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York, SC

Jefferson Elementary School

Permanent course
0.55(based on 2 reviews)
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Jefferson Elementary School reviews

8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
1.00 star(s)

No Davis? 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 9, 2020 Played the course:once


Jefferson Elementary has a short, kid-friendly layout. If the tee markers were easy to find, this would be a nice, quick play.
- Short, straight, and few obstacles throughout this course. If you want obstacles, enjoy the handful of trees that you throw around or under on two holes (#2 & 4). As for the other seven holes, you have minimal tree obstacles on #1, 3, & 5, with the final 4 holes being wide open.
- Holes are short. For holes #1 - 7, none seems longer than the 150-foot range. #8 might be a tad longer (180-foot range?), and who knows about #9. After walking back and forth in the field for at least 5 minutes, trying to find the 4"x12" tee marker to no avail, I gave up.
- The tee markers are hard to find. However....the markers line up directly with the hole numbers on the baskets. The only way I found the markers on #3 and 6 was by walking away from the basket, following the line of the number marker. A little bit of RoundUp sprayed around the markers would make them much more noticeable.
- I enjoyed the course as an ace-race layout. Near aces on #2 & 3 (with my throw on #3 being recorded) along with gimmie birdies on #5, 7, & 8 makes for some fun & aggressive tee shots.
- From a kids' perspective, this is a very good layout. Come outside on recess to play. Have one disc with you. All you need to do is throw 150 feet and you'll be able to impress friends with your disc golf prowess. Also, the poor layout isn't an issue if you're a student and you're playing during school hours.
- There is close to no risk for throwing aggressive tee shots. Sure, you could sail long on #6 or 8, you could hit a tree/branch on #2, 4, or 5, but all that means is a simple up-and-down for a par 3. You want a cubby ace? Throw multiple discs on #1, 3, 6, 7, or 8. On #7, I held my phone in one hand and threw with the other to see if I could record an ace. Not quite an ace, but still a parked shot.
- Excellent, new bright blue baskets. Easy to spot and will catch your disc.
- There's an 18-hole course ¼ mile up the road at York Middle. It gives you an option when you're here.


The biggest issue is the horrific signage. Small wooden markers in the ground are getting covered with overgrown grass. They're only about 4"x12" so even if the grass wasn't a factor, you'd still need to be nearly on top of them to spot them.
- Next issue is the layout. The course starts alongside the left side of the school, with the first tee right alongside Devinney Road. The final basket is behind the school, leaving you with a walk either at the beginning or end of your round. If you're a student and you walk in and out of the building, it's not an issue.
- The layout is a bit simplistic. Granted there aren't many trees; however, there is a large wooded area in the back side that presents the option for wooded holes. This would present some more fun and challenge than we get.
- #4 has already been mentioned. It's a dumb layout, but it didn't bother me too much. When you're landed under so many trees over the years, you get used to throwing from your knee or just keeping the shot low. Yes, ideally the tee would be moved. I guess it at least creates a different look and creates, at worst, an easy par 3.

Other Thoughts:

Jefferson Elementary is decent at best. I played with a putter and Cro. Those are my junk discs I always carry in my truck just in case. I still had a field day attacking the basket with those two discs.
- If you throw dead straight on every single hole, you're in short putting range on every single hole. That lack of obstacle will make this a boring course for those who play more often.
- The course seems as if it would be nearly as fun if you play backwards after finishing #9. It would at least give you some different (and better?) looks.
- #2 offers you the chance to throw a high, short, sweeping shot around a tree. It's a simple ¾ toss. If you do ace this one, that disc is going to be coming in hot and heavy.
- There does seem to be plenty of room to add an additional 9. It would give this course a strong boost.
- As it stands, this is a one-and-done, stat-padding course. Sure, if you live close by, make it your practice course. For the rest, tack it on when you play at York Middle.
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
0.00 star(s)

I Shall Play Here Nevermore (The Sequel) 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2020 Played the course:once

Other Thoughts:

-This review shan't be very helpful
-That's okay, this course is not special
-Boring and lackluster to the core
-That means I shall play here nevermore

-Tee markers barely seen in the grass
-Searching for them, a pain in the ass
-Need you not face such horror, Señor
-Hear me, I shall play here nevermore

-A few holes under a hundred feet
-There's a better course across the street
-Average hole length with a low z-score
-Tells me I shall play here nevermore

-Hole four's awful, Oh! There's no excuse!
-The little children won't be enthused
-Under a tree with wide limbs galore
-They cry "I shall play here nevermore"

-Next few play more as of a long putt
-You get stuck inside this callous rut
-Of finding the tee you're looking for
-Saying "I shall play here nevermore"

-Throw down a small hill on number eight
-That may sound okay, but you just wait
-Until you play the twenty next door
-And now I shall play here nevermore

-No interest in finding the last pad
-When a course ends up being this bad
-What I haven't said enough before
-The words "I shall play here nevermore"

-I threw my discs and slammed the car door
-I think there's a hole in my car floor
-Stomped on the pedal too hard once more
-And said "I shall play here nevermore"

-I said those words 'bout another course
-This title has earned it's sophomore
-These are the words you cannot ignore
-Hear me, I shall play here nevermore
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