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Aurora, IL

Jericho Lake

3.075(based on 37 reviews)
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Jericho Lake reviews

7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.9 years 268 played 30 reviews
3.00 star(s)

What Jericho Lacks in difficulty it makes up for in fun factor 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Two sets of concrete pads per hole.
Use of elevation, mature trees, brush, water, bike path path to shape holes.
Compact arrangement, good flow, quick pace of play.
High fun factor.


Short length overall and low difficulty.
Poor drainage.
Rough rough that is not always groomed.
Minimal signage
Aging baskets on original holes.

Other Thoughts:

Jericho Lake is the course that got me hooked on disc golf in November 2009. As an inexperienced player the course was incredibly enjoyable. It does a lot of things right and is mostly hindered by low overall length and landscape that is susceptible to overgrowth and flooding. The landscape is used well enough to create a high fun factor for a wide range of players
The play is that of older school shorter park courses. I highly recommend this course for casual play and/or as a warmup for the more challenging Eagle Ridge on the other side of the Fox River.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 283 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Lots of Potential... But a Bit of a Hot Mess 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


- water hazards add interest, but typically don't add major risk
- holes 7, 8 were updated during park updates and have newer tees/baskets
- practice basket
- well maintained park with generally easy navigation
- 2 sets of tees, both with concrete tees
- relatively open, but significant number of trees/foliage add decent challenge, especially on the front 9


- tee signs missing for holes 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
- baskets are just ok
- tee sign for 8 is on current hole 9 tee
- course maps are outdated and don't show park updates
- no tee signs for long (yellow) tees
- 7, 8 appear to only have one tee (or aren't marked)
- some very short holes (< 200') on short (red) tees
- hole 10 long tee over creek is so overgrown you can't even see where you are throwing to
- back 9 is rather tedious pitch and putt back and forth through park
- rough on hole 17 is super nasty disc eater

Other Thoughts:

I haven't played Jericho Lake in over 10 years, and I had fond memories of it. Perhaps that was because I hadn't played so many better courses back then. In hindsight, it's relatively average. I enjoyed my round and would come back if I was in the area, but there are also better courses around.

That said, compared to West Main Park in Batavia which I played the same day, this course is a joy. As was previously mentioned, the only bad place to lose a disc is hole 17 (and I managed to do so). The rough/tall grasses here are a disaster if you throw your disc in. Otherwise, the course is very playable and the water hazards really don't come into play much.

This course would be even better with some TLC. A lot of holes are missing tee signs, and the tee signs are mediocre to begin with (no hole maps, some relatively weathered down). It is nice that both tees on virtually all the holes have concrete tee pads. Besides 17, my other main complaint was the long tee on hole 9 that shoots over the creek. I'm all for shots like this, although this one is a bit gimmicky since you are shooting from the high ground with the creek right in front of you - even newbies will clear this with ease. However, the tee pad is so overgrown you can't even see in front of you. I feel like you'd end up lobbing you disc up high to clear the foliage and you can't even make a reasonable shot. I'm good with challenging lines but this is just silly without being trimmed back.

There are walking paths throughout this park to be cognizant of. I was there early in the morning and saw virtually nobody but it may be busier in the middle of the day. The back 9 gets a bit tedious since its a lot of more open back and forth. I preferred the first half of the course. I think Jericho Lake is worth checking out if you're in the area but it's not going to be a destination.
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3 1
Experience: 11.4 years 16 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

great short 18. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Short holes with a 3 shot average and easy 2s on many with ace possibility on some.


Very few holes to challenge you with the exception of a few tight tpad shots.

Other Thoughts:

The course plays well with 1-4 being in a small field playing up and down a few times. The big mature trees make the tpad shots a bit troublesome but if you throw the gaps they are guaranteed 3s or better. Hole 5 and 6 play along the river and 7 and 8 are brand new last year. Not exactly challenging as they are new but some good tree placements could make challenging lines. Hole 9 is the biggest disappointment. It used to be a nice long toss along the lake up to a big tree to the left of the pin. Now it's a short toss to the right of the driveway making it a disappointing hole overall. I understand they did it for the pavilion placement but boy did they ruin this hole. They cut out the old 9 with the addition of the new holes taking out the blind left to right ace shot. Across the bridge you get a more open and longer playing back 9. Some positional shots on 12 around a tight curve offer some challenge to an otherwise open left to right playing back 9. Hole 17 could use some work but 18 finishes back along the same river as hole 1 and plays nice and short with to with a good drive for an easy deuce.
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Another Chicago 9'er Only It's A Full 18! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2016 Played the course:once


Jericho Lake DGC is just a typical Chicago 9'er only with an extra 9 holes to play. As almost every reviewer states, Jericho Lake is just a fun, easy recreational course in a lovely, well maintained park.

From the longer Yellow tees, only three holes play longer than 400'. Only two play under 200'. From the shorter Reds, there are lots of ACE runs.

The course has two concrete pads for each hole. The tee posts signs give you the needed information. There are DGA baskets with the red numbers on top. Pretty difficult to lose a disc here, except on the nasty 17th.
Two holes stand out for me. Playing # 10 from the blue tee pad would make your sphincter tighten up. You're throwing across the swampy water and you have to hit a pretty tight little window all without hitting branches that will knock your disc into the water.

# 17 stood out for the wrong reason. After playing most of this course and enjoying it, I came upon # 17 and thought, no way am I throwing my disc out into narrow ass fairway with the tall grass on the right and the snarky rough on the left.


Hole 17.

Rec distances and challenge.

Not much else.

I had a difficult locating the park. My GPS was going nuts and I he to ask a couple of people for directions.

Other Thoughts:

This is just a fun and relaxing round of golf. The course would be an excellent place to bring those beginners. I could see myself playing this course often.
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2 0
Experience: 14.2 years 12 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Jericho 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2015 Played the course:once


-Typical beginner course that happens to be a full 18.
-Could use some updating and better marking for hole and pin location.


-Not as challenging as some other courses in the area.
-Holes seem short and all if not most pins are positioned directly straight out in plain view.
-First few holes could have been designed to flow better. Front nine is also near where you park so on a crowded day look out for discs decking you as you walk to the next hole and check your car for dents before you leave.

Other Thoughts:

Will need to play this course a few more times.
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2 1
Experience: 17.3 years 65 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

If Disc Golf=Golf, then Jericho Lake=Putt Putt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2015 Played the course:once


>>Good tee pads
>>Several long challenging holes
>>Lots of birdies and ace opportunities


>>Really short course. Being able to play 18 holes in less than an hour, on a busy day says a lot about a course. I have an injured fore finger on my throwing hand, which reduces my throwing distance, and I was still able to birdie a lot of holes.
>>Signs are bad
>>Confusing layout for a first timer. There no directional signs, just wooden posts, with painted hole numbers and distances.
>>Distance and lack of direction to hole 10
>>The overlap of the back 9 is kind of ridiculous because there is so much open space nearby that could be used for disc golf

Other Thoughts:

This course was a real let down for me. I was hoping for a lot more variety and longer holes out of an 18 hole course at a park this large. Not a good park if you're looking for a challenge.
Better signs/directions and a little more expansion on the back 9 would be a great place to improve.
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2 1
Experience: 8 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

CO meets Jericho Lake 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2014 Played the course:once


- A lot of short holes that require different types of shots and a few ace opportunities if you dial it in right.
- A few open holes that let you air out a driver.
- Concrete pads and good marking on the basket.
- Plays fast. Two of us, drive even distance and skill, finished all 18 in 50 minutes.


Lack of mapping or signage makes the back 9 difficult to figure out...
- Hole 10, there is no marking to tell you to cross the bridge to get to the red tee pad. Even tougher to find the long/gold tee pad (instead of crossing the bridge walk along the bike path towards the bathrooms).
- Hole 11, the basket is well hidden (hard right bend into a cove of trees)

Other Thoughts:

Overall a fun course for a moderate player (playing once a week this summer) and my first round with over 5 birdies (6).
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2 1
compound disc golf
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

low scores 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Although mostly open some holes call for shot shaping around large trees. The park is very well kept and the concrete tee pads are great. The course is great for new players and has some real "ace" opportunities.


for more skilled players it lacks challenging holes. I also wish the disc catchers were more visible, they need some colour.
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4 2
Experience: 9 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lots of birds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 26, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


The course has excellent tee pads and the park is incredibly clean and manicured for a course. The holes have a good mix of holes favoring right and left handed back hand throwers. A lot of the throws are birds if you are an accurate thrower letting you easily score below par. Great course to practice throwing accurate shots to get at the base of the basket. I have played it 50+ times and still find it fun to play.


Several holes have slight water hazards though they are easy to avoid. There is no basket location information on the posts. Too easy for good players. By yourself you can easily play a round in 35-40 min could be a pro.
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7 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 170 played 24 reviews
3.00 star(s)

jericho 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 7, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-let get the norm stuff out of the way good pads. decent signs that tell distance but not where the basket is. in a nice park
-the first 4 holes are short but have lots of trees that make it still a decent challenge hole 2 and 3 being the harder 2 of the first 4. four has a decent chance of throwing a disc into the creek that is behind the first four holes. being on the left of the fairway on holes one and four
-holes 5,6,7 come out along the road that leads into the parking lot. 5 and 6 both have the road to the right and the creek to the left. five is the better of these two having several trees that make it harder to get up to the basket especially with the creek to the left. hole 6 is a little easier an with fewer trees and a small fence that helps to keep discs out of the creek on shots that are low to the ground. hole 7 is across the road but is similar to hole 6 but instead of a creek on the left hand side there is a field with some tall grassed behind a hedge. the hedge will keep a lot of discs out of the field. holes 8,9 are the last 2 holes on the east side of the creek.
-hole ten is a fun hole but only if you shoot from the pro tee that is still on the east side of the creek and shoots over to the west side
-the rest of the holes are mostly the same all shooting in a section of the park that is mostly a open field with groups of bushes and trees that still make for a few moderately tough shots. any decent player should have no problem shooting par even with a bad first drive but if you want to duce or have a chance at an ace you have to get a very good line through the trees.


- there are a lot of water hazards here holes 1,4,5,6,8,9,12 (if i remember right) and 18 have the creek or the lake bordering them but unless you are really wild you will be fine.
-holes 8 and 9 i am not a fan of hole 8 has the lake to the left of it and the parking lot road and 2 paved paths that make me hope that i don't lose a disc or ding one up on the pavement.
9 is just uneventful you tee off with the lake to your left (apparently some people lose discs here). and you just throw across an open field to a little opening in some trees not far away.
-the back side can get a little repetitive

Other Thoughts:

-for me the water hazards do not really effect my shots at all because i am a left backhand thrower and fade away from all of them with the exception of hole , 12(i think) and 18
- the first time i went to this course i was not really a big fan but when i played it through a second time i am starting to like it more. if i play it a few more times i might come back and change this rating
- me and two friend visited this course the other day and it was a good enough challenge for me and one of my friends( we are both average to above average players) and was not to hard on my other friend who has only played a few times
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1 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 286 played 55 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Too short and open for my taste 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Nice concrete tee pads with long and short pads. There are several cool and fun holes. This is a great place to bring beginners and to practice your upshot game. There are a few holes where you will need to pull out the driver. There is a decent mix of left and right turning holes.


This is a deuce or die course. Drive, putt, drive, putt etc. This wouldn't be so bad if the lines were more difficult but they are not as the obstacles are sparse trees.

Other Thoughts:

The Fox Valley Metro DG Club usually holds their ice bowl here and it is always a terrific event with the biggest raffle around, a fire pit, and a provided lunch.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.3 years 177 played 88 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Short and Sweet 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2012 Played the course:once


Some 3.5 rated courses are rated as such because they are challenging and offer an intense round of disc golf for players. That is not the case here. Instead, Jericho Lake is just plain fun. I would describe my round here as very relaxing, but with enough variety in the holes to make it interesting. Specifics:

*Two sets of concrete tee pads! There are short tee pads for casual players, but if you want a bit more of a challenge there are longs tees that will make it a more challenging course. The tees are usually visible and their distances are marked on the teeposts of the shorter tees.

*Jericho Lake is a very nice park. It is clean, large, and the course is well separated from the soccer fields, playgrounds, and fishing spots. The lake itself is quite pretty.

*From the short tee pads, there are a lot of ace runs!

*A lot of interesting lines to hit, including a few that bring water into play. I found myself using just about all of my discs and every throw in my arsenal

*Great place to bring a friend who is new to disc golf


In reality, I'd say this rating is a bit high. Really, if 3.25 was an option I'd give Jericho Park one of those. Here's why:

*Not much challenge. Most of the holes have very short distances, especially from the shorter tee pads. The long ones are also mostly under 300 ft.

*Signs are just posts with distances on them. No pictures or directions. Additionally there aren't really any signs telling you where to go. This is bad for several reasons... 1) There is water brought into play on several holes, and it's not always visible from the tee. Thus, new people to the course should make sure to check the fairway on either side for water. 2) the flow here is pretty bad between holes. It would be nice if there were signs, especially since there are so many similar looking concrete tee pads it can be a bit confusing to look around and see 6 tee pads lying in the same vicinity.

*A few of the holes use a cement path as the tee pad, and this got very slippery when I was there after only a brief drizzle.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very chill course. Not a super intense round of disc golf, but still a very fun one. Bring a beginner here to show them the ropes before introducing them to harder courses like Eagle Ridge in Oswego. If you're looking for more of a challenge, try the long tees.
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3 3
Experience: 13.3 years 24 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Well maintained course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Jericho is a higher-end typical course; and a lot of times thats just what you should be looking for. Considering the lack of real challenge in a vast majority of the mid-suburbs courses this side of Joliet, it's in the higher lattitudes of fun and challenging. And you never have to spend more than five cumulative minutes looking for a lost disc. (in fact, if you lost one it's probably in the lake and in which case you'll be alongside me waiting for the summer to take a dip in and retrieve your sunken treasure) The pins are almost all visible from the tee or are at least obvious to their location even if you have to take a few steps onto the fairway. The setting is reserved, well-maintained, and almost no highway noise save Jericho road traffic on holes 6 and 7- which even then is just a county road.


The flooding is an issue, but can be counteracted by just wearing a good pair of outdoor footwear. The back nine get a little foggy as far as navigation the first time you play the course. I've never experienced <span class="italic">over</span>crowding but the serene setting can get a little pitted with people. There also aren't any holes you really have to struggle on, which sounds like a positive but can get humdrum.

Other Thoughts:

Jericho's best quality is that it's close to Oswego (Eagle Ridge Civic Center), and the two together will eat up a full day of playing. The course alone is engaging, not overly difficult, and flows very nicely. This is my home course and while I don't get to it as often as I'd like I've yet to not enjoy myself throughout.
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6 0
Experience: 13.1 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

GTG 2 Jericho 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 25, 2011 Played the course:once


For a beginner like me, this course offers some good challenges and dangerous enough hazards to force prudent shot selection and punish recklessness. There are varying lengths, starting out with some relatively short holes, then stretching out a little bit. Hole 10 has a cool option to throw from the pro tee across the creek.


The back 9 was a little bit confusing, and as previously mentioned in other reviews, hole 17 features an (I assume) unintended swamp right on the fairway. Now, it wasn't visibly nasty when I was driving, but I almost landed right in the muddy nastiness (not one of my best drives lol). If playing this course for the first time, I recommend walking out on hole 17 to get a lay of the soft spots to make sure you're avoiding them appropriately.

Other Thoughts:

I had fun at Jericho today, found myself challenged, and left with a smile on my face. That's all that matters right?
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2 4
Experience: 15.3 years 19 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wooo wooo 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Awesome Tees, pro and am, sick. Nice lake, and creek in play kinda... Once my friend found a glass chillum thing in the lake by the tee of hole nine, score. You can really let the disc rip on holes 7 and 8. Well maintained course, grass is always cut, and I am not afraid to walk barefoot there.


Gets super crowded sometimes, people play in groups more then four. Not a big variety of shots or techniques needed. Gets really buggy in the evening. People enjoying the park for other reasons get in the way of the golfers sometimes. It sucks bad when It rains. Sometimes holes 3,4,17,18 are not playable!

Other Thoughts:

Overall a really solid course, its fun to swim in the lake if its super hot out. Good range of hole lengths. Oswego is super close, so make sure you play them both if you come out and have not played either!
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6 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 38 played 25 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A fine beginner course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 15, 2011 Played the course:once


-This course actually has some really nice tees. I was surprised frankly. They're all level, and laid nicely, nothing to complain about.

-This course actually has decent shot variety. Several holes have alternate tees which do give the holes some different feels.

-Some holes have the creek at least somewhat in play, which adds some risk/reward to this course.

-There is a decent mix of distance here, from really short, to almost long. While there are no real bombers, it's not like everything is 200'.

-The course is also really well cared for. The local club does a great job with this.


-Several holes feel the same. For me, a RHBH player, I felt like I threw hyzers like 75% of the time from the regular tees.

-The flooding here is a huge deal, when I was there literally all of hole 17 was a sheet of ice. This made putting suck, and really was potentially dangerous.

-The flow here could use some work, but this is partly due to the signs. With only offering hole number and distance, this course can be tough to follow.

Other Thoughts:

I really wish I could rate this course higher, because it was a fun time, but it just doesn't offer as much as other courses I've given 3.5s. I feel like with better signage, just to help the flow, this course could be worthy of that. But as is, it's a solid course, but nothing more.
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3 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 72 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 25, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Jericho is an above average course set in a nice wooded park next to a large lake. Many holes play close to a creek that creates a water hazard and adds some risk to shots that are for the most part fairly easy.

The strength of the course is the land it plays through. The front nine begins with a series of short, mostly straight wooded shots, with a wide stream running behind, then along the fairway, of several holes. You'll have a chance to break out your driver on the last few holes of the front nine, before crossing the stream on the back nine.

Most of the back nine is similar in distance to the front, with one or two requiring a driver from the longs, but for the most part, these are shorter shots, with a few tee shots requiring an anny or small hyzer line. Some patches of brush, and a good amount of trees provide obstacles in this section, but I'd still classify this area as pretty open.

I really like the shots that play along the lake, and the creek is a nice touch of scenery as well. There is a lot of seclusion at Jericho, so if you like a course with a good nature vibe, you'll have fun here.

Each hole has two sets of concrete tees, and most intermediate level players and up, will want to pay the longs. The shorts are ideal for beginners. The signs are wooden posts located at the short tees with the distances for both the long and shorts. The long tees are unmarked, but usually easy enough to find. The long on #10 is on the front-9 side of the creek, and throws over the creek; a pretty cool shot, just know where the tee is before you go, or you won't find it.


I want to like this course more, but it's just too easy. Even from the longs, a good tee shot should put you well within deuce range, and most above average players should come close to shooting under pro par.

This would be one of, if not the most, beginner friendly 18-holer in the area because of the lack of distance and easy angles, but the water hazards on the front 9, and on #12 pose serious disc losing potential.

The creek here can also flood during high periods of rain, and from what I was told by some guys who play here regularly, this course was pretty much unplayable due to flooding earlier in the summer. This also makes it a haven for mosquitoes, so bring your spray.

The dual tees are very nice, but only the shorts are marked, so if you play from the longs and want to know the exact distance, you have to walk up the post on the short tee.

Other Thoughts:

If you live in the Chicago area, this course is worth a stop. The seclusion and scenery are way above average for the area, and there is enough here for advanced and new players to have an enjoyable round. There is also an Ace Race hosted here during the fall that is worth checking out.
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10 0
Three Putt
Staff member
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.8 years 157 played 128 reviews
2.50 star(s)

MOR 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 13, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Jericho Lake has a pretty easy design to follow, as you basically throw back and forth. The park is well cared for and there are two sets of concrete tees per hole. The tee signs don't have a map, but they do have the distances for both the long and short tees. From the short tees it is a good novice course; from the longs it is more of an intermediate course. The site is moderately wooded and has a bit of up and down to it (it's flat-ish but not as flat as a lot of Chicagoland courses.) The Fox Valley Metro Disc Golf Club is very active at this park and does a good job of keeping the course cared for.


The biggest problem Jericho Lake has is that Blackberry Creek floods a lot, and the area around holes 2-3-4, 10-11 and 17-18 flood a lot. It is often a swampy, muddy mess with standing water and misquotes. You pretty much have to be prepared to go mudding here. The second problem is that the design really isn't very challenging. It is a recreational course that really doesn't punish bad shots on many of the holes, and the distances are too short to make up for that. There is a creek and a lake in the park, neither of which are used in the course design except for the # 10 long tee. Hole # 6 and # 7 play back and forth beside the entrance of the park with a road in-between with no guardian trees to keep you from throwing over the road, not the best of set-ups from a safety aspect. The basket for # 8 is set up near a pavilion, and groups using the pavilion are often over by the basket. The course flows generally well, but after you play hole # 9 there is a path off to the left that looks like the way to go (it's not.) There should be a directional sign at that hole. Most of the long tees basically make the hole longer and are easy to find, but really don't change the shots much. One of the best long tees is #10, and it just happens to be one of two long tees (along with the long tee for # 14) that is very hard to find. Because the holes basically go back and forth, you can get thrown at pretty easily on many of the holes when the course is busy.

Other Thoughts:

In the end, Jericho Lake is an average disc golf course. It has some good points and some weak points. If you are in the area (and the course isn't flooded) it's a nice place to play a casual round. The park has a cool rural feel with some surrounding agricultural land and the creek running through. However, if you are looking for a challenging course to test your disc golf skills, this isn't the place.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Beginner/Intermediate 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2010 Played the course:once


- Park is located next to a fishing hole, with few other park features. Some scenic views on a few holes, and nothing really interferes with the dg side of things.
- In general, the course uses mature trees as obstacles on almost all holes. There are very few wide open shots, and most require some line shaping. The various trees helped to keep each hole pretty fresh; it didn't feel like the same hole over and over again.
- Some elevation changes here and there to help add some challenge. Nothing too wild, just gentle up and down slopes.
- Water is present due to the lake and the good sized creek running next to some holes. These are avoided very easily. Water is definitely in play on #17, which has a swamp for a fairway.
- Alternate tees were pretty easy to find, or at least improvise. Teeboxes were in great shape, good baskets.


- This course plays pretty short even from the "pro" tees. There is some added challenge on some holes, but some holes are still very short with little challenge (190 and 147, for instance).
- A couple holes have the park's through street in play, which is always a negative in my book. Had to dodge some discs on the road on my way out.
- No maps at any of the tees, just the hole number and distance(s). It was pretty easy to figure out, only got confused going from #9 to #10, and identifying #11 (blind basket).

Other Thoughts:

- This is a great course for someone who is just starting out, or even just polishing their game. The holes are short, but not that short, and the course is technical, but not that technical. It is a good mix of holes that you must birdie and holes that can make you work for par. A good course to hit up in addition to Oswego if in the area, for a warm up or cool down.
- More experienced players may get bored with this one, as there are not a lot of obstacles or distance, compared to a lot of other courses in the general area.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23 years 218 played 68 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A fun must play 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 14, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


- Fun and well designed
- Large Cement Pro and Am tees
- Creek is well used and provides a great obstacle
- Large trees do an excellent job of shaping fairways
- Lots of ace runs
- Easy to follow - After hole 9 cross over bridge for Am tee or go buy the bathrooms for the Pro tee
- Bathrroms


- Pro tee distances are on am pad tee sign.
- Majority of holes are easily birdie-able
- Pro tees are just longer don't really make it a different/harder shot.
- Several holes play around park road and parking
- Lack of trash cans around back 9
- Zero benches

Other Thoughts:

This is really fun course to play. I love to play here. For the most part its a pitch'n'putt course with a few long holes from the Pro pads. Plays mostly through an open park with several patches of large mature trees. Theres fishing and boating on the Lake in the same park as the course. Eagle Ridge is only about 15 minutes away and Jericho makes for a good warm-up beforehand. I definitely worth making a trip to play.

Favorite hole #5 (pro) - Its a straight slightly downhill shot down a tunnel fairway with several large trees that force flat straight shot. The creek runs along the leftside of the fairway and the road along the right. Surrounding the basket is several more trees that can help or hurt you.
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