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Lebanon, MO

Jared Hilton Memorial DGC

Permanent course
3.045(based on 12 reviews)
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Jared Hilton Memorial DGC reviews

7 0
Bluehills Drive
Experience: 4.4 years 30 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Beautiful course and fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 7, 2022 Played the course:once


Starts in a wide open park setting that meanders into a technical wooded section mid-way through and opens back up into the park.
Not crowded when we where there but there were a few others playing the course. No Sherpa needed to get yourself around on a first run. Simple layout overall.
Well manicured grounds, good signage/tee pads, solid baskets and clean bathrooms. Came out tick and chigger free which is a big plus.
We enjoyed the entire course although it wasn't super technical for the most part. Great for Intermediate golfers like myself. Next time I am in Mighty MO I will definitely be playing this course again and again. It was worth the 30+ minutes drive from Sunrise Beach.


The ground on the first 4 holes were super soggy in the fairways which made for some squishy shoes for the rest of the course.

The basket on the long hole (#4) was confused by the basket on the back nine hole 15 which added a stroke for each of us on the day.

Other Thoughts:

Keep in mind that there is another super fun 18 hole course starting (hole 1) by the baseball field outfield fence next to the parking lot.
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9 0
Three Putt
Staff member
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.8 years 158 played 131 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Thanks for the meh-mories. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Atchley Park is a busy community park that is mostly open/lightly wooded with a lot of multi-use space that the disc golf course covers. There is a decent slope to the land so there are some elevation changes to work with despite the lack of trees. The course has one tee/one placement, concrete tees and adequate (if small) tee signs. There is a small clump of woods that holds four holes. The hole lengths are not ridiculously long, but the wind factor on the mostly open course make it a place where strong arms fair better. There is a kooky mound placement on hole 16 to give the course a little character.


The park has a walking path that the course throws over repeatedly. Given the heavy use of the park, it creates conflicts with other park users.

Hole four really should not exist. It's a 600'+ shot tight against the property line where a hyzered out drive will go into the neighbors property. The field to the right it used for youth soccer, making the hole unplayable when soccer is going on. Once you make it to the basket, it is set so that being on the edge of Circle 1 can have you trespassing in a neighbors yard. It's just a poorly designed hole.

Three of the wooded shots are under 225'. The other is over 300' but has no route; it's a poke and pray drive into a gauntlet of trees. It's fairly disappointing since the rest of the course is so open.

Hole 14 and 16 throw directly at ballfields with the baskets set close to the outfield fence.

Both hole 5 and hole 14 use a double mando design; in neither case does there appear to be a safety reason so they are there to try to make the course play harder. It seems like if you are going to use a gimmick, maybe you should only do it once?

Otherwise, the shots are a lot of meh. It's a lot of unremarkable, fairly boring disc golf. There really isn't enough tree cover to make it anything else.

The park holds water so a lot of the course on the low (South) side of the park can be swampy. In the summer the lack of shade can be brutal.

Other Thoughts:

In the end, JHMDGC is an OK course that I wouldn't avoid, it's just not a great or good course. It's passable. It was a big upgrade to Boswell Park DGC (the previous course in Lebanon.). If you are in the area, it's a decent course to play. I just wouldn't go out of my way to play it.
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Mostly Wide Open And Lacks Much Inspiration! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2018 Played the course:once


The Jarod Hilton Memorial Course In located in the large expansive green and lovely Atchley Park. The course starts on one side of the ballfields, plays to the far side and then doubles back. The first tee is between the gazebo and the dog park. There is a big lovely sign at the beginning, complete with sponsors. There is a small kiosk/with map., also a couple of picnic tables. The concrete pads are nicely long and that length is needed here. Everything has the black/yellow combination. The tee signs are wonderful except for one major flaw, the distances are written in a about a point 7 font. With my old eyes, I had to get up close to read the distances. The baskets are the Monkey Trap brand which come in very pretty, vibrant colors and are very popular in these parts.

Except for maybe four wooded, technical holes, the course is mostly wide open with just a tree or two to maneuver around on each hole. A strong arm is a necessity on this course. With an average or below arm and the wind blowing, I flounder with all these long, open holes and they all begin to be pretty tedious.

I also agree that # 16 is probably the signature hole here. It's 228'to a cool elevated basket built up on a tiny, little hill.


Players with big ole arms will enjoy this course more. Recreational players are at a real disadvantage and probably will not like the course as much.

The wind can be a factor on such an open course.

# 4 is extra long and extra boring. 700' plus with a fence on your left the whole way down.

Not an inspiring design.

Tiny little distance font on tee signs.

Other Thoughts:

Anyone with a big arm will enjoy this course. It would be interested to see the break down of ratings according to the players arm strength. I'd be fairly certain that the younger, stronger armed players rate it much higher.

It's a shame because this really is a lovely park. Someone just needs to plant more trees on Arbor Day.
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4 0
Experience: 20.6 years 24 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Outsider's Point of View 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 17, 2016 Played the course:once


- 18 holes of disc golf is never a bad thing.

- Long concrete teepads with some texture to help with footing in wet weather.

- Uses almost all of the land available.

- Some interesting elevation changes.

- Uses available obstacles pretty well, though many of the holes do turn into "throw and go" as many have said.

- Tee signs.

- Monkey Trap baskets aren't bad, but I wouldn't label them "top-of-the-line either."

- Numerous benches and trash cans around the course. Not every hole, but at least every few.


- Navigation: There were tee signs that were knee high or a little higher on every hole, that showed a picture of the hole (not always accurately) and the number... sometimes distance, sometimes par, but not both all the time, nor did it have any next hole indicator. After you finish one hole, best bet is to look for the nearest teepad, but there were a number of times where I found myself with no idea where to go, so I just started walking until I had to correct myself. Arrows to next hole, as well as hole markers on top of baskets would be INCREDIBLY helpful.

- A number of holes look the same, a few obstacles or guardian tree/bush/electric pole, but otherwise pretty wide open throws. Mando's help on a few holes, as does OB, but where that is can be difficult to figure out if you have never been there before.

- The walking path. As mentioned, the walking path comes into play on the vast majority of holes. Usually there are no "blind" throws when it comes to the path, you usually can tell if someone is in danger, but there are a few holes where walkers can be "in-play" for nearly the entire hole.

- What seems like the signature hole, the mound hole, which I think was 16, was not very well maintained. I think Lebanon had had quite a bit of rain, so the fresh grass clippings were numerous, but on the mound, it was completely overgrown, to the point that you could barely see the stairs.

- Because of the lack of trees, there are a number of holes with no shade or escape from elements. I went and it was pretty toasty, and found myself wishing I had more water.

- As I said, the Monkey Trap baskets are good, but when struggling with navigation anyways, having only a small amount of black plastic coating at the top of the basket left me searching for holes more than I expected on such an open course.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this was a pretty good course to play, a fun 18 holer in an area that does not have a lot of 18 hole courses. Could be a lot better though with the addition of some trees, and time to let them grow in, as well as some additional navigational help.

The map at the very beginning could use an update, with things like hole numbers for instance.

I am sure after playing this a few times, those things would be no-brainers, but for someone like me who has never played this course before, some of these things were a bit more off-putting than I expected.
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1 2
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Excellent course, the best around! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


The premier course around this area! If you have a remotely far drive throw, this course is for you. Very well maintained, great atmosphere, creative mandos and a few challenging holes including one where the basket is on a little hill. 4 or 5 wooded holes are very hard and require more than just one style of shot. This is a MUST PLAY course if you are remotely close to the area.


The only con I can think of is if are a very technical player then there isn't very many obstacles. There are a few but nothing like some of the other courses around the area. If you love to watch your disc sail then this is the course for you!

Other Thoughts:

I love this course and have already been back 3 times and plan on many more!
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2 0
Experience: 12.2 years 34 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Simple Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2015 Played the course:once


Well marked out holes.
Concrete Tees.
Nice Monkey Trap baskets.


Most holes aren't that challenging due to a lack of trees around.
Some of the wooded holes are a little ridiculous. One of them is really short but densely wooded with no real defined fairway. I don't remember what hole this was. There were about four wooded holes in the middle of the course the rest hardly had any trees and were pretty wide open.

Other Thoughts:

Just not the best spot for a disc golf course due to a lack of wooded holes. I like a mixture of wooded to open holes or holes that go out of the woods into the open. Still fun to play though.
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1 0
Experience: 19 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 25, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Great range of distances, decent amount of variation between holes, great tee pads, and baskets!


Could probably use a few more trees to make a couple holes more difficult

Other Thoughts:

One of the better courses in Southern MO, I love playing there!
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1 1
Experience: 13.2 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


It has 18 very well placed holes some hills no water, some trees


needs more trees or obsticales

Other Thoughts:

I love this course, I play here almost every weekend, it helps that it is close to home so it doesnt take long to get there
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1 0
Experience: 12.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Getting better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 12, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has wide variety of challenge.
Very good length wise for beginner and pros alike.
Hole 16 is a very neat hole to play, it is a short par 3 but the basket rests on top of a mound which makes it a very risky to go for the birdie.
The course itself is very well maintained.


Needs more trees to make the course more interesting for some holes, because they are just too bland.
There also was a homeless man sleeping on a park table when I was throwing off from one.
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6 0
Experience: 15.2 years 59 played 24 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 17, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


This is a good course to play and was in great shape. They have been doing some work to beautify it by adding in some block walls around a few of the tees.

Concrete pads have plenty of room for a run up that you will need due to the distance of the holes.

The elevation does come into play causing you to throw up and down hill making the open holes a little more challenging.

The 4 wooded holes seem to be made for lefties along with hole 12, because the basket is tucked off to the right on most of them which makes them a lot more difficult.

There are 3 mandos (5, 9, and 14) that make those holes more challenging.


The other 14 holes are pretty much wide open and its just a grab a disc and throw it as far as you can. that gets kind of boring after awhile.

There wasn't a single trash can on the course (there were a few along the walking path that weaves in and out of the course but you have to walk a decent distance to get to them)

There were also no benches to take a break on close to the tees.
Tee signs are a little small and short like 2 feet off the ground, but had sufficient information.

You are consistently throwing over the walking path. It comes into play almost every hole.

No next tee arrow or anything. It flows fairly well, but in a few spots you may get a little confused.

Other Thoughts:

They put #16's basket up on a big hill, which turns it into a very challenging hole, with a big rick reward top shot on each throw at it.

There is potential for this course if some trees get planted, or some baskets get moved some.
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6 0
DiscMan Walking
Experience: 33.6 years 124 played 9 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Wide Open when It isn't Tight 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Great Baskets! 18 holes. Wide open "throw and go" on several holes - one hole was over 650 feet with no trees in the way. If you have a big snap - you'll love this course.


Small signs. Crosses hiking/biking path multiple times. Unimaginative use of space. No number plates on baskets. Signage backwards on some holes. No indication of where the next tee is - you have to look around to find which way to leave the target for the next hole. There are 5 technical holes - one of which is merely luck with NO discernable route. You just throw at the picket fence of trees and hope that your disc makes it through - you would have to be the Zen master to consistently make it through this maze on a regular basis.

Other Thoughts:

I hope that this is a work in progress and not declared as complete and abandoned. It IS a good course with great potential - I believe that it does need some tweeks to finish it.
1) number plates on the baskets. You are not sure if you are throwing at the correct basket.
2) larger signs on the pads - these signs are 1/3 the size of any signage on any disc golf course I have played in America. After completing a hole you can locate a pad in the vicinity - however, I was unable to discern the number on the sign indicating if I was heading to the correct pad. Not only that the signs seemed to placed sometimes at the front of the pad and sometimes at the rear of the pad - not only that the actual sign may have been turned outwards from where the previous target was so you have to get within about 3 feet of the sign to read it and determine what direction your next throw would be. Larger signs and consistent placement would be appreciated. Someone has penciled in on the signs the distance to the basket - this was probably not done in the first place because the signs are only 5" X 7" and are fairly full. An indication on the sign which way to the next basket would be appreciated as well.
3) Crossing walking paths. This has been a bugaboo of mine in several courses - to their credit people on the multi-use path tend to stay on the track and either walk or bicycle around without straying out into the grass. I did have to wait several times for people walking their dogs and stopping or Parents with children walking the trail with little children before I could throw. While not a show stopper - it was minorly aggrevating. Whoever designed the course realized this and they have created yellow crosswalk lanes on the biking trail - if only the disc remains in this narrow 5 foot crosswalk we will be okay. There is one hole with the potential of injury resulting from someone screeming around on the path on a bicycle and the unsuspecting golfer making a throw. It would be a 1:1000 chance but could happen.
4) I know that they have already poured the concrete and set the targets but I hope that they rethink the course and make some adjustments that make it more than a "throw and go" course. While it appeared as though they were working with a lot of open fields - I did see opportunity to put the baskets in more creative spots. I hope the Parks and Rec can see some potential too.
Please do not get the impression that you should not play here - I think it is a good course - but has the potential to so much better. It was nice to be able to crank on a couple of throws without any interference. The technical holes were tight and fun (with the exception of the hole that was simply a picket fence without a fairway). I enjoyed a Sunday afternoon round on the rolling hills just north of Lebanon - it was relaxing, fun and challenging. This is not a gimme course - but could be played consistently at par with a couple more rounds. Give it some love and attention and this will be great course some day.
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2 2
Experience: 18.7 years 97 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 11, 2011 Played the course:once


Good flow from hole to hole

Managed to use the very limited wooded areas incredibly well.

Baskets are top notch.

As always, the disc golf monkey has come through and created some very accurate and descriptive signs.

Good mix of long and short holes


Trails are still not very beaten in.

Multi use park, so the walking trails (OB) get a lot of traffic, so you will probably have to watch out for a padestrian or 2 as you play this course.

The long holes are OPEN, and the short ones are really tight. Not much shot shaping on the long, and the short holes consist of picking out what looks like a good line with your putter and giving it a shot.

The wooded holes will get better as more and more people play it, and better lines become carved.

Other Thoughts:

This is still a fairly new course, but seems to be coming along very well. The land that was provieded was used very well, the designer just didnt look like he was given much terrain to deal with. Its a great park thats always in good shape, and is hands down the round to play in town.
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