservoir appeared as low as it gets. Really wished all the holes were in but it is what it is. Still a brute of a course.

As mentioned in other reviews, the ticks! I was pulling them off me for the next couple hours. Be sure to check yourself over after your round. The plus is that it's so windy that it keeps the Mosquitoes at bay pretty well.

A couple of really long walks from one hole to the next in the layout I played. I think it's normally much more seamless though.

The rough can be pretty brutal in spots. There's a real good chance you'll lose a disc while playing here. I'm honestly shocked that we didn't but we came really close a handful of times. Using spotters would be highly recommended to cut down on lost plastic.

Other Thoughts:

It sounds like this is the best course in North Dakota. I'd be hard pressed to believe there's something that can top this monster. This was the main reason for our trip to North Dakota and it didn't disappoint. It was actually better than I thought it would be. And we didn't even get to play the full layout. If you're anyway near here I'd highly recommend this course. Top ten or very close to it for me out of 400+ played. Not too far off the expressway but it's not a quick round. Plan for a minimum of 3 hours to play this. Minimum. Be sure to pack plenty of liquids and be prepared for a grueling amount of up and down hills. Not for the faint of heart. Must play course.
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2 2
Experience: 19.3 years 37 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Awesome course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 15, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Fun Course. Many challenging holes. Large variety of shots will require every shot type you have.

Other Thoughts:

New basket tops and chain assemblies were installed in 2018 with the help of Innova. All new tee signs were installed in 2018. The course is now fully mowed and maintained.
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6 0
ACE Ventura
Experience: 13.4 years 105 played 24 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Prepare Yourself 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2014 Played the course:once


This 27 hole course is incredible!! It originates on the top an island in the middle of a huge reservoir with an amazing look out over the water. Enjoy the view from here because the rest of your time will be spent tackling this monster.

What's not to like? There are elevation changes on the majority of the holes, some more extreme than others. Trees and shubbery? Almost overwhelming. They are greatly utilized on basically every hole. Water hazards? Please. How many more could you ask for? Several holes play along and over the lake, be prepared to lose some plastic!!

The pads are cement and in excellent shape and most of the baskets are in good condition but some of very rusted, especially those along the water. The course is well maintained fairly easy to navigate but I HIGHLY recommend taking a picture of the map at Hole #1, you'll be referring to it a few times!

The design of this course can't be praised enough. I would rate it has extremely challenging and you WILL need every disc in your bag. Monster distance holes, anhyzer holes, hyzer holes, straight tight shots... etc etc etc.

I also recommend spending the time to scout the holes before you tee off on them. There are MANY blind shots so knowing where the basket is helps a ton!


The holes not located on the island and a few on the island could use a little mower love. Once you are off the island most holes are in the fields with 2'+ grass so keep a sharp eye on your plastic.

Can be tough to navigate, even though I had the map I ended up skipping a couple holes near the end without realizing I did it until I finished. Oops.

TICKS. Lots of them. Wear pants if you can stand to in the summer. I wore shorts and from basket #2 to teepad #3 I ended up with 10 ticks on my legs. Talk about messing with your head early on in the round. I never found a tick on me once I got off the island, but when I woke up the following morning I found one suckin away on my neck so I don't know where he snagged me at.

WIND. Easily one of the most challenging winds you'll ever play in. Welcome to North Dakota, where the wind never stops blowing. Bring a couple overstable discs, you will want them.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a BLAST! If you can handle ticks and high winds, do NOT pass on playing this course.

Again, I stress a few things for newcomers:
- Take a picture of the map at Hole #1
- Wear pants/ tick spray
- Scout the holes
- Bring all your discs

I didn't give this course a full 5 star rating because it doesn't have much for amenities and needs a teensy bit more maintenance. I didn't down-grade it due to wind or ticks, those are just hazards you gotta deal with. Everything else about this course is GREAT! Play it if you ever get the chance!!
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2 2
Experience: 15.5 years 92 played 21 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Epic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2013 Played the course:once


Easily the most epic course i have played yet!(i hate that word , but it applies here!) It has everything. Huge elevations changes, ridiculously long holes, forest and fields, hazards and rough. 27 holes of heaven for someone who likes a challenge. I will be back.


When i played i don't think the course was officially open yet. 6 holes were unplayable due to high water, and no maintenance had been done on the course except and path mowed showing the way through the holes that weren't on the Island.

Other Thoughts:

I would give anything to play this course again in a little better condition!!
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14 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.3 years 235 played 185 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Extreme disc golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2008 Played the course:never


This course has it all..27 holes, huge hills, tons of water hazards, cement tees, signs. It's basically on an island, and the land around the island, surrounded by the water of a reservoir. It can be 100' above the water, with fantastic views in all directions. Well designed. Challenging for all skill levels, with holes up to and well over 800' requiring two smooth drives up and down hills. It's worth it just to sit and look out from the top. There is a map-study it.


The wind- the most I've ever played in, on a sunny day. It whips up the hills off the water at 75+mph, tossing your hat off your head and flipping your most overstable driver like it's nothing but a joke. There are insane amounts of ticks..I got a dozen on me on one hole, looking for a disc I lost while finding 2 others. The back part is not maintained as well, many holes with 2-3' high grass as a fairway. Could be tough to navigate a few times.

Other Thoughts:

Needs to be mowed down better, suggest long pants for ticks in summer if you can. Pay attention to the course map at hole #1.
Prepare to be blown away.
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